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TTKirnk's Iron Man Character Journal (REAL)

Discussion in 'MapleLegends Journeys' started by TTKirnk, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    Bold of you to assume I'll even do raffles on my pally
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Syrinz

    Syrinz Game Moderator Staff Member Game Moderator

    Sep 22, 2020
    10:36 PM

    damn who this cowboy
  3. beegoratto

    beegoratto Zakum

    Sep 22, 2021
    7:36 AM
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. Subterlabor

    Subterlabor Headless Horseman

    Mar 13, 2023
    8:36 AM
  5. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
  6. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Gamers and chat i am alive once more...and today was quite the day! ok it wasnt THAT exciting but i am very happy Beaver one could say. before i get into all that, it is time for some CONTENT from everyone favorite's "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, starting with the latter. i dont always get notifications from duey, so ive been trying to make a habit outta checking occasionally...and look what i find when i do:

    unfortunately due to recent changes to how discord handles GIFs, it seems they shall poof from existence after a certain time period (i am aware this has hit the journal but thats a crap ton of items for me to replace in which ill maybe fix someday :`) if enough people yell at me ill consider it/do it faster), so as you can see i am experimenting with something different here so if you actually have feedback about this pls share it. anyway, can yall stop TORTURING me with these dagger 10s???? i feel like an animal tryna get some food attached to a stick and string and i can never get it. with those outta the way, its time for the former...in which i only got 1 buddy request today:

    this ign is pretty epic ima be honest...but considering this ign and the last one i added (HardandHorny for those that dont recall), i feel like i keep getting added by bots that just randomly add you/message you on various platforms just to make you click on porn or some virus/malware etc...am i running ML without adblock????? anyway, heres where the final count stands currently:

    34 outta 40 poggers.png
    yeah look at that i expanded again! you're welcome, so now i can keep adding various questionable igns that look like porn bots. with that outta the way, time to start the entry itself.

    DAY 32 (March 3rd, 2024 EST time)

    today was far more productive than i originally planned, and i am very happy with that! i did play for longer than i usually have been as of late, but that is because i didnt just spend my time just grinding (although a lil bit of that did happen today). let me do the usual ritual before i get into detail about all that!

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    so today was back at the grind for gathering roses and the like, while also getting my etcs to upgrade my 8 blessing ring. after spending a bit of time at iron mutaes (long enough to get my 88 charm etcs for the quest)...i decided to rethink and replan the roses. i ended up changing every location that ive tried/was going to with the exception of yellow roses. here was my original plan:
    red rose - fire boars/burnt land
    white rose - iron mutaes/they only spawn in one map in magatia just go find them
    blue rose - royal cacti/deo map
    yellow rose - straw target dummies/the map with the master training dummy

    in which the plan changed to:
    red rose - reinforced mithril mutaes/they also only spawn in one map in magatia just go find them PLEASE
    white rose - chronos/in the left map at ludi clocktower
    blue rose - bubblings/ theres 1 map you know what it is in the kerning subway DONT ask
    yellow rose - straw target dummies/nothing changed STOP ASKING

    as such, it was time to move over to reinforced mithril mutaes to try this new plan...in which i cant exaggerate how effectively this ended up being for no damn reason. after only grinding there for like 10-20 minutes i got my red rose:

    red rose obtained.png
    after spending hours at iron mutaes and royal cacti...to get a rose this fast was mind blowing to me. speaking of iron mutaes, i also want to mention i got one of these:

    something useful i gander.png
    another cape dex scroll to continue scrolling my old raggedy cape??? will likely do it next session but for now i shall hold off. after getting my red rose, it was time to head back to victoria island via karcassa, in which my next stop was at bubblings. after being there for not even 5 minutes im pretty sure, i got my blue rose:

    blue rose obtained.png
    what on earth is this rng? i know bubblings got massive spawns but god damn this is sometihng else. i decided to stay longer in hopes of getting another one to use since i dont have an actual polearm that isnt level 15...but i ended up failing since i decided to only stay until i got 5/5 for bubblings cards (spoiler warning i got 6/5 or some shit). after this rose, it was time for my next stop: chronos. i went on over to the nautilus to utilize the omega sector teleporter and then warp capsule to ludi, in which i made my way down the clocktower to kill those chronos...in which like 10-20 minutes or so later i got my white rose:

    white rose obtained.png
    i seriously wish i recorded all of these times because god damn i cant believe this happened AGAIN! and i assure you im not even remotely mad about it. after getting this rose, it was time for the final rose to get, which was at straw target dummies. i made my way down the helios elevator towards korean folk town, to then use the well to head back to aquarium to then use the dolphin taxi to head to herb town and then the crane to mu lung...and before i could even get 50 etcs (pretty sure i had like 35-45 or so), the final rose was obtained:

    yellow rose obtained.png
    what a tale. after wasting hours failing over the first few days of the event or so, i got hit with this redemption arc. thank god because now i can get back to actual business! thats what i thought anyway...but i decided to do something else instead. anyway, after getting this rose, i noticed i had a level 80 quest from a npc in el nath, so i decided to work on that quest real quick...the part that didnt requite 50 lycanthrope etcs that is (i did the 50 lazy buffy etcs instead). after some back and forth, this was my reward for getting those marbles:

    what a great reward.png
    talk about worth it! anyway, i made my way back to omega sector so i could head back to victoria island along with continuing this lil questline. it is here that i decided it was time to instead of grinding, to check on fausts since he has something in particular i want: the nine dragons polearm. while i could get a better polearm through the blood snowboard from FoG, my logic was that area bosses like faust generally have decent drop rates for their equips, so i decided to bank on this increased drop rate while also being able to do other things if i dont find any fausts/none of them drop the polearm. i was also ok with having a slightly weaker polearm, as i thought it would still be good enough to utilize for now. this made quite the lil journey, because i also saw that zombie lupins can also drop the nine dragons, so i decided to slay these monkeys yet again again while waiting for faust timers. this wasnt fully the case as not only did i eventually eat dinner while waiting for timers, but i also decided to utilize my chocolate GM buff basket by grinding at kid mannequins for an hour to not only grab another one and not waste these beautiful things, but to also see how it would feel with not having to do things such as use HB myself and not needing to worry about using wa and acc potions...and man it sure was great! ill dump the results of the grind towards the end of the journal. after grinding there for an hour, i decided to finally make my rose ring since i wasnt gonna commit to a blue rose anymore:

