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Image | Title | Text |
Smile | :) :-) (: | |
Wink | ;) | |
Frown | :( | |
Mad | :mad: >:( :@ | |
Confused | :confused: o_O O_o o.O O.o | |
Cool | :cool: 8-) | |
Stick Out Tongue | :p :P | |
Big Grin | :D | |
Eek! | :eek: :o | |
Oops! | :oops: | |
Roll Eyes | :rolleyes: | |
Poop | :brownpoop: | |
Devilish | Devilish | |
Sleep | :sleep: | |
Cautious | :cautious: Cautious | |
Barefoot | :barefoot: Barefoot | |
Cold Feet | :coldfeet: | |
Stinky Feet | :stinkyfeet: | |
Coffee | :coffee: | |
Geek | :geek: | |
Alien | :alien: | |
Not Worthy | :notworth: NotWorthy | |
Giggle | :giggle: | |
In Love | :love: | |
roflmao | :roflmao: | |
Sick | :sick: | |
Ninja | :ninja: | |
Boo | :boo: | |
Yay | :yay: | |
Speechless | :speechless: | |
Unsure | :unsure: | |
Sneaky | :sneaky: | |
Whistling | :whistling: | |
Cry | :cry: | |
Laugh | :laugh: | |
Catmouth | :catmouth: | |
Angelic | :angelic: | |
Drool | :drool: | |
Arghh | :arghh: | |
Vomit | :vomit: | |
Yawn | :yawn: | |
Kiss | :kiss: | |
Artist | :artist: | |
Asshat | :asshat: | |
Stig | :stig: | |
Spiderman | :spiderman: | |
Android | :android: | |
Vamp | :vamp: | |
Vulcan | :vulcan: | |
Jawdrop | :jawdrop: | |
Astronaut | :astronaut: | |
Mooning | :mooning: | |
Cat | :cat: | |
Cow | :cow: | |
Beaver | :beaver: | |
Bear | :bear: | |
Panda | :panda: | |
Turtle | :turtle: | |
Poto | :poto: | |
Penguin | :penguin: | |
Chicken | :chicken: | |
Pigeon | :pigeon: | |
Droid | :droid: | |
Hurting | :hurting: | |
Punch | :punch: | |
Bucktooth | :bucktooth: | |
Smug Grin | :smuggrin: | |
Cold | :cold: | |
Shamefully Embarassed | :shamemb: | |
Muted | :muted: | |
Ban-Happy | :banhappy: | |
Cigar | :cigar: | |
Clown | :clown: | |
Drowning | :drowning: | |
Greedy | :greedy: | |
Doctor | :doctor: | |
Nurse | :nurse: | |
Rage | :rage: | |
Spam | :spam: | |
Photogenic | :photogenic: | |
Link Me | :linkme: | |
Watching | :watching: | |
Writing | :writing: | |
Walking Dead | :walkingdead: | |
Cyclops | :cyclops: | |
Baby Boy | :babyboy: | |
Baby Girl | :babygirl: | |
Spit The Dummy | :spitdummy: | |
Banghead | :banghead: | |
Black Eye | :blackeye: | |
Bookworm | :bookworm: | |
Black Alien | :blackalien: | |
Grey Alien | :greyalien: | |
WTF | :wtf: | |
BRB | :brb: | |
Depressed | :depressed: | |
Facepalm | :facepalm: | |
Bawling | :bawling: | |
Borg | :borg: | |
Happy | :happy: | |
Couch Potato | :couchpotato: | |
Dead | :dead: | |
Hungry | :hungry: | |
Finger | :finger: | |
Grumpy | :grumpy: | |
Hilarious | :hilarious: | |
Hungover | :hungover: | |
Lurking | :lurking: | |
Nail Biting | :nailbiting: | |
Jimlad | :jimlad: | |
Meh | :meh: | |
Peeking | :peeking: | |
In Pain | :inpain: | |
Joyful | :joyful: | |
Old Man | :oldman: | |
Pompus | :pompus: | |
Shy | :shy: | |
Shifty | :shifty: | |
Mask | :mask: | |
Playful | :playful: | |
Singing | :singing: | |
Headphone | :headphone: | |
Sorry | :sorry: | |
Sour | :sour: | |
Smug | :smug: | |
Snap Happy | :snaphappy: | |
Yuck | :yuck: | |
Lock Topic | :locktopic: | |
Troll | :troll: | |
Stop | :stop: | |
Wacky | :wacky: | |
Woot | :woot: | |
Bored | :bored: | |
Bag | :bag: | |
Wide-eyed | :wideyed: | |
Heart | :heart: | |
Heartbeat | :heartbeat: | |
Heartbreak | :heartbreak: | |
Health Potion | :health: :hp: | |
Mana Potion | :mana: :mp: | |
Green Tick | :tick: | |
Red Cross | :cross: | |
Updated | :updated: | |
New | :new: | |
Kreygasm | Kreygasm | |
BibleThump | BibleThump | |
FrankerZ | FrankerZ | |
FailFish | FailFish | |
PogChamp | PogChamp | |
D: | :D: | |
HeyGuys | HeyGuys | |
RageFace | RageFace | |
