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TTKirnk's Iron Man Character Journal (REAL)

Discussion in 'MapleLegends Journeys' started by TTKirnk, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. beegoratto

    beegoratto Zakum

    Sep 22, 2021
    7:36 AM
  2. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    i mean if its what the people want...i see no point in denying them what they deserve
    • Like Like x 1
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  3. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Chat and Gamers i am back and on time today! today was a change of pace...because i decided to grind elsewhere for once! before getting into that, its time for the usual checks...in which there is no new content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ so i suppose its time to move onto the next check:

    DAY 38 (March 21st, 2024 EST time)
    today was just spent grinding at this EPIC spot called...CDs! yeah i know im kinda a cool kid now. i also did some dyle and zeno hunting again...which i found NOTHING so this journal is just about the results of going to CDs. now its time for the last check:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    obviously, i had to do some epm10 tests to figure out my eph and see how much better CDs are. i also at some point let some 6x hunter take the top row since he asked nicely for it (we DID not party together, he just had the top platform all to himself and i took the other two), so i did some epm10 tests with him up there. i also realized that i grinded with event experience on yesterday, so im not sure why kid mannequins felt much slower. anyway, the point being is that while grinding at CDs those darn tooting GMs turned off the event experience, so i had to do more epm10s for the stats! anyway here are the results of those:

    cds epm 10.png
    epm10 with event experience, solo

    cds epm 10 with guy at top row.png
    epm10 with event experience and while the epic hunter was at the top row

    cds epm 10 without event experience.png
    epm10 without event experience and the epic hunter

    cds epm 10 without event exp but with guy on top.png
    epm10 without event experience but the epic hunter was at the top row. truth be told im not fully sure why that first test was so high, because it really shouldnt be that huge of a difference. it was interesting to see that the hunter taking the top platform really didnt destroy my eph too much, as i thought it would have been worse. hopefully he had a grand time grinding up there :`) anyway, these numbers are obviously better than kid mannequins, and pot usage is waaay lower since not only do CDs drop mana elixirs that i can use, but they are just better on the honsters in general. this is because not only do they hit nowhere near as hard as kid mannequins, but they also dont hit me as often due to how much slower they are. anyway, let me show you the numbers and proof rather than tell you about it!

    starting honsters: 1,773
    starting new year lunchboxes: 540
    starting dark crystal ores: 20
    starting black crystal ores: 41
    starting power elixirs: 62
    starting mesos: 43,073,181
    starting experience: level 91 (40.66%), 2,571,945 / 6,324,914

    total time lapse: 2 hours and 6 minutes, or 126 minutes for YOU people

    ending honsters: 1,572 (201 used)
    ending new year lunchboxes: 486 (54 used)
    ending dark crystal ores: 60 (40 gained)
    ending black crystal ores: 62 (21 gained)
    ending power elixirs: 143 (81 gained)
    ending mesos without npcing/gacha: 44,983,671
    ending mesos after npcing/gacha (gacha be not good for meso pulls lately i tell ya): 46,807,155
    total mesos gained: 3,733,774
    net mesos gained: 2,889,774
    ending experience: level 92 (51.41%), 3,430,279 / 6,671,519
    total experience gained: 7,183,248

    equips gained.png
    equips gained. i gained an extra earring while doing the first epm10 test, as i wanted to confirm the experience first before deciding to record data and what not, so it is NOT shown here

    use items gained.png
    use items and power elixirs gained. man they sure drop some stinky scrolls! at least power elixirs are useful...i think?

    etc items gained for the day.png
    etcs gained for the day. it actually feels relevant to include this section now due to the fact i can get stimularos and production scrolls...which arent a bad source of mesos

    gacha for the day.png
    gacha for the day. not too bad for 2 hours of grinding. cant say the same for the pulls though...

    gacha results.png
    ok i kinda can actually, because another top str 30% is pretty nice. the overall dex 70% isnt bad either, though i would have preferred a str one. everything else is kinda poopy...though the cape str 10% is technically useable. after feeling satisfied grinding, i did another quick check of dyle and zeno, and even did a check on timer for the shits and giggles...and not a single boss was found sadly. after checking the zenos, i decided to call it quits for the day:

    ending stats and gear.png
    overall i have mixed opinions on CDs, but i think the increased eph will be worthwhile in the end. the main downsides of CDs are that they dont drop power crystal ores (or an ore i want really) and that sometimes finding a map can be a pain in the ass. this map being a popular spot means that i cant just casually leave the map to go check on boss timers and then come back and expect to have my map still, which does lead to a slight problem with my zeno and dyle hunting. fortunately i only need 2 more polearm 60s...so shirley it wont be too hard to get them and i wont have to hunt these bosses for much longer...right? anyway, i will likely stay at CDs as my main spot and then go to kid mannequins if i get unlucky enough, but i was able to usually find at least 1 open map while looking today...so mayhaps it wont be too bad to gamble on boss timers anyway if i got a good amount of them. anyway, thats all i got in me today folks so thank you for reading/skimming/using discord TTS (text to speech) if ya did, and ill see yall soon enough!

    of course, its FUMO time!

    amen to that! i sure cant read either with all the brain rot i got
    • Great Work Great Work x 4
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Dimez

    Dimez Stone Golem

    Apr 6, 2020
    10:36 AM
    Love it. Dope.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  5. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Gamers and Chat i am back! and with a bit of a roller coaster of a entry today...for me at least. before getting into that, you know what must happen first...and perhaps lucky (or unlucky depending on your view point) there is ZERO content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ so it is time to dive straight into the journal!

    DAY 39 (March 24th, 2024 EST time)
    today was spent differently than normal...it was almost a bit of a refresher because for once i didnt go grind for experience...which meant i didnt have to record shit and what not! well i could have but i chose NOT to...though there wouldnt be much to record other than some ore drops and meso count i guess...anyway today was instead spent on finally finishing a story within this current Arc...the White Mop Side Story! let me get into that by first doing the usual:

    starting stats and gear.png

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    as you can see, this picture was taken at omega sector...but wasnt i at zeno's place last? the answer is yes for those that dont remember/didnt see the last journal entry (i thought about doing a dbz reference here just so you all know), but as soon as i logged in the zenos were mostly there so i decided to hunt them down first and THEN take this screenshot. theres something else important about this screenshot, however. what is that in my use inventory, right under those honsters? thats right, its a POLEARM ATT 60%...which funnily enough came from hunting zenos while i was writing up the last journal entry. i decided to wait until this entry to mention it...because 1. i was pretty much done with the entry at the time and didnt feel like inserting it randomly and 2. it creates the perfect segway for today's entry

    with this scroll, i am now at 6/7 polearm att 60s, meaning that 1 more scroll means i can fully finish up my white mop and not have anymore slots left, barring clean slate usage. with being only 1 scroll behind, i decided to not learn my lesson and go for it again: to hunt down the scroll from regular monsters. what was the monster of choice? ratz. i chose ratz for several reasons.

