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Pirate The Buccaneer´s way Part 3

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by KurayamiLove, Apr 7, 2015.

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  1. KurayamiLove

    KurayamiLove Skelegon

    Mar 15, 2015
    10:03 PM
    Once you hit lv70 its time to do your third job advancement, to do so travel to ElNath located below Orbis descending the tower. Once you are on ElNath go to the right you will see a small mountain near the ned of the map, climb it and enter the house on the top. Speak to Pedro the third job instructor and he will ask you to get a strength pendant, to get that pendant travel back to Victoria and head Nautilus Harbour and speak to Kyrym, she will tell you to use a dimension portal located on the evil eyes nest, to go to that place just take the ant tunnel and keep walking forward map to map until you find the dimension portal, click on in and you will appear on a new map, once there you have to fight 2 Kyrim clones (Gunslinger version and Brawler version) if you killed both the drop the item that Kyrim asked you, well to exit the map click on the statue on the top right of the map and you will appear on Nautilus. Once there talk again with Kyrim and she will give you the Strength pendant. Fly back to ElNath and then Pedro will ask you for another pendant, the wisdom pendant, this pendant is obtainable by doing a questionnaire about the game, the questionnaire is made by a black stone located on the wolf area on ElNath to go there you need to go to the right map of ElNath and keep walking map by map until you see the entrance of a forest, there is no portal you need to talk with a NPC, once on the forest climb and go some maps ahead until you see a wood door on the top of one of the maps, its a hidden street go inside, there is the rock you are looking for. to be able to do the questionnaire you will need a Dark Crystal if you fail on the questionnaire you can try it again but you will need another crystal so watch out. Once you have answered all the questions right you will get the pendant, then talk to Pedro again and voila you are now a Marauder.

    Here is a page with the answers for the questionnaire the questions arent writed like in the game but they are similar and they have the same answers son pay attention:

    In this job you will have to learn about 2 new concepts: charged and transformed, you shoud change your fighting stile depending if you are transformed, charger or normal.
    We will see how that affects our combat on the skill description.


    stun-mastery.gif Stun mastery (Max lv20):
    This skill allow you to deal extra dmg to stunned monsters on a given rate, the extra dmg will be represented with red numbers like critical hits.
    The extra dmg look like critical hits but they dont deal at much dmg as such tehy can stack if you have SE dealing a huge amount of dmg on one single hit. Since this skill only work on stunned monsters you wont be able to deal extra dmg to bosses.
    lv1: 22% chance +3%extra dmg
    lv10: 40% chance +30% extra dmg
    lv20: 60%chance +60% extra dmg

    energy-charge.gif Charge (Max lv40):
    By hitting enemies you will gain charge represented on a small blue bar that you can move to locate it on the place you like the most on your screen. The most enemies you hit at once the faster you gain charge the lv of the skill also make you charge faster. Once you are fully charged a energy sphere will cover your body, the charge effect include w.att increase, acc and avoid increase, chance of power stance (you wont flinch when a enemie touch you) and you will deal touch dmg to nearby enemies.
    During your charge status you can use energy skills that wont consume MP or HP.
    lv1: duration 31sec +1acc and avoid 5%dmg on touch 11%chance of power stance
    lv20: duration 40sec +101acc and avoid +15w.att 100%dmg on touch 30%chance of power stance
    lv20: duration 40sec +101acc and avoid +15w.att 100%dmg on touch 30%chance of power stance
    lv40: duration 50sec +201acc and avoid +20w.att 200%dmg on touch 50%chance of power stance

    energy-blast.gif Energy Blast (Max lv30):
    This is an energy skill.With skill you will punch with your energy a group of monsters dealing a lot of dmg, this skills has a delay of 1second so it can be combined with corkscrew blow to make use of the I.Frames or in combination with somersault kick.
    lv1: 246%dmg to 2 monsters
    lv15: 330% to 3 monsters
    lv30: 420% to 4 monsters

    energy-drain.gif Energy drain (Max lv20):
    With this skill you will attack a monster and drain their HP healing yours, the attack have quite some range so you can stay away from the monster you are attacking that comes really handy to avoid dmg, the attack speed of this skill is also really good si if you are bossing ot focusing on one single monster is a really good skill, it get outclassed by barrage or demolition on 1 vs 1 but the HP is really good and will save you the use of pots, combined with MP recovery from teh second job will also make you save MP pots or if you are farmin on monster that are lower lv than you you can avoid all MP and HP usage.
    lv1: 265% dmg to a single monster 11%dmg deal will be recovered as HP
    lv10: 310% dmg to a single monster 15%dmg deal will be recovered as HP
    lv1: 360% dmg to a single monster 20%dmg deal will be recovered as HP

    transformation.gif Transformation(Max lv20):
    With this skill you can became a super sayan!! increasing your speed and defences , the speed boos is +40%speed and +20% jump like haste.At the moment during transform you will only be able to use shock wave and sportive skills but maybe in the future the restriction will be removed and you will be able to use any skill during this skill. You need this skill at lv20 to be able to use Ap on super transformation on 4job
    Transformation duration is always 120 seconds (2 minutes) and it hast a cool down that decreases with the lvs.
    lv1: +2w and m.def 550 cool down secs
    lv10: +20w and m.deff 460 cool down secs
    lv20: +40w and m.deff 360 cool down secs

    shockwave.gif Shock wave (Max Lv30):
    Use this skill to smash the ground a hit multiple enemies in your way, this skill is only available during transformation or super transformation.
    Is this skill cool? yes, Is it useful? no.... why? it deals a lot of dmg but the animation is really slow and while using it you will be very vulnerable, maxing it just don't worth it you will use this skill mainly to impress pll or just to kill snails with stile.
    lv1:265% dmg to 4 monsters
    lv15:475% to 5 monsters
    lv30:700% dmg to 6 monsters

    There are two build, maxing first charge or maxing first stun mastery it depends on the way you play, also you can use 1SP on each skill yo have then available, in fact all the energy skills are useful even on lv1 so drop 1 point on them when you can, transom is only for mobilitie while traveling not for mobbing with shock wave.
    Once you have maxed charge and stun mastery max energy blast and then energy drain, and for last but not least max transform, hen you can drop the rest of the SP to shock wave or you can use it to max dash if you didnt max it on 1st job and oak barrel/Hp recovery if you didnt maxed they either and then drop the rest on shock wave since again... shock wave is useless.
    This job has 151 skill points so the build should end like this
    Stun Mastery (20/20)
    Energy Blast (30/30)
    Energy Drain(20/20)
    Transformation (20/20)
    Shock wave (what ever/30)
    Dont forget that you can max dash, oak barrel or Mp recovery :D

    Well that all for today hope you like the guide if you have any question or is anything wrong please tell me i will change it. thanks for reading.

    Happy Mapling.
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