    ring of passion obtained lets go.png
    goddamn so much speed and jump im about ready to just:

    anyway, after a bunch of back and forth between faust and zombie lupins...i was unsuccessful in my quest to get a nine dragons. after accepting defeat, i decided to turn in all the gacha ive been gathering since the event started, along with the few raffles i got since my big turn in:

    raffles and gacha lets go for the turn in.png
    not a bad amount of gacha for a turn in id say. before getting into these, its time to show what faust did get me other than every equip besides the one i wanted:

    this could be worse i suppose.png
    not in a terrible need for glove dex 60s...but at least i can use these! i also got one of these bad boys:

    another fine addition to my collection.png

    anyway, lets start with the raffles now:

    raffle results.png
    sounds about right id say. i definitely cant say no to the lunchboxes, as these have been very nice mp potions that give some HP as well for me even though i dont have 2k MP with hb. after turning in the raffles, it was time for the gacha:

    gacha results.png
    gzgz to Ayaz on 2nd job advancement! anyway, i didnt get that many interesting things, though some of these items arent terrible...with 1 exception:


    holy moly i cant believe it! after slaving for like 2-4 hours at zombie lupins, along with killing 17 fausts, i had failed to get a singular nine dragons...yet here comes gachapon to save the day and get me something far better then that! whats awesome about this white mop is that its also 1 wa lower then my 1 off perfect holy spear, which means the only damage difference my polearm and spear furies will have with each other is that polearms benefit from swings while spears do not (skill level as well for the time being)...which is absolutely amazing! i was very happy to get this, and it coming with decent stats as well. even if this had rolled the lowest wa possible, i still would be very happy since this is still better than a nine dragons anyway. after going through my inventory and what not (and realizing i got 0 polearm 60s to my name which is CRINGE) i decided to head my way towards dyle, as im gonna hope i can kill some the next time i log in as he can drop them apparently...cant believe now i have to farm more 60 scrolls from random shit smh. before ending this entry with the usual shindig, its time for the quick kid mannequin data!

    starting honsters: 1,317
    starting lunchboxes: 577 (i didnt use any grilled cheeses, didnt raffle until post mannequins)
    starting power crystal ores: 65
    starting mesos: 17,428,804
    starting exp %: 64.17% or 2,511,366 experience at level 82 (including % because i forgor the exact total experience needed for 83 but its like around 3.9mil im pretty sure)

    playtime: 1 hour (thought about going for longer but i kinda had other things to do)
    ending honsters: 1,119 (198 used)
    ending lunchboxes: 551 (26 used)
    ending power crystal ores: 88 (23 gained)
    ending mesos: 19,406,755 due to forgetting to npc some faust equips from before. with the faust equips it should be 18,846,755 (1,147,951 total mesos gained after npcing, no gacha)
    net mesos gained: ~300k
    ending exp %: 38.89% or about ~1,600,000 (idk why i didnt record this part dont ask me) at level 83. total experience gained is about ~4mil, assuming level 83 needs 3.9mil experience
    i gotta say it felt REALLY nice to grind with the baskets, especially for the GM haste given. im excited to grind here without gm baskets, since my speed and jump are pretty close to haste levels now. anyway, i didnt get anything particular interesting in my use and etcs, so here are my equips:

    equips gained.png
    whats that? the level 80 hat that could be an upgrade? is this the one????

    hat upgrade lets GO.png
    and it is! and its literal max stats too damn. worry not chat, i wont be npcing the cone hat...its too iconic at this point. it shall be remembered as a worthy trophy/collector item on my storage mule. considering i spent a good amount of time at zombie lupins and faust, i could actually feel the ~45 defense boost a lil bit...but only a lil bit. anyway, it was interesting to see how much gacha can impact my net meso earnings, and of course i lost some mesos since i didnt npc either hat...but man i was shocked by the exp i gained! i definitely need to some eph tests with and without the GM baskets next time i play. anyway, with that outta the way, its time to end this entry:

    final stats and gear for the day.png
    ngl it feels weird not seeing the golden cone hat on me head anymore...but it was bound to happen eventually. also decided to swap to the white mop to show it off. look at that jump though! my speed aint too bad either. just need to find some more pet speed and jump 60 scrolls to get some more boosts in stats now that i have the 3 pets i desire. next time will be back to business as usual, in which i will go back to the kid mannequin slaughter house while getting my blessing ring charms and killing 888 mobs to get spammed with the quest completed notification due to not turning in to not waste my GM basket (yes that happened today FIX YOUR SHIT GMs! jk im not mad about it but it sure was annoying thats for sure). in other words, back to the old boring journal entries ive been doing as of late...but hopefully things speed up a bit with the GM baskets, the event experience, and eventually becoming stronger due to leveling up polearm fury with my brand new polearm! thats all i got to say here, so thanks for reading/skimming if you did as always folks, and ill see yall soon enough!

    FUMO time? yes of course it is FUMO time:

    im sure most of you still dont know what in oblivion a FUMO is, so here you go! this should help you out
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello my fellow Gamers and chat it is i that pesky Beaver back at it again for the 5319th time. nothing new for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, so its time to get this shindig started id reckon

    DAY 33 (March 6th, 2024 EST time)
    spent most of the day grinding and getting experience...and i sure got a lot of it! also did some boss hunting to get a particular scroll as well as some cards...but more deets on that very soon, because first this must happen:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    as you can see, i started out in the swamps today to do me some dyle hunting. this is because he drops something i would like to have, so i figured might as well gamble on an area boss while i go farm experience elsewhere...in which i would say i technically lucked out? before that, i should clarify that the order of this entry will seem whack, because technically other than the first two rounds of dyle hunting, all the other boss hunting and etc happened at the end of the day after my big ol grind at mannequins, but i think its better to leave all of those stats and numbers for the end of the entry. anyway, heres what dyle got me:

    ty dyle.png
    got what i wanted plus a glove att 60%! considering i only killed 14 dyles today, i suppose i cant complain too much for at least getting 1 polearm att 60% and a bonus glove att 60%. he also dropped a bunch of equips and other dumb scrolls like overall luk 60%. as mentioned, i did more than just dyle hunting, as i also went on a hunt for some deos, manos (found none), mushmoms, zombie mushmoms, and zenos. i was able to finish off my deo and mushmom card sets, which is nice, but the rest are at 1/5 (or 0/5 for mano's case)...and i got hit with a lil surprise from zombie mushmom!

