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Thief The Rogue

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by Trabin, Aug 7, 2017.

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  1. Trabin

    Trabin Horny Mushroom

    Jul 25, 2017
    4:13 AM
    The Rogue

    [1] Intro and Summery
    [1.1] Edits
    [2] The Rogue
    [2.1] Bandit
    [2.2] Assassin
    [3] Skills
    [3.1] Rogue
    [3.2] Bandit
    [3.3] Chief Bandit
    [3.5] Assassin
    [3.6] Hermit
    [3.7] Night Lord
    [4] Training

    In every RPG (Role Play Game), there is a set of characters that are consistent:

    The meat shield, also known as the warrior/fighter. This unit can take a ton of damage and keep on swinging. Usually has the biggest kill ratio.

    The Spellslinger or Mage/Magician, Using magic, this character type tends to either base their units specifically towards damage spells or healing. Usually low hit points, but if they can sling their spells fast enough, are about as valuable as the warrior.

    The Archer, wielder of ranged weaponry. Agile, smooth, takes risks, while sticking to the edges looking for that perfect shot, excels in accuracy.

    Last but not least is the focus of this piece. The Rogue is a sneak master, the one who hides in the shadows. Usually considered a thief for their abilities, what I more or less figure them as the one to keep you from dying as the perfect supporting role.

    What this guide will touch on is what it is to be a Rogue, and gives an extensive skill tree so you can figure out what it is that you want to do, and what path that each class of Rogue has to offer. This is both to be informative and suggestive, not a concrete path. What you will notice is that each section has been labeled so you can search through this guide easier.

    This guide is also subject to editing at any given time.

    Good luck, and happy leveling.
    [1.1] Edits:

    Added No-Dex Assassin information.

    [2]In Maple Story, The Rogue is a hard to play character depending on the path that you do decide on, considering the paths that you can take. One is an expensive route, whereas the other has a more brute strength meets stealth approach. How to decide depends on how much you want to spend, and how long you want to play.


    [2.1]The Bandit

    The Bandit is an easier role, taking on a sort of melee form of combat. Armed with a dagger or spear, the Bandit makes use of 3 stats to cause damage and other sorts of havoc. The Bandit uses Strength, Dexterity, and Luck to determine what kind of damage this sort of rogue will make, and most assured will cause more damage in the middle level ranges than their ranged counterparts, the Assassins.

    Now there are two major kinds of bandits, a Strength Bandit and a Luck Bandit. Both have really good points, but both will rely on Dexterity for quite a bit of their equipment.
    The Strength Bandit will suffer damage for stability, whereas the Luck Bandit will cause ridiculous damage and spend more in the way of health pots compared. In Either case, luck and dexterity is the main focal points to a Bandit’s weaponry.

    The Most common methods of Ability Point Distribution are as followed:

    Strength Bandits:
    From level 1-19, make sure your strength is 10, double your dexterity, and throw the rest into Luck.
    From level 20 on, ensure your strength is at the least 10 points lower than your current level, ensure your dexterity is matching double your level, and throw the rest into Luck.

    Luck Bandits:
    From level 1-12, have your dexterity at 25 and the rest into luck.
    From level 13-40, have your dexterity double your level and the rest into luck.
    From level 40+, spend 1 point into dexterity and the rest into luck every level.

    All levels: 3 into Dex, 2 into Luk. Allows equipping all Thief gear. The average thief, good for either Bandits or Assassins.

    Dex Bandits
    All Levels: Pure Dex

    [2.2]The Assassin

    The Assassin is a Rogue who specializes in ranged combat, using throwing stars as a method of killing monsters in the field. Great, Common, expensive, and there are a few ways to make Assassins as well.

    Low Dexterity Assassins are more common, but lack the aim to hit monsters or equip things of their level. This can be remedied by using equipment that is scrolled with high dexterity and swapping out pieces, but their damage can be really huge.

