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Update Welcome Pink Bean

Discussion in 'Maintenances' started by Mirrors, Oct 31, 2020.

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  1. Mirrors

    Mirrors Game Moderator Staff Member Game Moderator

    Jul 15, 2019
    3:48 AM

    Pink Bean has officially been released on MapleLegends! :pinkbean: With Pink Bean, our most challenging endgame boss yet, a lot of new features have been added. Here is some info about Pink Bean to get you guys started!

    :star: Pre Quests :star:

    You can start your Pink Bean prequest by going to the Temple of Time and starting the quest Path to the Past (Level 90+). This will kick off a long quest chain of quests that will mostly be killing 999 of a certain mob in ToT; each completion enables you to enter an additional map, further into the Temple of Time.
    At the end of the questline with the quest Force Field, you will obtain a [​IMG] Marble of Chaos . You need this item in order to enter the battle for Pink Bean!

    Note that the Marble of Chaos is automatically consumed when you enter the Pink Bean map, so make sure not to enter unless you have a Pink Bean run scheduled. Each time you run Pink Bean, remember to redo the Breaking the Barrier again quest in order to obtain another Marble of Chaos (similarly to how you need to redo a Dragon Elixir every time you want to enter the Horntail cave).

    :star: Wheel of Destiny :star:
    With the introduction of Pink Bean, comes the introduction of the item [​IMG] Wheel of Destiny. This item revives characters in the same map where they have died. However, it can only be used in Pink Bean battle! You can purchase it from Della at the Temple of Time for 5 million mesos and use it when you have died during Pink Bean. You can only stack up to 3 Wheels of Destiny in your inventory.

    :star: Fighting Pink Bean :star:
    Click Here for Pink Bean Stats

    We believe that the MapleLegends community can (eventually) figure out how to defeat Pink Bean, especially with all the guides out there, so we won't put too much in this section. ;)

    Just know that before you can risk a fight with the strongest boss, you must first defeat the five statues that guard it. Solomon the Wise needs to be defeated 5 times, Rex the Wise 4 times, Muinin 3 times, Huigin twice and Ariel once, before you are allowed to battle Pink Bean.

    We've kept Pink Bean to be as close to the original Pink Bean as possible. That means there will be statues, damage reflect, original HP, all that good stuff.

    That being said, here are a few things that are good to know about the fight against Pink Bean:

    • Expedition Time: 1 hour 30 minutes (an experimental amount for now, we'll see how people fare)
    • Maximum Players: 30 players
    • Entries Allowed: 1x Daily per Character

    :star: Brand New Endgame Equips :star:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] ... and more!

    How To Obtain
    With the release of Pink Bean, new, strong weapons can be crafted as well as dropped from Pink Bean after you defeat it! Not only that, these weapons will grow stronger and level up with you. The more you use the item, the more experience it gains, and eventually the item will level up and give additional stats.

    You can craft new equips by talking to the Amnesiac Temple Keeper in the Temple of Time.

    You can craft the new equips using:
    • [​IMG] Piece of Time are dropped from all Temple of Time mobs and are used in crafting Reverse items.
      • Note: If you previously had Pieces of Time in your inventory, they have now been changed to Ancient Pieces of Time, and are unusable in crafting Reverse weapons.
    • [​IMG] Rock of Time is dropped by :pinkbean: Pink Bean only, and is used in crafting Timeless items.
    Balance Notes
    To ensure that these new equips don't completely outclass existing weapons, they received some slight adjustments. While most weapons range from +/- 5 of its average stat (eg. Crushed Skull ranges between 110-120 weapon attack, because it averages at 115 wa), timeless and reverse weapons will only have a range of +/- 2.

    Dragon Purple Sleeve max base = 45-55wa
    Neo Tokyo Claw max base = 47-57wa
    Reverse Lampion max base  = 52-56 wa
    Timeless Lampion max base = 54-58 wa
    By doing this, Neo Tokyo weapons don't get immediately outclassed by Reverse weapons (which do not need a Pink Bean kill and can be farmed at ToT) and remain a viable alternative.

    2) [​IMG] Reverse and Timeless Alchupiz (spears) were adjusted to have "normal" attack speed and their weapon attacks respectively reduced. This makes them better Sky Skis, and thereby removing the gacha-gate for end-game DK equips.

    Exp Needed To Level
    Each weapon exp scales differently to actual exp gained in game. These are the amount of "item exp" you need to level your weapons:
    1. 80 EXP
    2. 90 EXP
    3. 100 EXP
    5. 120 EXP
    For non-mage weapons, the item receives the following after each level-up:
    • + WATK (0~2)
    • + Primary Stat (1~2)
    • + Secondary Stat (0~1)

    For mage weapons, the item receives the following after each level-up:
    • + MATK (1~4) *weapons only*
    • + INT (1~2)
    • + LUK (0~1)

    For non-weapons, the item receives the following after each level-up:
    • + Primary Stat (0~1)
    • + Secondary Stat (0~1)
    • Other stats depends on the item type, but includes MATK, MaxHP, MaxMP, avoidability, defense, speed, and jump

    Currently, the new item exp/level should display like this:
    *prototype screenshot from our client (v62)

    However, this feature was never implemented in our version, so it is rather difficult to implement. While we have figured out how to make it display (see above) there's still a bit of touch and polish needed.

    As a temporary workaround, we have created the command @itemexp which will show the exp and level any items that you currently have equipped:

    3) Timeless and Reverse items will have the "untradeable after equipped" trait in the future.

    This means that any items that have EXP on them will immediately be made untradeable when we implement the feature. So, if you'd like to keep the item tradeable, please do not level them up (don't equip them, basically). This decision has been made to keep the current market stable while providing new options to players who want to pursue even more powerful gear.

    :star: Maple Warrior 30 & Facestompers :star:
    Defeating Pink Bean grants the victors amazing drops, most notably, [​IMG] Maple Warrior 30 and [​IMG] Facestompers. After carefully considering the implications of adding MW30 into a v62 server, we've modified it a bit so it fits in better with MapleLegends. Like most Level 30 Skillbooks, MW30 will have a 50% pass rate.
    Level 21: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +11%, Duration: 630 sec
    Level 22: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +11%, Duration: 660 sec
    Level 23: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +11%, Duration: 690 sec
    Level 24: MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +11%, Duration: 720 sec
    Level 25: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +12%, Duration: 750 sec
    Level 26: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +12%, Duration: 780 sec
    Level 27: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +12%, Duration: 810 sec
    Level 28: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +12%, Duration: 840 sec
    Level 29: MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +13%, Duration: 870 sec
    Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +13%, Duration: 900 sec

    :heartbeat: Thank You :heartbeat:
    Thank you the staff members that helped make Pink Bean possible! It could not have been done without the blood, sweat, and tears of our developers shotshot PastaPasta, as well as KimberlyKimberly NiseNise FishyFishy AlyoshaAlyosha jootajoota anon505anon505 DuckysDuckys MottMott HyoonHyoon FeroxAnimaFeroxAnima OhDoggoOhDoggo HiyoHiyo PrecelPrecel SiaoSiao DraudsDrauds for hashing out the details of Pink Bean, the weapons, relentless testing, hours of brainstorming, and other incredibly important decisions. The team has spent many months working on Pink Bean, and to see it finally get released is an incredible achievement.

    We all hope you enjoy Pink Bean and good luck to all Maplers!
    • Great Work x 14
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