    thank you zombie mushmom.png
    is that another polearm att 60%??? thats right! i forgor she drops'em too, along with zeno. i was very happy to see this while moving onto zeno, as now i only need 5 more of these bad boys to attempt a full scroll on the white mop. anyway, those other bosses didnt really have anything special to mention...other then the fact i got 1 lone gach:

    the lone gacha.png
    considering this happened after i turned in my gacha from grinding at kid mannequins, it sure felt a bit awkward for some reason...but dont you worry chat! it was total crap inside:

    got two now hell yeah.png
    ok i actually did need another mushmom eraser so this isnt the worst. ironically enough this was prolly one of the best gacha pulls i got for today (yes the other ones were that bad...will get to that soon enough). while at ariant looking for deo, i decided to take a look around for kimera and security camera, in which i forgot about a quest available to me involving the true end(?) of dr. de lang's questline. it was mostly just talking to a few npcs and doing a wee bit of walking around the town...but look what the final reward is:

    ah shit here we go again.png
    thats right we're playing this game again! you wouldnt BELIEVE what i got either:

    the classic reward.png
    some things never do change...anyway after all of this boss hunting it was where i decided to call it for the day by restocking on my honster supply and camping ace of hearts to get another basket...but its time for me to divulge on my kid mannequin stats first!

    decided to do some epm10 tests to see the difference between my eph with a gm basket and without, since one includes solo party HS and one doesnt. here are the results on that:

    epm10 with gm basket.png
    with gm basket

    epm10 without gm basket.png
    without gm basket. interesting to see how small the difference of experience is. the quality of life and full cider likely doesnt really add much either in eph, but it sure feels nice to not worry about ill tell you that much. anyway, now time for the best part that you're ALL looking for:

    starting honsters: 1,119
    starting new year lunchboxes: 636
    starting power crystal ores: 88
    starting mesos: 20,632,400
    starting experience: 2,210,386 / 4,127,566, level 83 (i forgor to record the max exp needed for each level up and i got 2 1/2 levels today oops its a learning process i suppose but my rough estimate should be good enough)

    total time lapse of grinding: 3 hours and 52 minutes (or 232 minutes if you're THAT kind of person) this doesnt include any breaks and what not, which there were a few but NONE were napping for once!

    ending honsters: 384 (735 used, none used at the dyles)
    ending new year lunchboxes: 540 (96 used, none used at the dyles)
    ending power crystal ores: 144 (58 gained)
    ending experience: 145,048 / 4,844,001
    total experience gained roughly: ~10,800,000, with about ~16k of that from dyle hunting

    ending mesos without gacha/raffles and npcing ANYTHING: 23,821,249
    ending mesos including npcing etcs and equips but not using gacha/raffle: 27,583,785
    ending mesos including npcing and gacha/raffle: 27,655,087 (yes it is that bad)
    total mesos gained: 7,022,687
    net mesos gained including honster costs: 7,022,687 - 3,087,000 = 3,935,687. this is a pretty nice profit i gotta say, considering how my gachas and raffles didnt contribute to this (yes technically my raffles contributed way more due to getting prestigious coins, but they dont have any meso value for me so i dont count them)

    all equips that dropped.png
    all the equips from the mannequins today. the well drawn red line(?) is meant to separate the non-mannequin stuff (the hammer was from dyle)

    all use items gained (cape dex was there beforehand).png
    all the scrolls i got for today, minus the cape dex 60 scroll on the left there (kid mannequins dont drop them). if i actually could sell these, this aint a bad bit of profit

    all etc items gained (not all of the power crystal ores).png
    all the bunny ears i got for today and my total power crystal ore collection. pretty sure i got like 300 power crystal ores on my storage muel now, which is very epic considering how many ill need for the future

    total gacha and raffles.png
    total gacha and raffles for the day. 5/10 of the raffles came from killing 888 monsters quest turn ins, with the other half coming from kid mannequins as drops. since i did my gacha turn in first, lets start with that:

    gacha results.png
    as you can see, its actually total crap. the eye acc int 100% woulda been nice for a non ironman but otherwise this is actually all junk. didnt even make 200k from my gacha today...now that is a tragic tale

    raffle results.png
    thankfully, the raffles did a wee bit better. 3 coins from 10 raffles is pretty nice...though i dont know what to do with another nyen beast chair other than give it to my storage mule for 0 reason. i got something quite epic though:

    lookin good i gotta say.png
    thats right you saw correctly. i got such an EPIC and sexy hat! now all i need is the lion head and ill really be cooking. this one is just 1/2/1/1, so itll just be used as a meme hat more than anything. with all of that data and shit done and over with, NOW its time for this part of the entry:

    final stats and gear for the day.png
    aint looking too bad! as you can i got all my honsters stocked up and im ready to go for next time...which will be spent likely farming some of them bosses for polearm att 60%'s again along with kid mannequin grinding...but ill see how the day goes. ill likely try to focus on grinding, as i want to utilize the event experience and baskets while i can. i also want to get out of this boring ass Grinding Arc, but itll be a while before that still sadly. anyway, it is time to end this entry, so thank you for reading/skimming if you did, and ill see yall soon enough!

    FUMO time? FUMO time.

    chat i want you to know that i have this fumo currently pre-ordered and i cant WAIT for this to come...in september :`) but this is a life i am used to considering i have pre-ordered plenty of figures already
    • Great Work Great Work x 4
    • Like Like x 1
  8. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    Hello as usual Gamers and chat, for i am running out of creative ways to start these off...ok i have been for a while if it wasnt obvious. today wasnt anything that particular interesting in terms of my productivity on the Beaver...but something quite special did happen that is largely related. while there be may be no new content from "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, there is a special segment that shall take the place of both of them...in which its time to get into that

    "Gather round Gamers, for it is a tale as old as time; a tale that is spoken about to every generation, to serve as a reminder of the past and what it wrought. Tis not a complicated or long tale, but it is one that you should be keen on listening and remembering. One day many years ago, there was a Beaver who's name was Leslie, but all of his friends referred to him as "Les" for short. Les was not a very talkative Beaver and usually kept to himself, but that doesn't mean he wasn't willing to engage in conversation ever. He also wasn't the brightest Beaver out there, which people were very aware of, but since he always tried his best and gave everything his all, the other animals, especially his friends, didn't mind if he was a bit slower than the rest. One day, while minding his own business.