    Then there are the midrange assassins, where they have a little more dexterity and equate it out by equipping items of mixed Dexterity and Luck scrolled items. Their damage won’t be as high as their low dexterity counterparts, but at the least they will be able to survive a scuffle if they travel in too deep.

    The Average Assassin is where the stats are nominalized. Dexterity is double the level, and the Luck is the drop point. No required scrolled equipment and can use equipment at level without having to swap items out.\

    The way the DEXless assassin works is by taking advantage of the way Lucky Seven's damage formula is used, as it does not use DEX or Claw Mastery at all (It doesn't even use your damage range). The only factors are your LUK and your Weapon Attack. This is the formula that Lucky Seven's ACTUAL damage range is based off of:

    (LUK * (Random number between 2.5 and 5.0)) * Weapon Attack / 100

    After this number is calculated, it is multiplied by 1.5 (Since Lucky Seven when maxed does 150%), and then does the second hit, which is the same as the first.

    Since thief equipment requires a huge amount of DEX to wear, the DEXless assassin forgoes DEX entirely and pumps that into their LUK, giving them a LOT more LUK than an assassin with DEX. Two level 30 assassins, one with normal DEX and one that's DEXless, will have a difference of 35 LUK in the DEXless assassin's favor. Due to the way that Lucky Seven's damage formula works, the difference in damage between these two assassins will differ greatly.

    The downside of being a DEXless sin is that your options of equipment are rather limited. You will be stuck with using a level 10 Garnier for a long while until you can get your hands on a Maple Claw or Shinobi Bracer. This means your Weapon Attack will be rather limited, but compared to a regular DEX assassin, it won't differ all that much since claws give such a low amount of Weapon Attack already. You can still wear Work Gloves with Weapon Attack on them, and these will GREATLY improve your damage, so try to get your hands on one of these.

    Weapon Attack is the hardest part of managing a DEXless assassin, and a single point of it matters a lot. There are several ways to improve your damage, but you will need to stick to using your Garnier with a Work Glove. Scroll your Garnier with 100%s to start with, and later when you find money to buy 60%'s and 10%s, buy another Garnier and try scrolling that. Mainly though, you'll want to focus on your Work Glove, since that's going to stick with you no matter what level you are or what other DEXless claw you find. It can get pretty spendy, so prepare for that.

    The fun part about being a DEXless sin is that you don't have to worry about DEX at all, and can scroll your overalls with LUK to your hearts content. There is one problem with this though, the only overalls that you can even wear are Bath Towels from Showa and Sauna Robes. I recommend getting a Bath Towel as early as you can and scrolling that with 100%s, that gives you an incredible +10 LUK! Later you can do the Sauna Robe quest and try accumulating some 60% overall scrolls for LUK. This helps your damage a lot.

    Buildwise, I actually recommend maxing Haste before Critical. The reason behind this is that Critical, unlike Lucky Seven, is actually based off of your damage range. This means that it is affected by mastery, which you will not have for a while. So, the best way to go is to increase your mobility as much as you can. This will speed up your training more than you know, even though there is nobody else around (Though it sure helps a lot when training with someone else too, keep that in mind!). Added mobility will allow you to get to your next target even faster, and further increase your training speed... along with traveling speed!

    After maxing Haste, get 5 Claw Mastery and get Claw Booster to about level 6 so you can increase your attack speed, further increasing the amount of Lucky Sevens you pump out over time, and therefore, your damage. Once you get this, start maxing Critical and finish off with Claw Mastery. After this, your build is up to you. Drain is bugged so I don't recommend putting points in it.

    The methods of Ability point distribution for all three types of Assassins are as followed:

    Low Dexterity:
    1-10: 25 Dexterity, the rest in Luck
    11+: Every 5 levels put 3 points into Dexterity, everything else in Luck for equipment purposes. You’ll probably be wearing those level 30 equips until you’re level 70.

