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Magician Fire / Poison Mage Guide [Quick]

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by ApplePie, Feb 5, 2016.

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  1. ApplePie

    ApplePie Stone Golem

    Aug 3, 2015
    6:29 AM
    ApplePie / Feel
    fire / poison guide
    by: ApplePie


    Hello friends, it’s ApplePie! Good on you for choosing fire/poison over the other 9 classes! It is one of the easiest classes to level, with a relatively active training path to 4th job. Unlike other classes, fire/poison mages heavily rely on DOT (damage over time) skills to train to 4th job, so you won’t have to worry about damage or funding until then. I will provide you with a quick guide, and I’ll try to answer any questions you may have.

    AP Build
    Okay, should I be lukless, low-luk, or reg-luk? What does that even mean?
    - lukless: +5 INT every level

    [Recommended, easy raw power, but can only equip statless equips]

    - low-luk: add only enough AP points into LUK to equip your weapons, the rest into INT

    [You can equip some low level armor and wear fancy weapons, less power than lukless]

    - reg-luk: add the same amount of AP points into LUK as your current level, the rest into INT

    [You can equip anything mage related… ANYTHING! But you sacrifice attack power]


    SP Build
    1st Job:

    Energy Bolt (1)
    Improved MP Recovery (5)
    Improved MaxMP Increase (Max)
    Magic Claw (Max)
    Magic Guard (Max)
    Improved MP Recovery (Max)

    If you really want a little bit more MP, get energy bolt after Improved MaxMP Increase, but honestly, don't do it unless you wanna struggle killing slimes.

    2nd Job:

    Teleport (1)
    Fire Arrow (Max)
    Poison Brace (Max)
    Teleport (Max)
    MP Eater (Max)
    Slow (Max)
    Meditation (1)

    Fire Arrow first to get you to level 55 (Death Teddy Training). Meditation is pretty useless, considering that you can buy +20 Magic Attack Pots at New Leaf City. Slow isn't essential but it's fun to slow down mobs and bosses. If you want meditation, put 1 in slow instead.

    3rd Job:

    Poison Mist (Max) (*or add 1 explosion in there)
    Elemental Amplification (3)
    Spell Booster (11)
    Explosion (Max)
    Seal (Max)
    Spell Booster (Max)
    Partial Resistance (Max)
    Elemental Amplification (
    Elemental Composition (1)

    Max Poison Mist ASAP for Risell Squids + Skeles training. Spell booster gives you faster casting speeds, and explosion gives mobbing range. Seal is nice when you’re trying to climb ropes.
    *So 1 point in explosion doesn't really have good range, so this is up to you.

    4th Job:

    Paralyze (1)
    Meteor Shower (Max)
    Maple Warrior (9 / 19)
    Paralyze (Max)
    Fire Demon (5)
    Elquines (Max)
    Fire Demon (Max)
    Anything goes

    If you don’t have the mastery books, save points and go as high as you can go. Meteor Shower is maxed first for faster training. Maple Warrior helps with damage, and paralyze is great for 1v1 attacks. *Max may mean as high as can be. Feel free to save SP for future mastery books.

    Level 1-8: Maple Island Questing

    Level 9-20: Questing, NLC quiz at 15, HPQ, Nautilus quests

    Level 21-30: Questing, Jump quests, Nautilus quests, KPQ (bonus stage + Sleepywood kill 99 mush quests are amazing)

    Level 31-34: Questing, Ariant quests, Ludi quests, Teddies or something

    Level 35-50: Questing, LPQ, iunno, platoon chronos or gs2?

    Level 51-54: Questing, gs2, opq, lmpq, i guess?

    (I literally quested and pq'd to lv55, so no idea)

    Level 55-76: Death Teddy Poison Training [Ludibrium: Path of Time 3]


    Start from the green star, then poison brace every single death teddy you see. Follow the route and you’ll end up at the start. That’s where the fun begins! Go through the same route and magic claw the teddies. 1HKO! Poison brace any newly spawned teddies. You WILL miss in the beginning. You WILL tank damage. You WILL burn pots. Don’t forget to use Magic Guard.
    Note: Magic Claw attacks twice = 2x the chance to hit the teddy! More INT = more ACC! (Submitted by Farm)

    Level 70ish (Apparently, submitted by OldBoyOldBoy)

    Spirit Vikings [Ludibrium: Path of Time <4>] - 2-channel misting
    Gigantic Spirit Vikings [Hidden Street: Twisted Time]

    Level 76-80: Risell Squid Training [Aqua Road: Dangerous Sea Gorge 2]

    Self-explanatory: Just poison mist all the platforms with Risell Squid, and magic claw them. You WILL miss, and you WILL tank damage. You could also land in the middle of them and use an explosion in hopes of hitting a few of them LOL.

