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Luru's Solitary Quest to Sit in the Comfiest Chairs!

Discussion in 'MapleLegends Journeys' started by comfycal, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. comfycal

    comfycal Slime

    Nov 3, 2019
    1:00 AM

    I've always thought journaling your adventure was a cool idea, but never acted on it. It's been a while since I've had the itch to go Mapling, so when I saw that this sub-forum was made, the activity piqued my interest much further.

    So that brings me here with the recently born Luru with a silly task to collect and sit in the sweetest, comfiest, and most unique chairs! Perhaps with some doodles on the side as well.

    Luru is the only character I will be playing. While I do have other characters on the account, any cross-character activity is strictly prohibited. Basically, anything and everything from trading items/mesos to storage use. (don't really know what you can do other than that)


    1. Start from absolute zero mesos.
    2. No Teleport Rock.
    3. No Dono Cash. (RIP dono chairs)
    4. Playtime is limited to a max of 2 hours per day.
    5. No leeching, washing, or buff mules. Must level with own efforts.
    6. Prohibited from taking any handouts.
    7. When selling items, I must take the first offer made...
    8. Mesos earned through art are for chairs ONLY.


    • Collect as many chairs as possible.
    • Screenshot Luru sitting in each chair.
    • Attempt to be cute in chair by coordinating outfits with chair.
    • Create cool group screenshots with everyone sitting in the same chair.
    The Gimmick
    I think so? I literally have no idea how the chair market is, how to finesse trades, or even how many chairs I'd be able to collect.

    What I do know is that I'll need some special kind of help with mesos considering these rules...

    It's pretty simple, isn't it? I get some drawing practice and Luru gets her chairs! OnionF2

    Unfortunately, I'm very busy these days, so the chairdventure will creep along at a snail's pace. I haven't even made the art shop thread lol (and don't know how much time I'll have for meso commissions) OnionSweatie

    I wanted to at least make this intro post since I have Maple Island lvls 1-10 ready for the next post~ I'm hoping to make this a fun way to pass time while making progress with my IRL goals.

    Thanks, and enjoy Maple! Until next time.


    Table of Contents
    Entry #1
    Entry #2
    Entry #3
    Entry #4
    Entry #5
    • Like Like x 9
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. Slime

    Slime Pixel Artist Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2015
    11:00 AM
    Slime / OmokTeacher
    Wooo I like the rules! I'll be following along for sure! FoxF2
  3. Ainz

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    10:00 AM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Cool concept! Good luckOnionBlush
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. Estrahl

    Estrahl Mr. Anchor

    Feb 1, 2021
    1:00 AM
    Kiyomasa, kage, miko, zoku, etc
    Dragon Knight, Cleric, Bowman, Bandit
    Oh wow I love your art style, I would totally be into contributing to your chair addiction passionate collection, I mean hoping that I don't go broke in the processSlimeSweat2
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. Slime

    Slime Pixel Artist Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2015
    11:00 AM
    Slime / OmokTeacher
  6. Estrahl

    Estrahl Mr. Anchor

    Feb 1, 2021
    1:00 AM
    Kiyomasa, kage, miko, zoku, etc
    Dragon Knight, Cleric, Bowman, Bandit
    Well she also said:
    If we do a little clever cheating journalistic editing then we can come up with:

    So uh...1 mil art commissions? OnionMuha

    I jest, but would art commissions even count as a handout?
  7. Slime

    Slime Pixel Artist Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2015
    11:00 AM
    Slime / OmokTeacher
    No I wouldn't call art commissions a handout. I just misunderstood your first post, my bad.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. OP

    comfycal Slime

    Nov 3, 2019
    1:00 AM
    Entry #1 - A Sleepy Start

    We start off on Maple Island with the goal of seeing what's changed since the last time I played!


    Here we quickly pass through the Mushroom Training Camp. Everything looks the same as before~
    Can you guess what class I'll advance to? OnionPerfect

    To commemorate the adventure's beginning, I wanted to grab a hat! This is also where Luru's "default" outfit will slowly take shape. Purchasing NX clothes for such milestones feels like a good way to space out these choices.

    I typically gravitate towards cooler, natural, neutral, and pastel palettes, so to switch it up, Luru will have orange hair! Designing something more fun and eye-catching should be interesting! This goes for the pet I choose as well. Just nothing too gaudy or silly. Luru still wants to be cute!

