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Important The end of 2021.

Discussion in 'MapleLegends Announcements' started by Kimmy, Dec 31, 2021.

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  1. Kimmy

    Kimmy Administrator Staff Member Administrator Game Moderator

    Sep 9, 2014
    1:21 PM
    Moderator Post
    *This thread has been made with the Dark - Purple skin in mind. Change your skin preferences by clicking here - you will be re-directed back to the thread
    **This has been completely written by myself so may contain confusing sentences. I've tried my best.

    Welcome to the end of the year 2021 topic. This will be a long one, mostly focused on specific topics, myself, as well as the state of the server. I've also had a section here initially about C-19, but I think we are all tired of it, so I got rid of it. I started writing this in October of 2021 and slowly wrote what's on my mind all way until now.

    If you've got any questions or feedback after reading it do let me know. It's not required to read it all in one go, so do take breaks if needed.

    ~ Our autobanner anti-cheat system ~

    The anti-cheat system we have in place is not something we talk about often besides our GTOP server title. Personally, our anti-cheat system is not even that great. However, what our anti-cheat does is plenty enough, and this year also did its job at stopping hackers almost right away. We had a few difficulties, but after knowing their ways and methods it's a matter of inspecting what they do and patching it. The same goes when a person finds a map crash of some sort.

    Something our anti-cheat system has been made fun of by our lovely competitors at the top in past is that it "False bans" people a lot. Fortunately, we've made massive improvements on that this year, and you may have noticed that false bans are rarely occurring anymore. It has decreased from once a week to once every 1 month+ (not counting islanders). An example that happened was that someone regenerated HP and left a map where you no longer gain HP regen bonus (ex: the SPA) on the very same frame as the person would auto-regen, which caused the server to false flag that person as HP regen hacking. Sometimes you see a level 6 person or something getting banned for doing 14 damage or something when the actual damage is 6, which may seem false, but no, it's not. When we check our logs we see the memory has been modified, and the server correctly banned the person early on and was likely testing the absolute "minimal" to damage hack.

    Usually, anti-cheat modifications are changes we do not announce in public, but even for false bans we've been making a lot of changes, and still are as time goes on.

    Of course, we do not only rely on automated systems to catch cheaters. That's a flawed approach, and all the hacker has to do is find a bypass and hack at their will. We also have dedicated moderation by our staff, and I can't thank them enough for moderating the server, such as for botters or malicious activity. It's also thanks to them we've been managing another hacker free year at MapleLegends, and not full of vacced mobs everywhere you go. We may not have the perfect economy, but at least we don't have an economy run by hackers.

    ~ Professionalism and the way I run MapleLegends ~

    Over the past couple of years, the way I run MapleLegends has always been questioned. Some are fine with how I am, some are not. Something I've inspected is that I am seen as a 'rude' person by those that do not know me, which makes sense since I am a rather direct person in the open, so the general assumption you will get from that is that I am always like that.

    One thing I want to get out of the way now is that I am not professional, and will never claim to be such. Of course, I have my boundaries and balance in public, which I have improved over the past years. However, from the inside, I am not professional at all, and probably never will be. This is also why I am not afraid poking at the competition at times. I mean, even big companies do this from time to time, such as this example from Sony a few years ago.

    MapleLegends is a hobby of mine, which I do run out of enjoyment. No, this does not mean I should say whatever I want or make edgy jokes. However, it does mean I do try to be myself as much I can be because it gives me the most happiness. In the end, it's impossible to make everyone happy, and I've inspected for many years how users behave based on how a community is run from multiple games. Some people like it when the management is more genuine and "relatable", and some people like it more when things are run more professional and consistent. So the options I have here is as follows: I make part of the userbase happy, but not myself, or I make part of the userbase happy, including myself. I think if you get to compare it like that the answer is quite obvious, which is why I've been running MapleLegends the way I am.

