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Pirate The Buccaneer´s way Part 2

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by KurayamiLove, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. KurayamiLove

    KurayamiLove Skelegon

    Mar 15, 2015
    8:32 PM
    Hello again for the second part, in this part we will see the second job.

    To do the advancement you need at least lv30, go talk kyrim in Nautilus.
    The quest to make the 2nd job advancement is actually very easy but before you need to choose your way may it be the brawlers one or the gunslinger one, but if you are reading this mabe you want to protome to brawler, just talk to kyrim again to go to a map with octopies, by killing then you will obtain pink crystals, collect 15 and that's it, click on kyrim once more to finally promote to the next job.

    -New concepts-
    On this job on we will be find 3 new concepts that you should understand in order to improve your fighting skills.
    -I.Frames (Invincibility frames): some skills will make you invincible for a short amount of time, being able to control this frames you will reduce the amount of dmg you take saving your live sometimes and hp potions.
    Very important the invincibilities frames prevent the dmg not status unless the status are attached to the attack for example Rash deal you a status effect that make you unable to jump but such status is only inflicted by an attack that also deals dmg, avoiding the dmg will also avoid the effect, but other monsters like Alishar the boss of ludi PQ can blind you decreasing your accuracy even if you sue the I.Frames because its attack doesn't deal dmg it just causes an efect, keep that in mind when you are fighting a boss.
    (If you have any concrete question about the I.Frames please tell me)

    -Delays on attacks: many attacks have a delay on is, that will make you unable to use those on a fast succession to cover the delay of one skill you can use another skill making combos, I will make a small combo guide to show the possibilities.

    -Stun and control:In your job you will find a lot of skills about control of the monsters by stunning then or pushing then, the control over the mobs its one thing that you will get used while playing this job, its really satisfying having the control .

    Here is a video example of this 3 concepts:

    improve-maxhp.gif HP improve (Max lv10):

    This skill works like the HP improving skill for warriors, it increases the max HP increase when you do a lv or when you use an AP point on HP.
    You MUST max this skill first to have as much HP as you can
    lv1: +3 more hp when lv up +2 more hp if AP is used
    lv5: +12 more hp when lv up +10more hp if AP is used
    lv10: +30 more hp when lv up +20 more hp if AP is used

    knuckle-booster.gif Knuckle booster (Max lv 20):
    Like the rest of the boosters increases your attack speed by 2, the boost on attack speed will decrease the I.Frames you get from the skills but you will perform them faster so there is no drawback to this skill.
    This skill needs to be lv20 if you want use AP on Speed Infusion (4job skill)
    lv1: -29 HP and MP duration 10 secs
    lv10: -20HP and MP duration 100 secs
    lv20: -10HP and MP duration 200 secs

    knuckle-mastery.gif Knuckle mastery (Max lv20):
    This skill will increase your mastery and accuracy only if you have a knuckle equipped, the more mastery you have the less difference will be between max dmg and mind dmg.
    You need this skill at lv5 to be able to use AP on Knuckle booster.
    lv1: 15%mastery +1acc
    lv10: 35% mastery +10acc
    lv20: 60% mastery +20 acc

    backspin-blow.gif Backspin blow(Max lv20):
    This move will make you push and stun enemies behind you, this skills have I.Frames only when you are preforming it, once the skill animation ends you will be vulnerable again.The delay of this skill is shared with Corkscrew blow so don't combo this two skills the delay time is around 1 second.
    This skill isn't the best one if you want to push enemies but is the one that stun faster and you can use it to approach a monster and stun it.
    lv1: -12MP 88%dmg to 3 monsters
    lv10: -20MP 160%dmg to 3 monsters
    lv20: -30MP 240%dmg to 3 monsters

