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Whats your maple.. Story?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JamesWest, May 11, 2016.

  1. JamesWest

    JamesWest Orange Mushroom

    May 7, 2016
    3:08 AM
    As title says! Im curious to read about how everyone found out about maple and soon after began playing up till now!
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  2. IoIzor

    IoIzor Capt. Latanica

    Jun 8, 2015
    9:08 AM
    Mine is pretty traumatizing...
    Took black taxi to sleepy where I got raped by abnormally horny mushrooms.
    So yea, both scammed and raped the first day.
    Now, 9 years later, I still play and #Scarred4Life after that day seeing me, myself & I is the one being abnormally horny now instead.
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  3. OP

    JamesWest Orange Mushroom

    May 7, 2016
    3:08 AM
    @lolzor same thing happened to me but it was more of a blessing.. 10 years ago almost unheard of really xD. Someone helped me out of sleepy and gave me 1 mil.
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  4. iChecco

    iChecco Slimy

    Jun 21, 2015
    My House
    9:08 AM
    At the time i was like 6/7 and got introduced into maple by my cousin and started playing on CMS.Well ofc i wasnt pro what do u expect from a kid :eek: i was always hanging around hhg saying "mesos pl0x" begging and annoying ppl xD
    After like 3 months of playing i finally made it to lvl 30!!! (Shhh i know i suck :x) and ofc the first sp i got i put it in tele (i was an i/l), what a scrub MapleF7. Unfortunately few days after i had to leave china, i was there for my holiday only and got bk in Italy where i couldnt play maple cuz Neckson didnt release it yet in europe. I played some other games and completely forgot about maplestory and actually dont remember how i got to maple again MapleF12. It was pre big bag when i started playing on EMS and as usual i was a poor scrub hanging around henesys and didnt even know wut i was doing, which i now call WASTING TIME MapleF8.Maybe the funniest thing was trying to head to sleepy and i MADE it! But nvr left with the chara i did withMapleF8. Maple gets boring slowly and i quitted (its ok, 1 scrub less -> btr community MapleF17) but when i came back, Maple was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!! #BigBang #CubesHype #Pay2Win
    Neckson completely changed maplestory, i was disapponted but kept playing, it was funny playing the overpower classes :p. I played lots of those overpower classes but nvr made it to 200 FeelsBadMan! Also EMS was full of hackers around (idk now) and ofc! Im one of those who got robbed MapleF7. When i logged i was naked and my inventory was uhmm... SUPER CLEAN YEAH! BUT TOO CLEAN MapleF5 so i said "fuck it" and quitted EMS.
    Last year i felt pretty nostalgic and wanted to play maple agn which brought me to download EMS agn(best idea ever kappa) which i unistalled after 5mins, dont give me compliments ikr it lasted 5mins, too long MapleF3.
    So i had the great idea to fill a private server's community with a scrub and here i am on MapleLegends! MapleF14
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  5. Vith

    Vith Dark Stone Golem

    May 6, 2016
    3:08 AM
    White Knight
    My good ole' pal by the online alias name of Heffron told me about Maple back in 2006. Could have been before that, honestly, but my most fun memory was of Perion CH1 being the Free Market before the Free Market was even available.

    Been playing on/off for a few years, and here I am.
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  6. Jean

    Jean Wolfspider

    May 6, 2016
    3:08 AM
    the first time i playing maplestory is when my mom buy me my first laptop my sister helping me to make new email account i looking game to play and Neckson is the first site i find i chose to play maplestory because i like cartoons i know maplestory look like anime-like but i didn't know about anime much back then i choose to be a MP warrior because gosh warrior have the lowest mp ever Neckson should at least give warrior a bit more mp but oh well i have to deal with that i quit maplestory few time because 1. i become too greedy for Neckson cash i use all my money that my family give me for my birthday or christmas and 2. i get tired play maplestory so i trying to find other mmorpg but i never find other mmorpg i like maplestory will always be in my heart no matter what i make a new account and i choose be a permanent beginner because i want to do something new be a permanent beginner is ok and feel a lot fun when i doing quest as beginner feel more rewarding than having a job my best moments is when i doing mushroom kingdom quest as beginner is little challenging and feel awesome to have mushroom kingdom medal but after big bang i starting to get bored and i move on to the private server i try to play a some server but i never find a server that i like until i find one server that's been running for years that server the only v55 server that fixed most quests i been playing the server a while until hackers ruin the site the owner have a lot time to fixed the site and the server after everything back to normal the owner shut down the server because he want to do something else and now i here this server is awesome feel close to v62 and people here are awesome this is my new home to stay
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
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  7. United

