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Comprehensive HP Washing Breakdown

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joolahn, Sep 8, 2018.

  1. Joolahn

    Joolahn Dark Stone Golem

    Aug 1, 2017
    12:54 AM
    Night Lord
    May this serve as a guide to those unsure about HP washing needs in this server.

    Comprehensive HP Washing Breakdown

    HP Washing, the Basics
    HP washing is a mechanic used to increase the base-HP for your character. Its primary purpose is to allow lower HP classes to fight end-game bosses at optimal levels. Night Lords, Bowmasters, Marksmen, and Corsairs all require some degree of HP washing in order to fight end-game bosses. Dark knights require washing in order to better utilize their 4th job skill, Berserk. Generally speaking, all classes can benefit from the additional HP provided by this mechanic (though mages should opt to MP wash first). I will not be discussing how to wash, feel free to read about it here.

    Is HP Washing Necessary?
    It depends on your class and what you would like to do. However, let's focus on the primary purpose: allowing lower HP classes to fight end-game bosses at optimal levels. Note that I mention optimal levels for lower HP classes. If you are a NL/BM/MM/Corsair and you do not mind waiting till Lv165+ before you can fight Horntail, washing is not necessary.

    What about Toad and HB-less Horntail for NL, BM, MM, and Corsairs?

    Creating a ranged character who can run HB-less Horntail and solo toad is a long-term project that breaks past the boundaries of what ranged classes are meant to do. Think about how the thief section of LMPQ requires a thief. Likewise, Toad is meant to be fought by Melee classes while Anego is meant to be fought by Ranged classes. Horntail is meant to be a huge, end-game boss to be taken down by multi-party squads, you're supposed to have a Dark Knight in your party!

    Still, if you really want to aim for a heavily washed attacker, go for it. But it will be hard. If you don't have a bishop or mage to leech it, then make that incredibly hard. But understand that it will be this way because you are circumventing the way the game is intended to be played. Personally, I highly, highly discourage this as a starting or mid-point in the game for anyone.

    How Much HP Washing is Necessary?
    Here's where it gets a bit... nitty gritty. There are many variants to this, but let's aim to find a reasonable middle-ground for each factor to determine how much HP washing is necessary for Horntail at Lv155. So, lets assume that by Lv155 players will have: (1) a level 8 Monster Book ring*, (2) a Deputy star, and (3) an Ellin Ring.
    The result is:
    5,600 HP for Horntail
    - 3,478 HP from Base HP @ Lv155**
    - 700 HP from Lv8 Monster Book ring
    - 100 HP from Deputy Star
    - 100 HP from Ellin Ring
    =1,222 HP required by other means.

    * - Level 8 Monster Book ring is reasonable for a Lv155, even without a Bishop/Mage character.
    ** - This is for NL, BM, and MM. Base HP will be slightly higher for Corsairs.
    Under those assumptions, we can expect to need 1,222 HP from other means. By "other means," I mean HP washing and utilizing an HP equip or two. Replace a DEX rat mouth with a +100 HP rat mouth for a few levels when you start HTing, it won't hurt! Finally, here's a bit of an analysis and options break down on the current washing options (in the blue title text):

    New Player Regular Washing***
    *** - Please, please read the New Player section below before discussing this point.
    If you're willing to quest, PQ, and save up some mesos while you level, this route is for you! Need help affording this route? Check the New Player Section below! This route keeps your base INT as low as possible and requires a single HP equip at Lv155 to HT. Requires you to acquire key equips in within a reasonable time.
    What to expect:
    • Base INT of 30 by Lv10
    • Zhelm by Lv60
    • Increase base INT to total 50 INT (~35 INT)
    • 50 INT total by Lv60
    • Deputy Star by Lv80
    • +5 INT equips by Lv80 (costs < 5m)*
    • 60 INT total by Lv80
    • 1 HP equips by Lv155 or 5 AP Pre-Wash**
    * - Check out the INT equips section below.
    ** - Pre-wash means to add AP into HP before you have the MP to wash it out.