REKT | RektK | |
Foxpat | Foxpat | |
HalloweenML | HalloweenML | |
Maple Smilies |
MapleF1 | MapleF1 | |
MapleF2 | MapleF2 | |
MapleF3 | MapleF3_Origin | |
MapleF3 | MapleF3 | |
MapleF4 | MapleF4 | |
MapleF5 | MapleF5 | |
MapleF6 | MapleF6 | |
MapleF7 | MapleF7 | |
MapleF8 | MapleF8 | |
MapleF9 | MapleF9 | |
MapleF10 | MapleF10 | |
MapleF11 | MapleF11 | |
MapleF12 | MapleF12 | |
MapleF13 | MapleF13 | |
MapleF14 | MapleF14 | |
MapleF15 | MapleF15 | |
MapleF16 | MapleF16 | |
MapleF17 | MapleF17 | |
MapleF18 | MapleF18 | |
Thumbs Up | :thumbsup: :+1: | |
Thumbs Down | :thumbsdown: :-1: | |
pepe | :pepe: | |
Pink Bean | :pinkbean: :pb: | |
Poop | :poop: | |
coin | :coin: | |
cash | :cash: | |
sack | :sack: | |
picopico | :picopico: | |
lollipop | :lollipop: | |
cake | :cake: | |
candy | :candy: | |
gift1 | :gift1: | |
gift2 | :gift2: | |
star | :star: | |
Slime Smilies |
SlimeSmile | SlimeSmile | |
SlimeWink | SlimeWink | |
SlimeLaugh | SlimeLaugh | |
SlimeGrin | SlimeGrin | |
SlimeXD | SlimeXD | |
SlimeCool | SlimeCool | |
SlimeSad | SlimeSad | |
SlimeCry | SlimeCry | |
SlimeAngry | SlimeAngry | |
SlimeShocked | SlimeShocked | |
SlimeBlush | SlimeBlush | |
SlimeTongue | SlimeTongue | |
SlimeSealed | SlimeSealed | |
SlimeUnsure | SlimeUnsure | |
SlimeLove | SlimeLove | |
SlimeEvil | SlimeEvil | |
SlimeAngel | SlimeAngel | |
SlimeSweat | SlimeSweat | |
SlimeSweat2 | SlimeSweat2 | |
SlimePolice | SlimePolice | |
Mushroom Smilies |
annoyedmush | annoyedmush | |
blankstaremush | blankstaremush | |
blushmush | blushmush | |
confusedmush | confusedmush | |
coolmush | coolmush | |
evilmush | evilmush | |
f1mush | f1mush | |
f3mush | f3mush | |
f6mush | f6mush | |
f7mush | f7mush | |
crymush | crymush :cry2: | |
dolleyesmush | dolleyesmush | |
flamemush | flamemush | |
angrymush | angrymush :angry: | |
droolmush | droolmush | |
undecidedmush | undecidedmush :undecided: | |
happymush | happymush | |
smilemush | smilemush :smile: | |
joymush | joymush | |
lurvmush | lurvmush | |
neutralmush | neutralmush | |
grinmush | grinmush :grin: | |
shockmush | shockmush :shock: | |
angelmush | angelmush | |
sickmush | sickmush :sick2: | |
scaredmush | scaredmush :scared: | |
stareyesmush | stareyesmush :stareyes: | |
tonguemush | tonguemush :tongue: | |
sweetnessmush | sweetnessmush :sweetness: | |
lovemush | lovemush :love2: | |
awesomemush | awesomemush | |
winkmush | winkmush :wink: | |
noesmush | noesmush | |
kissmush | kissmush | |
sadmush | sadmush | |
sleepymush | sleepymush | |
surprisedmush | surprisedmush | |
sweatmush | sweatmush | |
wackomush | wackomush | |
devilmush | devilmush | |
luvmush | luvmush | |
pridemush | pridemush | |
emomush | emomush | |
ninjamush | ninjamush | |
bowmush | bowmush | |
warmush | warmush | |
piratemush | piratemush | |
wizmush | wizmush | |
betamush | betamush | |
rogmush | rogmush | |
undeadmush | undeadmush | |
robomush | robomush | |
armymush | armymush | |
mariomush | mariomush | |
lepmush | lepmush | |
pilgrimmush | pilgrimmush | |
frankenmush | frankenmush | |
weremush | weremush | |
witchmush | witchmush | |
pumpkinmush | pumpkinmush | |
skullmush | skullmush | |
ghostmush | ghostmush | |
ghostmush2 | ghostmush2 | |
santamush | santamush | |
rudolphmush | rudolphmush | |
deermush | deermush | |
hongkongmush | hongkongmush | |
chinamush | chinamush | |
usamush | usamush | |
muricamush | muricamush | |
ukmush | ukmush | |
frmush | frmush | |
filipinomush | filipinomush | |
dkmush | dkmush | |
israelmush | israelmush | |
koreanmush | koreanmush | |
antillesmush | antillesmush | |
germush | germush | |