    1. they're like right next to omega sector, which made it very easy to check on zeno and dyle (let it be clear i never got a single dyle today so it was really more so zeno...)
    2. their best map has a pretty decent spawn rate and structure, so it was actually pretty efficient to farm them
    3. they have good ore drops...or at least good enough for what i want. power crystal ores AND orihalcon ores is pretty nice, with steel ores being a nice lil bonus (i dont really need steel ores that badly, but they do technically have use so having a decent supply of them isnt a bad thing) i could care less about the aquamarines, however.

    with all of these reasons, the Rat Room Hunting Episode began today...in which i prolly wasted like ~4 hours or so (didnt record or anything, but its a decent estimate given on how my day went and me being able to recall how productive i was) hunting these damn ratz and not getting a SINGLE scroll. while hunting i also kept up with zeno timers and what not, in which i held most of the zeno timers for most of the day. the only good thing i got from them rats is a decent amount of mesos due to all the production scrolls and equips, though my net gains prolly arent super huge since i did have to use some lunchboxes for MP. i was quite sad, thinking that i may have to come back to the Rat Room another day to try again...but just as i was checking on the last set of zeno timers before i decided it was time for bedge, this dropped:

    the BETTER emerald dome.png
    damn look at that emerald dome! its actually a decent statted one for once that i can replace the shitty one i have. wait wrong one:

    all of these largely useless scrolls later...i finally got it from a zeno. the 7th and last polearm att 60 is in my possession...which means not only am i free from the Rat Room, along with being free from having to constantly check on area bosses while grinding, but i can finally scroll the white mop. it is time for an UPGRADE! after cleaning up my inventory from all the zeno and rat crap, and getting everything together, it was time:

    its TIME to SCROLL.png
    it is time to fulfill my destiny, and you get a nice, fresh video for it:


    enjoy it in all of its glory, but for those of you that dont want to watch it or just want a quick reference, here are the results:

    the white mop results.png

    truth be told, i had pretty low expectations, with landing 4 outta the 7 polearm att 60s being the best case scenario, because i didnt want to feel that disappointed :`) and i came out feeling quite pleased with getting exactly what i wanted. my CDs game should be quite cracked now, especially since i only need 1 more level until my polearm fury is maxed, which means FULL POWER! ok FULL ENOUGH is that better??? anyway, with the scrolling finished and the gathering of scrolls finally done, it was time to finish up the day since bedge hours are calling for me. first, it was time to turn in my gacha for the day:

    gacha earned for today.png
    truth be told this isnt a bad amount of gacha. ill gladly take it since i wasnt there for the gacha...or so i tell myself anyway:

    gacha run.png
    i decided to keep the dialogue in because i thought it was pretty funny to have thrown in this giant wall of gacha text. anyway, the equips sure werent great (a level 15 1H axe and like level 40 dagger), but ill gladly take the spear acc 70% and topwear str 70%. the helmet hp 30% is pretty funny as a meme, and since i plan on making my 2nd mule character to separate my scrolls and potions (yes i have that many of each), i decided to keep the helmet hp 30% in case i decide to do a funny meme scroll one day with it. likely? no. possible still? yes. as mentioned earlier, those blasted ratz drop orihalcon ores...and i got a whole lot of them...like ~60 or so a lot of them...enough to get myself over 100 ores to make 10 plates with:

    look at that i finally got the orihalcons its TIME to get shit from the quest.png
    why does this matter? because now i can finally turn these into umi after wasting 1mil and 400 space food for her stupid ass and finally get scammed from her quest reward. there arent a lot of great options here, but the best looking results are getting a scroll that i want (topwear str 30%, overall dex 30%), or one of the equips there (ideally the higher level ones like the sparta and black mamba)...and of course it goes like this:

    here comes the drum roll.png
    just like old times eh? here is where the drum roll comes in...

    its so joever.png
    man this is actually a decent item to get too...if i wasnt a solo warrior ironman character. guess ill take my 1 meso and be content with the fact i can hoard my orihalcon for crafting now instead and know that i wasted 10 plates of it for this quest instead of for said crafting. anyway, after finishing up this quest and organizing my inventory from the gacha and other stuff ive been getting latelyish, i decided to do one quick check on mano to see if i could get my last card real quick (spoiler i didnt find ANY) and then call it a day...so it is time to end off this journal entry:

    ending stats and gear god bless WHITE MOP.png
    the mop deserves to be in my hands for this screenshot, considering the journey it went through. i got like about a boost of 100 or so on my upper range compared to my holy spear...which is pretty nice i must say! i doubt ill break any HP thresholds with spear fury against CDs, but having a weapon being scrolled and being fully scrolled sure is nice...and no i dont plan to CSS it and scrolling another slot if it were to pass do NOT bring that up. the anniversary event is coming up soon, so if anything it is more ideal to try and scroll karstans instead of this mop since theyll have a similar amount of WA while also giving a crap ton of accuracy. purple surfboards (psbs) will also come by eventually in the summer, which is my end game polearm anyway...and above all if i really cant get a good psb then i can always be a masochist and try to make crimson arcglaives. point being, the white mop is just a temporary weapon and not the end game, so i aint gonna css something that will get replaced! with that folks, i am finally free from constantly checking zenos and dyles for scrolls...for now anyway. since i need too many damn spear scrolls, as well as the fact ill be mainly using a polearm for grinding for now on...im not gonna worry about gathering spear att scrolls for now. this is nice because now i can just solely focus on grinding now, and perhaps get to 100 a lot sooner now since ill i wont be distracted with all of this boss hunting AND ill kill like 2% faster! ive been rambling on long enough but just know that while i felt like not much got done today, i felt like a lot did and i am quite happy with how today went. next time its back to CDs and solely focusing on that...or somewhere else like kid mannequins if i cant get a CDs map, so prepare for even more boring journal entries now i reckon! anyway, thanks for reading/skimming/listening via discord TTS if ya did, and ill see yall soon enough.

    today's FUMO/GIF section is a special case, because it actually wont be a GIF...but instead a FUMO update! since i posted my pathetic FUMO collection previously (does only having 1 count as having a collection?), it is now time for an update because it has changed:

    thats right i bought TWO FUMOS together because both became available at the same time! also this picture sure is huge holy moly good luck to the mobile users (im keeping it huge so you can enjoy MORE of my precious FUMOs). these are both characters that are prolly in my top 10 favorite Touhou characters...with the one on the right being my third favorite Touhou character i would say. i had debated about getting the one on the left or not for a good while, and decided to get her due to these two being alternate outfit versions...so i was like why not? also FUMOs sell off FAST as hell because of the demand and supply count so i couldnt hestiate for too long. anyway, this is now the full collection:

    ignore what is going on below my desk. the collection sure is quite pathetic but hey you gotta start somewhere...and i have two preorders that are suppose to be coming out at the beginning and end of summer, so there! idk why im talking about a plushie collection on a character journal forum thread for a private server mushroom game but here we are this has gone on long enough NEXT TIME ITLL BE BACK TO FUMO GIFS!
    • Great Work Great Work x 5
    • Like Like x 1
  6. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    11:36 AM
    you can probably go gallopera, good eph and power crystal ore
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Gamers and Chat! today was a nice productive day...because i sure did a whole lotta grinding! and thats all that happened pretty much...but before going into that, i gotta do the usual traditions...in which nothing new has occurred with "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ so ok time to move on with the next step of the tradition