    Results: You will reach a minimum of 5,500 HP by level 155 with only 35 points into base INT. The additional 100 HP will come from an HP equip. You can simply replace your dex rat mouth for one with +100 HP. Alternatively, you can Pre-Wash by adding 5 AP Points into HP which can be washed out as you level. I prefer the HP equip route because you will be able to wash out earlier and be at full potential outside of HT. Either way, you will be able to be to HT by Lv155 and be completely done washing by Lv160.

    NOTE: If you're a bit late to this, no problem! You can add on some extra AP into INT or plan to invest in a few extra equips, but it won't be hard to get on track. Also, many of these values can be altered depending on your access to better INT equips.

    New Player Low Budget Washing
    If you really don't want to quest, PQ, or save up mesos, this is for you. This route will require slightly higher base INT and will require 2 HP equips at Lv155. Does not require any type of equip (not even a Zhelm/Scar or Dep Star) before Lv120.
    What to expect:
    • Base INT of 40 by Lv20
    • Zhelm/Scar by Lv120
    • Deputy Star by Lv120
    • +10 INT equips by lv120 (costs < 10m)*
    • 70 INT total by Lv120
    • 2 HP equips by Lv155 or 10 AP Pre-Wash**
    * - Check out the INT equips section below.
    ** - Pre-wash means to add AP into HP before you have the MP to wash it out.

    Results: You will reach a minimum of 5,400 HP by Lv155 with this method. The additional 200 HP will come from 2 HP equips. Alternatively, you can Pre-Wash by adding 10 AP Points into HP which can be washed out as you level. I prefer the HP equip route because you will be able to wash out earlier and be at full potential outside of HT. Either way, you will be able to be to HT by Lv155 and be completely done washing by Lv162.

    NOTE: If you're a bit late to this, no problem! You can add on some extra AP into INT or plan to invest in a few extra equips, but it won't be hard to get on track. Also, many of these values can be altered depending on your access to better INT equips

    Regular Washing
    This is the recommended, easy-going, current approach for semi-established and well-established players. Guess what, you'll only need 4 base int and will not require any sort of HP equips to HT at Lv155! We will also assume the Dep Star will be replaced by an HTP by Lv155, so we'll be needing a bit more HP from washing (1,322 HP).
    What to expect:
    • Base INT of 4
    • +26 INT equips by Lv20 (choose optimal cost route)*
    • 30 INT total by Lv20
    • Zhelm by Lv50
    • Deputy Star by Lv50
    • +20 INT increase from new/updated equips (choose optimal cost route)*
    • 70 INT total by Lv50
    • Smooth sailing to Lv155
    * - I advise you check out the INT equips section below.

    Results: You will reach 5,600 HP by Lv155 while able to wear a HTP instead of a Dep Star with this method. If you are able to add more INT equips and acquire an early HTP, you can lower the Monster Book ring's tier requirement as well. You will not have to worry about washing points out of INT at all.

    NOTE: Many of these values can be altered depending on your access to better INT equips.

    Late Washing
    Whoops, so you're a bit late. It's not too bad, I promise! This varies greatly depending on the player, but using some instructions here plus this guide, it won't be so bad. We'll also use a 100 HP equip at Lv155 for HT.
    • Using this guide, calculate your minimum MP with the Min MP Formula (search for "Min MP Forumla").
    • Take off all your equips and check your total MP.
    • Total MP - Min MP = Additional MP
    • 684 - Additional MP = Required MP
    • 155 - (your level + 10) = Washing Levels
    • Required MP / Washing Levels = INT per Level
    • Determine your total INT with whatever equips you can afford [current total INT].*
    • INT per Level - current total INT = Additional INT Required.
    • When you level up, put your AP into INT until it is equal to "Additional INT Required".
    • Use the washing guidelines above to adjust a plan (or comment here)!
    * - Check out the INT equips section below.

    Results: You will reach a minimum of 5,500 HP by Lv155 with this method. The additional 100 HP will come from an HP equip which shouldn't be very detrimental (a 100 HP rat mouth is suggested). When you will be able to wash out will be determined by just how late you started washing.

    NOTE: Many of these values can be altered depending on your access to better INT equips.