    Now let's check out some hats...

    [​IMG] A foxgirl seems cute? Kemonomimi designs are old and overdone (but still super cute~) Maybe for another time.
    [​IMG] This Xmas bell headband is adorable! I like how each bulb lights up, but maybe it could get annoying later on?
    [​IMG] A dragon archetype, maybe? I remember something about dragons that horde treasure and sit on piles of gold. OnionF3
    [​IMG] よーい、よーい、どーんだ YO!...or maybe not. It's funny how obnoxiously huge this ribbon is. (i'm bigger though OnionLie)

    After about 15 minutes in the cash shop, I found the one!

    [​IMG] These cute little party hats reminded me of the jesters from Kirby. Just the right amount of fun + cute for Luru.

    We continue our adventure throughout Maple Island.


    Chocolate? Did you say chocolate? I thought this was an equip drop at first.


    One day!! Even though these twintails are adorable, I'd like a different hairstyle.


    Valentines in March? Isn't that just White Day? It's nice that I started right as an event launched~ I get an opportunity to change Luru's hair + face with some premium options... But most importantly, a chair! (i forgot to take a screenshot of it, but it was orange stareyesmush )


    I also met a fellow who complimented my party hats. I don't know anyone named "loro", but if you're out there, someone was thinking of you XatWink


    I noticed that this doesn't use Snail Shells anymore. I like this change.


    Another random person says hi!


    I found Nene's husbands? These kind of details are a favorite of mine when exploring! (also carrots are the most mid vegetable)


    Ended up using all my green apples!? I don't think I've ever done that, but the Three Snails tweak changed that.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    With all quests done, it's time to leave Maple Island! Does anyone else enjoy clouds- maybe more than most?

    Onto Victoria Island~! MapleF14


    Monster book ring GET! I won't focus on cards too much before 3rd job.


    Did you guess which class correctly?
    To celebrate the advancement, it's time to grab another NX piece.

    [​IMG] "I'm gonna be late!!!" *BAM*
    [​IMG] Dabuz kinda cute dabuz kinda clean dabuz kinda look like the man of my dreams
    [​IMG] These pink stars work for me, but I wonder if it leans too heavily into that jester aesthetic.


    Find out on our next adventure which face NX Luru will be wearing, along with a training episode with the Dark Lord!

    Thanks for reading and until next time! MapleF2
    • Like Like x 5
    • Great Work Great Work x 3
  9. Soblet

    Soblet Zakum

    Sep 14, 2015
    10:00 AM
    Congrats on your first chair ^^ Keep it up!

    I'll offer 500k on your grey work gloves if you're selling.
  10. OP

    comfycal Slime

    Nov 3, 2019
    1:00 AM

    I won't be accepting any items or mesos on Luru~

    Wording here is confusing me. I'm only referring to in-game drops for the selling rule. MapleF6
    I'm also not commissioning art from other people.
  11. Alphard

    Alphard Blue Snail

    Dec 10, 2020
    8:00 AM
    This is looking cool, excited to see how it goes!
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Estrahl

    Estrahl Mr. Anchor

    Feb 1, 2021
    1:00 AM
    Kiyomasa, kage, miko, zoku, etc
    Dragon Knight, Cleric, Bowman, Bandit
    I was mostly joking on that point. It's a common thing for journalists to completely change the tone of a quote using brackets.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    5:00 AM
    i liked our game view point, lets follow
    • Like Like x 1
  14. OP

    comfycal Slime

    Nov 3, 2019
    1:00 AM
    Entry #2 - Stumped

    Today, Luru trains towards level 15 encountering familiar foes and fresh sights!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Oh, and her face NX was chosen~ Basic. Yup, I know.
    But this shade of blush is so cute! lurvmush


    After accepting the Dark Lord's missions with mouse technology...


    ...we're tasked to cull these fellas.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Eventually, Luru chops enough of these wood zombies to build a nest.
    Our first wild equipment and NX card drops too!
    Those bottoms look fairly comfortable~

    (In hindsight, the map east of Kerning would've been faster for these guys OnionF4)


    The Dark Lord rewards us handsomely with potions and experience, and we're tasked with the next mission. But before that...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Luru needs a bit of time to recover from her guilt of
    massacring innocents. She chairs a drink with the shadows of her past...
    I guess she's locked out of the true route now... OnionCry (we're also out of oranges)

    Moving on...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The quest for chairs must continue!