    One day, Les was just simply minding his own business, as he usually does, when his good friends Blenothius the Rat, usually called by the nickname "Blen", and Isaac the Cow, came on by to tell him about some good news. Blen came by what looked like he was in a hurry, proclaiming "We did it! I'm actually fucking dead as I cannot believe we did it! Great work everyone!" Les, very confused on what his Rat friend was going on about, simply responded with "I'm not sure what I did, but you are most welcome my dear friend." After saying this, Blen took Les by the arm and dragged him somewhere else, with Isaac following right behind. After a few minutes of walking and Les questioning where they were all going, they eventually came up to a giant robot, with a small crowd of around ten others or so surrounding it. Right next to this giant robot were two others: a Clam who was simply referred to as Clam, and a Weasel going by the nickname "Nightz".

    Blen dragged Les in front of the giant robot, and pointed at the giant monitor what appeared to be inside of the giant robot's torso. Still confused on what situation he was forced into, Les decides to look at the giant monitor and sees what was written on it, going as follows:

    "Multi-maging, which typically involves using multiple mages simultaneously to farm or grind in a game, can potentially have an impact on the in-game economy, but whether it "ruins" it depends on various factors: Mesos Inflation: Multi-maging can lead to an increase in the amount of in-game currency (mesos) entering the economy if players are able to farm at a significantly faster rate than intended. This can potentially lead to inflation, where the value of mesos decreases over time, making items more expensive. Market Saturation: If multi-maging becomes widespread, it can flood the market with certain items, leading to oversupply and a decrease in their value. This can affect the profitability of certain professions or activities in the game. Player Satisfaction: If multi-maging provides a significant advantage in terms of resource acquisition compared to other methods of gameplay, it can create a divide between players who engage in multi-maging and those who don't. This can lead to dissatisfaction among players who feel they are at a disadvantage. Game Balance: Multi-maging can potentially disrupt the balance of the game if it allows players to progress too quickly or accumulate resources too easily. Game developers may need to adjust game mechanics or introduce countermeasures to address this imbalance."

    After reading all of this, did Les realize what was going on. While he was very happy with the results, he also knew he had zero impact on all of this, since he just kept to his business as he normally does. This did not stop him for feeling happy for his friends, however, since he knows they worked very hard to make something like this come true. After expressing his thoughts on the matter, Nightz came up and said to the three standing in front of the giant robot, "This giant robot, called ChatGPT, does wonders, and what you see here is only a fraction of its true power! Let me show you what I mean." After saying this, Nightz walked away and went to the side of the giant robot to use what looked like a computer of sorts, in which after a short period of time but what felt like eons went on by, the text originally on the giant monitor had changed to something else completely different:

    "Beegoratto is an active member of the MapleLegends community, known for their engagement and contributions on the forums. They frequently offer advice, participate in discussions, and contribute to the overall community spirit. Beegoratto's posts range from providing guidance on achieving specific in-game goals, such as HP goals, to debating the merits of game features like Mage islanders needing buffs. In addition to their regular forum contributions, beegoratto has also authored a guide on how to provide helpful feedback, emphasizing the importance of specific, constructive criticism. This guide suggests self-analyzing to understand one's reactions, separating elements of the game or event being critiqued, and aiming for clear, actionable feedback that can assist game designers in improving the game experience. Furthermore, beegoratto's efforts and skills, especially regarding pushing the Bowmaster class, have earned them respect within the MapleLegends community. Their ability to engage in both serious discussions and light-hearted "shitposting" shows a versatile and appreciated presence on the forums. These contributions underscore beegoratto's significance in the MapleLegends community, reflecting their dedication to both improving the game environment and supporting fellow players through guidance, advice, and engagement in community discussions."

    The three friends, after reading and realizing what this giant wall of text was going on about, were all simply baffled, amazed, and simply laughing their butts off. They couldn't believe what was generated, along with the accuracy of the wall of text. The crowd behind them were all amazed and baffled, but no one there was as impressed as Blen was, in which he would end up saying something that would forever shock Les for the rest of his life:

    "Friendship ended with Les the Beaver. Now ChatGPT is my new best friend!"

    Les, not believing what he had heard, had asked him if he was serious and truly meant that, in which Blen replied with only a simple "Yes". After hearing this, Les was in shock, but for different reasons compared to before, and was not sure on how to respond or feel about all that he had heard just now. Isaac just stood there silently, knowing it was better for him to not say anything. Les had fallen to his knees, not understanding fully what was going on and trying to make sense of it all. While this conversation was going on, Nightz ended up going back to the computer without the trio noticing, in which after a small period of time, something else had appeared on the giant monitor. This time was different, however, as there was no giant wall of text. Rather, it appeared to only show a simple question being asked to someone, and a one word reply from this said someone. The trio saw that the text on the giant monitor's screen had changed, and decided to look and see what was there instead. Unfortunately, if you thought things could not get worse for our dear Beaver pal, then you would be horribly mistaken, because the monitor read as such:


    Les was already in disbelief from the conversation him and Blen were having, still trying to comprehend what was going on. It was after this he had realized what was going on with the giant robot and what Nightz was doing with it. Les's shock, confusion, and anguish, had continued to get worse, but he did not have even a second to really comprehend it all, as shortly after his realization, he had heard an uproar of laughter from everywhere. The crowd behind him and his friends were laughing hysterically. He heard laughter from in front of him, seeing that both Clam and Nightz were laughing hysterically as well. Worse of all, he also heard laughter from right next to him; both of his two friends also joined in with the crowd. The amount of shock Les was in was too much for him to handle, and he would end up simply getting up and running away from the area. He did not know what to do, or what to think anymore. All he knew was that he did not want to be there anymore, and wanted to just be by himself. Tears were falling down his face as he was running back to his house, in which he just wanted to lock himself up in and fully isolate himself from the rest of the world.

