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Low Monster Ring Book and the Log-in Quest Notification Mystery

Discussion in 'Report Bugs' started by Hanger, Oct 1, 2021.

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  1. Hanger

    Hanger Orange Mushroom

    Mar 27, 2021
    5:28 PM
    Description of the bug: (optional screenshot/video): Hello! I'm sure these bugs are well known but I thought I might just add to what I've found. I should have reported this bug sooner because I actually noticed it months ago but I completely forgot to. Please forgive me! The recent PB ban wave reminded me. So here I am reporting it now.

    1) So beginning with a well-known bug of a notification you get saying there's a quest with a lightbulb on your head with no actual quest present, I think I might have found what it's related to. Upon getting to >tier 1 on my monster ring on my main, my other characters got a notification that says a quest has arrived but for most of them, there is no such quest present.

    2) New characters that I made with new character slots on the same account, at some point after reaching >lv 20, received a notification with an actual quest attached - that quest being a monster ring upgrade - despite not hunting for 30 sets on them. And this quest is CAN be completed! So two of my PQ mules have tier 1 rings, despite not having any sets on them. Interestingly, not all my characters were able to reproduce this bug, just two of them.

    What is supposed to happen?:

    1) Obviously, if there's no quest, there shouldn't be a notification.

    2) My characters should not receive a monster ring update quest and should not actually be able to complete the quest.

    Where did you find and/or notice this bug?:

    I noticed the notification bug when playing my 2nd character Hanger, where after my main, Permanovice, got tier 1, Hanger received a notification for a quest that wasn't there. I didn't really question it and thought it was just a weird bug that would be resolved soon enough. This must have happened ~1-2months into me starting ML, which was in late February.

    When I actually expanded my character slots to make new PQ mules and a new main, my new characters after some point, received a notification in game while online, that actually had a lightbulb pop up! When I clicked on it, it was the Monster Ring Tier 1 upgrade. I tried replicating it on another PQ mule that I created a week after, and I got the notification in game (not sure if it was online or offlien), and the same quest popped up. After completing them, those characters, Liebestraume and Paean (now Driller) no longer received the log in quest notification anymore. Interestingly, Hanger never received the quest, and thus has to this day still receives the notification. This must have been just before the anniversary event.

    However, when I made my 2nd main character and last character on the account, Battlesage, I was already past Tier 1 on Permanovice. Battlesage received the lightbulb notification, although I cannot remember if it was while I was online or offline. And I did not actually receive the lightbulb popup on him! So he is currently without a ring, and still receives a log in lightbulb notification to this date. This must have been just after the anniversary event, although I'm not sure when I made him.

    Additional evidence these two things are correlated would be that once I went past tier 1 on Permanovice, my other characters received log in notifications again, only this time, they did not receive an upgrade quest! So now, Liebestraume and Driller both receive log in notification with no quests, just like Battlesage and Hanger. And my suspicion is that they're receiving some bugged monster ring update quest. Now that I've gone way past tier 2, I'm not exactly sure what's going on with the notifications, but I'm still getting them.

    So I am pretty sure the two bugs are related!

    A step-by-step guide to re-producing this bug (optional):

    1) Make a character and get them to tier 1.
    2) Make another character and level them up a bit, past maple island and receive the Monster Book Ring quest.
    3) Level up a bit more and see if you get a lightbulb notification online or offline.
    4) If this doesn't work, expand your character slots and make new characters there and repeat the same process.

    Extra information (optional):

    Main findings:

    1) Monster Ring Quest seems to be related to the log-in quest notification.
    2) Making new characters while your character is on tier 1 enables a notification on your other characters that may result in a tier 1 upgrade quest that can be completed, despite not having 30 sets on that particular new character.
    3) Completing this bugged upgrade quest results in the log in notification going away.
    4) If you go beyond tier 1, you will receive new notifications on other characters that have already completed the bugged upgrade quest; although it appears that any notification you get on any new character doesn't result in a quest.
    5) Some characters might just not receive the quest and this might have to do with them receiving the monster book quest first (which Hanger did accept first), or by them hunting full sets of cards before your main hitting tier 1 (which Hanger also did first).

    I actually didn't think much of it at first and thought it might be one of those systems like Link Skills where your other characters share the ring throughout the account. But upon further consideration a few months ago, with how my other characters never received upgrade quests, it seems like it's a legitimate bug that I should have reported a long time ago. I just forgot during the anniversary and the recent ban wave triggered my memory - Sorrrryyyy please don't ban me!
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
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