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Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by plnko, Nov 12, 2015.

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  1. plnko

    plnko Orange Mushroom

    Sep 2, 2015
    7:21 PM
    11324262_467534756749950_835854223_n.jpg 11311644_975394859160009_826458959_n.jpg 11328000_935599373126918_217030321_n.jpg 12143278_749067055205288_8863532995423997730_n.jpg

    This thread may sound spiteful, but the intentions are good.

    Greeting to all silly bitches. As a select few of you know, i'm throwing in the towel. I'm calling quits. I can't continue playing this server anymore. A great server with mediocre staff and a terrible community. I made one great "friend" who ended up ditching me to play with her other friends. Eventually deleting her, i became focused on life more so. (Gee, Thanks!)

    Let me first start off by saying a wonderful job to Kimberly and staff for favortism. Also another congrats to y'all for not even seeing a hacker RIGHT IN FRONT OF YALL. Who knew it'd be so difficult to press a hotkey to stop spamming to talk to people. Like What are you guys? V8x+?
    But on serious note, great job on making this server THE best PREBB server. It's almost comparable to OdinMS.

    So for the last... month of so... I literally semi afked in FM on the ledge. During my lovely stay on the invisi ledge, I've had the opportunity to really get to know the people of this server and how they interact with one another. This would range from guild meeting to fm whores to the uninformed asking questions.

    Now i'm not sure about you guys... But i would personally never sexually harass females or tell them sexist remarks, ever. But that apparently doesn't stop this community.

    Infidel and someone else asked me why i stay up there. And the best way i can describe it is.. A data collecting lighthouse. Many times, players new to this server would come in the fm, and beg for mesos. VERY few times, someone else would trade that beginner person. I'm not too sure how much they gave themselves, but i gave anywhere from 1m+ depending on level. Everyone else? Trolling, bitching or ignoring.

    I'm going to assume everyone here that lurks knows me as that abrasive asshole who afks and never talks. Others might know me as a random guildless guy who just gives shit out. Now, i joined this server solely because at the time, the words MATURE COMMUNITY was on the banner. At the time and i think they still are; the rules aren't fine tuned. And what i mean by that is it's acceptable to harass, threaten and ks if the map is yours, @mapowner. Ask yourself how this promotes partying and playing with other people.

    Perfect example, i once met this CLERIC alt, at level 5x training at gs2. I asked to party, she said no. Okay, i'll find another map, fsho. all means well. Weeks/month later i see her again, only she's level 82, PRIEST. I asked if she wanted to party once more. She said no, she's only here for the mesos. Keep in mind this is gs2. Gs4/5 mobs drop more mesos fyi.

    Now, because you implemented the system where you literally gave one person power, you crossed out the "drama". This "drama" essentially promotes teamwork in the long run if you sat down and really thought about ergonomics. Because either you can ks (which is when you SHOULD hit a gm up) OR you could WORK TOGETHER. (forced) So why did you cross the drama. So the gms could actually "play"..?

    Another incident, when i was afking.. Someone had the audacity to defame my character to see if it brang a reaction, to which it did. Like.. Why. I'm not gonna fucking push a person out of their wheelchair to see if the fucker stands up. That's just not humane at all.

    Or my FAVORITE one, the bamboo boys. I understand that theres a few heads/og heads that are decent people, can carry a full conversation. What irks me is that the person literally private messaged me to tell me to shut the fuck up, or do something about it. What makes it so god damn hilarious is the dude is a spanish guy, trying to be asian.
    Conversation went something like this
    Y:thats right punk, hide yo self in an anonymous character
    M:My IGN in-game is Raver. Do you have a problem?
    Y:Yeah pretty much stop talking shit that you don't know off and show your real character.
    M:I'm not talking shit. YOU were the one that started talking shit. If i recall Latte said to stop arguing. And what's the shit that i don't know of? That bamboo kiddies love spamming? I get it rep it that's cool. But everytime..? It get's annoying. That annnnnd a few other people on the other side of the community agree y'all are annoying and immature.

    At this point, i added mediators which didn't do their job.

    :Or if atleast you're gonna talk shit about me or my people, have the decency to give a reason and don't coward yourself in an anonymous player account, the only reason i brought it over here, its because shoutbox isn't a place to bring private manners, but in the end youre such a punk that you need to bring GM's into this. In the end, this is all a complete troll, but obviously the TROLLED one was you. Bye bye ho
    PS. Youre just sad shit cause you aint us FU

    This instantly made me look down upon every single person who was/is in bamboo guild.
    Even more, after my hate started, they literally ganged up on me on forums. IT'S A GOOD THING I DIDN'T HAND OUT MY MAIN IGN RIGHT LOL. If i'm acting guild leader, i don't want my guildmates to be a nuisance to ANYONE.