    1-10: 25 into Dexterity, the rest into luck
    11+: Boost your Dexterity to double your level with equipment and keep note of that number in order to keep putting points into luck while allowing yourself the ability to hit monsters of your level. This requires a lot of item juggling, and can be time consuming.

    All levels: Dexterity double your level, everything else goes into luck.

    No Dex:
    1-10: 25 into Dexterity, the rest into luck.
    11+: Everything into Luck


    [3]So, what about skills?

    This is where the excitement of being a rogue comes in. The swift ninja skills of the Rogue and how the skill tree should look like depending on the path you take. Now, this is only going to give you an idea as it’s your character and you can distribute these skill points however you see fit. There are also a lot of factors that go into it. Most Rogues tend to train and grind alone, and if you’re going to be one of those rogues, stick to skills that will benefit yourself and not a party. If you’re going to be a support rogue, as they are originally built for, then build your skills to benefit the whole and not just yourself.


    Nimble Body (Passive): Increases Accuracy and Availability. A staple and a skill that must be maxed for any and all rogues, no matter if you’re going to be a bandit or an assassin. This skill may not increase damage, but allows you a better chance to hit monsters and keeps you from getting hit as much as anyone else. Max level: 20. Make it so.

    Keen Eyes (Passive): Increases the range of thrown weapons. If you’re an Assassin, Max this as soon as possible. Bandits, Ignore. Max level: 8.

    Disorder (Active): Temporarily decreases the morale of an opponent. Lowers weapon defense and attack. This ability is great on low level monsters, but really not useful later on in the game. My suggestion is to just pump 3 points into this to unlock a very useful ability and a staple of all rogues, Dark Sight. Max level: 20

    Dark Sight (Active): This ability allows the user to become impervious to most attacks. This allows the user to pass by monsters, while not allowing the user to attack or use many other skills. This skill makes a rogue worthwhile. Max level: 20

    Double Stab (Active): The Bandit skill. This skill allows a Rogue wielding a Dagger to attack twice. If you are becoming a bandit, I would max this skill out first. Max level: 20

    Lucky Seven (Active): The Assassin Skill. This skill allows a Rogue wielding a claw and stars to attack twice. IF you are becoming an Assassin, I would max this skill out first. Max level: 20

    if you’re going to Bandit, My Recommendation for the 1st job tree is:

    20-Double Stab, 20-Nimble Body, 3-Disorder, the rest into Dark Sight. You can distribute them how you see fit, but I would max that double stab as soon as you can. Most do it like this:

    10: Double Stab 1.
    11-16: Double Stab 3 per level.
    17: Double Stab 1, Nimble Body 2.
    18-23: Nimble Body 3 per level.
    24: Get those points in Disorder.
    25-30: Max out Dark Sight.

    Assassins are a little bit different, because their build to maximize their range requires distribution to an additional skill. The way I built my character in Skills may not work for other people, but it’s a good recommendation none the less.

    20-Lucky Seven, 20-Nimble Body, 8- Keen Eyes, 3-Disorder, the rest into Dark Sight. This reduces the amount of Dark Sight while giving more power to your attack range.

    10: Lucky Seven 1.
    11-16: Lucky Seven 3 per level.
    17: Lucky Seven 1, Nimble Body 2.
    18-23: Nimble Body 3 per level.
    24-25: Keen Eyes 3 per level.
    26: Keen Eyes 2, Disorder 1.
    27: Disorder 2, Dark Sight 1.
    28-30: The rest into Dark Sight.

    If you look at the charts, they look pretty much the same, minus the cost of reduced Dark Sight and the boost with Keen Eyes for Assassins.

    Now it’s time to examine the skill sets of the split off in the rogue class. I’ll start with bandits.


    Dagger Mastery (Passive): Increases the dagger mastery and accuracy. It only applies when the character has a dagger equipped. Max level 20.