    Almost effortlessly, Luru schlices through the alien octopus parasites. This is only the beginning of monster genocide.


    Our next victim *cough*
    I mean our next quest lies in Nautilus Harbor!


    With her current funds, Luru decides to take on the roads by foot.
    Where are the Maple ride-sharing services? *mumble mumble*
    . . . .


    A totem? Perhaps we're headed in the wrong direction.
    A thought crosses Luru's mind: "If only I could be that tall... Curse these chibi genes!" OnionYes


    Luru returns to the city intending to stay the night, but without funds it's a hassle to find proper lodging. She chances upon a sewer system, that somehow, carries a refreshing draft throughout its tunnels. Catching a wink was the goal, but... she's curious!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A swamp hidden in the city! Her clothes stick to her skin, it's a little harder to breathe, and a bunch of funky green smells permeate the area.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    No stoners to be found in this little shack, but this would make a great secret base for Luru!
    We also bought more emotes thanks to reset~

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A few snake glares and grass knots later, we arrive at the outskirts of Sleepywood. Luru is too sleepy after dispatching a bunch of wood creatures.

    These environmental details are mega cool. Living in a tree root house sounds cozy as heck.
    It makes me nostalgic for the MS2's housing system... I wish something like that could be developed for old school maple!

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Luru makes it to Henesys after a quick stroll.


    The peaceful scenery provides the right mood for sleep...
    Let's continue this adventure later~

    [​IMG] We're skipping on the glasses. Let's not hide Luru's cuteness~
    [​IMG] wek! :pepe::pepe::pepe:
    [​IMG] gaga coord?
    [​IMG] FoxF4
    [​IMG] Picnic cloth dress. Not bad~
    [​IMG] Bunny girl Luru! Strong contender!
    [​IMG] El Psy Kongroo. Operation Chairhalla, commence!
    [​IMG] Pink Bean gijinka?
    [​IMG] Yeahhh, but nahhh.
    [​IMG] Cute + orange + W + hearts

    It's really hard to decide since I want to give Luru a new face and hairstyle, so the impression will change drastically after those decisions are made.

    Give me more chocolates, monsters!

    See you on the next entry!

    • Like Like x 4
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
  15. OP

    comfycal Slime

    Nov 3, 2019
    1:00 AM
    Maybe another time! I think I'm going to try scrolling it myself to see what happens.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  16. Estrahl

    Estrahl Mr. Anchor

    Feb 1, 2021
    1:00 AM
    Kiyomasa, kage, miko, zoku, etc
    Dragon Knight, Cleric, Bowman, Bandit
    Stumps need to be uprooted! They are a blight to the health of Kerning! *cough gag wheeze*
    Those octopi make some nice takoyaki not gonna lie. OnionSmart
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. OP

    comfycal Slime

    Nov 3, 2019
    1:00 AM
    Entry #3 - In the Corners of the (Maple) World

    After wrapping up the journey to level 15, the adventure doesn't stop! Luru takes to the port of Nautilus Harbor!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A glimmer of the ocean's pulse echoes throughout this place. A blue symphony of crying seagulls, waves brushing up against tiny islands, and air that softly stings one's eyes.


    Perhaps this guy felt that sting more than most?


    So we help find his lost glasses to ease that pain! There's something different about him thanks to these glasses... I'm not sure what. blankstaremush

    He points us towards the direction of a large sharpedo-shaped submarine, affirming that all adventurers are welcome aboard!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The crew suggests we visit the Cap'n first, but two members have other plans for Luru.
    She accepts, but for what reason!?

    Well... Mrs. Reade seemed like a nice lady with a bright smile and sweet hairstyle.

    Tangyoon was rather intimidating... But on top of the monster-slaying experience, a bussin' buffet was offered! A closer look at the menu shows that they serve unidentified meat MapleF10, roasted yam MapleF14, noodles MapleF2, feesh MapleF3, and... tako!!! lovemush


    Luru doesn't eat tako, however.
    Tako are friends!


    We skip along to the outskirts of Henesys to procure the ingredients and materials from these piggies. Hundreds are slain... The (respawn) cycle of life continues.

