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GUIDE - Comprehensive Guide to Magatia Party Quest

Discussion in '(Party) Quests' started by AudreySP, May 2, 2022.

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  1. AudreySP

    AudreySP Slime

    Feb 22, 2022
    Maryland, USA
    6:03 AM
    I/L Arch Mage
    This is what the MPQ lobby usually looks like. Empty. Nobody willing to join.

    At this point, a lot of people no longer want to party quest. I completely understand. Party quests can be tiring, even exhausting at times. But this party quest is worth it, and let me tell you why.

    This baby right here. With the right luck, you can get the reward with +5 in every stat. In order to obtain the pendant, you need to beat the party quest on both Romeo and Juliet's side 10 times each to get 10 of each kind of marble. In order to upgrade it, you'll need 5 of a single type of marble to obtain the stone needed to upgrade it a single time. You can also potentially gain a stone from the PQ as a reward, lessening the amount of party quests you will have to do by 5.

    With zero stones earned from the party quest, you will need to do MPQ a total of 35 times. This doesn't take into account stuff like shit RNG on the pendant stats, so the amount of PQs done can vary from person to person.

    It may sound grueling, but there's another upside to doing this party quest. You get a large portion of EXP just from a single PQ. If you fight Angry Franken Lloyd (which will be gone over later) you get a whopping total of 400,000 EXP from a SINGLE run of MPQ. That's obviously a lot, and can really help leveling up a bit.

    Sure, these rewards by themselves aren't *that* great, but together they're both pretty good. Decent leveling speed + a good PQ reward makes this party quest worth it.

    Although you don't need to do the prequest in order to start MPQ, you need to do it if you want to obtain your pendant. You can still obtain marbles and other party quest rewards just fine, you just need to complete the prequest in order to create the pendant itself.

    What to do:
    -complete all quests from Keeny starting with Keeny's Research on Roid and start the quest Keeny's Research on Frankenroid (required level to start all of these: 70)
    -After starting Keeny's Research on Frankenroid, complete a party quest on the angry route. Details on how to go about that are in the guide itself.
    -After doing a round of MPQ on the angry route, enter Yulute's Lab (located in the sewer grate underneath the storage guy) and complete the quests he asks you to do there.

    -This party quest requires exactly 4 players in the level range of 71-85, no more and no less. You can still do the PQ if you're at level 85, which is worth noting. If you're having a hard time finding players, there might be someone semi-AFK in the room that's unable to do a full run. That's fine, as they could potentially join the party so you have a ticket in then they can leave right after. No big deal.
    -You absolutely, ABSOLUTELY need a mage with level 18-20 teleport in order to do the right side of stage 4. It is impossible to complete the party quest without this.
    -You need to reach 120% jump or higher to do the left half of stage 4. The best way to go about it is to have a Thief with Haste, but that isn't 100% required since I've done this run with all mages before. This can be achieved with items such as haste candy or equips such as a gold surfboard in order to gain the amount of height necessary to be able to clear the room.
    -USE THIS WEBSITE: bit.ly/mpqSS It is ABSOLUTELY needed in order to do stage 6 efficiently. Details on how the website works are in the stage 6 guide, but please have this link ready before you get to stage 6. Your party members will thank you later.
    -SEEK OUT AN ICE/LIGHTNING MAGE. If you have one in your party, you will complete the party quest at a MUCH faster rate. I/L Mage's multi-target move (ice strike) does hefty damage to multiple enemies and freezes them in your place. In this party quest you need someone dedicated to defending Romeo/Juliet to ensure that they don't die, and Ice Strike not only does that EXTREMELY well but at a high enough level it can damage the boss as well if it's underneath the top platform. I'm an I/L mage myself (so I am extremely biased), and because of this move I was able to 2v1 the regular boss as well as somehow kill Angry Franky on my own after all my teammates died from lag when it had about ~25% health left.

    In this stage, you have to dig through books to find the switch that leads to stage 2. It can be hard to find what books you're able to interact with when you're first starting out, but you'll be able to figure it out after a few runs. Not only that, but in one of these books you'll find the letter for Romeo/Juliet depending on what side you go through. You'll need to give that to Romeo/Juliet in stage 4 later in order to do the Angry Franky route.

    If you're trying to search for the letter and can't seem to find it, make sure that each player checks their inventory. Someone might've picked it up without realizing.

    After you activate the portal and get the letter (if you want it), enter the portal to go to stage 2.

    The dark hallway
    In this room, you need to defeat every enemy in this long hallway in order to use the portal at the end and get to stage 3. Fairly straightforward, not really anything worth noting here.

    The beakers
    This one can be a pain in the ass depending on how quickly you get drops.

    How this stage works is you have to defeat homunculus and gather up the suspicious liquid that they drop. You use that liquid to fill up the 4 beakers.

    The biggest piece of advice I can give for this is to NOT fill up the beakers right away. Wait until you have about 7 suspicious liquids gathered up in order to start filling. Once you start filling, you can't stop until the beaker is full, otherwise everything will be leaked out and all your hard work will be for nothing.

    The best way to do that is seen in this image here:
    Gather up around 7 and put them beside the beaker. 7 is the minimum required to fill up one beaker, and you'll have to do this 4 times. You can only hold one liquid at once, so keep that in mind. After you obtain that magic number 7, keep placing the liquids in front of the beaker until it's full. Do note that after the first beaker is full things start to move faster, as you'll probably have extras left over from the previous one or simply have some lying around from the amount of homunculus you've killed. You can also start filling up the beaker at around 5-6 once you get the hang of it to speed up the pace.