    This is also how it is run behind the scene. We make it clear we all do this for our enjoyment, and that we should take a break when it is required. We poke fun at each other, as well, so we are reminded daily this is not a job, but a hobby we like to spend time on because we love the mushroom game.

    ~ Preservation and the temporary hit on my motivation ~

    People that know me slightly may know I am a massive data hoarder and a massive supporter of preservation. I mean, MapleLegends is technically preservation of Old School MapleStory, which wouldn't have existed anymore if it wasn't for unofficial servers. I also follow many preservation communities, Discord's, prototype preservations, and so on.

    This year was a massive hit for me because a lot of community work has been wiped off the internet, due to the strikes on youtube and twitch in particular. Hundreds to thousands of content creators have lost the content and community work they provided, and to many, it is lost forever. It's like losing memories you've left behind, which you can never look back to.

    I archive a lot of my memories since 2007 and sometimes even earlier. More than 10,000 screenshots at this point from different games including MapleStory, videos, and other things.

    Preservation is a huge deal to me, so to me, it was a massive blow when pretty much all community work not only from MapleLegends but also other servers, got completely wiped. It did hit me so hard, that I even considered giving up because my motivation went to completely zero, which hadn't occurred since years ago.

    However, then it struck me that doing so would be doing what I lost my motivation on. Giving up on Legends would mean I also give up on providing preservation of Old School MapleStory. Why would I be doing the exact thing I lost my motivation on?
    Besides, I wouldn't dare make Royals ms [​IMG] scream out of excitement and happyness if I were to quit just yet. Once I realized that I slowly went back on my feet and worked on the server again, and keep pushing on. Yes, this is at the timeline where I suddenly fixed mountains of .wz related bugs in 1 week.

    I know it may seem silly now, but in 10 years you may be thankful at how many things you've preserved for your memories later. Consider taking a screenshot once in a while using the "Print Screen" button or even making a small video of a fun moment, an event, or something. We have re-coded the screenshot feature long ago in Legends, which allows you to screenshot high-quality images by simply pressing the Print Screen button. All those screenshots appear in the Screenshot folder in your MapleLegends root directory. Make sure you do not accidentally delete it if you uninstall or move your game, and preserve it well.

    If you need even faster ways to take screenshots I would recommend ShareX for screenshots / small clips and gifs or OBS for serious videos. Even with the current 'Striking of videos' going on, you could still archive your memories as completely private "unlisted" videos, which will not be struck, or on a second channel where you only post unlisted videos for archival purposes.

    You may be thankful for it if you do, in the same way, you are possibly bothered now you never took footage of old GMS.

    ~ Our Discord Community ~

    Something that without a doubt cannot be left behind this year is the activity of our Discord server. Our Discord server back in the day had mixed feedback, where some of our casual users saw our Discord server as a rude community, especially to new users. Receiving that as feedback is a massive red flag since the last thing you want is new users having the first impression we are a bad community. Over the years we've been trying to improve this, by letting the active chatters know they should be kind to the new users, and kind in general, since not everyone is there daily and know the personality inside and outside of the users in there.

    However, I also wanted Discord to remain a safe space to talk to the most reasonable things, which I believe have been accomplished well. We have the most active Discord community of all MapleStory servers, and we are very proud of that. We have a lot of Discord users not only talking about Maplelegends, but also general life, random topics, etc. We are happy we have users hanging out on the Discord server daily and stay in touch with our users. It may not have a direct impact on MapleLegends itself, but it's still part of OUR community.

    A personal thanks also to those that did receive a message from me to be a bit more kind to users or people in general, and did do that. Our Discord can also be great without edgy jokes towards people or new users, and this year that was shown well, and hopefully even better in future.