    They're so small now. MapleF4 (Gin no Saji is a cool anime/manga about agriculture. I recommend it!)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Some other goodies drop too!



    Time flies, the pigs don't, exp and mesos incline, and Luru eats a great meal! Perhaps we'll see the Nautilus captain another time?


    Don't forget to save your game~
    Next stop is level 20. New overall by then!

    Seeya at the next entry! OnionRelax

    • Great Work Great Work x 4
    • Like Like x 3
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  18. Slime

    Slime Pixel Artist Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2015
    11:00 AM
    Slime / OmokTeacher
    Love the art piece this time around!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. OP

    comfycal Slime

    Nov 3, 2019
    1:00 AM
    Entry #4 - In the Corners of the (Maple) World Pt. 2

    But before that, I just wanted to share some notes:
    • I think I'll open the art shop after 2nd job advancement.
    • To keep things interesting, mesos earned from drawing artwork will solely be for chairs themselves. I'll immediately deposit those funds into storage to keep them separate.
    • An additional disclaimer: Luru will be quite a few journeys ahead of the entries written. I'd like to farm the event as much as possible before it ends. In response, I'll make entries lengthier as an attempt to catch up.
    That's all! Back to our scheduled programming.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    With business finished up in Nautilus, Luru sets her sights on Sleepywood, to wind down in one of their famous sauna rooms.

    Earlier, the Nautilus cleaning lady, Mrs. Reade, vouched for their services, further suggesting that Luru could use a break after so much work. She mentions that her chair should provide all the rest she needs and prepares for the next big town.

    "My Green Relaxer should be fine," Luru thinks to herself.
    She removes her gloves. As chilled water slides over her hands, a wave of exhaustion passes through her with blisters and aches that were waiting to be noticed.

    Maybe Mrs. Reade is right! A proper break doesn't seem so bad right now.


    She makes it through, but not without a bruise or two. Chugging down so many Red Potions patches up the physical pain, but leaves the mind weary.

    "Is this it?"


    Instead, she finds a bounty poster?

    [ 99 Green Mushrooms ]

    There is currently an over-infestation of Green Mushrooms in Henesys.
    These monsters are indigenous to Elinia.
    Green Mushroom migration disrupts the Victoria Island ecosystem for fauna and flora alike.
    Please hunt 99 of this monster.

    Completion of this bounty will award a free 1-night stay at the Sleepywood Hotel.

    - The Rememberer​

    "This job was meant for me!!!" sweetnessmush

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Food. Lodging. Green Mushrooms. Sauna!
    Not even an hour later, Luru sprints to Henesys, sweeping the floor of these invaders.
    A proper goal to aim at spurs Luru forward!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    As Luru waits in ambush for more Green Mushrooms, she takes care of other monsters for chocolate!

    "Almost there!"

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    But some extra exploring ends up in this meeting with... Mom and Dad? MapleF1
    "I have parents!?" I'm pretty sure there were other adventurers calling them the same thing.
    Perhaps "Mom" and "Dad" are codenames...

    They ask her to find a "Pila Present" person. Luru has no idea who that is, so she puts that errand on the backburner.

    Before she leaves, "Mom" puts a hand on Luru's shoulder and whispers, "There should be a chair you can purchase in Lith Harbor. You're collecting them, right?"

    "Eh? How do you know that?"
    "You can just think of it as us having a lot of friends."

    But Luru isn't sure if she has enough strength.


    A few Green Mushrooms later... the choice is made.
    "There's still a good amount of daylight left... I guess we can buy that chair."

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Victoria Island's flora is gorgeous, isn't it?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Refreshed from a leisurely walk, we arrive in Lith Harbor
    Ara? I think this is where our second chair is!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Wrong place... OnionF4
    The potion lady directs us to the armor shop...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]



    Chair #2 GET!

    Mom knows best I guess!
    Now it's time for that sauna MapleF17


    But Luru gets lost somehow? I think she took the wrong portal in Henesys. MapleF18

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    At least the forest is nice and quiet. Sleeping here wouldn't be so bad either.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Luru asks for directions towards Sleepywood, but Elinia's fairies aren't so keen on helping outsiders. We help out with some errands to gain their trust.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    At this point, Luru just wants to get to Sleepywood!!!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Oya? This is it~
    Luru checks her stash of Red Potions then jumps!


    Am I FoxGhost?