finmush | finmush | |
italymush | italymush | |
canadamush | canadamush | |
djiboutimush | djiboutimush | |
scotmush | scotmush | |
rusmush | rusmush | |
twnmush | twnmush | |
japanmush | japanmush | |
swmush | swmush | |
nlmush | nlmush | |
norwmush | norwmush | |
Pyong |
FoxMad | FoxF1 | |
FoxHappy | FoxF2 | |
FoxEvil | FoxF3 | |
FoxCry | FoxF4 | |
FoxShock | FoxF5 | |
FoxWhat | FoxF6 | |
FoxAwk | FoxAwk | |
FoxSpy | FoxSpy | |
FoxHeart | FoxHeart | |
FoxLove | FoxLove | |
FoxGrin | FoxGrin | |
FoxCrazy | FoxCrazy | |
FoxHello | FoxBye | |
FoxTongue | FoxTongue | |
FoxEat | FoxEat | |
FoxYawn | FoxYawn | |
FoxXD | FoxXD | |
FoxNinja | FoxNinja | |
FoxGhost | FoxGhost | |
FoxShy | FoxShy | |
PyongNo | FoxNo | |
Pyonghehe | FoxHehe | |
Onion |
OnionHappy | OnionF2 | |
OnionGrin | OnionF3 | |
OnionCry | OnionF4 | |
OnionShock | OnionF5 | |
OnionConfused | OnionF6 | |
OnionSpark | OnionSpark | |
OnionBlush | OnionBlush | |
OnionMuha | OnionMuha | |
OnionShout | OnionShout | |
OnionLove | OnionLove | |
OnionCry | OnionCry | |
OnionGhost | OnionGhost | |
OnionConfused | OnionConfused | |
OnionCrazy | OnionCrazy | |
OnionHi | OnionHi | |
OnionBye | OnionBye | |
OnionSmoking | OnionSmoking | |
OnionYawn | OnionYawn | |
OnionDepressed | OnionSorry | |
OnionPanic | OnionPanic | |
OnionRelax | OnionRelax | |
OnionInnocent | OnionInnocent | |
OnionWarning | OnionWarning | |
OnionPissed | OnionPissed | |
OnionSmart | OnionSmart | |
OnionXD | OnionXD | |
OnionRay | OnionRay | |
OnionBlush3 | OnionBlush3 | |
OnionDetective | OnionGlass | |
OnionWhatever | OnionWhatever | |
OnionYes | OnionYes | |
OnionDeaf | OnionDeaf | |
OnionHot | OnionHot | |
OnionWet | OnionWet | |
OnionPuke | OnionPuke | |
OnionSweat | OnionSweat | |
OnionPerfect | OnionPerfect | |
gibe meso pl0s | OnionGimme | |
OnionCryRun | OnionCryRun | |
OnionStupid | OnionStupid | |
OnionBaby | OnionBaby | |
OnionFull | OnionFull | |
OnionCrushed | OnionCrushed | |
OnionDead | OnionDead | |
OnionCold | OnionCold | |
OnionListen | OnionListen | |
OnionStress | OnionStress | |
OnionCoffee | OnionCoffee | |
OnionMad | OnionF1 | |
OnionPanicky | OnionPanicky | |
OnionCheer | OnionCheer | |
OnionScared | OnionScared | |
OnionPretty | OnionPretty | |
OnionLie | OnionLie | |
OnionSpit | OnionSpit | |
OnionHumming | OnionHumming | |
Onionthehehe | Onionthehehe | |
OnionFinger | OnionFinger | |
OnionDrunk | OnionDrunk | |
OnionBeaten | OnionBeaten | |
OnionMad | OnionMad | |
OnionGirlLove | OnionGirlLove | |
OnionKicked | OnionKicked | |
OnionGirlBlush | OnionGirlBlush | |
OnionGirlChase | OnionGirlChase | |
OnionGirlWow | OnionGirlWow | |
OnionGirlWink | OnionGirlWink | |
OnionSanta | OnionSanta | |
OnionAdore | OnionAdore | |
OnionItch | OnionItch | |
OnionSelfie | OnionSelfie | |
OnionShocked | OnionShocked | |
Onionsmh | Onionsmh | |
OnionGloomy | OnionGloomy | |
Onion... | Onion... | |
OnionAnnoyed | OnionAnnoyed | |
OnionMercy | OnionMercy | |
OnionHammer | OnionHammer | |
OnionBanHappy | OnionBanHappy | |
OnionNinja | OnionNinja | |
OnionDry | OnionDry | |
OnionMusic | OnionMusic | |
OnionHypno | OnionHypno | |
OnionSweatie | OnionSweatie | |
OnionScore | OnionScore | |
OnionSilent | OnionSilent | |
OnionNervous | OnionNervous | |
OnionCourage | OnionCourage | |
xat |
XatBlush | XatBlush | |
XatAngry | XatAngry | |
XatCry | XatCry | |
XatDead | XatDead | |
XatEmbarrassed | XatEmbarrassed | |
XatEmo | XatEmo | |
XatGiggle | XatGiggle | |
XatGrin | XatGrin | |
XatSad | XatSad | |
XatShifty | XatShifty | |
XatSmile | XatSmile | |
XatTongue | XatTongue | |
XatWink | XatWink |