    Level 80: Skelegons / Skelesaurus [Leafre: Nest of a Dead Dragon]


    Congratulations for making it to your primary training spot until 4th job! Start from the green star, and poison mist each general area along the route. One on the platform right above you, 3-4 on the top platform, 1 on the lower right, 2 on the middle, and 1 at the end. You should do 2-channel misting, where you change channels are repeat. By the time you return to your previous channel, all the skeles should be misted with 1 HP left! Also, when you change channels, you end up at the green star.

    Alternatively (Thanks CozyCozy) you can do 3-channel misting with a priest at level 105+. You mist the map, and the priest heals all the skeles within the misting path. You both get exp = win / win.

    Level 80: Petrifighters [Singapore: Ulu City Center]


    Oh. So Skeles are now outdated huh? Try petrifighters then! You can start at the yellow star, and mist your way around for fun, fun, fun EXP. Have fun with the PPL2PASS and watch your friends and guildies get super jealous as you speed your way to 120. As usual, you will burn all the pots and sometimes die, but DAT EXP THO.

    Level 120+:
    Wolf Spiders [MesoGears: Wolf Spider Cavern] (Level 120-130)
    Skelegons / Skelesaurus [Leafre: The Dragon Nest Left Behind]
    Transforming Jr. Newtie / Jr. Newtie [Leafre: Destroyed Dragon Nest]

    Meteor Everything!

    Being a fire/poison mage, you don’t have to worry about damage until 4th job. I personally chose to be a lukless mage, so I only know about equips for lukless builds.

    Wooden Wand – Level 8 (Ellinia Job Instructor / Grocer)
    Yellow Work Gloves – Level 10 (Ellinia Gachapon)
    Bathrobe for Men / Women – Level 20 (Showa Bathhouse NPC 30k)
    Doroness Robe - Level 23 (Needs like. 25 luk or something)
    Purple Old Wisconsin – Level 20 (Ellinia Gachapon)
    Red Marker – Level 20 (Ellinia Gachapon)
    Fallen Leaf Earrings – Level 25 (Drops from Fire Brand [2])
    Red Emerald Earrings – Level 30 (Mushroom Shrine Gachapon)
    Green Paint Brush - Level 30 (Needs 5 STR, from Showa NPC for friggin 100k)
    Maple Staff - Level 35 (Maple Anniversary)
    Yellow Umbrella – Level 40 (Drops from Death Teddy)
    Nocturnal Staff - Level 43 (From Level 50 NLC quest, clearing streets)
    Better Maple Staff - Level 43 (Maple Anniversary)
    Diao Chan Sword - Level 48 (Drops from Cloud Fox in Mushroom Shrine)
    Flamekeeper Cordon – Level 50 (Drops from Firebrand [2])
    Yellow Snowshoes – Level 50 (Drops from Anego aka Female Boss in Showa)
    Purple Adventurer Cape – Level 50 (Ellinia Gachapon)
    Zhelm – Level 50 (Drops from Zakum Boss in El Nath)
    Purple Gaia Cape – Level 65 (Ellinia Gachapon)
    Black Umbrella – Level 70
    Elemental Wand 1 – Level 70 (Ellinia Gachapon)
    Elemental Wand 5 – Level 130 (Ellinia Gachapon)

    This is the first guide I’ve ever made, so feedback is welcome!

    And it's not finished yet!

    Um. Jr. Newties meteor thing to be released soon... No I didn't copy it from another player, I came to that conclusion through trial and error, but I don't mind sharing credit.

    Ehhhhh bossing guide to be released soon... Yes I solo'd pianus + papulatus + zakum + anego before... I should really learn how to ss on a mac.

    F-FP Pride -cries-
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
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