    Unfortunate for our Beaver friend once again, that was not a choice he could do. He had to leave his house and still be an active member of society, after all. The misfortune does not stop there, however. Word had spread very quickly on what ChatGPT could do and what had happened to Les that day, and he ended up becoming the punching bag of everyone, having little to no respect left from everyone else. Not even Pickles respected him anymore, and everyone knows Pickles can't even talk! Les could not handle all of the mockery, and one day what felt like it was out of nowhere, he had simply disappeared. No one knows what had happened to him or where he went...all that is known is what he had written down in a Journal that he had left behind in his old home, which would eventually be found many years later. While most individuals did not care that he had vanished, there were a few that did, and decided to preserve his memory and what he had dealt with that day by making sure that they, along with their children and other future generations, did not forget who Les the Beaver, and what had happened to him on that tragic day. No one should have to go through as something as cruel as Les did, and hopefully all of you that gathered around here today to listen to this old tale, not only do not forget what had happened to that poor Beaver, but also that you do not experience what Les had to deal with, as well as make others experience what Les had to deal with. With that, my tale is finished, and I wish you all a good night and happy Gaming."

    Warning: this story is exaggerated and shouldnt be taken seriously so pls just get some good laughs and hoo-has outta it. it is largely based on events that happened in the MapleLegends discord, so i highly recommend you join that discord if you havent already for some great content

    DAY 34 (March 7th, 2024 EST time)
    i ended up not really doing a whole lot today. got way more distracted with errands and other things than i thought i would, so i ended up not having as much time as i originally thought to play, which isnt a big issue truthfully. it's time to get into the major deets of what i did today (nothing exciting its the usual i promise) starting it off with you know what!

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    so today was spent mainly grinding at kid mannequins, as i usually do, and then also did a bit of area boss hunting. trying to get into the habit of checking up on some of the area bosses so i can obtain those beautiful polearm att 60s. some of the ones i plan to hunt also drop spear att 60s, so getting some of those will be nice as well. in reality i prolly shouldnt be mentioning all of this so...but wheres the fun in that right? :`) anyway, before heading off to kid mannequins, i did a quick check of dyle, zeno, and zombie mushmom, since these will be the three i will be aiming for. found a few zenos and zombie mushmoms but they didnt really drop shit besides a few equips...sike! i did get this from a zeno:

    thank you zeno.png
    i do actually need some of these! having 1 pet equip dedicated to jump will be nice...and i think i got only 1 of these now. checking all those bosses, or at least zeno, wasnt a complete waste of my time at least. anyway, i made my way towards kid mannequins with my GM basket after checking all three bosses. after feeling satisfied with my grind at kid mannequins and turning in all my raffles/gachas and npcing everything etc., i did 1 last check of the same three bosses i just mentioned before calling it for the day. i did manage to get a full rotation of zenos, about half of the zombie mushmoms, and 2/3 of the dyles...in which i managed to get all of this shit:

    ty zeno for all of the scrolls that i didnt want.png
    in addition to 2 cards and like 1 equip...look at all of these shit scrolls that i dont want! the cape scroll there is a cape int 60 sadly, and the shield scroll is a luk 10%. thanks for some cards at least zeno but i aint worried about that when i still need 5 damn polearm 60 scrolls you SHIT

    ty zombie mushmom for NOTHING.png
    do i look like a goddamn archer, zombie mushmom???? DONT say yes chat because i know you want to! anyway, dyle just got me a bunch of etcs and equips, so after finding nothing else, i called it a day. before ending off this journal, however, its time for the stats and numbers that i know all of you are dying to ask for:

    starting honsters: 1,800
    starting new year lunchboxes: 636
    starting power crystal ores: 46
    starting mesos: 24,821,193
    starting experience: 348,629 / 4,844,001 (levcel 86)

    total time lapse: 2 hours and 20 minutes, or 140 minutes for YOU people (1 hour was used with GM basket)

    ending honsters: 1,417 (383 used)
    ending new year lunchboxes: 583 (53 used)
    ending power crystal ores: 84 (38 gained)
    ending mesos WITHOUT npcing/gacha/raffles: 26,570,440
    ending mesos WITHOUT gacha/raffles, but with npcing: 27,079,052
    ending mesos including everything: 27,489,052
    total mesos earned with everything: 2,667,859
    net mesos earned : 1,059,259
    ending experience: 1,034,016 / 5,109,452 (level 87)
    total experience gained: ~6,013,788 (i dieded without a charm again oops so i lost about ~484,400 experience or so since i died at level 86...dont worry ill PROVE it)

    me death proof and total deaths.png
    just knocking this outta the way quick...i forgor to screenshot myself actually deadge, but this kinda works out since i was also curious on how many times ive actually died now. this really should be 0 but thats what happens when you got brain rot i suppose. as for my cause of death...i think it was an auto pot failure that i didnt notice because i do have my honsters on for auto hp...and i remember just randomly dying without being ready for it, which means my auto pot didnt go off, i didnt see it, and by the time i noticed the deed was done...i was DEADGE. anyway, back to being a nerd:

    equips gained from mannequins.png
    all the equips i got from kid mannequins today. not many equips considering i grinded for a lil over 2 hours, and they arent superb either. still went net positive in mesos though, so i guess i cant really complain eh? there were also 0 scrolls gained today, so no screenshot of my use inventory

    etcs and ores gained from mannequins.png
    all the bunny ear etcs i got, plus my total power crystal ore count. idk why i include this truthfully because theres nothing interesting here since i track the power crystal ores already...but im really dumb and sometimes a stubborn shithead so im gonna keep posting these etcs anyway!

    raffles and gachas earned.png
    all the gacha and raffles i got for today. low haul for gacha today i gotta say...but ill take 4 over nothing! 3 of the 7 raffles also came from the 888 monster kills quest turn ins aka 4 were from drops...and since i did raffles first, ill show those results first again:

    raffle results.png
    1 coin outta this??? CRINGE. actually im not too worried about that since i wont be using coins for a long while still...but it ruins me stats! the clean slate 20% is pretty interesting though, along with that pair of lunar gloves...and let me show you why the gloves are interesting:

    hell yeah a beautiful glove to scroll with.png

    hot damn i wasnt expecting that! i aint complaining at all, as these gloves have potential to be some EPIC acc gloves. for now, i hold onto them, and i move forward with showing the gacha results:

    gacha results.png
    well at least the equips arent terrible for npcing...but what is this syrup?

