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Maplelegends is hostile to new and unestablished players.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bear, Sep 6, 2018.

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  1. MarcJacobs

    MarcJacobs One forum account each person only please.

    Sep 5, 2018
    10:15 PM
    As I've come to know it, only MM and I/L seem to prefer OB4 over Temple since they can get competitive if not better experience.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. spiritbaeber

    spiritbaeber Orange Mushroom

    Jun 5, 2017
    7:15 PM

    I'm so elated to see that the general atmosphere of the forum hasn't changed all these months.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. hsmule5430

    hsmule5430 Slimy

    Aug 3, 2017
    5:15 AM
    sorry this message a little triggerd me

    your first job is bishop and u say u are fine with the idea of hp washing


    this is exactly the problem

    to be able to hp wash right now u have to make a mage first, otherwise its nearly impossible, and not effective at all.
    most of the players who join the server join for nostalgia as stated above, and they will high likely choose/play the class they played before in gms
    if their class was hermit/archer for example, they will most likely quit

    *no offense to you protato, sorry if it came wrong
  4. Jess

    Jess Pac Pinky

    Apr 1, 2016
    7:15 PM
    Jess, osooso
    Everyone plays a different way. Whether you play casually or competitive, it's completely up to you. Just know that with an increased competitive mindset, tasks will become more tedious and time consuming. This is what makes getting to end game an accomplishment.

    Yes there are lot of advantages given to high level players, but it wasn't just handed to them. They have gone through theirs own struggles with the game. It's up to you if you think it is worthwhile. Don't let other people discourage you from enjoying your time here. If you want to pq, find people willing to pq. You don't have to be a high level to enjoy the game. Just know who you want to associate with to have a toxic-free environment
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. itzjaheezy

    itzjaheezy Chronos

    Sep 6, 2017
    7:15 PM
    Let me start of with how my experience of this server was like. I pretty much started this server from nothing, literally zero help from the start and grinded my way up without getting leech all that much.(I believe I've only leeched 10 levels) And not once did I ever complain about the difficulty of this game because I knew what Maplestory was going to be like because I literally came back for this nostalgia and relive what my younger self played. I was a solo player that didn't PQ at all and still managed to meet people by going out of MY WAY to talk and socialize and see what people were to. Sometimes people talked and sometimes people didn't but so what? I just moved on and continued to enjoy my time. So what is the point of this thread? This thread is literally the same as any other thread that bitches about the "difficult grind of this game" or "how annoying hp washing is".

    Let me ask you this, what makes this grind any worse than other game's grind such as Black Desert Online, ArcheAge, or even Runescape? Every game has their own tedious methods of progressing and it so happens that this one requires you to kill endless amounts of monster. Then what is your next argument? Those games have other content to help with the grind? Such as questing or doing a party quest/dungeon? Well well well you are just in luck because you can actually do both of those things on this server as well! Sure it may not be "efficient" but they are VIABLE ways to help you along your journey to level up! There is literally easy work around with what you are complaining about. HP washing is optional, so why are you stressing about it? It HELPS and its even broken by allowing certain classes tank what they shouldn't be able to! Why should you be allowed to tank everything as a NL or a BM? Since when did "ranged dps" in any game you play had the ability to TANK? You can still enjoy the game without trying to min/max everything you do but the fact that you do is restraining yourself from having fun.

    Why are you so fixated on thinking that you NEED to leech your way to level? You can still solo grind, party grind and even PQ. Sure it takes a long time to form a party for your PQ but that is because of multiple reasons. One may be because of the fact that the player count is low, meaning most of the players on this server are already out of those PQ level ranges. Two is probably because it always took a while or at least some time to even form a party to start a PQ. Look at Vanilla WoW you had to find a party and all run their from across the continent or where ever you were currently from to meet up and start the party quest and believe me that took a while.

    To address the so called "toxicity" of the server, I'm letting you know this server is BARELY toxic. I've had must more worse experience and if people are telling you straight up some truth albeit it being in a rude manner or not, ISN'T toxic. You want toxic? Why don't you try Gunz:The Duel, League of legends, CS:GO, Dota2, or even Overwatch where you get flamed RANDOMLY or even making a simple mistake. I believe the ones that believe this server is toxic are probably the people that are completely entitled and want things to be easier and if they don't get what they want they cry and bitch.