    DAY 40 (March 27th, 2024 EST time)
    ima be honest im running outta ideas for these parts because i do so little god damn...but yes today was spent grinding at CDs. this was pretty much my whole day in addition to testing out a different grinding area to see how it would fare vs. CDs...but before i get into that its time to do the next step of the tradition:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    first things first, its time to talk about this other area i was referring to before dumping logs and data. where the hell did i go? quite simple, fellow Gamers! this place im talking about is none other than gallos at spooky world. i was suggested this and decided to give it a try...and i was quite pleased with the results:

    epm10 with polearm fury.png
    hot damn ~1.2mil or so over my CDs eph???? ill gladly take that. the potion cost is a bit higher, but i think thats fine considering how well off im doing right now money wise...and if im ever worried about money i can always head back to CDs for the moolah and decent experience. the good stuff doesnt end here...theres always some nice drops too. while the equips arent noteworthy, the use and etcs are another story. power crystal ores, glove att 60%s, power elixirs, and bottomwear dex 60%s are all fantastic drops for me. hopefully with the decent equip pool, i can at least minimize the potion costs for being here...which is prolly not too hard but i guess ill find that out after a few tries or so. anyway, i came here after grinding at CDs for the day, in which i decided to plant my ass down at kampung village after testing and what not...but before ending this journal up i gotta give the data dump for those CDs:

    starting honsters: 1,572
    starting new year lunchboxes: 460
    starting dark crystal ores: 60
    starting black crystal ores: 62
    starting power elixirs: 43
    starting mesos: 49,368,700
    starting experience: level 92 (68.16%), 4,547,842 / 6,671,519

    total time lapse: 4 hours or 240 minutes for YOU people

    ending honsters: 1,176 (396 used)
    ending new year lunchboxes: 363 (97 used)
    ending dark crystal ores: 149 (89 gained)
    ending black crystal ores: 110 (48 gained)
    ending power elixirs: 267 (224 gained)
    ending mesos without npcing/gacha: 53,791,673
    ending mesos total: 61,095,112
    total mesos gained: 11,726,412
    net mesos gained: 10,063,212
    ending experience: level 95 (0.04%) 3,735 / 7,829,518
    total experience gained: ~16,564,530 (i forgor to record total experience for level 94 and too lazy to look up so uhh this is a ROUGH estimate but QUITE CLOSE TO ACCURATE)

    equips earned part 1.png

    equips part 2.png
    damn 8 whole slots full of equips! i sure made some decent stonks with these todays...though i wish i had 3 less mushrooms :`)

    use items gained.png
    all the scrolls gained and total power elixir count. good thing these scrolls are useless even in the actual game

    etcs gained.png
    all the etcs gained today. lots of stonks with the stimulators and the forging manuals i gotta say

    gacha earned.png
    gacha earned. not too bad for 4 hours i gotta say...as usual the actual results dont match:

    gacha results.png
    here are the results. man look at that polearm 70%! too bad its not a 30%. everything else is pretty much junk though (yeah thats right i called helmet int 30% and overall int 30% USELESS because for me it is other than for content haha!) at least i got some equips...even if it doesnt equate to much due to it being only 2 equips and one being an orange ski. it sure beats scrolls that dont have value to me. anyway, with all of these stats outta the way, its time to finish off this day with the usual!

    ending stats and gear.png
    level 95 hot damn! 5 levels off from being level 100...which is what ive been aiming for. with the big boost in EPH at gallos, which hopefully not take too much longer to get there. showed off my use tab to indicate that i refilled on potions, thinking ill be using a good amount at gallos...which was a good choice on my part. anyway, tomorrow will be spent doing the scarga prequests and 1 last questline in malaysia since i am here and i can actually complete it all (if i can kill gallos with relative ease, then i can easily kill everything else here that isnt scarga. after doing that, i plan to grind at gallos with whatever time i have left. hopefully a bit more interesting content happens tomorrow due to not just grinding...but i doubt it since its the scarga prequests after all. anyway, thanks for reading/skimming/listening via TTS on discord if ya did, and ill see yall soon enough!

    you know what its time for? man i dont even gotta tell ya you already KNOW:

    for anyone wondering this is lore accurate to the games so dont you worry about that frog one bit
    • Great Work Great Work x 5
    • Like Like x 1
  8. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Gamers and Chat i am back once again with another not exciting day of grinding...but dont worry it included a lil bit more than just that! as usual, i must inform yall that there is no new content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ (shocking i know dont feel too bad about it) so it is time to march forward

    DAY 41 (March 28th, 2024 EST time)
    as mentioned like two sentences ago, i did do a lil more than just grind! since i decided to grind at gallos for real today, i decided to finally finish that one questline that i started eons ago but didnt wanna do due to them damn froscolas. in addition to that, i also decided to do my scarga prequests, since i was in the area and i since i can kill the strongest mobs in the area i might as well do the questline involving them and slightly weaker mobs. before getting into that, you know the drill (if you're new here, its time to learn i reckon):

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    today i started off doing that 1 questline and doing the scarga questline, as this was the only actual "objective that can be finished" for the day. the scarga prequests also end with having to go kill gallos and get their etcs, so it works out anyway (yes im not counting the quest to actually get the summon item, since i dont need to do that until i actually decide to fight the bosses...if i ever do). nothing very exciting happened today, but i did get an interesting quest reward from mr. lam:

    hot damn lam i like to see that.png
    well well well that aint too bad! i would have preferred this being a str version but beggars cant be choosers. unfortunately (and truthfully weirdly enough), all the other parts of the questline just give experience, so there were no more good drops to receive. they werent terrible experience though i suppose for the effort required. after getting those froscola hats and jester scarlion barrels, along with completing the scarga prequests minus the gallos quest, it was time to start my grind for the day...in which i didnt grind as much as i wanted to due to distractions such as lil irl chores and naps. regardless, i didnt get a bad amount of hours in, so it is now time for the ever exciting information nerd dump:

    starting honsters: 1,487
    starting new year lunchboxes: 311
    starting power crystal ores: 8
    starting adamantium ores: 28
    starting gold ores: 74
    starting garnet ores: 6
    starting power elixirs: 67
    starting mesos: 59,975,604
    starting experience: level 95 (63.13%), 4,943,222 / 7,829,518

    total time lapse: 2 hours and 35 minutes or 155 minutes for YOU people

    ending honsters: 935 (552 used)
    ending new year lunchboxes: 239 (72 used)
    ending power crystal ores: 13 (5 gained)
    ending adamantium ores: 37 (9 gained)
    ending gold ores: 87 (13 gained)
    ending garnet ores: 20 (14 gained)
    ending power elixirs: 79 (12 gained)
    ending mesos without npcing/gacha: 61,027,031
    ending mesos total: 61,632,072 (yikes)
    total mesos gained: 1,656,468 (ew)
    net mesos gained: -661,932 holy GROSS
    ending experience: level 97 (0.05%), 4,778 / 8,711,144
    total experience gained: 11,149,649

    equips gained.png
    god damn now this is a sad sight to see. this is definitely a big reason why i went NEGATIVE in money today holy moly

    use items gained.png
    look at that mastery book! IM RICH. i did get a bottomwear dex 60% though which is pretty nice i must say. it largely makes up for the lack of equips i reckon :`)

    etcs gained and ore totals.png
    etcs for the day + total ore collection for collected ores. 200 of them were used for the scarga prequest...talk about big money lost here!

    gacha gained minus TWO.png
    i forgor to turn the gacha i got while doing the quests...which was about 2 commons i think? anyway it didnt matter for the overall money i earned while at gallos if i were to include all of these...as you are about to see:

    gacha results.png
    look at that VALUE! im glad i got another spear att 10% but where are the 30s at man! or the DAGGER 10S!!!! i suppose ill take something thats maybe useful kinda in the long term vs something i know that isnt useful. anyway, after going through my inventory and what not, i called it a day at kampung village...in which its time for this part of the journal entry:

    final stats and gear.png
    its been a hot minute since i went negative in mesos earned i gotta say...though it wasnt by much. truth be told, i think i mainly went negative due to my bad equip drop rate for the day. gacha usually doesnt give me much in value, as a lot of gacha's actual value comes from being able to utilize the free market, rather than the value of npcing things. hopefully maxing dragon's blood slowly will reduce my potion usage slightly. anyway, next session will be solely focused on grinding, in which im hoping to reach 100 within the next two play sessions...which hopefully is sometime next week so a NEW ARC can begin!!!! with that, i dont got anything else to say but to thank everyone that decided to read/skim/listen via discord TTS, and that i will see you all soon enough

    FUMO? yes my children, FUMO

    damn i wish i had this FUMO. this character is pretty epic i gotta say...but why is it walking forward like that chat...? what she planning?
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
  9. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    Hello Gamers and Chat i am back, despite the fact that today was Easter for me! i could have worked today and made STONKS money while selling my soul but i decided to not work just for YOU (this is false and i had different reasons for not working today but dont tell anyone that). anyway, all i did was grind at gallos today and die from a food coma so this entry wont be exciting at all...especially since theres no content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ so its time to move forward with the actual entry!