    EDIT (post Discord server destruction): *genuine sad human noises*

    ~ An uncertain 2022 ~

    Something I can't be sure about in 2022 is the state of MapleLegends as a whole. The most annoyance I still have is what I have been having for a while: The state of this database. Over the past couple of years, we've made many, many balance changes to "fight" the reality of how awful flawed pre-big bang is. However, we just don't have 24/7 to fix flaw after flaw, but we do our best. It remains a fact that some problems that plagued the server just *cannot* be fixed without a clean slate, and that's something I have accepted over time. 2016 is when I first considered starting over, and that was because of mistakes at the time I was already annoyed about. Looking now I am thankful we didn't do that because there are waaaaay more problems with pre-bb that I only realized years after. However, starting over is still something that is on the back of my mind from time to time, but this just cannot be done in the current state the server is, on top of our "to-do" list just being infinite. Before every single major issue with either the balance or server emulator itself have been addressed, this could and will not be done even if I wanted to.

    Client editing is seriously what saved this server. I have said back when we released higher resolution support that this starts a new era, and I still stand by that big time. Without our client editing magicians we wouldn't be able to modify the game as much we've been modifying it in the past years. However, at the same time, we are still very far from being done, and unfortunately, time isn't infinite.

    MapleLegends is admittedly a flawed server. However, I will remain extremely proud of what we have reached with this server for the past 6 years, and so do our team. We are aware new servers come out left and right that address our infamous problems such as leeching, washing, etc. I know. Just understand that I want those issues fixed too. Trust me that my biggest demotivation too is due to those problems. It's just not that easy to just apply fixes/balance changes on a 6-year-old database and call it a day. Any major mistake that cannot be reverting would be the destruction of the server. However, I've been way more open about changes and moving MapleLegends further into the direction I would take it if it were to be a clean slate.

    MapleLegends was created in 2014 because I wasn't happy with the other servers available at the time, some had custom features that didn't sit with me, or just had straight-up moderation I didn't agree with. MapleLegends, while partly having my own vision, was still very inspired and based on servers I played at the time, which were ClassicMS, AltruisMS, and NobleStory. The goal was to create a home for those users, and I would say it was very successful.

    However, MapleLegends was never *truly* what my vision was, but rather a replication of Old School MapleStory, especially in its early years; where it was an almost 1:1 clone of v0.62 vanilla with QOL and .wz related fixes.

    From all the servers I have seen come and go during MapleLegends, especially those that try their hardest taking our users with the so-called "Washing" and "Leech" fixes, I have seen none replicating the vision I would have as of right now, and it seems closer and closer that like in 2014 we'll have to handle it ourselves again.

    MapleLegends have successfully created the most nostalgic and Old School experience out there, which includes its flaws and everything since 2015. What I would wish to do personally is to do the same thing again, except creating the most fun and polished pre-big bang experience period, without the focus on "nostalgia", but instead our own vision, without having to deal with hacky balancing fix after hacky balancing fix because of our aged database. An experience that brings everyone together again once and for all. An experience that isn't focused on tediousness, but instead focused on fun.

    It's completely uncertain if MapleLegends ever have a sequel (clean slate) of some sort. However, I want to be transparent by the fact it's been in my mind for a good while. It's just not that easy, especially when not everything is done yet, and new ideas or problems kick in. Doing it when the flaws are still present is a complete waste of time. Not just for you, but also for us. Do that mean it's confirmed the server will ever go in a clean slate? No, it does not. However, the fact remains that the server currently has some flaws that are impossible or near-impossible to fix without doing this, which is personally my biggest bother about the current state of the server. All we have been able to constantly do is apply hacky fix after another, which does not fix the issue, but only bandaids it.