    Endure (Passive); Additional recovery for both HP and MP even while hanging still on a rope or ladder. The higher the level, the faster the recovery time, along with recovering additional amounts of both MP and HP. Max level 20.

    Dagger Booster (Buff): Uses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the dagger. It only applies when the character has a dagger equipped. Max level 20.

    Let me interject here. Anything that uses HP and MP to boost something reduces the chance of survival, even if it’s a boost. I can’t justify putting any points into something like this unless you have nothing else to put points into, and then I wouldn’t even use it. It may work for some, but I wouldn’t ever.

    Haste (Buff): Temporarily enhances Speed and Jump stats of every member in the party within range. Max level 20. Either Max this first, or wait until later, but this skill SHOULD be maxed even if you’re going to travel alone.

    Steal (active): Attacks multiple enemies and gives a chance to steal an item (one per enemy). Requires Haste at level 5. Max level 30.

    Savage Blow (Active): The Beast of a skill for a Bandit. This uses MP to attack an enemy up to 6 times. Max level 30.

    Before level 70, I would have Savage Blow maxed, Haste maxed, and Dagger Mastery maxed. Steal comes in handy, but I would only drop points into it when the other 3 are maxed.


    Shield Mastery (Passive): Increases the defense of the equipped shield. Only works when the shield is equipped. Max level 20.

    Chakra (Buff): Use MP to recover HP. Only works when the HP is less than 50%, and stops if either attacked or moved. Max level 30.

    Sounds good, but I like my HP to be more than half, but that’s just me. And the fact that you can be knocked out of healing; well that just grinds my gears.

    Assaulter (Active): Attacks one enemy with incredible speed and power. Enemy can even be stunned on a low success rate. Max level 30.

    Pick Pocket (Buff): Makes the Enemy drop mesos for a certain period of time. The amount of mesos dropped depends on the damage and the skill level. This requires the skill Meso Explosion at level 3. Max level 20.

    Band of Thieves (Active): Summons fellow bandits to attack a few monsters around the area, attacking up to 6 monsters at a time. Max level 30.

    Meso Guard (buff): Uses Mesos to guard 50% of the damage received. Once the skill is used, it saves up to a certain amount of mesos, and once damaged from then on out, the mesos will be used based on the damage received. The skill will be turned off when the saved mesos are used up. This skill requires Chakra at level 3. Max level 20.

    Meso Explosion (Active): Explodes the mesos dropped on the ground around you to attack monsters. The mesos from the monsters killed by someone else will not be able to be used for this. Max level 30.

    This build is all you, but you can figure out a little easier what to expect and what to mix up as you get up there. 70-120 is a long way to go, and I commend you by not quitting after level 70 if you made it to this job advancement. Good job on the promotion!

    My suggestion, however, is Max out Chakra, Meso Explosion, and Band of Thieves. Pick pocket can come in handy to fund your Meso Guard if you decide to use that, or even to Explode those dropped mesos for a boost of damage.


    Maple Warrior (buff): Increases the stats of all party members. Max level 30.

    Assassinate (Active): Transforms one into dark sight and attacks a monster 4 times consecutively, with a success rate of dealing a fatal blow on the last hit. Max level 30. Good thing you Bandits maxed out Dark Sight, right?

    Shadow Shifter (Passive): With great reflexes, enables one to avoid the monster’s attack. Max level 30. Combat Reflexes anyone?

    Taunt (Active): Provokes a monster, which will cause its defense to increase. As a result, the EXP earned will increase, as well as the success rate for items to be dropped down from the monster. This skill requires 10 levels in Shadow Shifter. Max level 30. Farming, anyone?

    Ninja Ambush (Active): For a set period of time, a group of ninjas hiding around the bushes will periodically ambush up to 6 monsters at once. This skill requires 5 levels in Shadow Shifter. Max level 30.

    Venomous Stab (Passive); Stab a monster with a dagger that’s been smeared with poison: the monster struck has a chance of being poisoned, usable up to 3 times against each monster. Max level 30.