    DAY 42 (March 31st, 2024 EST time)
    i already said it earlier but today was just a grind at gallos day. i had a nice Easter brunch at 1 pm, then collasped from a food coma from 2-5, and actually got on and did shit at around 6...in which i spent the time grinding at gallos and doing a bit of shitposting on discord and what not. i legit dont know what else to say here so uhhh this is the part where i segway into the next tradition of these journal entries:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    ok speaking of great segways idk what else to say here either so enjoy my cringe and nerdy data and stats while grinding at gallos today!

    starting honsters: 934
    starting new year lunchboxes: 239
    starting power crystal ores: 13
    starting adamantium ores: 37
    starting gold ores: 87
    starting garnet ores: 20
    starting power elixirs 79
    starting mesos: 61,628,672
    starting experience: level 97 (2.75%) 240,278 / 8,711,144

    total time lapse: 3 hours and 9 minutes or 189 minutes for YOU people

    ending honsters: 327 (607 used)
    ending new year lunchboxes: 160 (79 used)
    ending power crystal ores: 21 (8 gained)
    ending adamantium ores: 49 (12 gained)
    ending gold ores: 92 (5 gained)
    ending garnet ores: 32 (12 gained)
    ending power elixirs: 96 (15 gained)
    ending mesos without npcing/gacha: 62,875,979
    ending mesos total: 64,735,394
    total mesos gained: 3,106,722
    net mesos gained: 557,322
    ending experience: level 98 (50.43%) 4,633,980 / 9,188,514
    total experience gained: 13,104,846

    equips gained.png
    equips for the day. im starting to understand and see why CDs are considered such a good source of mesos. its the damn spawn rate of them since a whole bunch plop outta the greatest oldies! in this case its also because gallos have such a higher EPH rate compared to CDs due to the fact that each mob kill gives far more experience while having a decent spawn rate still. CDs are only high due to the fact that the mobs that actually spawn there shit out ~3 different monsters per kill, which in turn also means more chances of things to drop like equips and gacha. truth be told, im alright with that in terms of mesos...as long as i can at least go even with my potion costs (though this does mean other things i want suffer due to lesser mob kills)

    use items gained.png
    use items for the day featuring a lone mana elixir pill i didnt consume (next session it will be dont worry). sadly no scrolls today, but at least the eternal bullets sell for like 10k per set...ill take it over nothing :`) im also prolly gonna start using these warrior pills rather than sell because i have officially used up all of my mini cokes from the two times i went to coke town. im too cheap to buy things like ciders while grinding, but i might as well use these pills since they still give me a slight boost in WA

    etcs gained for the day and ore count.png
    etcs gained for the day, along with my ore count for the ores that drop from gallos. can really see the difference of mobs i kill with the etc count here...especially since it feels like gallos have a slightly higher drop rate for their etc vs other mobs...but thats something i cannot prove at all so MOVING FORWARD

    gacha for the day.png
    gacha for the day. feels kinda bad but it makes me wonder if my gacha rate will be lower here in general since i dont kill gallos as fast as i do CDs, on top of the fact theres more CDs to kill in general vs gallos. time will tell that as i log more of my grinding sessions here. of course, the gacha pulls were doodoo as usual:

    gacha results.png
    why perion giving me mage shit? cant it at least be GOOD mage shit not level 20 and 22 shit. anyway, i decided to keep the eye access acc 60% for some reason even though im pretty sure i dont need it (you never know i reckon...can be hard to get my hands on some scrolls and items). anyway, after npcing all the junk i got, i went on off to repot at NLC since i was getting a bit low on honsters (which is why i gacha'd at perion this time rather than kampung village). after repotting i made my way back to kampung village and decided to call it a day here, because im feeling the food coma hit me again and it is time for BEDGE. before that though, i must end this journal entry off with the usual:

    ending stats and gear.png
    not a bad day overall despite the food coma and what not! i got a decent amount of experience even with the slight distractions, which is the main reason why im at gallos. if i wanted ok experience and something like mesos id stay at CDs, or if i wanted ok experience with drops like power crystal ores then id go to kid mannequins or something. the goal of level 100 is almost here though, which is a bit exciting for me i must say! not only is it because i can finally start the next Arc in this Beaver's adventure, but truthfully i wasnt expecting to hit level 100 when i first started all of this...or to be playing at the rate i am still. this aint a bad thing or anything, but more so something interesting and unexpected from my end. yall shall hopefully get a nice, decent break from just the grinding journal entries...as im sure these arent very exciting to read at all. it if means anything though, these arent super exciting for me to write about or participate in either since im either in a voice chat talking to people or watching shit :`) anyway, level 100 should be doable next session, as long as im not too distracted or anything like that, so depending on the timing of it all the next Arc shall either begin next session or the one after that. time will tell that tale...but for now it is time to wrap this current entry up. as usual, thanks to all of yall that read/skimmed/listened via discord TTS, and ill see yall soon enough!

    FUMO? yes FUMO always FUMO

    this is a very relatable GIF for me i must say Gamers...especially with that winter clothes(i think?) marisa in there damn! and before anyone asks, no i dont want the cirno FUMO in the bottle
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
  10. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Chat and Gamers! yeah thats right i reversed the order of that EAT IT! anyway, it is that time of the day again...and today was a beautiful day. whys that? ill tell you soon enough, but first i have to tell you folks something: there is no new content "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™. i know its really shocking and tragic but thats how it goes. anyway, its time for the usual tradition:

    DAY 43 (April 3rd, 2024 EST time)
    today i spent doing two major things: grinding at gallos and then starting the new LestheBeaver Journal Arc: the Card Challenged Arc! more details on that later but for now lets move onto the other usual tradition:

    starting gear and stats.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    so today was spent grinding at gallos until i got level 100, and once i got level 100 i started on the challenges. despite not sounding like an exciting day (truthfully it wasnt), i was happy to not be stuck in grinding hell for a bit of time now. now that im 100, the current goal is to complete the tier 1 challenges and finally work on my tier 10 monster book ring. unfortunately distractions and sleepy feels wasted time today so i didnt do THAT much of the tier 1 hp challenges, but i think i got a good start on the lil questline with vikin and his damn treasure. unfortunately i didnt think anything that excited happened while doing them, so im just going to show you my current progression with the challenges and then get on with the usual stats of the grinding session.

    challenges progression.png
    i dont have any optional challenges done so you DONT get to see any of that. im like halfway through vikin's questline, as i just got done getting a bunch of random materials from various florina beach, ellinia, and sleepywood mobs. anyway, its time for the stats:

    starting honsters: 1,799
    starting new year lunchboxes: 160
    starting power crystal ores: 21
    starting adamantium ore: 49
    starting gold ore: 92
    starting garnet ore: 32
    starting power elixirs: 96
    starting mesos: 58,502,694
    starting experience: level 98 (50.43%) 4,633,980 / 9,188,514

    total time lapse: 3 hours and 3 minutes, or 183 minutes for YOU people

    ending honsters: 1,173 (629 used)

    ending new year lunchboxes: 78 (82 used)
    ending power crystal ores: 35 (14 gained)
    ending adamantium ores: 58 (9 gained)
    ending gold ores: 112 (20 gained)
    ending garnet ores: 48 (16 gained)
    ending power elixirs: 103 (9 gained)
    ending mesos without npcing/gacha: 59,854,467
    ending mesos total: 61,403,797
    total mesos gained: 2,901,103
    net mesos gained: 259,303
    ending experience: level level 100 (0.12%) 13,189 / 10,223,168
    total experience gained: 14,259,767

    equips gained from gallos.png
    equips for the day. feels kinda expected for gallos considering how many i kill. quite sad to think about though...