    Card Keys and rooms in the dark

    This is the room you hand Romeo/Juliet the love letter you picked up in stage 1. Talk to them, and hand over the letter to unlock the option for the Angry Franky fight for this round.
    In order to beat this stage, you'll need to gather up ~4 Card Keys from the Roids in the room to gain access to the rooms. You need to place 1 in front of the door from the outside to open the door, and the door closes automatically after a few seconds. The worst part about this stage is the card keys can sometimes take FOREVER to drop, so you'll have to be patient. If you don't get one in a while, try complaining about the shit drop rate in chat. It somehow works pretty well most of the time.
    [​IMG] <--- You need 4 of these

    After you get 4, you'll need to enter the rooms. As mentioned before, place a single card key in front of the door to open it for a few seconds. The one on the left is for ~120+% jump and the one on the right is for mages with level 18+ TP. Do note two important details, though: don't enter either of the rooms if you have a card key in your inventory (this could get you stuck in the room) and the two rooms are, much similar to a saw trap, filled with gas and you'll need to keep an eye on your health to avoid dying.

    Outside the rooms, drop a pass to gain access.

    The entrance to the Mage room (right room)
    In this room, you'd want to teleport through the pillar and then directly upwards to the boxes at the top. There are about 4 boxes, and inside you'll need to grab the experiment files. The box breaks after 4 hits from a regular weapon attack (your cltrl button) and drops its contents.
    The item you'll need to obtain is shown below:
    After you get this, teleport down and back to the entrance of the room, and say "d" in party chat to let your teammates know to let you out.

    The entrance to the haste room (left room)
    In this room, you'll need to parkour along the conveyor belts that go at various speeds to reach the top and break the boxes to grab the files. Like the mage room, you only have to hit each box 4 times. Do keep in mind that although the boxes on the conveyor belts are stationary, you still move around when trying to break them. It can be frustrating, but it's doable. Grab the experiment files from one of the boxes then let your team know that you got the files by saying "d" in party chat so they can let you out.

    After you get out, hand over both files to Romeo/Juliet to clear the stage.

    Only one person should go in this room to start out. Talk to Yulute to hear him mumble, then walk forward to get ambushed. When that happens, alert your team with a "d" in the party chat to let them know that it's safe to walk in.
    If you go forward and get ambushed without talking to him, your game can crash. It's happened to me, do not make the same mistake, it isn't worth the risk.

    After your teammates are in the room, defeat the enemies that are spawned in. After that, click on the book in the center to activate the switch. This opens the portal to stage 6.

    This is the platform stage, and considered to be the worst and most confusing stage by most. It sucks at first, but it's easy to get the hang of after a while. Remember that link I mentioned in the "before you start" section before? You'll need that here for reasons that I'll explain.
    If you need the link again, I'll provide it here: bit.ly/mpqSS

    This links to a google spreadsheets page that you'll need for this. There are 4 rooms with platforms here, only one person is allowed per room. No two people can have the same number for the same row (i.e. only one person can have the last platform in row 1). That's what the spreadsheet is for: you input what you have for each row as you figure it out, and you work together with your teammates to figure out what your next platform is. There are 10 rows in this room. I know it can be daunting, but it only takes about 2-3 minutes total for everyone to get through if you know how to do it. There's no shame in being slower than that, each person has a different pace for this and that's fine.

    At the door at the top you'll enter this room. DO NOT TALK TO ROMEO/JULIET. It'll take you out of the party quest. Proceed to the door at the end of the hallway.

    This right here is the boss room. Congrats, you made it.
    After everyone reaches the room, you roll a die out of 100 to see who gets loot, including the boss card. After each person is ready, the party leader has to talk to Yulute. If you're trying to do angry, pick the second option. This will allow you to fight the angry version of the boss, which gives a significantly larger portion of EXP (and although not confirmed, it's theorized that angry has a higher card drop chance). The angry version also has a much larger amount of HP, so keep that in mind.
    There are also a few extremely important things to note about the boss fight itself, which will be gone into now.

    You need 1 person in the party to stand on the top platform to defend Romeo/Juliet. You need to keep them alive or else you fail the party quest. There are multiple ways to go about this, but the best way is to have someone with a freezing ability keep the Roids that spawn frozen and away from Romeo/Juliet to prevent them from dying. The best strategy is to freeze them and then re-freeze the second they unfreeze. This is best done with an I/L mage's ice strike, which is an extremely powerful multi-target freezing move. It keeps both enemies at bay, and keeps them frozen for a good period of time. You can also damage the boss as well if it's close enough to the platform. The other freezing method is to have a corsair's freeze shot freeze the enemies.

    If you don't have an I/L or a gunslinger, it's best to either have one of your party members have the enemies target them as they stay below the platform to the right, or to have someone up there kill both of them whenever they spawn. The latter is more consistent, so keep that in mind.

    Pictured: regular Franky getting his ass clapped
    There are a few other notable things about the boss: he spews out toxic gas (nasty!) and can spawn the enemies that you saw in stage 5. He also has a move with a boxing glove that knocks you down to 1/1, so watch out for that if you don't want to die. The boss can also teleport you back to the hallway from the end of stage 6 so make your way back to your teammates in the boss room to continue the fight. The boss isn't too difficult to kill, but it can still be a challenge if you're not prepared.

    Once you beat the boss, congrats! You did one round of the party quest. Pick up your loot then talk to the couple standing in the center as party leader. You'll then be taken to a room with Yulute, and after talking with him again as party leader you'll be taken to what appears to be a smaller version of stage 1 with the couple present. Talk to them to claim your prize, then leave.

    I hope people find this guide useful! I'm obsessed with MPQ and it's a crime that there wasn't a comprehensive guide on the forums already. I've done around 50 of this party quest total in the span of about 2-3 weeks, so I knew this inside and out by the time of writing this. If there was anything notable that I missed, feel free to let me know in the thread and I'll make some changes. Thanks again for using my guide!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2024
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