    Smoke Shell (Active): Throwing a smoke shell around one’s area preventing from being hit by monsters. Party within the area of smoke effect receives no damage. Time required between activation is 10 minutes. Max level 30. Now, normally I’m against cool downs, but I’m really liking this skill.

    Boomerang Step (Active); Attacks the monster twice at an incredible speed with a success rate for the monster to be stunned. Max level 30. A faster version of Double Stab.

    Hero’s Will (buff); Cures you from being seduced. The cool down decreases as the skill level increases. Max level 5.

    That’s a lot of skills after level 120, and I hope to see how you plan on distributing those points. I hope to see you reach level 200, and beat down anything in your path. Good job, Bandit.


    Claw Mastery (passive): Increases the mastery of throwing stars and accuracy, along with the maximum number of throwing stars to recharge. It only applies when the character is throwing stars. Max level 20.

    Critical Throw (passive): Enables the character to make a critical attack with throwing stars on a certain success rate. Max level 30. I would max this.

    Endure (Passive); Additional recovery for both HP and MP even while hanging still on a rope or ladder. The higher the level, the faster the recovery time, along with recovering additional amounts of both MP and HP. Max level 20.

    Claw booster (buff); Use MP and HP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the claw. It only applies when the character is equipped with a claw throwing stars. Max level 20.

    Remember what I said about using HP and MP to boost something. Not a survival skill.

    Haste (Buff): Temporarily enhances Speed and Jump stats of every member in the party within range. Max level 20. Either Max this first, or wait until later, but this skill SHOULD be maxed even if you’re going to travel alone.

    Drain (Active); absorbs some of the damage dished out to the enemy as HP. The most one can absorb at once is the character’s Max HP /2 and can’t absorb more than the Max HP of the enemy. Max level 30. I would put points into this.

    Critical Throw, Haste, and Drain are good ones to max. Other than that, just go crazy and build your sin how you plan to play.


    Alchemist (Passive): Increases the effect of the recovery-based items like potions and others, and lengthen time for the effect. However, items such as Elixirs and the like still retain their % recovery. Max level 20. Max this skill.

    Meso Up (buff); for a certain amount of time, everyone in the party can make the enemies drop more mesos than usual with this skill. Max level 20. Max this skill to fund your Assassin better.

    Shadow Partner (buff); for a certain amount of time, a shadow will appear, repeating your every move. There’s no real stamina in it, and it will disappear after some time. This consumes 1 summoning rock per summon which takes up etcetera slots, but you should be used to that with use slots being taken up by stars. Max level 30.

    Shadow Web (Buff); makes a spider web of your shadow, and holds up to 6 enemies in one spot at once. The enemies held in the spider web will be unable to move. Max level 20. Not sure if this is a good one, or something to skip over.

    Shadow Meso (Active); Replaces MP with mesos and attacks enemies with the damage based upon the amount of mesos thrown. Ignores the attacked enemy’s weapon defense up and magic guard up. This skill requires Meso Up at level 5. Max level 30.
    Avenger (Active): Uses MP to make an enormous throwing star for attack. The throwing star will go through an enemy, and attack the ones behind it, too. Max level 30. Max this one, big time.

    Flash Jump (buff): Double Jump with an MP cost. This skill requires 5 levels of Avenger. Max level 20. Sounds like this could come in handy.

    I’ve given my suggestions on what route to go with your skill points, but I must also remind you that this is your character. Good job at reaching the 3rd job, and I look forward to seeing you push onto the next big Advancement.


    Maple Warrior (buff): Increases the stats of all party members. Max level 30.
    Shadow Shifter (Passive): With great reflexes, enables one to avoid the monster’s attack. Max level 30. Combat Reflexes anyone?
    Taunt (Active): Provokes a monster, which will cause its defense to increase. As a result, the EXP earned will increase, as well as the success rate for items to be dropped down from the monster. This skill requires 10 levels in Shadow Shifter. Max level 30.