    corkscrew-blow.gif Corkscrew blow(Max lv20):
    Another rushing skill that pushes enemies but this one has a charge bar, hold the key to charge it and then release it to attack, the dmg showed on the skill description only makes reference to the full charged dmg if the less charge you have the less dmg you deal. This skills has the biggest I.Frames of all your skills, you will be invulnerable during all the animation and delay that is around 1 second like most of all delays, like I said this skill share delay with Backspin blow.
    The function of this skill is mainly push enemies safely thanks to all the I.Frames it gives to you, the other use of this skill is to use it to receive I.Frames and attack with skills with no I.Frames or another skills with Shorter I.Frames (wile doing so its better to use it without charging, the only time you are chagrin this skill is when you don't have anything around and you want to approach to a monster and deal a good amount of dmg).
    lv1: -20MP 125%dmg to 3 monsters
    lv10: -28MP 270%dmg to 3 monsters
    lv20: -36MP 420%dmg to 3 monsters

    double-uppercut.gif Double uppercut(Max lv20):
    This skill attack 1 monster twice stunning it,This skill only has a delay of 1 second or so.
    The way to use this skill is for stunning a single monster wile dealing a significant amount of dmg, or just for the dmg alone. The most common combo is using it with Flash fist or before a Corkscrew blow to avoid dmg with the I.Frames but at the end of the skill you will be vulnerable and probably you will get hit unless you have active Speed infusion from the 4job advancement.
    lv1: -15MP 100%dmg x2hits
    lv10; -20MP 190%dmg x2hits
    lv20: -30MP 290%dmg x2hits

    mp-recovery.gif MP Recovery(Max lv10):
    This uses 10% of your max HP to recover MP.
    Useful skill combined with Energy drain from the 3job, this combo can save you pots and overall if you are fighting easy monsters (maybe you are farming a concrete item) this combo can save you all potion usage.
    lv1: Uses 10% of your max HP and a 55% of that HP is recovered as MP
    lv5: Used 10% of your max HP and a 75% of that HP is recovered as MP
    lv10: Uses 10% of your max HP and all the HP used is recovered as MP

    oak-barrel.gif Oak Barrel(Max lv10):
    Use this skill to hide in a barrel, once you are hidden on it you can avoid touch dmg (not magic dmg) and all the monsters around you will ignore you. There is a chance if a monsters touch you the barrel will explode leaving you vulnerable again, if you are crouched this will never happen.
    This skill works like Dark sight for thief's but with less duration a cool down and a small chance of failing, but you will be able to loot and use hp and mp potions on it also your speed wont be decreased while using it. The main utility of this skill is to travel safely or scouting a zone.
    lv1: -12MP for 12secs 35secs cool down 37% chance of failing when you touch a monter.
    lv5:-16MP for 20secs 25secs cool down 25% chance of failing when you touch a monter.
    lv10:-20MP for 30secs 15secs cool down 10% chance of failing when you touch a monter.

    Like the first part I wil give some freedom at teh build by not making a table but you NEED and MUST max HP improve first, don't drop any point on any skill until you have maxed it, that will happen at lv33. Then you can use 1 AP to all the attacking skills and start maxing mastery, in mintime you can can drop 6 AP to booster to make it last 1 minute and then once mastery is maxed try to max the attacking skill you use the most usually those skilsl are Corkscrew blow or Backspin blow, once you have all your attacking skills maxed max booster and then you will need to do another decision, will you max the barrel or the Mp recovery? to be honest the barrel is useful but the MP recovery + drain on the next job is much better at least on my opinion, but hey make your choice both are cool skills.

    This job has 121AP and this is how the shill shoud be at lv70:
    Knuckle Mastery 20/20
    Knuckle booster 20/20
    Backspin blow 20/20
    Corkscrew blow 20/20
    Double uppercut 20/20
    HP improve 20/20
    And at your choice:
    Oak barrel 1/10 MP recovery 10/10
    Oak barrel 10/10 MP recovery 1/10

    Well that's all folks hope you like this guide, if you see any error or if you have any suggestion please let me know.
    Happy Mapling
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