    GUESS WHAAAAT. He's still in game! NOT BANNED. People get banned for fucking defaming multiple times. Favoritism sucks.

    This is your community. This is the type of players that other players immerse themselves in.
    maple.png x1.jpg x2.jpg x4 (2).jpg

    And this is just HALF of it. Don't even get me started at the point i started hardcore afking or when i first started under a different IGN.

    So, all in all. I hope whomever learned something about this server and commnity.. The whole point of this thread is a maddening realization that the rules need to be tweaked, or you're literally bound for a failure of server
    A great suggestion is.. How about ZERO TOLERANCE TROLLING.
    "A deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them"

    Theres a lot of potential, and A LOT of bright minded people. But for every 1 bright crayon, you have like a 1:16 (9/150) of haztards.

    And heres something i told a surprsingly nice fellow.

    There are no strangers here, only friends we have not met.

    This is Emperor/Uretihsia/Ryan Signing out. Charlie Mike.
    For those who care or just wanna be a friends, feel free to message me. Maybe i'll join you.

    • Like Like x 1
  2. Jackii Kon

    Jackii Kon Dark Stone Golem

    Sep 21, 2015
    4:21 AM
    Dragon Knight
    Sadly I find myself sort of agreeing/confirming a bunch of stuff written here. I am..confused.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Lionheart

    Lionheart Horntail

    Apr 25, 2015
    Gotta catch em all...
    8:21 PM
    F/P Arch Mage
    Yes, the community definitely needs work. This is the same server where people planted balrogs at all the 1st job instructors in all four channels. Fortunately, that was fixed. The rules/what was possible were tweaked.. unfortunately, those same people are still present and likely haven't changed one iota.

    @mapowner is a thing because you can't force someone to party you. It's a grand idea, and I usually would always ask people if they were there before me. But if they don't want your "help", you're disrupting them. I don't agree that being mapowner should allow that person free license to KS and harass you, though. It depends. If the map is big enough and there's no compelling reason for you to leave, you ought to be left alone.

    But everyone should know OdinMS was buggy as hell. When nearly every skill that does something besides direct damage doesn't work or crashes the game, it's not a good experience. The staff here have created the least buggy server I've seen and also kept cheating minimized, as far as I can tell. If you can't give props to that, you're just ignorant of the situation.

    As for all the immature brats you mention, that's just par for the course. You see, this is the internet. Anonymity emboldens people to do shit they'd never get away with in real life. I don't know if you will find a better community out there or anywhere, but this trolling is normal. Not saying it's ok but here's a great idea: instead of just saving a bunch of screenshots of people verbally abusing you so that you can let it all build up inside you and then show everyone what horrible people are running around on the server when you finally decide to quit, why didn't you just report those people with that proof when it happened? Did you honestly try that? I think if you did, you would have mentioned it. I don't get where you get off saying there is favoritism. Who, specifically, is being treated "better" and why?

    The thing is, the community is what you make of it. Bamboo boys can be ignored. Fame is almost meaningless, but many nice people can bring you up tenfold. If there are people cussing you out, report them. Either they learn their lesson or get banned for good. If there are lazy punks in LPQ who just afk, don't invite them back in the party. Another funny thing: I've never heard anyone talking about changing @mapowner until now. Why didn't you make a suggestion?

    You didn't have to spend all your time brooding in the FM. You could have joined a guild. I even remember offering you a guild invitation. I bet you would have met a lot of people you liked and who might have partied with you. Instead.. well.. you decided to just sit and watch everyone, looking for assholes. Is it any surprise you found assholes on the internet?
    • Like Like x 18
  4. United

    United Skelegon

    Aug 24, 2015
    5:21 AM
    Dark Knight
    Just becauae you deicided to not fit in and just be a jouge of community doesnt meat its as bad as you said...
    You just took all the bad shit around here (and there is always bad shit no one is perfect) and ignore all the good...
    Barly trying i manage to get so many extreimly kind friend. I cant see anyone not getting that unless he doesnt want to.
  5. Mortemz

    Mortemz Red Snail

    Nov 6, 2015
    The Netherlands
    4:21 AM
    After being here for a week I can't say much. But still there are so many people on this server who just can't wait to help anyone.

    I'm a big noob at Maplestory. And after me asking a million of questions they are still kind and helpfull.