    an interesting buff from gacha.png
    ah yes that definitely looks like maple syrup alright! obvious statements aside, this is an interesting buff to have...though i wish it was tradeable. truth be told, i have no idea when ill actually want to use this or for what reason...so i suppose ill be holding onto it for a while. the ideal case is prolly when i need the acc boost, since that is the most useful stat here (and it gives 30 of it too hot damn). when ill need another 30 acc for 20 minutes i couldnt tell ya, but as usual, that will be future me's problem and not present me's. anyway, with all of those numbers and stats fully presented, its time to sadly end this journal entry:

    ending stats and gear for the day.png
    trying to mix it up by wearing the white mop, since i do use this weapon as well...especially since i think it might be better to use polearm fury for kid mannequins now vs spear crusher and fury. i plan on doing some epm tests and what not the next time i play to see for myself, but my polearm fury is already a good bit stronger than my spear fury despite there being like a difference of 6 SP between the skills, along with being quite a bit faster since the white mop is 1 attack speed faster than the holy spear. next time i play will be following the formula i had for today essentially: check the three area bosses first thing, grind at kid mannequins until satisfied, do my turn ins and number crunches etc., and check area bosses again before calling it a day. i will also try to see about getting multiple rotations for said area bosses if i get a good amount of the kills, which means interrupting my grinding to check on them if thats the case, which im 100% ok with. this pattern will likely continue until i get 7 total polearm att 60 scrolls, or get the desired level i want. which one will happen first? i couldnt tell you for shit, but we'll find out eventually together eh? anyway, thanks for reading/skimming if ya Gamers did, and ill see yall soon enough.

    as usual, it is time for FUMO because i love FUMOs and i wish for you, the chat, to love FUMOs too:

    ever wondered whats going through my brain? here it is chat! also i want this FUMO but its too much of a pain in the ass/expensive for me to try to get it currently and i am SADGE
    • Great Work Great Work x 5
  9. Nightz

    Nightz Supervisor Staff Member Supervisor Game Moderator

    Oct 22, 2020
    4:36 PM
    I/L Arch Mage
    Funk & Pasta
    Moderator Post
    I don't know who you are, but what an amazing read
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  10. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello CHAT and GAMERS its that time again for ANOTHER EPIC EXCITING JOURNAL ENTRY!!! except its really not that exciting but for me it kind of is because of some fat LOOT. anyway, there is no new content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, so its time to move onto the actual entry...SIKE! there is technically new content for the former, but i question the "new" part a lot:

    3rd times the charm.png
    3rd times the charm eh? i have now officially added 3 of gork's characters...which is pretty amusing to me as this is how it always goes when one of us makes a new character. this character is extremely epic though because we are both iron men. anyway, its time to update the friend's list counter:

    35 outta 40 friends poggers.png
    hell yeah im stonking! not really but hey man this buddy list looking more active than ttkirnk's so i must be doing something right :`) anyway, its time to actually move onto the actual journal entry:

    DAY 35 (March 10th, 2024 EST time)

    as i mentioned last entry, i dedicated today to doing some area boss hunting of 3 specific ones and doing some grinding. while i ended up not grinding as much as i wanted, i did get quite a few bosses and got rewarded for it. let me move onto that in detail by first doing the usual beginning ritual:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    after grabbing some event quests and what not, i made my way towards the area bosses in this order: zeno, zombie mushmom, and dyle. i managed to get most of the zeno and zombie mushmoms...actually holding a monopoly for like 3 rotations or so! the dyles had one less rotation, as i didnt find shit the first time around. after checking these bosses, i then started my epic grinding adventure at kid mannequins as usual, and then would check my timers when needed. eventually i decided to finish grinding before a set of timers came up, in which after checking said timers i did the usual inventory management and cleanup and called it a day. before shoving data up ya bum's, let me show you what those bosses got me:

    holy moly AN EMERALD DOME??? what an insanely epic looking hat. unfortunately, the stats do suck as its just weapon defense...but it looks too cool to not want it! to the storage it goes for cosmetics

    equips from all the area bosses poggers.png
    all the equips i got from zeno, zombie mushmom, and dyle. i prolly ended up killing like ~16 zenos, ~15 zombie mushmoms, and ~10 dyles...so this isnt a terrible haul. i will say, now that ive gotten 5 zombie mushmom cards, i will no longer hunt her prolly despite the fact that she does drop scrolls i want. this is because all the ones ive been killing over the past week have really dropped very little in items in general. me getting just air from a kill was more common than it should have been to put it that way...and with the extra travel time and what not i think its not worth my time. anyway, let me show you all the junk scrolls i got:

    use items from the area bosses LETS GO POLEARM AND SPEARS.png
    i say shit but not all of them are...thats right i got not one but TWO spear att 60s! AND a polearm att 60 to boot! pretty sure they all came from zeno too...but at least dyle isnt hard for me to farm due to his location. i was very happy to see all of this since i am now at like 2/7 polearm att 60s and 2/20 spear att 60s...which is good progress without having to spend hours trying to farm mobs for said scrolls! the equips i also got are a nice lil extra profit too considering i essentially used 0 potions against all these bosses too. seeing the results of today definitely confirms the value of area bosses for lower leveled people, thats for sure. anyway, with all that nonsense outta the way, its time to do some data nerd shit with my kid mannequin grinding today:

    starting honsters: 1,417
    starting lunchboxes: 682
    starting power crystal ores: 86
    starting mesos: 28,173,629
    starting experience: level 87 (21.71%), 1,109,560 / 5,109,452

    time lapse grinding: 3 hours and 14 minutes, or 254 minutes for YOU people

    ending honsters: 1,012 (415 used)
    ending lunchboxes: 603 (79 used) used 1 lunchbox while area boss hunting
    ending power crystal ores: 126 (40 gained) gained ~6 or so from zeno since he also drops them
    ending mesos without NPCing/gacha/raffle: ~30,487,345
    ending mesos TOTAL: ~32,541,798. you'll find out why theres no separate lines for only npcing and total soon enough
    total mesos gained: ~4,368,169
    net mesos gained: ~2,625,169
    ending experience: level 88, (80.88%), 4,359,310 / 5,389,449
    total experience gained: ~8,300,000
    there are ~ for some of these numbers due to the area bosses dropping bags of mesos and giving me experience, along with me killing a few random stray mobs within these maps, so i dont have the EXACT numbers but these are roughly there. any differences are by like only a few thousands or so...but time for screenshots!