    At the end of the day, MapleLegends became a successful server in one go, and that's just something that is not common. Even the folks at the top have wiped once before and even changed the vision of their server. The primary problem with MapleLegends is that the vision changed over the years, but the database wasn't made for it. The result of that is the hacky fix after another approach I've mentioned earlier. Things like adding a Monster Book ring to combat washing is a "hacky" fix. All it does is make the problem less apparent, but not fix the *actual* problem. I have seen other servers do this pretty much as well; provide ways to gain HP but not resolve the issue of why people (or specific jobs) need that HP to begin with. Now MapleLegends is pretty much in a state where it's a frankensteined monster, that initially had a goal of being the most authentic v0.62 server, but having mountains of custom and unknown fixes thrown into the game, because people stopped accepting the vanilla v0.62 gameplay because of how awfully balanced and flawed it is (and I agree, it's bad).

    MapleLegends could have remained the most authentic v0.62 server. I see some people, especially those that played during 2015-2016 mention from time to time how they miss the MapleLegends before it started to have the custom features. However, the reality is that if we didn't change MapleLegends and kept it vanilla v0.62 that we wouldn't exist now. It was clear during pretty much all of 2016 that people wanted things to change, and that it was stuck with 30~60 users online. Even the loyal users wanted things like Temple of Time implemented and other post-v0.62 content.

    Even though MapleLegends made numerous changes, it's still infamous for being a server that is flawed due to the existence of leech and wash in particular, which has stopped countless users from wanting to play the server, even though most of them admit the community and management is fine; they just can't stand the washing and leeching (and other pre-bb problems).

    I know it's important as well to understand that you can't please everyone, but when it comes to my own personal preferences I am on the side of the people that dislike the current state of the server, and that its becoming extremely tiring to try to fix the problems deep inside the server, which would be much easier on a clean and new server.

    Whenever happens with MapleLegends in future, I am extremely thankful for what I have reached with it, the stories I have heard, some people even moving to a different country because they met their current relationship thanks to this server, and so on. This cannot be reverted even with the termination of the server as a whole and is history that got made thanks to the existence of this MapleLegends, and I cannot be happier about that than I already am.

    That is my current view and state of the server.

    ~ Slowly making changes to current ML that I would do on a fresh one ~

    While starting completely fresh is not completely certain yet due to the massive amount of time and preparations it would take, there's going to be slowly changes already into current MapleLegends that are "far too late" for an old database, but would do it on a fresh one. While spending even more time on more "hacky" fixes does not help much, working on changes I would do on a fresh server as well does. This does not mean however we are not working on other things as well anymore.

    Ghost Ship range changes

    One example of such change would be the range extension to various Ghost Ship mobs. Slimy, Pac Pinky, Selkie Jr. This was bought up to me back when one other server did it as well. I didn't want to implement at the time, because for a similar reason: People did long benefit already from the old ranges, as well as that we still represented Old School MapleStory, and truth is that changing the complete logic of some mobs could be seen as extremely custom.

    However, after more discussions, and the things I've stated above, we've decided to go for it now anyway.

    Three Snails shell requirements removed

    While this one is a smaller case, it's a good example where I no longer look at nostalgia but instead look at what is better for the user's experience. This is a change Neckson made starting v0.67, which made you no longer require snail shells in order to use Three Snails. Yes, it's more realistic to need them, since you also throw them. Yes, it's more nostalgic, since it's an artefact from early pre-bb. However, it's a worse experience for the user, and almost completely useless, because you also need snail shells for a lot of quests on Maple Island.

    Removing this requirement like GMS v0.67+ did makes the experience on Maple Island much smoother in sacrifice for "nostalgia"

    Complete defence formula overhaul

    One thing we are looking into touching as well is the hardcoded formula for defence stat found inside the client.

    When the defence stat gets approached by servers in past, usually what was done is make defence scrolls more useful. Make them 2x as strong, 3x as strong, etc.

    The usual, really. The defence stat is seen in the pre-bb scene as one of the most useless stats in the whole game, and that is because the stat is just not significant enough, and making scrolls 2x or 3x as strong is just seen as another hacky fix; it makes the problem "less bad" without fixing the actual problem

    What we are going to look into instead is altering the formula as a whole, and also researching if it's possible to make it differ between jobs. That way equips with base defence, as well as scrolls themselves are more useful, without pumping more and more numbers into the scrolls. The problem with only implementing bonuses for scrolls is that the base defence stat from equips remains useless.