    United Skelegon

    Aug 24, 2015
    10:08 AM
    Dark Knight
    Nezt episode was...
    Joined legends started a magican and decided i wasnted magic armour and not magic claw cos "thought buffa ia more long term"
    So i begged every1 at kpq to get me tix so ill get 30 and became a cleric...
    Only god knows how i reach lvl 35 Kappa

    For me maple was all my late childhood from age 12 to 15 i played gms in pre v55.
    I was a little kid and did alot of noob trades to get good gear for my ranger.
    Finally i quitted and started playing other Mmos, Cod and Fifa... every now and then came back for after big bang and didnt understand shyt so i quitted again... 2 years ago i needed a new game cos i was bored i join gms and was shocked how many more classes they had.. i mainly did quests and played kaiser ( <3 ) finally quitted agian.. (all that time i had no idea about ps of old versions.
    One year ago my friend told me there are few v62-55 ps out there with hard rates so its100% nostalgy...
    I wanted to get the childhood rush and downloaded the first v62 i liked wanted to be a warrior for the first time in my life wanted to go paladin cos i though they are cool but then i read losj guide and my life was distroyed...
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
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  8. iChecco

    iChecco Slimy

    Jun 21, 2015
    My House
    9:08 AM
    Shhh that's supposed to be a secret :eek:
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  9. Rasenganjedi

    Rasenganjedi Slimy

    Apr 13, 2016
    9:08 AM
    I was around 8 when a friend of mine suggested to play maplestory. Got to level 10 then quit for 6 years until i came to this server.
    Best story.
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  10. Rawfodog

    Rawfodog Chronos

    Mar 18, 2015
    9:08 AM
    Rawfodog / ItzMjauzzz / Foxy / Foxsky / TheBaker / ReaI
    I/L Wizard
    I did just the same thing X____X
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  11. Ryae

    Ryae Wolfspider

    Apr 17, 2015
    USA (West Coast)
    12:08 AM
    Night Lord
    I actually found MapleStory through a Toontown Online forum just before I turned 11 hahaha. I finally tried asking my parents if I could sign up in the summer after beta ended (May 2005?) but I didn't understand the difference between MapleSEA and Global so I tried signing up for SEA because I liked the ocean (11 year old logic?). When they saw you needed to enter an SSN (to confirm you are actually from the area, I presume?) they freaked the hell out and said no. I spent months just staring at the website and learning all about the game through wikis and whatnot (also I learned that SEA stood for South East Asia and had nothing to do with the beach) until November when I confronted my mom (? lol) and was like MOM I AM GOING TO PLAY THIS AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME hahaha I think that's the most rebellious thing I've done..really sad
    Obviously Maple was fucking kickass and I played it well into high school until Big Bang hit, and I started playing it less and less. But in the process I got my best buddy into it (I am so sorry MarysaawMarysaaw for all of the lost hours of your youth) along with a lot of other school friends so we still had a lot of good times! I think I after that I played on and off in tiny spurts until stopping in 2013, and drew my characters in between to fill the void, until last year when I learned that private servers were a thing! So thank you for giving me a home! ^^

    Tl;dr I haven't been able to get Maple out of my life for 11 years help
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  12. Poofcakes

    Poofcakes Pizzatarian Retired Staff

    May 8, 2015
    The Netherlands
    9:08 AM
    When I was 7 I got a new neighbour who was 2 years older. I ended up going to his parents' apartment almost every day to watch him play MapleStory or Flyff, and sometimes he'd let me play, or I could secretly play on his brother's computer when his brother wasn't home. SlimeAngel

    After my family and I moved away from that place I stopped playing, because I didn't know the game's name, but I ended up finding it again couple years later by recognizing the art style. You don't wanna know how hard I screamed when I realized it was that same game I played with my neighbour all those years ago.

    I believe I discovered private servers in 2010. My first private server was CelinoSEA. The next server I stayed at was LeattyMS. Then I played some random ones for short whiles (can't even remember all their names crymush), like ElliniaMS and VictoriaMS. And now MapleLegends.
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