    use gained from gallos and other shit.png
    use items gained for the day. the scroll is a cape str 10%, which is interesting but prolly wont be used. despite knowing that, im still going to hoard it anyway because WHY NOT. also includes my honster and power elixir count because yes

    etcs gained from gallos plus ore count.png
    etcs for the day featuring my ore count. nothing special here id reckon

    gacha gained from gallos.png
    gacha for the day. this feels right at home like with the equip count, even though this is a sad count of gacha for 3 hours

    gacha results from gallos.png
    the gacha results. this does feel fitting though, though at least the glove dex 70% is useful. with that outta the way, its time to end this shin dig:

    ending stats and gear.png
    the big 100! ok if you havent figured out im a bit drunk while typing all of this, but the challenges werent THAT exciting, and it felt awkward due to when i ended grinding at gallos for the day. the next session shall be a lot more exciting i can assure yall of that, for i have something special planned...in which you will find out soon enough. anyway, with the challenges started and at least tier 2, almost tier 3, started for the monster book ring, the next few journal entries AT LEAST should be exciting and full of POGGERS CHAMPION, so hopefully yall find that to be exactly that. anyway idk what else to say my brain rotting hard and im playing LETHAL COMPANY so if yall actually wasted time reading/skimming/having discord TTS, then i appreciate yall and thank yall, and ill see yall soon enough 8)


    i love bedge hours i gotta say i wish someone would spoil me like these FUMOs GODDAMN
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
  11. Syrinz

    Syrinz Game Moderator Staff Member Game Moderator

    Sep 22, 2020
    10:36 PM
    FUMO deez
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
    • Like Like x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Chat and Gamers! i am back once again and this time fully sober (unfortunately?)...and today was a largely productive day i think? it really didnt feel like it as i didnt expect the hp challenges to take a long while for 1 part but thats how life goes. anyway, before i delve too deep into that, its time for the usual traditions...wait i mean i have to let yall know theres no new content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ because yall hate me (thats a joke ok i dont MEAN it) so NOW its time for one of the usual traditions:

    DAY 44 (April 4th, 2024 EST time)
    today was spent finishing up the hp challenges, and then i started to work on getting tier 10 for my monster book. truth be told most of the day was spent working on the challenges because one of the last quests was...quite lengthy in time wasting thats for sure. before getting into that, its time for one of the other usual traditions:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    ok so NOW i begin talking about the adventure today...and for the first time it felt more like the ye ol' days of the Questing Arc. the adventure really wasnt super exciting though...but anyway today was spent finishing up the hp challenges as i previously said and starting up on the quest to get tier 10 before 4th job. as you can see, i was at lith harbor, where i last left off on the main quest of tier 1 of the hp challenges. im glad previous me gave ZERO context and explanations, but the main questline of the tier 1 hp challenges is helping the npc Vikin, whos like a few feet to my right in the screenshot, get his treasure back due to it being stolen. the questline so far has essentially involved confirming if it was stolen, doing lil shit requests so i can prove it, and then figuring out who the culprit would be in the first place. i have confirmed the treasure being stolen, along with having a pretty good idea on who stole it...in which i reported back to Vikin here about all that happened. and so, after telling Vikin about all that happened, my next destination was Sleepywood to actually figure out who the hell stole the treasure, in which after following the questline and figuring out who is behind everything and the like, i am taken to the deep dungeon in which i have to do the part of the questline that took forever: kill 999 ice drakes AND dark drakes, while also getting 10 quest items from taurospears and tauromacis called thunder catalysts or some shit.

    the drakes dont have a great map and decent spawn rate, so it did take me a bit of time to kill all 999 of each type. thankfully it was a balanced mix of the two mobs, so being able to finish both at a similar time was nice. while murdering them, not only did i finish both of their card sets (very convenient), but i also got this bad boy (girl?):

    o look at this battle road.png
    dont worry despite the glowing blue name it only has perfect str and is missing two dex and one acc. regardless, this is really the only end game overall i currently have, since battle roads and timeless/reverse overalls are the only thing i got, so i decided to hold onto this since something is better than nothing. whether or not i ever go overalls is another question for another day, but options are always nice ya know since i gotta work with what i got. after slaughtering all the drakes, i made my way towards the map right before jr balrog's map to murder a bunch of taurospears and tauromacis...and boy did i murder aplenty. these damn catalysts have quite the not superb drop rate, on mobs that already have not great spawn rates. while this did take ten million years, it wasnt fully fruitless, as in addition to finishing my taurospear card set with getting the one last card (tauromacis was done last time i was here), i got these juicy drops:

    got the rush book LETS GO.png
    the book needed to start the quest to unlock rush at 4th job is in my possession now, which is VERY handy to have since now i dont have to worry about it later. i even got another one as a bonus:

    another rush book lets go.png
    its a good thing i only need the one. i also didnt pick it because i literally couldnt due to these skill quest books being one-of-a-kind aka only one in your inventory at once :`)

    god bless a polearm 30 LETS GO.png
    truth be told i didnt bother looking at these guys drops since i was doing this for a REQUIRED QUESTLINE, but i was very happy to see a tauromacis drop this bad boy. they can apparently drop spear att and polearm att 60s, so i was a bit saddened none of those dropped but ill gladly not complain if it means i get something like this. this beautiful scroll got sent to the storage along with the blue battle road, in which the book will not for now because i cannot throw it in there. anyway, after eventually getting the damn catalyst and murdering an instanced jr balrog, i finished up the questline and in turn was done with both of my mandatory challenges:

    done with the main challenges for tier 1 hell yeah.png
    i was pretty much using crusher during the whole questline, in which i finished up while killing the taurospears and tauromacis. pretty good timing i gotta say, especially if you consider the fact im not very well geared either. i apparently didnt screenshot it because i was too challenged apparently (makes sense if you think about it) but i got my juicy 5mil meso reward for helping out Vikin, which as someone who didnt read the post about hp challenges until today to confirm how the optional challenges work, it was a nice and pleasant surprise! i know this aint no feedback thread or anything, but overall i was quite impressed with the creativity of the main story here for tier 1. there was really only one instance where i thought something was kinda annoying to figure out, which was funnily enough the first quest where you gotta find an invisible npc in the swamps, but even then i didnt think it was THAT bad. twas an overall very enjoyable experience, and im quite interested to see how tier 2 will go with this story, since ill have to wait until im level 110 to start it. GOOD WORK STAFF TEAM! keep up the good work! anyway, now it was time to complete 3 optional challenges, in which i decided to do these three:

    1. kill 5 crimson balrogs
    2. explore and find 10 unique maps in victoria island
    3. complete 3 jump quests

    i chose these three vs the other ones for these reasons: i wanted things that me as an ironman would actually do as well as easy things such as doing jump quests. things like attending weddings or using owls are things i wont be doing (though i could easily just use owls, but i felt like since i wont actually ever use them itd be cringe). im gonna give myself an additional challenge, because im not challenged enough it seems, to only do optional challenges that an ironman can do and would do. anyway, i started off with the jump quests since the kerning city ones are pretty free, which took very little time to do:

    1 optional done outta 3.png
    easy enough. next i decided to do the crimson balrogs since i wanted to eat dinner around this time, and this involved quite a bit of afking since we HAD to lower the spawn rate of these damn crimson balrogs oh so long ago. anyway, after many boat ride and shenan igans in-between, i eventually completed it and got my 5 kills:

    optional challenge 2 outta 3 done lets go.png
    they werent too hard to kill, though apparently i was missing on them. i also dont know why its 5 kills, since they come in pairs of two only...why wasnt it 6? anyway, i also got something else while there:

    i forgor to save a screenshot of it while it was on the ground so this will do ok pls dont be mad. i got this from the 2nd wave i believe...in which i wasnt quite expecting to get this. this chair isnt a super hard drop if you get them from crimson balrogs, but man this was kinda a spoonfed rate truthfully. i also got some random weapon 10% scrolls, including a wand 10%, so you know i saved that wand 10%. i also got that dinky letter needed to start the power stance skill questline come 4th job, so despite it dropping like every single kill i decided to hold onto it anyway. after going back and forth with the damn boat, it was time to find these ten unique locations...and ill be honest i cheated and looked up a guide because my slow ass didnt feel like wandering and guessing for every single "unique" map...though i will say the maps chosen were all pretty unique so ill give staff credit there. after wandering around and getting them all, it was time to get my HP...and apparently sell my soul to a terms and conditions prompt:

    hp challenges DONE.png
    look at that! i gained like ~700 hp or so, and now i am at 7k base hp on the dot, which is a nice lil bonus truthfully since hp gained scales very well with hyper body. with the hp challenges done for now, it was time to truly start the next Arc: the MonsterChallenge Arc is now fully online starting as of...now! ok it started earlier but you know what i mean. with that outta the way, let's see where my set count is at since ive gotten quite a few while questing and grinding and what not:

    monster book current number of sets.png
    hot damn 85 sets??? thats almost tier 3 we are starting off strong. this journey will be a bit weird since pretty much everywhere but places i havent been to like leafre will have a mixture of fully completed sets, semi completed sets, or sets with nothing going for them. i largely view this as time saves, however, in which i am here for that. anyway, i decided to work on the first page and finishing that up, since its just weak ass monsters in victoria island like all the mushrooms, snails, some stumps, octopi, slimes etc etc. i have an idea for how ill be formatting the journal entries during this Arc, but i wont implement until the next one, so for now you get something a bit more jank. since i was in lith harbor, i decided to get blue snails right outside lith harbor since that map is a good spot to gather from them. i already had slimes done but didnt have anything for red snails, so any red snail cards were a bonus. i ended up completing blue snails before finishing red snails, so i took a stroll over to mano to see if any spawned, which thankfully they did, as i only needed 1 more card from him, which thankfully also dropped after the 2nd kill or so. since mano always drops his rainbow shell, i actually know my exact drop rate for him, which is 5/10 since i have 9 shells and 1 was used for a quest eons ago. anyway, after getting my mano card, i headed off to henesys to visit this hidden street map to get red snail, orange mushroom, and shroom cards. shroom cards are the priority since they dont really have good maps, and then followed by red snails, since orange mushrooms at least have the first map heading towards mushmom. i got a few cards while here, then i realized i had to get ready for pink bean on another character so i went back to town to do inventory management, walked back the mushroom garden, and called it a day here...which means its time for this:

    final stats and gear.png

    ending monster card set count.png
    i forgor to do it as one screenshot and im too lazy to just retake it as one so THIS WILL DO. anyway, i cant believe i only gained two card sets! i didnt spend much time so its fine, but i dont think gathering a lot of these cards should take me too long to do in terms of journal entries...but we'll see about that one. perhaps its better if it does take longer since this will be more exciting than just grinding data journals :`) anyway, look at that nice flat and clean 7400 hp! 400 gained from equips aint that lovely to know. as you can see, i also got a metric ton of gacha...in which i got like 6-7 regular tickets alone while slaughtering all the snails and slimes right outside lith harbor. i will be holding off from using my gacha until i am done card hunting, as itll be easier that way rather than worry about always going back to perion and stuff. i also think its more fun to do it this way, just to see how many tickets i end up getting from card hunting. i have a few extra from doing challenges, but also im not starting at 0 so its not like ill get a full representation or anything of the exact tickets, which im ok with. number go up gives me dopamine either way. next journal entry will prolly look quite a bit different, so hope you're ready for yet another format change. im also not 100% positive, but very very likely there will be a big surprise come the next time i play...in which i think yall will enjoy a lot. you'll know what it is when the time comes, worry not ;) and with that...i got nothing else to say but to thank all of yall that decided to read/skim/listen via discord TTS today's journal entry, and that i will see yall soon enough!

    FUMO? yes, FUMO. always FUMO

    damn this FUMO aint THAT close to my house...except its getting closer oh no Gamers what should i do i think som-
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
    • Creative Creative x 1
  13. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello chat and Gamers! today is a special journal entry as i have big and EXCITING news...or so im going to tell myself anyway. today was the first official day in which i decided to stream me playing this GREAT and FANTASTIC mushroom game to TWITCH.TV, and i plan on streaming more often! worry not, this does not mean these journal entries will be scrapped/gutted or anything like that, as i still plan on writing in these and describing what happens throughout the day in them (especially since i dont plan on streaming the whole time, so the streams wouldnt cover everything anyway). missed the stream? ok well thats sucks...SIKE! worry not, i plan on posting the raw streams onto youtube and posting the link onto each journal entry, so you can at least see what happened if you really want to. this first stream was truthfully pretty bare minimal in stuff and what not...but i plan on fixing some of that come next time (having a chat on the stream would be nice for VODs, and actual alerts and the like). i also dont have too much of a set schedule, but if you want to catch a stream live your best chances will likely be on sundays, wednesdays, and thursdays, usually starting like 4-8 hours before server reset. ok ive rambled on long enough so lets move onto the actual journal entry, as well as the deets for the stream shit:

    twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/lesthebeaver
    today's VOD: https://youtu.be/oBsO98nATHk

    ...is what i would say but despite having no content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™, "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ does have content! two whole pieces of it too, one in which happened while LIVE ON TWITCH. i have a feeling this may become a more common theme but anyway enjoy the content:

    o boy a duey.png
    i got this notification as i logged in for the first duey, so i was already ready for a surprise. i even went back to town before actually starting my day...and look what i get rewarded with:


    sorry for being dumb and taking the GIF in the wrong spot but i think you can see most of what happens and get the idea :`) by the time i realized that it uhh already happened so gg i suppose. i was sent a supreme pizza for anyone wondering... anyway heres the LIVE REACTION DUEY:


    i dont got an aquamarine for my tier 3 ring, nor do i have enough ores to make one currently, hence why i got dueyed an aquamarine

    DAY 45 (April 4th, 2024 EST time)
    as mentioned in the previous journal entry, the Monster Book Arc starts today officially now that i have finished the first tier of the HP challenges. as such, today was spent finishing up and getting the cards i havent gotten around victoria island yet, in which ive covered about everything but some of the sleepywood dungeon and florina beach. anyway, before i go into detail about that its time for the usual tradition:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job, 103/300 card sets currently
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    for starters, this is where my current monster card set count is for the day:

    starting monster book sets.png
    man 3 cards for tier 3! should be easy enough, especially since i started in mushroom garden in order to get me some red snail, shroom, and orange mushroom cards. last i checked that is 3 different sets, in which completing these will get me 90 card sets aka tier 3. on another side note, i also wanted to complete the first page in the monster book since its very easy to do and all on victoria island...ya know this one:

    monster book page 1 start of day.png
    in which after some tom foolery and walking around...i did eventually get those three cards...and realized tier 3 needs an aquamarine...that i dont have!