    Altering the defence system will also help with the whole washing requirements that pre-bb servers suffer from by a bit, but isn't the focus on the reason the formula gets altered.

    Adding further Quality of Life into the game

    I am a huge supporter of Quality of Life, and enhancements to how the game is being played.

    When I see users talk about what later pre-bb did wrong, I see a lot of users mention that adding QoL as well as making the game feel "handholding" is one of them.

    I personally disagree with that, with a few exceptions. The problem with pre-bb is the massive amount of ways that you can mess up your character permanently.

    For example, putting wrong stats, and it's messed up. Putting MAX HP/MP skill a few levels later; character is messed up. Pre-bb is having so many ways to mess your character, and it's absolutely horrible, especially if you notice it too late. Of course, washing is absolutely part of the problem too, as well as gaining MP from base int on level up, which is just a dumb mechanic as a whole.

    Later versions (post-v0.62 pre-bb) tried to help users make this problem less bad, as well as make the game feel slightly less tedious. For example, in later versions a "Skill recommendation" system was added, where the game recommends which skill you should add to your character.

    Another example is the removal of dice rolling starting v0.64. Dice rolling is usually the biggest bought up thing when it comes to nostalgia. When people do, it's usually "do you remember rolling your character for hours just to get good stats". Dice rolling is definitely nostalgic, but it's already the prime example of how tedious pre-bb is. Not even before being able to play the game, you are already wasting a lot of time on something that is random, and the game gently prepares you for what to come next.

    Also, starting v0.67 GMS removed stat requirements for 1st job advancements, and instead automatically applied it when you got 1st job advanced. This got rid of the slow and awful 1st job mage Maple Island experience. Again, this is quite nostalgic for some people. However, let's be honest, it's awful. It's very awful. This is another good example of what I would change to provide a better experience in the sacrifice of killing some "nostalgia".

    While not perfectly executed, another example is the auto AP system. It tried to give you a recommended build for your character, to prevent the problem of users putting the wrong AP into their job, and messing up the character.

    Neckson was likely very aware of how so many users struggled with this early game, and it's still very present in this server as well because we have everything still intact. For example, we have tickets from time to time where someone messed up the 1st job requirements and ask us if they could receive AP resets. This is only the beginning, but it's one of the many, many ways to permanently mess up your character.

    MapleLegends also tried a few ways to reduce the problem. For example, when someone job advances, they receive a note to check out guides on forums before continuing on, and a few other notes for other events such as obtaining a legendary item from Gachapon.

    We are still looking into ways to reduce methods to permanently mess up your characters. This would be especially a massive focus of mine if the server ever started over because having a permanent "handicapped" character is just not good game design.

    There are also other things we like to approach, but for now, I'll leave it to that, because I do not want to promise things ahead of time, as well as make people panic way too early.

    ~ Conclusions ~

    I am sorry that this "end of the year' isn't as positive as past ones have been, but I wanted to be transparent this year about how I've been feeling, and how this feeling has been sometimes, so users again have a way to know how I, as an Administrator, view the server myself. I've been seeing in-game recently that people felt uncertain about how I think about this server, how the server is run, how changes happen, and so on. Hopefully, this thread helps address that uncertainty and shed some light on the entire process. Yes, your conclusion is right! I am a human and a player just like you, who also shares actual feelings and concerns about the server, just like you. My feelings may not be the same anymore as they were in 2015, where I still thought having a completely authentic vanilla pre-bb experience is a healthy and long-term thing to do, but I still care a lot about the server.

    We'll see what the future, as well as time, allows us to do going forward.

    Thank you for reading all of it if you managed to, and we will see you in 2022.

    You are all Legends!

    ~ MapleLegends Administration

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