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thankfully no, but Luru wants to be after discovering that the Hotel has level requirement of 20! (not really) She trains, begrudgingly.


    "Finally... Time for rest!"

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Oh... the Innkeeper is... really cute!
    Luru hands her the Hotel voucher.
    "Ohmigosh, she said my name!"

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The puffs of steam entangle Luru's tired body like strings controlling a puppet. She rapidly becomes drowsy sinking into her chair.

    After a quick sweat and rejuvenating bath, the Innkeeper guides her to her room. Luru mentions her plan to make acquaintance with Kyrin from Nautilus.

    The Innkeeper murmurs to herself, "Hmm... Those clothes won't do. I'll prepare a fresh new outfit for the visit tomorrow." Luru wonders what she's whispering to herself but is ultimately too tired to care.

    "Just leave it to me, Luru! Please rest well!" MapleF2

    "This is cute, but where are my clothes Ms.?"
    "You're wearing them~ I made them into a new outfit!
    "... I'm too sleepy for this."


    Seeya on the next entry!
    omochikaeri~! OnionLove
    • Like Like x 5
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
  20. OP

    comfycal Slime

    Nov 3, 2019
    1:00 AM
    Entry #5 - In the Corners of the (Maple) World Pt. 3


    • Luru is level 30 in in-game~ Look forward to what job she advanced to and her makeover!
    • That means art shop is opening up soon! I don't really have the specifics planned out so we'll learn as we go. Maybe I can trade my art for chairs? MapleF12
    • I recommend opening the entry BGM in a new window if you wanna listen to it while reading~


    Following an interesting morning for Luru, she heads over to the Nautilus to begin a chain of quests recommended by the Sleepywood Innkeeper.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Tangyoon needs some milk so we head to the cow stall to do some milking.
    Luru squints a bit to find the right one...
    Even with such a small space, the least they could do was divide the males and females. MapleF3
    I wonder what the milk's for. Fruit smoothies maybe?


    We move on to Henesys and learn about a festival on its way~
    Mrs. Ming Ming invites us to prepare for the celebration by making decorations! Sounds fun MapleF11

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    Buuut Luru gets sidetracked into Valentine's festivities instead MapleF15
    The Chocolate Basket is full of goodies! Thanks MapleLegends!

    "Amoria? Where's that?"
    The Patissier mentions that we can trade our Valentine's Day Chocolates in Amoria.
    Amoria isn't on any map that Luru has, so she finds herself at a loss...
    She finds a white letter inside the Chocolate Basket:

    Courtesy of Swift Inc.
    Henesys, Victoria Island 100000000
    "Wait a sec... That's-"


    "Found you! Hey, wouldya know how I can go to Amoria?"
    This man had the aura of "Having all the answers" Luru's intuition led her to the right place as Mr. Swift begins to explain...

    "Ah, you're here for the afterparty, correct? I'll teleport you directly to the cathedral."

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "Prettyyy!" OnionBlush
    "So this is where people get married~"


    These wall roses are lovely.


    "Huh... That name seems familiar!"
    "Hi Honey~ How can I help you? You seem a tad too young to be getting married."

    Luru felt equally pleased and irritated at her comment. MapleF3

    "Oh! Mom and Dad most likely sent you. I understand the situation now~ Go find four different colored roses and bring them back to me~"

    "Uhh, sure?"

    I don't know where to find roses, so another errand for the backburner!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Oh, it's her again? Did she move here from Maple Island... or are they like a family of Nurse Joy's!?
    Let's forget about that for now and have a look at these prizes- MapleF5
    Ch-chairs! And they're all pink MapleF14 The cube tiger looks cute too!

    Luru couldn't contain herself! "Gotta farm those chocolates!"

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    So Luru hops on to it, and goes to Elinia to finish up Mrs. Ming Ming's quest.
    What use do Slime Bubbles have for decoration material? Maybe it's some kind of ultra high-grade pigment for painting?
    Anyways, mission complete! Onto the Blue Slimes!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A cab drops us off right by the subway entrance.
    "That jerk took the long route here! I got scammed!!!" MapleF9

    -sigh- "Now that I think about it, I've never seen Blue Slimes."
    "Maybe this girl knows?"

    (Is she a runaway?)

    Shumi brushes Luru's question aside, asking about some coin that she lost...
    Are teens always this brash?
    (I'll ask someone else...)