    equips from mannequins.png
    not a bad haul for how long i was there...but it coulda been better for sure

    use items from mannequins.png
    not a terrible amount of scrolls either. if i actually cared about the free market i got a bit lucky with getting earring int 10s rather than other shit such as more wand 60s

    all etcs gained from mannequins.png
    all my bunny ear etcs. i forgor to include my power crystal ores but OOPS you gotta trust me now

    raffles and gachas earned from mannequins.png
    4/5 of those raffles were from the kill quest, which means only 1 actually dropped today. overall went pretty poor with gachas and raffles as drops...and such we shall start with the raffles as usual:

    raffle results.png
    this aint too bad! ill gladly take more lunchboxes and coins...but whats that glove?

    hell yeah another decent pair of gloves.png
    damn a 1/2 lunar glove? ill gladly take it! got quite a bit of acc glove fodder thats for sure...but like with the rest im holding onto them for now until the event is over. time to move onto the gacha:

    gacha results rip blaine.png
    i think its funnier despite the fact i didnt get permission to leave blaine's comments in, but if this ends up getting edited in the near future dont be surprised. anyway, i got 0 equips from those gachas which is something else...but i got some nice scrolls there. topwear str 30 is something ill definitely want for the future, and the spear att 70 is also very interesting! that means one less spear att 60...but i will be gambling on one of my spears potentially going BOOM. regardless, these both go to storage for now, and the other two scrolls are JUNK. with all of that data done and over with...it is now time to end this entry sadly:

    final stats and gear for the day.png
    as you can see, i have a lil gacha ticket, which came from when i did a quick check of king clang's for cards...which i ended up going 3/6 for the cards AND this gacha so i wont complain! anyway, ill be using it at the beginning of next time i play to make things spicy...or try to anyway. hopefully next time i play i wont be so distracted and i can at least get level 90. also very nice to see my meso count to keep going higher and higher, as not having to even think about silver mane money and being able to buy whatever potions i want still and what not will be very nice. the next time i play will be largely the same as before, with doing area boss hunting and kid mannequin grinding...but i definitely wont be hunting zombie mushmoms thats for sure! ill likely throw king clang in until i get 5/5 for cards, and perhaps mano too since i aint got any cards there. in any regard, i know this one was especially not interesting of a journal entry but thanks for reading/skimming if ya did, and ill see ya folks in the near future.

    as usual, it is FUMO time:

    DAMN look at those FUMOs go! wish i had the one with the blue hat with a red cross on it though...because man i sure do love me some m-
    • Great Work Great Work x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  11. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Gamers and chat! a surprise and somewhat short entry for yall today since i was quite busy doing other things in the Real World. its even shorter due to the fact that there is nothing new for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, so its time to move onto the actual entry!

    DAY 36 (March 11th, 2024 EST time)

    as i just mentioned, today was a shorter day, but despite all that i made some pretty solid progress in some areas, so im quite pleased. like last time, i spent today hunting some area bosses while grinding at kid mannequins, with today's focus being on king clang (1 rotation since i got all my cards but it counts), mano (4/5 cards within 4 kills damn), and the usual zeno and dyle. without further ado, time to get the beginning ritual done and move onto the details:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    as usual, ill be going over everything else i did today and leave the kid mannequin starts towards the end...though all i did today was just go around area boss hunting. before getting into that, lets see what the hell that 1 lone gacha i had from last time got me (trust me its EPIC and EXCITING):

    ty gacha ticket from last night very cool.png
    i wish i could make this shit up sometimes but thats how it goes eh? anyway, time to move onto what those area bosses got me:

    hell yeah free star rock for my tier 10 later.png
    o hell yeah! this came from a chief gray while i was hunting zenos. this is pretty nice since i can use it for the tier 10 ring...not that im really struggling on jewel ores. ill take it either way though

    equips from area bosses YO TWO DOMES.png
    holy fucking moly TWO emerald domes???? they were all gray in name so i just took the one with the highest defense and swapped it out with the one i had in my storage. the golden helmet and dinky looking black shoes came from mano...which i originally hunted him down just for cards but hey ill take a wee bit of extra money from

    use items from bosses hell yeah two polearm 60s.png

    TWO polearm 60s??? and a nice lil glove att 60 to boot too?? zeno really be blessing me up i gotta say. ive been making good progress with these polearm att 60s as of late, as i have 5 scrolls total now. 2 more and ill be scrolling all 7 slots of my white mop. why not use any 70s/30s? because this is my only damn polearm so i dont want to lose it but still upgrade it. anyway, its time to show off the kid mannequin nerd stats:

    starting honsters: 1,012
    starting new year lunchboxes: 701
    starting power crystal ores: 32
    starting mesos: 35,276,876
    starting experience: level 88 (81.55%), 4,395,562 / 5,389,449

    total time lapse: 2 hours and 22 minutes or 142 minutes for YOU people

    ending honsters: 719 (293 used)
    ending lunchboxes: 641 (60 used)
    ending power crystal ores: 77 (35 total gained from mannequins, 10 from zeno)
    ending mesos without NPCing/Gacha/Raffle: ~36,923,887 (did spend 200k during this time period to get more warp cards. the value given is including the 200k spent)
    ending mesos total (only scrolls from gacha so NPC only meso value): ~39,351,712
    total mesos gained: ~4,274,836
    net mesos gained: ~3,044,236

    equips from mannequins.png
    a nice list of equips here i gotta say! these pants are curious though since they offer dex...so i decided to check their stats out:

    yo lets go new acc pants.png
    not too bad! 1 dex off from perfect but it still gives more 2 more acc over my str pair, so i decided to actually hold onto them just to be safe

    use items for mannequins.png
    scrolls for the day. if i cared about the free market this would be a tragic day for scrolls

    etcs from mannequins.png
    all the bunny ear etcs for the day...i still question why i do this part but oh well

    raffles and gachas.png
    all my raffles and gacha earned for the day. 3/6 of my raffles came from turning in the monster hunt quest. a nice bit of gacha though i gotta say, especially for how long i grinded for today! the question is, however...are the results from said raffles and gachas just as good?