    Honestly I haven't ever met a more amazing community then this one.
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Bonespace

    Bonespace Slime

    Nov 10, 2015
    The Netherlands
    4:21 AM
    Hey man, sad to see someone leave because he doesn't feel welcomed. On the other hand, I believe that in an online game, private server or not, small or big, instead of observing you can pick the people you want to play with. You can choose who your friends are and if you want to be in full control start your own guild and only invite people you like. Getting stalked in whisper? Blacklist them. It sucks that your gameplay was affected this much and made you quit, but I do believe the game provides enough solutions to deny those people from hurting you. Good luck in your future journey and perhaps you will return some day. I wish you the best.
    • Like Like x 6
  7. Zeronine

    Zeronine Slime

    Sep 16, 2015
    11:21 AM
  8. Yozich

    Yozich Wolfspider

    Jul 9, 2015
    4:21 AM
    Hero, I/L Arch Mage, Corsair
    After reading this, I'm not sure we played on the same server :p
    • Like Like x 8
  9. Zaltor

    Zaltor Dark Stone Golem

    Apr 8, 2015
    3:21 AM
    I/L Arch Mage
    Got bored after the first sentence KappaRoss PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSaltPJSaltPJSaltPJSaltPJSaltPJSaltPJSaltPJSaltPJSaltPJSaltPJSalt
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
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  10. Leslie

    Leslie Dark Stone Golem

    Jan 4, 2015
    Joo Won's Bedroom
    10:21 PM
    I probably could have handled the situation better when you deleted me. But it hurt. I don't want to assume you were referring to me in your post but I have to defend myself. I don't play with "friends". I train alone for the most part. The only time I'm on the same map with "friends" is when I'm in FM! You were the only person on this game I hung out with outside of FM w/ the exception of my RL boyfriend.

    But I digress.

    The point of this thread is that you are leaving and the community needs work. I still agree with you on that to be perfectly honest. There are a lot of fake and toxic players. Finding the gems is a task, but these days I've tried to find at least one positive thing in each person I meet here.

    I enjoyed the brief time we spent hanging out and the conversations we've had. Thank you for introducing me to the Joe Rogan Experience. Best of luck with your new job and life in general.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I guess I can't be too upset that you deleted me because I've done the same thing to other people that I don't really click with. Now I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of that. In the end you have my respect for being real.
    • Like Like x 4
  11. zook

    zook Capt. Latanica

    Apr 12, 2015
    10:21 PM
    Night Lord
    ~ ~ ~
    bye bye emperor
  12. Fredrik

    Fredrik Chronos

    Oct 12, 2015
    4:21 AM
    Just wanna point out that you are a part of the community to. Just lurking around in the FM and getting more and more angry doesn't help anyone.
    If you want to make this community better try and actually work for it. If that doesn't work you could always try and find the like minded and good people, since even you yourself mentioned that there are atleast a few of those, and try to make friends with them and hang out with them.

    Now I don't see how the lower level community could even be that bad, I saw you doing LPQ in one of your screenshots and that's fairly early in the game. There will be alot of newcommers around that stage so if you meet a few asshats then that's just bad luck.
    I, however, am not very well aware how the high lvl community behaves. Most high lvl ppl I've meet are OK, some are even really nice, but you having bad experiences with one of the more popular guilds sounds kinda frustrating.

    That being said you sound kinda like a nag in this thread honestly. Wish we coulda meet eariler though since I'm pretty sure we could have got along ^^.
    I also really hope I wont have the same realization you had about the server since I am having a good experience so far.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Farmer

    Farmer Mano

    Oct 21, 2015
    10:21 PM
    Dragon Knight
    Now this is the level of maturity he was looking for Kappa
    • Like Like x 4
  14. OP

    plnko Orange Mushroom

    Sep 2, 2015
    7:21 PM
    This post isn't to disparage anyone. Again, this is a MADDENING REALIZATION. This post is literally proceeding as expected with one earlier hiccup(thanks staff for RE-opening this thread after closing it quickly. >.>). The whole post has a negative connotation but it's to improve.. I have absolutely NEVER been one to conform to society. EVER. I'm okay with just INDIRECTLY being with people. This is an extro-introvert.

    OdinMS was a great example, not for the specific detail of lack of fine tunes. OdinMS was somewhere you could escape to. People left GMS to OMS because it was one of the first public private servers. Obviously it's not perfect and neither is this server. Of course there are good.. and there are bad. But we're not talking about the good right now. We're/Staff/Community is focused on how yo can improve. What's done is done. Move on.

    You're perfectly right. I didn't HAVE to spend my time in the fm fuming... and i wasn't. As i said referenced the lighthouse example. I just sat there read chat and helped players whether old or new. I've played since beta ALL THE WAY UP T NOW. If you read and comprehended, I juggled with personal life, occasionally hopping back on.
    You act as if i never went to train at all.. I stopped training after the incident with gs2. It was simply not worth my frustrations. Even at WR.