    Ninja Ambush (Active): For a set period of time, a group of ninjas hiding around the bushes will periodically ambush up to 6 monsters at once. This skill requires 5 levels in Shadow Shifter. Max level 30.

    Venomous Star (passive): Throws a throwing star that has been smeared with poison, which with a given success rate may (up to 3 times) poison the enemy. Max level 30.

    Shadow Stars (Active): Attacks a monster using 200 stars out of the currently equipped star. This enables an infinite number of stars to be thrown for a short period of time. Max level 30.

    Triple Throw (Active): This is Lucky Seven’s upgrade, throw 3 stars. Enough said. Max level 30. You know what to do.

    Ninja Storm (Active); Pushes off the surrounding monsters by summoning ninjas. Max level 30.

    Hero’s Will (buff); Cures you from being seduced. The cool down decreases as the skill level increases. Max level 5.

    Wow. You didn’t quit! Good job! Hardest of the classes, in my opinion and you made it! Keep going, and I bet you’ll be slaying things I could only imagine. Well, maybe not, but the dream must remain alive!


    This solely depends on your flavor of kills, but the best route to go after your first Job Advancement is to go to either Slime tree or Henesys Hunting Ground until you can one hit kill slimes without any issues. I would make sure that you complete all quests you can get your hands on.

    The next step is to find a good amount of orange mushrooms to beat down, or pigs. Especially pigs if you’re going after the very important sauna quest.

    Another good boost if you’re in the range of level 22-30 is Kerning Party Quest. This gives a really good amount of experience if you can get a team of 4, including yourself, to be a participant.

    Afterwards, go down into the ant tunnel until your next job advancement. From there, Wild Boars, Fire Boars, and Teddy bears will be your best and annoying friends for quite some time. When you reach about level 40 or somewhere nearby, the Lupins and Zombie Lupins are going to be well worth the quest line attached to them. Two Thousand three hundred Cursed Dolls will fetch you a nice level 40 hat with luck stats. Doesn’t look too shabby, either.

    Another good idea in the level 35-50 range would be participating in the Ludibrium Party Quest. If you’re already slamming on some Teddies and exploring the tower a bit, why not go and enjoy a bit of excitement with a full 6-man party?

    From there, the world is your oyster. From Orbis to Ludibrium, Victoria Island to El Nath. Make the best of it and find out what works best for you. Try to get yourself a Zhelm in El Nath. Well worth it.

    1-10: Maple
    10-15: Quests and Slimes/Stumps
    15-18: Stumps and Green Caps
    18-21: Green Caps/Horn Caps/Z.Shrooms
    21-30: KPQ
    30: Choose Class Upgrade
    30-35(-40): Z.Shrooms/Lupins/Masks/Quests (Pre-reqs for Icarus Cape)
    35(40)-50: LPQ (Attempt for Free Broken Glasses face Acc from 35 PQs)/Truckers
    50:preReqs for Zakum/Zhelm - Buy if funded and have over 2.3khp (Avg. 30m)
    50-51: LPQ
    51-70: LMPQ/Hoodoo/Voodoo
    70: Class Upgrade/Mount Quest
    (80-100: Pirate PQ)
    70-80: Coolie Zombs
    80-95: Drakes/Copper Drakes/Tauro
    (85: Blue Mushmom)
    (90:Scarlion & Targa (suggested kill level, 140. Bring friends))
    95-105: Ghost Ship/Wolfspiders/Wyverns
    110-130: Skeles/Monks(Memory, then Qualm, Then Oblivion)
    130+: Whatever gives you the most EXP. Probably Horntail PQs.


    Hey, if you find something else that may help boost this guide, just make it known. Remember, The Rogue is the ultimate support character, and becomes godly after a while. Just keep at it, and make it work.​
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