    I will agree that buffing PQ exp rates and bring in Magatia's PQ is nice and would help incentive people to level their alts and do those PQs. \o/

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  6. Zooploop

    Zooploop Master Chronos

    Aug 15, 2018
    10:15 PM
    Eh, isn't it a bit strange to complain about leeching but say the first thing you did with money was buy them? I believe most people have their own preferences when it comes to leveling, though I agree leeching isn't helping the atmosphere of the game. For me I don't mind slow off leveling mostly doing quests and PQs. OPQ is mostly dead even with fair exp rates, for many I assume the ability to turn their brain off when it comes to grind or leech is favorable. But having mindless exp PQs are not fun at all for the crowd that would want to run them in the first place. (Ellin PQ was the best PQ speed and exp wise but an absolute slog)

    The main issue seems to be a difference of preferences when it comes to leveling, and I don't know if just making PQs the optimal choice for those level ranges and mashing those different types of players together will fix the core issue you have. Of course more PQs are always welcome as alternative methods.
  7. ProTato

    ProTato Windraider

    Jun 27, 2017
    7:15 PM
    Night Lord
    No worry at all! It's fine posting your thoughts and idea. I totally see where you are coming from, and absolutely agree with your statement. It just so happened that I picked bishop as my first class, so I didn't lose anything after learning more about hp washing months into the game.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. shot

    shot Capt. Latanica Retired Staff

    Oct 31, 2017
    9:15 PM
    I'm not exactly sure what kind of games you played in the past, but I can assure you that there are much more toxic community than people in Legends itself. Games I've played from the past such as GTA5 online, ESEA on CS:GO, Call of Duty, and Overwatch to name a few, Legends is not even close to that when it comes to people being toxic. One game in particular got so toxic to the point where one innocent man was swatted and killed because of some stupid $2 wager match. Compared to that, I don't think Legends is NOWHERE toxic as a lot of people make it out to be. In fact, I've encountered more people that were welcoming and nice to each other than those who acts like an ass and thinks they have the biggest ego in the game. And I understand that might be a sheer luck of me for meeting people who were helpful towards me, but in general I have yet to encounter a person so toxic and unwilling to change despite other people criticizing them. But I can only speak for myself so I am sorry if that was not the case for you. However, I don't want you to generalize the entire community as being toxic because of you encountering one or two bad apples here and there for the server.

    Now that does not mean toxicity does not exist on this server. With a nature of this being a MMO, there always will be a certain portion of people that acts like an ass toward other people. And of course, it sucks when you encounter them, but you just need to remind yourself that people like this exist on every online games and you just need to ignore and move on. At least that's what I learned to do when I encounter people who were being toxic in other online games.
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  9. hsmule5430

    hsmule5430 Slimy

    Aug 3, 2017
    5:15 AM
    anyway on topic i agree pqs should be significantly buffed
    but also dont forget that pqs are a way for hard washers with 200 int to lvl up the early unleechable lvls, so mb the item rewards should be better. like valuable scrolls to orbis pq bonus and stronger pirate helmet for ppq
    guild pq should give better reward as well...
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. Fishy

    Fishy Skelegon Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2017
    7:15 PM
    Dark Knight
    DK's love Obliv4
  11. LonZohair

    LonZohair Orange Mushroom

    Oct 17, 2017
    10:15 PM
    I/L Wizard
    To be fair, you told someone to go to a different server just because they said they're not too fond of hp washing
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Midnight

    Midnight Skelegon

    Jan 2, 2015
    10:15 PM
    Dragon Knight, Assassin
    I really like playing 3rd job. What's so bad about 3rd job? How is there any failure with so much content to play through to 4th job? Hostile? Lllllllordy ...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. LonZohair

    LonZohair Orange Mushroom

    Oct 17, 2017
    10:15 PM
    I/L Wizard
    Third job is VERY slow if you're not a f/p.

    No real pqs, leeching is very common throughout the entirety of the lvls (70-120),

    It just seems silly that noone plays an entire section of their characters anymore with the exception of one class
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
  14. LonZohair

    LonZohair Orange Mushroom

    Oct 17, 2017
    10:15 PM
    I/L Wizard
    Sure , there are more toxic communities. But you might also have not seen some of the toxic sides of this one.
    Like that time a certain someone stalked another player wherever they went, camped their fm spots, started killing TOT bosses just because they knew that player would do so, to the point where that individual quit

    and the offender got their ban overturned because technically it's not against the TOS

    There's definitely a toxic side to this community from the elitists and purists that some of us are never exposed to, but just recently I saw someone ask where someone else was so they could borrow int gear and 5 people proceeded to shit on that individual for not having their own.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  15. Manny

    Manny Mushmom

    Mar 7, 2017
    9:15 PM
    Fair enough, i stopped playing before summer came around i believe, but in MY time it was awful community wise.
    Not only awful, it was toxic, it was harassing, it was bullying.