    raffle results.png
    well i got 1 coin at least. really didnt need another doll day chair as this is my 3rd one now...and owls are fully useless. ill take the rice soup though since its a nice boost of acc on a potion...though im not sure when ill use them

    gacha results holy moly.png
    man 0 equips again. just all scrolls and some stupid cs items. there are some interesting scrolls though such as the shoe jump 30 and the helm dex 70. with all of that outta the way now...it is now time to end this shindig with the usual:

    final stats and gear.png
    im RICH! not that it matters. being level 90 now sure is nice, as i only need 3 more levels to max out my polearm fury. i kind of want to see how well i do at CDs, so ill likely do some epm testing at cds next time (if i find a map) and see how the experience is. mannequins have been nice due to the fact that its still decent experience for me while giving me power crystal ores, which ill need sooo much of in the future. my damage with polearm fury is pretty good now, especially now that my polearm fury is a higher level than my spear fury, so perhaps itll be worth going over to CDs now. if anything, i should be CD ready by the time i max out polearm fury and scroll my white mop...but i do want to get to 100 asap so i can finally start on the first tier of HP challenges. anyway, hope yall enjoyed reading/skimming today's entry if ya did, and ill see yall soon enough!

    as usual, it is the FUMO time:

    remember my fellow Gamers and all chatters: when you see a FUMO it is your duty to PET it on the head, as they deserve it always
    • Great Work Great Work x 4
  12. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    writing this separately as well as putting it on the first entry at the top so you clowns cant miss it

    ill be on vacation from March 12th until March 19th...and i wont have a computer that can play mushroom game, which means i wont be playing mushroom game for a week or so. dont get too lonely yall and ill see yall in like a week or so. if you really need me ill still be checking discord and the forums so just go find ttkirnk on discord ok BYE

    • Great Work Great Work x 4
    • Like Like x 2
  13. beegoratto

    beegoratto Zakum

    Sep 22, 2021
    7:36 AM
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. Syrinz

    Syrinz Game Moderator Staff Member Game Moderator

    Sep 22, 2020
    10:36 PM
    TTKirnk's DM will be flooded.

    Enjoy your vacation!
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Edann

    Edann Slimy Retired Staff

    Oct 24, 2020
    5:36 PM
    I/L Arch Mage
    I'm reinstalling for Tyler when I'm home
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  16. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    11:36 AM
    nothing more than the obligation of every player who uninstalled ML
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello you beautiful GAMERS and chat i am BACK from my vacation! due to uhhh some problems and distractions this journal entry is coming a morning late but shouldnt be a problem...right? anyway, there is surprisingly no new content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ but "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement" does have something. after seeing what i got from duey, it felt required to make a video out of it:


    yall can enjoy that! excuse me if my voice is quiet because i had to deal with closed ass ears from airplane travel for a while. anyway, its time to move onto the usual shindig

    DAY 37 (3/20/24 EST TIME)
    today wasnt a very exciting day due to being busy with other obligations and naps so i didnt spend too much time on maplelegends. despite that, i still managed to grind for a bit and do a wee bit of boss hunting (although i managed to not find the ones i actually wanted to hunt)

    starting stats and gear.png

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    as you can see, i started the day off checking dyle which then led into checking for zeno...but i didnt find jack diddily squat! so after a fruitless hunt of 0 dyles and zenos, i went back to kid mannequins as usual and did a wee bit of grinding...but before i get into that let me show you something EPIC i got from seruf:

    yeah i know, pretty EPIC right? after i was done grinding for the day and yet again found 0 dyles and zenos, i decided to go check on other area bosses that werent too far from zeno and i needed cards for. these bosses ended up being seruf, tae roon, and king sage cat...which i tragically managed to go 0/6 cards for king sage cat. i also did some scrolling today now that the event is officially over, neatly packed into a video:


    yall can have fun with this too. anyway, its time for the boring ol nerdy stats:

    starting honsters: 719
    starting new year lunchboxes: 641
    starting power crystal ores: 77
    starting mesos: 40,190,600
    starting experience: level 90 (1.10%), 66,503 / 5,996,316

    total time lapse of grinding: 2 hours and 43 minutes or 163 minutes for YOU people

    ending honsters: 378 (341 used)
    ending new year lunchboxes: 547 (94 used)
    ending power crystal ores: 118 (41 gained)
    ending mesos without npcing/gacha: 42,612,847
    ending mesos after npcing/gacha: 46,304,449 (gacha had very little impact here so i put them together)
    total mesos gained: 6,113,849
    net mesos gained: 4,681,649
    ending experience: level 91 (26.60%), 1,683,023 / 6,324,914
    total experience gained: 7,612,836

    equips part 1.png
    the gloves arent new ok just hold ON

    equips part 2.png
    thinking about it now i dont know why i did it like this when it all coulda fit in one screenshot but anyway these are all the equips i got for today. i actually got a crap ton of equips truth be told...and look whats in that mix too:

    shit bronze pants sadge.png
    so close yet so far. im not really concerned about getting a 3 dex 3 acc pair of bronze platine pants...but i suppose why not try and see if i do right? anyway, to the npc this one goes

    use items gained.png
    the only scroll gained today. its a good thing i dont care about selling things to other people

    etcs gained and total power crystal count.png
    all the bunny ears collected, as well as my power crystal ore total since i had the space

    gacha gained.png
    gacha for the day. today was not a day for gacha ill tell you that much, especially after seeing what these two got me:

    gacha results.png
    at least i can npc the red lumati since its a level 50 archer overall but damn i LOVE eye wear int scrolls :`) with all of that said and done, its now time to wrap this tiny entry up:

    final stats and gear.png
    o oops apparently i didnt retake this screenshot to include me (not that my appearance changed as you can see from the equips im wearing). my mesos went down because i restocked on honsters...which idk why i didnt take a picture of my use showing that (its like i was drunk or something...crazy!). i definitely felt the lack of event experience after seeing how long i grinded and how much experience i got, even without testing my epm to see my eph. kid mannequins are also starting to fall off a bit in general too...which was bound to happen considering they're level 75 or so and im level 91 now, but 1 level every ~2 hours or so still aint too bad. perhaps next time i play itll finally be time to move onto a different place...but we shall see about that because i also dont know the answer to that chat. anyhoo, hope yall are doing fantastic, thanks for reading/skimming if ya did, and ill see yall soon enough!

    i know yall have been missing and craving it, so here you go its meal time:

    FUMO time!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
  18. -ovv

    -ovv Horntail

    Feb 23, 2020
    7:36 AM
    When is Beaver podcast going to be released
  19. beegoratto

    beegoratto Zakum

    Sep 22, 2021
    7:36 AM
    it's just going to be us babbling to each other about huggy wuggy and fighting orangutans with swords for an hour it'll be completely indigestible content
  20. -ovv

    -ovv Horntail

    Feb 23, 2020
    7:36 AM
    Oopy goopy
    • Great Work Great Work x 3

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