    On INT Equips
    INT equips can be expensive but there is an optimal route to get what you need without devastating the bank. You don't need a +20 INT overall, a +16 INT cape, and a +10 INT earring. In fact, you can manage everything with a +5 INT cape and a +5 INT earring - and that's it! Sure, you'll need a Zakum/Scar Helm and a Dep Star at some point, but those are long term investments for your character in general. Expand the spoiler to see INT equip cost efficiency breakdowns for INT equips even new players* can manage:
    * - Yup, even new players! Check the new players section below!
    These are the prices to satisfy the cheapest, minimum HP washing requirements.
    • Rings: You earn these! Ellin ring can cost a couple mil if you're too lazy to farm the etc.
    • Hat: ~333k/int (3int purple wisconsin ~ 1m)
    • Wand: ~450k/int (7int heart wand ~ 3m)
    • Overall: ~500k/int (10int overall ~ 5m)*
    • Cape: ~600k/int (6int cape ~ 3.5m)
    • Earring: ~600k/int (5int red emerald earrings ~ 3m)
    • Mask: ~2.5m/int (4int mask ~ 10m)
    • Shield: ~4m/int (even for a crappy, "cheap" one, this just isn't really worth it)
    • Pendant: only dep star & HTP available.
    * - Crappy int overalls are much cheaper per int but are hard to find. Skip the overall if you can't find an affordable one.

    NOTE: These values are subject to change and are based on ESTIMATION.

    New Players [dealing with washing]
    Even with all the changes to HP washing, can brand new players manage to afford washing their first character with just 35 AP into INT? Yes! Even if they started late? Yes!

    Can I afford a Zakum Helmet by Lv60?
    Definitely! Players can earn 20m for a zhelm well before level 50 through quests*, PQ**, and farming***!
    * - quests which guarantee at least 20m but up to 40m by level 50:
    ** - KPQ, Ludi PQ, Ellin PQ, and LMPQ can provide great income!
    KPQ = 10% overall scrolls
    Ludi PQ = scrolls + cape/earring loot
    Ellin PQ = 60% weapon att scrolls
    LMPQ = consistent mesos from NPC'ing pots​
    *** - Farming options:
    Lv10-30: Hunt any mob that drops mithril ores. Sell for 20k-30k each.
    Lv40-50: Hunt leprechauns for mesos, lucky charms, and items.
    Lv50-60: Hunt Voodoos for Heartstoppers.
    Lv50-60: Hunt minibosses like Faust, Dyle, Mushmom, Zombie Mushmom, etc.​

    How will I get a Deputy Star when I can't kill Headless Horseman or Bigfoot?

    Try searching ML rankings for a level 180+ warrior. Ask if they are hunting Bigfoot sometime soon and if you can loot the toe. There is literally always at least one of them online hunting Bigfoot or Headless Horseman and they are almost always happy to help you out for free. Heck, better yet, join a guild! Guilds typically can help connect you with someone who can help you out! Finally, if you have the mesos available, you can choose to buy one (sell it after you complete the quests to get your own).

    I'm not die-hard on washing but I believe, with the right information available, it can be achieved within reasonable means. I hope this sheds some light on how feasible washing builds can be. It is plausible for the average player to start with a NL, BM, MM, or Corsair, have only 35 INT base, start a bit late, and still manage to HT by Lv155 - without restarting.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2018
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  2. Bear

    Bear Brown Teddy

    May 25, 2018
    12:54 AM
    Great work. I haven't read it all but a comment for the moment...

    Why heart wand instead of just wooden wand? Are you assuming the player is truly starting out from scratch and won't have funds for the lvl 8 wand? Even if you are, it might make sense to include wooden wand since you might be able to get one around ~30, if KPQ is kind to you. That's another 24 levels you could wash.
  3. OP

    Joolahn Dark Stone Golem

    Aug 1, 2017
    12:54 AM
    Night Lord
    Good question. I chose the heart wand for two reasons:
    (1) with 2 base int, it is significantly cheaper to get a 7+ int heart wand compared to a wooden wand
    (2) as you stated, it's not guaranteed you'll be able to afford a decent int wooden wand by Lv30. I made my guidelines based on a one-size-fits all principal, so I found that the heart wand played better into the builds. Hence why both of the "new player" builds do not require any purely-for-washing equips until Lv80 or Lv120 (that way they can focus on their Zakum or Scar Helm)! :)