    Yes. You can't FORCE someone to train with you. But you literally cut out promoting teamwork and friendliness by giving power to one person. Flex! But when no one wants to train with you and if you do, you get the shitty part of the map, what happens then? There have been many times where i've asked for a smaller corner section of the map to maximize odd spawn controls/time.

    I've played in so many lan/esea games, hether it's GB,gunz, 1.6/source. And hurrdurr, i was in the military. Point is, i've met a lot of people. I have friends EVERYWHERE. Even bosnia, afghanistan. Almost 1 person in every state in america. I made and established many connections because i know communication and respect = power and knowledge.
    And the reason why i declined to join your guild was, A. the name( i like extremely simple names, all my characters are monotonous words.) B. I didn't really dig the whole fairy wing thing.
    Also, DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON ALL THOSE SPITEFUL FM SHOP COMMENTS. Theres an old saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it"

    I've also noticed during our conversations... You always seem to have an input for any comment whether right or wrong. And i totally respect that. But we had like all not but 3 FULL conversions.. and it was very mature and opinionated. You really don't know shit about me. So to justify and assume that i'm like any other person... nope nope nopeeeee.

    You say i can ignore them. How can i ignore them when pretty much everyone knows everyone. Think about it clearly. If i'm friends with x, i'm bound to see x.
    Ironically, you fail to see light of this post with your last comment. You can't fix a problem if first you don't ACCEPT the problem. If you've ever noticed which i'm very sure you haven't. I followed a big rule in satanism.(I read on everything, knowledge is power dude) Basically, only act/react if someone interacts with you. There was a few times where i broke that rule to correct the misinformed.

    That's the whole point of this post. We've already acknowledged that there is some VERY GREAT people on this server. To break it down barney style so you can understand, is2try2fixandimproove. I'm trying to lay it down the most gentle and friendliest way.

    So why are you evening commenting WHAT-SO-EVER...? Are you looking for attention you little whore? No one said you have to read it.

    You were the greatest person i've met on this server and always will be, besides kaelor. We really clicked together and had some amazing conversations because of how introverted we are. However, i have zero tolerance for people who ignore me, yet are busy with someone else. And the reason behind this is my past abusive pops.. Being viet and all, he was verbally, at times physically abusive. and everytime..(which was everyday) i had to sit or stand there while he yelled at me, telling me how useless i am at life. And how pathetic/useless i am. And the worst part? I NEVER COULD say anything back. Why? Because it'd upset him and flare his anger issues. If someone is important to you at all, you as a human being WILL make time for them. It's literally encoded in our dna how we act/react and feel towards one another.
    I wish you the best and happiness in life, and if you still have my nmber and don't have anyone to vent. I'm always here. When i was young my aim was to give the ultimate gift. A gift to someone where they can't repay. If you understand the magnitude of that, i commend you, it's also why i play the death reaper and giver of life. I didn't join the army and become a tanker to make small changes, i wanted to be a part of the bigger picture, winning wars, really making a difference that goes unnoticed.

    This kinda goes along with what lionheart said previously. You're judging and already assuming that i always lurked in the fm and shit. There were steps that eventually led to me afking. Training became unenjoyable. Reading the conversations of this community was more enjoyable than getting blitzed off my face dabbing, and literally raving in my room and hardcore grinding for hours at a time. Believe it or not, i prided myself in 10-15 minute LPQS as leader, EVEN WITH ME SEMI AFKING FOR 2-3 STAGES.

    How can i possibly impact the community when the ognorance level is so high. There have been MANY times where someone disagrees, and is UNWILLING to see light the other person's opinion. I know ignorance when i see it because i've experienced it time and time again. I'm only 22 years old, but i've moved 6 different times throughout the course of my academic years. And thrice once joining the military. Again, i will NOT conform to society. Even being out of the army, i still have the same abrasive, direct, idaf attitude. Ask anyone who's read my retorts. But i try to be more courteous, respectful and most of all, civilized.
  15. Kimmy

    Kimmy Administrator Staff Member Administrator Game Moderator

    Sep 9, 2014
    4:21 AM
    Moderator Post
    Seeing this thread is becoming an argue about if this community is bad or not, rather than a farewell, I am going to close this.

    If you have any issues about favouritism (the key thing I seem to care about in this rent), feel free to PM me or Navi. However, seeing I am mentioned, feel free message Navi with your complaint about favouritism.

    Thank you for playing MapleLegends. Unfortunate that it isn't what you wanted, but hopefully you did enjoy the time you were with us anyways.
    • Like Like x 3
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