    Luckily, Nella knew just the place I needed to go.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    They're just as cute as the green ones, but maybe two times as strong?
    Must be something in the water... Or them rrats?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    We wrap up the material gathering in a heartbeat.
    Mrs. Ming Ming doesn't seem very ecstatic... Being an organizer must be so stressful!
    "I'll leave her be and get a quick breather."

    Her place of choice? The Henesys Potion Shop~

    "Red pots, blue pots. I've seen Blue Slimes so where are the Red ones?"
    "... and the green pots as well?"

    Such idle thoughts float through Luru's head to pass the time.



    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    "Ah, Mr. Sweatbottom!!? Get back to cleaning the sauna you slob--"
    "O-Oh, Luru? Aah-ahaha, I'm relieved. What brings you back to Sleepywood?"

    Luru goes on about chocolate, chairs, and the cheerful festivities happening in Henesys.
    She has to cut things short as the Innkeeper receives guests.


    In the meantime, Luru decides to explore the caves to chase chocolate and experience.

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    Another one of the Remember's bounties... This time the reward is just potions.
    Mesos are mesos, so let's not waste time! MapleF17:sack::sack::sack:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    We finish the bounty in a flash.
    Let's go to Kerning, perhaps? Been a while since we've visited - especially after the Night Lord's training.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    After a quick pot refill at the suspicious pharmacy, Luru asks Shumi if there's any jobs we can do for experience in the city.
    "I'll help you find your coin another time, yeah? I just really want to get my job promotion first."

    She reluctantly gives us leads as to where Luru can train more.
    It's all about "give-and-take"!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "Ugh... This is a party quest right? So where are the parties..."
    Luru grew sleepy with each minute passing, waiting for a group to appear. OnionSilent

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thankfully, Luru finds one and participates in her first party quest.
    They grow up so fast MapleF4

    We cycle through these stages maybe 3 times before getting tired of it.
    The cards and Slime Shoes look real nice, but I won't be too bothered if we don't gettem.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Business takes us back to Henesys where the festival still hasn't started.
    Maybe it'll happen sometime after Valentines and the Lunar New Year events?
    I also encounter a weird bug logging in after the maintenance. MapleF12
    Anyways, Camila needs us to find Utah in his farm somewhere east of Henesys.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The roads are a bit confusing here, but thankfully there's a signpost... right next to the darn entrance. Ya know, if Utah put that near a different portal, it just might be easier for delivery drivers to find the farm. MapleF3_Origin

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Aaand to make matters worse, we have to navigate a hay labyrinth and beefed up piggies trying to tackle Luru at every angle.
    What kind of pigs are you raising Utah!? OnionShout
    At the very least, we get meso fodder and a level out of this. =.=

    "Y'all done said y'all was a-lookin' faw some experience? Have y'all done tried thay ...err awful big city?"
    "Should be a subway y'all ken take in Kerning. Lotsa goodies there, I reckon."

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Utah's advice brings us to the Kerning Subway.
    Tom Hanks-- err, I mean Bell guides us to the train.
    It looks like this train only travels between Kerning and NLC.
    "Uwaaa, these seats are so slippery~ Are they made out of slime?"

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "WOAH!!! Are we still on Victoria Island?"

    Mt. Maplemore, the Maplewood sign, and the NLC Megamall - sightseeing can really pump you up!


    Oh, it's the mayor! Luru answers a few questions to gain a level and also wins a mystery goodie bag. The "1 Millionth Visitor" he says!

    "Eeeeh? I don't have enough space for all of this!"
    "That so? I can send these prizes through Duey whenever you'd like! Just use the Telephone Booth in Kerning and it'll be shipped the same day."

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Uwaaa, that was a looong day, wasn't it?
    Luru decides to sleep at the nearby hospital for the night. OnionDead

    Before ending it off, let's take a peek at what could be inside the NLC Mystery Bag!

    [​IMG] Have you ever seen an anime sequence about golf?
    [​IMG] Buns gotta stick together!
    [​IMG] Wet towels hurt ALOT.
    [​IMG] Daddy daddy do~
    [​IMG] Luru Dempsey Roll! Maybe if she was a brawler?
    [​IMG] To the moon!

    [​IMG] This was Luru's fren in a past life...
    [​IMG] God Knows!

    Until then~ OnionBye
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