    Still, there is no single path toward reaching wash requirements. If a player can manage a wooden wand with some int early on, it'd definitely help!
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
  4. Bear

    Bear Brown Teddy

    May 25, 2018
    12:54 AM
    To add, maple flags can have 1 or 2 base int and be scrolled with sword for magic attack scrolls. They can be pretty pricy, but you can start washing as soon as you like (lvl 0 req). Also, regular swords are sometimes scrolled for int.
  5. Heathcliff

    Heathcliff Slime

    Jul 31, 2018
    12:54 AM
    thank you
    edit: how do u calculate how much HP an unwashed character/class will have at any level? e.g how did u come up with the 3.4k exp @155?
  6. OP

    Joolahn Dark Stone Golem

    Aug 1, 2017
    12:54 AM
    Night Lord
    There are tons of routes for washing! This would be great content for a washing-options guide. :p
    For this post, it kind of goes back to my previous comment. I want new players to be able to not have to worry about HP washing until they've got staple items like a Zhelm first.

    This guide here explains washing formulas pretty well. Search for "Min HP Formula".
  7. Heathcliff

    Heathcliff Slime

    Jul 31, 2018
    12:54 AM
  8. Kageshirou

    Kageshirou Slime

    Jul 31, 2018
    1:54 AM
    Thank you very much for the informative guide.

    Now I can show this to some of my guildies (some of which are running around like crazy headless chickens LOL) so that they don't get too intimidated by the concept of HP-Washing.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Huiae

    Huiae Skelegon

    Aug 1, 2015
    Seoul, Korea
    4:54 PM
    Now I can recommend this guide for casual players/newcomers. thanks for writing this, I love it! <3
    It was endless dilemma for me that how to balance their QoL IRL/ML when it comes to HP washing.
  10. Fraija1

    Fraija1 Master Chronos

    Jul 29, 2017
    4:54 AM
    Well i read all of that but i dont know how are the bassics of washing i mean i need to see a video to learn about that because i dont understand what i need to do with wich item and when....

    I mean in the past i played with a dragon knight so all says that i dont need to wash but right now i am a Hunter and because of that some pplz says that if i want to fight horntail in the future i need to wash and i want to know if this is for all the monsters or for horntail only??? Because if i can fight the boss like when i be like 175 or so i dont find washing something like usefull i mean i dont know that if the game is planned to make all the classes usefull in all the bosses or if it some bosses needs to be conquered with some classes only...

    If someone has a video learning about that i think i will try... right now im at lvl 55 and i dont pump up int in my build (i have 4 or 5 i dont know yes i have some int gear equips because i have a maple flag mouth) so i dont know how are the nexts steps that i need to follow... i just stop leveling? i bough ap resets? or i just continue playing and having fun and stop thinking in one boss??

    I hope somebody can help me answer those questions because i want to do all the things that maplestory can offer to me

    Thank you so so so much!!

    Bye! <3
  11. Draxku

    Draxku Blue Snail

    Sep 23, 2020
    3:54 AM
    Is this guide assuming you have the nx to ap reset (wash) every level?
  12. OP

    Joolahn Dark Stone Golem

    Aug 1, 2017
    12:54 AM
    Night Lord
    No, you don't NEED to start using AP resets until much later (as late as Lv130's, depending on your route). You can 'wash' your MP into HP with fresh AP at any point before that too. When you are finished washing you'll have to 'wash out' your int to your main stat.

    So you don't need a big bank of NX to start this process, unless you intend to level extremely fast (extremely fast = 1 to 150+ in 2 months or less).
  13. Fraija1

    Fraija1 Master Chronos

    Jul 29, 2017
    4:54 AM
    I want to know if following this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEn0zc226Ag&ab_channel=BassAndCoffee

    its the right thing to do the wasshing method...?

    If this is correct i want to know the next thing....

    How much does it cost the "Int gear" or "Mp gear" to do the wasshing method? Is there any guild who can give the gear so in each level you have you can do the washing? or i can do the wash without gear???.

    Thanks for the guide!!
  14. Thanks

    Thanks Blue Snail

    Nov 4, 2020
    3:54 PM
    Thank you so much!

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