    I know we havent talked whatsoever kim, so i have nothing against you. But when i played i seen toxicity every day.

    Demure saying "still faster than an animals run", hearing it in the fm or in buddy chat hurt my feelings to be honest.
    Here I am just playing the game and i get punished for zaking with MY guild?

    People always fighting and ksing in gs2, parlor, and bigfoots. Trying to get the camper to lose map owner and hit a mob all the to the left of parlor to steal the map was pretty.... well tryhard to say the least

    When my guild starting Horntailing for the 1st time, legit the whole fucking server was against us and wanted to see us fail. Like i really didnt understand it? I dont know if it was envy from the lower guilds or the end game guilds thought we would ruin the prices.

    Project always whispering me to NOT lower books or else
    Project always shit talking me ( i never knew why )


    Like never understood this stuff tbh^

    Lastly why i think this game is toxic is the endgame players, now im not saying they are all toxic. But the ones that are just ruin the game for me and honestly made me quit this game. Im probably going to cause a shitshow out of this but reading op's post hes not wrong in the slightest.
    I dont understand this community, and op you are 100% correct about this
    • Agree Agree x 6
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    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Informative Informative x 2
  16. nanop33

    nanop33 Capt. Latanica

    Jun 29, 2015
    8:15 PM
    lol people still complaining about hp washing when rings exist.

    Sure, T10 isn't easy to get, but the fact that so many sources of HP even exist renders washing a non-issue. You literally need to wash 0 times right now as a ranged attacker to do HT.

    I don't get why people complain about grind in a 13 year old Korean game either. It's like ordering spicy food at a restaurant and then complaining that it's spicy and asking for milk.
    • Agree Agree x 7
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Manny

    Manny Mushmom

    Mar 7, 2017
    9:15 PM
    I havent played since the ring update, how long does it take to have a decent ring?
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  18. Heathcliff

    Heathcliff Slime

    Jul 31, 2018
    7:15 PM
    i agree with you very much bear. why u get so many dislikes i dont know. maybe cause u said change the rates, but you are very correct about wanting more PQ in the game. maybe gms should watch how many new players leave and stay, if a lot of them leave, you might be right to say that its probably not the server youre looking for, but at same time, if you advertise it as nostalgic, we gonna leave when we find out its not nostalgic, and its in fact just leech.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Kimmy

    Kimmy Administrator Staff Member Administrator Game Moderator

    Sep 9, 2014
    The Netherlands
    4:15 AM
    Moderator Post
    Neither Project or Demure are still around, so yeah. I completely understand (and remember) the things you said. I do see it from one side as 'competitive teasing', but at one point I guess it can also be seen as bullying/salt. Honestly you should pick it up as people being jealous of you succeeding. If you don't get irritated at their salt, then they will eventually stop and realize maybe they are a bit too pissed/salty over a 2d cute sidescroller MMO. Easier said than done though!

    It takes effort, but not impossible for a non-washer. With even more cards coming soon (Zipangu) there's even more options around too.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  20. itzjaheezy

    itzjaheezy Chronos

    Sep 6, 2017
    7:15 PM
    Of course, if someone is going to bitch about hp washing when its obviously not going to go anywhere AND when they even made it easier on this server making it optional then obviously they won't be enjoying the server. ESPECIALLY when there are easy workarounds that is being completely ignored. (which is fine because you should be able to play what you want BUT you lose every right to complain if you are putting those restrictions/burdens on yourself and refusing to deal with the cons that comes with it)

    Its clear that this is not a server for that person. What more can be done? This IS the v62 experience whether you like it or not. Why does HP washing have to hinder someone from having fun when its optional and easy to do. All it takes is time which frankly should be fine no? Isn't this server super big on "enjoying the journey/experience" because that is what I did and why rush through that? I played the game how I wanted to without relying on people. HP washing is a flat out broken mechanic that allows people to do things they weren't meant to do. Its a PRIVILEGED for someone to be able to do HT or Toad or any other bosses without dying in one hit.

    People need to realize that they are being entitled and you need to WORK for what you want in any game in general. If the reward isn't enough for you then why are you still playing after realizing it? Shouldn't that be the reason why you aren't playing this server anymore and yet people still cling around and play as they bitch and whine. Which is completely annoying and serves no purpose in this community. If anything that is what causes this community to be toxic because everyone else goes through the same shit that the people that complain goes through and yet manages just fine. Why can't people learn to adapt on this server? Instead of complaining about the same things over and over. Those players are probably what drives newer players away from playing by making HP washing seem like it's the end of the world, which frankly isn't the case.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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