    look chat i got not 10 aquamarine ores pog.png
    this is all the aquamarine ores i got, and this was taken at the end of the day. i even got like 2-3 ores while hunting some mobs today too! anyway, making the tier 3 ring is currently being delayed, which isnt a huge deal truthfully as i am not desperate for the stats it gives. im also only lacking in aquamarines, so all the other tiers shouldnt have issues (i even got a spare star rock or two on me storage mule). after realizing how joever it is, i then decided to make my way towards kerning city to grab the octopus card set, thus completing the first page of the book:

    the page is DONE.png

    i will be trying to update and show off completed pages as i go along. i may try to show off the pages more or show progression when i can, but since ill be going by region it sure will be awkward and likely involve going through multiple pages of that shit so...we'll see how i feel about that in the future. anyway, after the octopi i went down into the subway to get stirges, jr. wraiths, and regular wraiths. i also checked on shade but only got 3/6 of them and not a single card. this is prolly a card i can skip but im not sure if i should, but for now im not gonna worry too much about it. after the subway came perion, in which i made my towards the wild and iron boars first and then towards the excavation site since i needed all the card sets there besides the masks. something that hasnt happened in a while did occur while at commander skeletons, so here you go Gamers i know you'll get excitement from this:

    oops i died.png
    i forgor to set up auto pot for HP and uhhh those fart clouds got me good ya know? thankfully it wasnt a big deal due to this:

    ty charm.png
    the excuse is that im trying to get value outta my charms ok??? anyway, after finishing up the excavation site and doing inventory management, i then made my way towards henesys, as i needed to grab iron hogs real quick since apparently i never got them. after those lil piggies, it was finally time to make my way towards the sleepywood dungeon; specifically its the deep dungeon as i have a few sets to get there...and unfortunately there are all largely annoying (i actually think its legit just jr boogies, wild kargos, and jr balrog though jr balrog will likely just be a skip for now). after going to ellinia to take the vip taxi to ant tunnel park, i made my way towards the grave of mushmom for jr boogies, since thats the only map where they dont have a timer for their respawner, and called it a day there. before finishing it all off, allow me to show you all the dumb scroll goodies i got today:

    all the scrolls from random drops today.png
    quite the list i gotta say! i figured ill be getting a decent amount of various scrolls while card hunting, or at least potentially can. unfortunately most of these are pretty trash, and only ended up keeping the pet jump scroll (yes its sadly a jump and not speed) and the 1h mace att 30% for some potential meme scrolling. all the cape scrolls were hp/mp/magic defense related, and the shield one being a defense, so its all TRASH that got DELETED via NPC. anyway, i should also show this:

    final monster book card for the day.png
    heres the final monster book card set total for the day. gained 16 sets today, which isnt too bad truthfully with my slow ass! my pace wont be this fast a lot of the time likely, especially once i start fighting more difficult mobs but let's hope for the best i suppose :`) anyway, i shall list off all the card sets gained (and try to list them in the order they were obtained because idk i WANT to ok??) and then do the final tradition in these journal entries:

    Shroom: 2 -> 5
    Red Snail: 3 -> 5
    Orange Mushroom: 3 -> 5
    Octopus: 2 -> 5
    Stirge: 0 -> 5
    Jr. Wraith: 4 -> 5
    Wraith: 0 -> 5
    Iron Boar: 0 -> 5
    Wild Boar: 0 -> 5
    Ghost Stump: 0 -> 5
    Skeledog: 0 -> 5
    Commander Skeleton: 1 -> 5
    Mummydog: 0 -> 5
    Officer Skeleton: 2 -> 5
    Skeleton Soldier: 0 -> 5
    Iron Hog: 0 -> 5
    Total Sets obtained: 16
    Total unique Cards obtained: 63

    final stats and gear for the day.png
    man look at that gacha count and mesos! i got plenty of various equips while hunting, which ill gladly take a largely free 3mil mesos today. 9 gacha also isnt too bad, so i wont complain about that either. as you can see, i still got that tier 2 ring confirmed but we'll work on that aquamarine sooner than later i suppose :`) the plan for next time will likely be finishing up the deep dungeon, florina beach, and then likely working on some world tour areas. i will definitely not do all of them like shaolin temple since i am WEAK but places like mushroom shrine and shanghai shouldnt be too bad. if i somehow got the time then ill likely make my way towards NLC afterwards...but thatll be future me's problem and not current me's. i am also very likely to stream the next session, so if you want to catch it be sure to do so! anyway, i dont got much else to say other than if ya read/skimmed/listened via discord TTS, i am very thankful that you took the time to do so. i also want to thank everyone that came by the stream today to make it a bit more exciting (rip SyrinzSyrinz im sorry i did you dirty unintentionally). i will try to improve the streaming experience for yall so hold tight. until then, ill see yall next time!

    speaking of FINAL traditions, heres the actual FINAL tradition:

    POV: i am the tiny Cirno FUMO and God is the giant Marisa FUMO patting my head
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
    • Great Work Great Work x 9
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. Syrinz

    Syrinz Game Moderator Staff Member Game Moderator

    Sep 22, 2020
    10:36 PM
    > Tuned into lesthebeaver stream
    > Gets banned by twitch
    Worth it
    • Great Work Great Work x 5
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  15. Nightz

    Nightz Supervisor Staff Member Supervisor Game Moderator

    Oct 22, 2020
    4:36 PM
    I/L Arch Mage
    Funk & Pasta
    Moderator Post
    streamrise enjoyer
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. beegoratto

    beegoratto Zakum

    Sep 22, 2021
    7:36 AM
  17. Syrinz

    Syrinz Game Moderator Staff Member Game Moderator

    Sep 22, 2020
    10:36 PM
    lesthebeaver hates me [​IMG]
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    HELLO CHAT AND GAMERS, i am back once again with another journal entry! i was gonna stream but uhhh i got distracted and said fuck it so maybe next time SORRY! anyway, there is no new content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ (no one likes me now ok im just kidding dont take it seriously), but "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ has something new...

    starting the day off strong eh.png
    i wake up to this...by that i mean i logged onto the beaver and get greeted with this. i may or may not be drinking so mind the language and weird sentence structure ok Gamers? anyway, despite starting within the dungeon due to wanting to hunt jr boogies, i took my ass back to perion to check up what is within this duey...and i was greeted with something fantastic:


    ill be honest the last time i trolled my good pal and fellow brain rot brother beegorattobeegoratto it was a planned collaboration...but this time i had zero say in this! glad to see these dueys arent meant to just troll me 8) (SORRY RAT MAN BUT NOT FULLY). anyway, this is all i got so it is time to move on with the usual daily ritual:

    DAY 46 (April 10th, 2024 EST time)
    today was spent card hunting...shocking i know! i didnt spend a whole lotta time today because i was heavily distracted today as previously mentioned(?). despite all of that, i still got SOME card sets today, and got a good start on a few others, so i feel like today wasnt a total waste with my game time. before i continue that, you know what i gotta do:

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job, 103/300 card sets currently
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    ok so moving on, today was spent going through the few card sets i need from the victoria island dungeon...by that i mean i finished jr boogies, attempted wild kargos and 10 minutes in decided to end my life (IN GAME) and stopped, and got a full set of jr balrogs and got 3/5 cards, which im quite pleased with. afterwards, i had asked an irl friend who knows very little about mushroom game if i should go to mushroom shrine or shanghai next, in which he told me mushroom shrine, so i headed off there next. after getting MOST of the mushroom shrine area stuff (i skipped dreamy ghosts and night ghosts for now...and indirectly big cloud foxes since i didnt get all of them while at paper lantern ghosts and eventually decided to settle at showa town in order to do the showa town exchange...and despite doing a big fat FOUR exchanges of big cloud fox tails i didnt get any goddamn brown work gloves so dont you worry about the spoon. anyway, my ass is planted at showa town and i plan on moving onto firebombs and dealing with the yakuza members and maybe bains (unlikely) and moving back to the other mushroom shrine mobs. regardless, i should start off with this before i continue on:

    starting monster card sets.png
    the starting number of sets for the day. before i show off the sets gained. i did get some nice loot throughout my journey:

    aquamarine ore counter.png
    lol get trolled! i decided to do an aquamarine counter since i need one badly for tier 3...we'll see if i get enough by the end of the session. heres some spoilers:

    ok we got the aquamarines lets go.png
    i ended off at like 12 by the end of the day, and this was achieved while at them big cloud foxes and paper lantern ghosts (ty big cloud foxes) but i took this screenshot once i got 10. anyway, moving onto actual decent items:

    i really got another one huh.png
    damn look at that! jr balrog gave me a chair on the 6th kill. ive only killed 6 total excluding the quest one for hp challenges...its too bad i already got one :`) i told my guild it dropped but i dont think anyone got it...anyway moving onto an ACTUAL GOOD item:

    yoo lets go crows.png
    the crows from mushroom shrine got me this! talk about a nice drop. im not sure when ill use this considering i have a nice pair of level 90 boots already once my socks expire, but it never hurts to hoard nice items like this. anyway, thats all the nice drops i got so its time to show off the card sets gained:

    Jr. Boogie: 2 -> 5
    Jr. Balrog: 0 -> 3
    Cloud Fox: 2 -> 4
    Crow: 3 -> 5
    Paper Lantern Ghost: 0 -> 5
    Big Cloud Fox: 1 -> 3
    Water Goblin (KAPPAS): 0 -> 5
    Samiho: 4 -> 5
    Fire Raccoon: 0 -> 5
    Male Boss: 0 -> 2

    Total sets gained: 6

    final card sets for the day.png
    damn i can count! 6 sets gained total, though some nice sets gained a good count, mainly through jr balrog. male boss isnt that bad truthfully due to his spawn, but it is a start i suppose. big cloud fox can also be finished while getting nightghosts, but once again that will happen in the future once i get there...which is soon(TM). anyway idk what else to say so its time to finsih this shit up:

    final stats and gear.png
    my gacha count was kinda nuts for how long i played today truthfully. perhaps next time i wont be so distracted and actually play a decent amount :`) anyway im running out of ideas and things to talk about as i get spammed with the Garry's Mod Death Sound as i type this so im going to move on and say its time to end this journal entry. next time will LIKELY BUT HOPEFULLY INCLUDE A STREAM, and move on with mushroon shrine card sets and the like. anyway, thank you for reading/skimming/listening via discord TTS this entry if any of yall did, and ill see yall next time!


    ^ this is me telling you to buy a FUMO, NOW! and why you should in the first place
    • Great Work Great Work x 5
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  19. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Nov 26, 2017
    10:36 AM
    hello Chat and Gamers! it is that time of the...or one of the times of the week where i rise from my cave to pester you all with random nonsense! as the trend has been as of late, i have been card hunting and trying to get tier 10...but its time to discuss some other things first before hand. sadly, there is no new content from "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ or "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™. i did, however, actually stream today, so if you want to see the VOD/see where the hell i stream here yall go:

    twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lesthebeaver

    today's VOD: https://youtu.be/2wk6tiFYguw

    with that, its time to move forward with the other traditions

    DAY 47 (April 11th, 2024 EST time)
    as mentioned, i was card hunting today. i spent my time in showa town, though in the end i didnt end up finishing up all the sets i wanted due to running out of time as well as mp potions apparently aka my GRILLED CHEESE...but more on that later. first and more importantly:

    starting stats and gear.png

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job, 109/300 card sets as of starting today's journal entry
    -make excellent mid to late game thief gear to show off and never sell/use
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    whats this? a new goal was added? thats right! today i decided on a new goal while streaming today...and that is to make some damn good thief gear for the shits and giggles...which is unfortunate i decided on this now because im not sure on how many thief related scrolls i saved but oh well :`) before i continue on about that, allow me to show this first:

    starting monster card sets.png
    the starting amount of card sets for the day. pretty close to tier 4, which is pretty nice. unfortunately i didnt get tier 4 today due to those bastard bains, extra c's, and extra b's...but thats how it goes sometimes. anyway, so what brought on this new goal? truthfully, it was this drop mainly:

    oh look at this top huh.png
    ended up getting this from the previously mentioned bains, and its a perfect 2/6 thief top. since everyone here knows i LOVE nightlords, i figured i would showcase my love for them by making some EPIC gear for one that i dont have on this account...because my life for nightlords after all. because of this, i will be holding onto potential scrolling candidates and scrolls for such gear for now on, with this top going into the storage machine rather than the npc machine. with that outta the way, its time to actually talk about how my day went. it was essentially spent in showa town getting card sets, and then heading off to NLC and staying there after repotting, since i also need card sets at NLC so i might as well stay and get them while im there. i only ended up going through the hideout for some monsters, the secret spa for firebombs, and then to the streets. those darn bains really took me a hot minute, but they were pretty rewarding overall i suppose, because in addition to the pirate top, i also got this bad boy:

    god bless bains but fuckem.png

    now we're talking! ima need plenty of these bad boys once i can actually farm ravana helmets. other than gacha (im assuming gacha has them anyway), only bains and copper drakes can give these things out, so its nice to get one of these while im not in need of tons of them. gotta start somewhere i suppose. anyway, today honestly felt pretty uneventful altogether, but despite all of that i did make decent progress on me card sets. theres really nothing else noteworthy to mention, so i suppose its time to show off what i got card set wise and what not:

    Firebomb: 0 -> 5
    Extra D: 0 -> 5
    Leader B: 0 -> 5
    Bain: 0 -> 5
    Male Boss: 2 -> 5
    Extra C: 0 -> 5
    Extra A: 0 -> 5
    Extra B: 0 -> 5
    Leader A: 0 -> 1

    Total Card Sets gained: 8
    Total Cards gained (we DO NOT count cards that go pass 5/5): 39

    final card sets.png
    look at that! not a bad count i gotta say...and since i had to go back to victoria island to reach NLC, i decided to craft an aquamarine and officially become tier 3:

    lets go officially tier 3.png
    talk about a nice color. its too bad ill wont be seeing this for much longer, considering once i leave NLC ill be making the tier 4 ring :`) anyway, its time to wrap this journal entry up:

    final stats and gear.png
    as you can see i spent my mesos on more potions and the like, hence why the number is no longer above 80mil. i also managed to get a level and then some...a lot of it being due to bains funnily enough. despite me not hunting them super efficiently, as well as not being super strong, they were still decent enough experience. hopefully this means ill be getting a decent amount of levels from card hunting, as that means less time suffering through the 100-120 leveling hell (i say as if i wont be going through it longer being an ironman and all). anyway, next time ill be hunting for card sets around NLC. ill likely be doing most of them, with ignoring things like bigfoot, typhons, maybe nightshadows and firebrands, and likely the headless horseman. ill see how i feel about some of these, but definitely bigfoot and typhons i tell you that much...and ill be skipping the eggs too because i dont wanna be in that map without power stance. everything from the jungle, bigger ben, and the haunted house should be 100% doable, with only phantom forest/crimsonwood keep being the questionable things, but ill see how i feel about it all when the time comes. for those that came on the stream today and followed/were just there vibing and chilling, i really appreciate yall for coming and hope yall had a grand time. ill be trying to make improvements to the stream experience as always, so hopefully next time will be even better and more EPIC. regardless, i dont got anything else to say so its time to end this shindig. thanks for reading/skimming/listening via discord TTS/watching the stream if ya did, and ill see yall soon enough.

    FUMO? Fumo.

    i dont got a funny caption/comment for this truthfully other than i heavily relate to this GIF
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
  20. Syrinz

    Syrinz Game Moderator Staff Member Game Moderator

    Sep 22, 2020
    10:36 PM
    pls get this man 50 followers on twitch.tv/lesthebeaver
    lemme be first sub pumpkinmush
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1

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