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TTKirnk's Iron Man Character Journal (REAL)

Tema en 'MapleLegends Journeys' iniciado por TTKirnk, 4 Ene 2024.

  1. beegoratto

    beegoratto Zakum

    22 Sep 2021
    A good solution to posting GIFs I found is hosting them in Discord, then copying the link of the Discord-hosted GIF and posting it into the post.
    Last edited: 15 Feb 2024
  2. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    Yeah I do that, but gyazo GIFs are whack and are more like mp4s. I'll likely find a new method to make GIFs tomorrow or just make videos outta them...we'll see how I feel
  3. beegoratto

    beegoratto Zakum

    22 Sep 2021
    Don't use gyazo at all, just host them directly on Discord.
  4. beegoratto

    beegoratto Zakum

    22 Sep 2021
    Here's a quick tutorial for anyone curious.

    1. Take your GIF file saved on your computer (max file size of 50 MB) and drag it into Discord
    2. Right-click the uploaded GIF and click "Copy Link"
    3. Click the "Image" button in the post and paste the link in the "Image URL" field


    For files larger than 50 MB I would just upload them directly as a video, either to YouTube unlisted for long-term of Streamable for short-term.
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  5. fartsy

    fartsy Zakum

    29 Jun 2017
    F/P Wizard
    • Great Work Great Work x 4
  6. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    hello Gamers and Chatters it is that time of the moment again where i come to talk about Beavers being Knights of Dragons. this be a special one...ok not really but you get a wallop of both "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ AND "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™! Starting with "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™, i only got one buddy request today, which happened prolly in the middle of the day or so:

    the strongest pally alive both in game and in real life CHEERS to that...although unfortunately i didnt get the honor of being on his pally's buddy list (this isnt a guilt trip i swear to god). now its time to prove that i really did expand my buddy list like a while ago at this point:

    see its at 35 total! funnily enough i could go on a massive spree of expansions but ill just do it when needed since its better to save up than just throw away my mesos. with that outta the way, now its time for "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™...in which i only got 1 duey here. im pretty certain based on context clues from my buddy chat last night that i got sent this last night, but for some reason the game didnt register the notification for a duey until i relogged earlier tonight while restarting my computer...and look what i was presented with at the duey:

    ok hopefully this GIF works this time but man look at this shit! this possibly confirms that someones been reading that god damn giant wall of text and decided to make me enter depression with this duey...because i will delete ANYTHING sent to my duey after all. suffice to say...i dont think i was the one who was amused this time around :`) with all of that outta the way, its time to move onto the entry itself!

    DAY 23 (february 15, 2024 EST time)

    today marks the official last day of the epic questing adventure...though that doesnt mean i wont be questing anymore. any questing done at this point will only be a few done and wont be the main focus of this Beaver's journey...which means these entries will look quite a bit different since i wont have as much content or variety of things to talk about. not to worry as i do have plans for that, which i did mention in the previous entry...but let me get into what happened today before i continue on about all that, starting with the usual:

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...)

    today i started off in magatia, once again looking for homunscullo in order to get the last quest item i need for finding out about Dr. De Lang that i already know the lore behind, and hopefully the last card to complete the set...and your boy was a lucky son of a bitch!

    got within 2 kills...with the first kill giving me the card and the second one giving me the green stone. having this and deet and roi (also shown in the screenshot) sure makes my life easier later on thats for sure. after getting the stone, i went off and completed the questline by doing some walking back and forth between el nath and magatia once again and finding a spooky lab/cave. this questline is a bit interesting as the last part of it gives you 3 options on what to do with Dr. De Lang's notes. you can either:
    1. give them to main zenumist guy to get an upgraded zenumist cape, give them to the main alcadno guy to get an upgraded alcadno cape thats identical to the zenumist one in stats (ok its a difference of mp vs hp but its like 15 so WHO CARES), or give them to phyllia, Dr. De Lang's wife to get a big bunch of experience and fame. while the capes are tempting, they really arent that great and since ill be wanting to throw 30% str and dex cape scrolls eventually, they are likely to go boom and wont mean much, especially since i currently have the icarus speed cape and Mud...so i decided to be a simp:

    thats before the quest exp rate, so it was in reality 360k, which is a very nice boost of experience. cant say no to more elixirs either i reckon. with magatia essentially being done quest wise, barring mpq related quests, i decided to head on back to victoria island via karcassa, perion in particular, to turn in my gacha once again, along with craft a amethyst real quick for my tier 2 monster book ring. i decided to turn in my gacha in order to mark the end of the questing journey essentially (although i did do another quest due to being close to having all the ores needed for it after this...but it did feel a lot more like a grind than hunting for a quest). i didnt gain any gacha during this time period, but heres a quick refresher on the gacha i have:

    35 total tickets aint too bad! now its time for the results:

    (to clarify, the shoe for avoid 70% at the beginning of the 2nd screenshot is the same as the one at the end of the first screenshot...you can count the gachas used if you really dont believe me)

    not a bad haul truthfully! equip wise it stunk other than for 1 item and i didnt get any monster erasers either for that seal chair...but i think the scrolls made up for that a bit:

    i highlighted it already but lets go my first bwg ever! very nice to have this bad boy already...in which this is going to storage as i have future plans for it

    i got some other useful scrolls but finally got my first spear att 30%! been waiting a long while for one of these, since gacha is my only main way of getting these atm (god i cant wait to mass farm blue kents and wolf spiders for more when its feasible)...which led to me doing some scrolling. pls spare me chat but i fucked up my recording again somehow, which im 100% gonna be looking at over the weekend and the like I PROMISE...but i can at least showcase all the results and the like:


    x2 shoe jump 30%'s going 2/2 for passes, x3 shoe jump 60%'s going 2/3 for passes


    i only had 3 cape dex scrolls which is why its 2 slots. x1 cape dex 30% going 1/1 for passes, x2 cape dex 60%'s going 1/2 for passes


    x1 shoe avoid 30% going 0/1 for passes, x1 shoe avoid 70% going 1/1 for passes, x2 shoe avoid 60%'s going 0/2 for passes. this sock SUCKS but since i scrolled the warrior shoes first im not too mad about this and didnt care too much if it went bad. ill be holding onto these socks though since it still has 3 slots and will likely just attempt 30%'s on it until it booms.

    this is so tragic chat. i decided to throw the 30% i got on my better spear since id have a backup with 1 less wa...and it failed! its not the end of the world, as ill likely end up scrolling this spear depending on how the other one goes, which will just be using 60%'s more than likely at some point in the future. overall, im pretty happy with how the scrolling went today. the spear 30% failing did stink, but the old raggedy cape went alright and still has potential, and the dark wear greaves i am very happy with! these are actually unironically decent midgame boots...and by midgame i mean like some shit a level 150 warrior would actually wear...although prolly scrolled on a pair of level 100 boots instead of level 90 but hey man i cant be a beggar or a chooser. these will be great once my socks expire and i essentially dont have to worry about boots for a long time...prolly not until i can make reverse ones truthfully. after going through my gacha rewards and doing a bit of inventory management, i made the amethyst and made my way towards lith harbor to get my tier 2 monster book ring:

    looking pretty good! its pretty nice getting ~60 fully completed card sets and a bunch more that are like halfway/almost there by just wanting to complete quests. funnily enough, after getting my ring i decided to head back to magatia, the place i was just at, to go on a mass roid killing spree. why was that? to get sapphire ores mainly! turns out i was like ~14 or so ores away from getting scadur's fur coat made, which requires 60 total sapphire ores for. getting around 14 or so ores i figured wouldnt be too bad truthfully, and roids do have some drops i wouldnt mind getting while being not the worst experience and have a decent map and spawn...so i got to it. unfortunately i didnt get the drops i wanted, but i did eventually get all the ores i wanted. after getting such ores, i made my way back to el nath via the genie to orbis and then orbis rock scroll down the tower...and finally found scadur:

    as usual, here comes the drum roll:

    damn even if i could use this, what a shit reward for how much effort you gotta put in! the tails and horns honestly do take a decent amount of time...but they dont even compare to the 60 sapphire ores you need! i only managed to get like 45 or so from level 1 all the way till now...maybe a few as quest rewards randomly that i currently dont recall. regardless, having 60 sapphire ores by like level 60 or so is pretty nuts to expect, and farming them is a pain due to ore drop rate. i say this but theres quests even worse then that...such as that stupid quest for luke and his stupid gloves requiring TEN orihalcon plates aka 100 ores...and i have a level 25 questline currently that requires a total of FIFTEEN emeralds aka 150 ores to fully complete. this game is nuts when it comes to ore earnings and what not i tell you what. anyway, after being unsurprised yet still disappointed by this quest reward, i was officially outta quests that i could feasibly do and wanted to do (no im not gathering like ~80 or so emerald ores or ~90 orihalcon ores...at least not intentionally or as my main focus)...it was time to start some plain ol grinding! my next destination? mr. alli at herb town. why? because the level 70 and 60 warrior tops and bottoms that they can drop are shit that i want, as i want to get a decent top and bottom that will be good enough for a while since i wont be able to really farm level 90+ tops and bottoms for a while...and overalls currently arent ideal for me depite the fact i can get level 80 ones (not really feasible to farm either). i also figured they wouldnt be terrible experience since the map isnt too bad (has a nice teleporter from the bottom of the map that leads to the top) and the spawn isnt bad either, along with the overall map structure...and it actually wasnt!

    i forgor to save screenshots of it but i was making like ~720k eph (experience per hour) from an epm (experience per minute) 10 test with level 18 spear crusher, as it was able to 2 shot them consistently. this was important as they have an attack that can stun you, and if they feel like it they can actually chain stun you if they want. i was able to get 2 spear crushers in before they can attack back, assuming i performed the 2nd attack right away. i managed to level up while over here, and was able to get my spear crusher to level 21 where it can hit 3 mobs now...which with another epm 10 test i managed to get about ~820k eph, which is a huge difference. unfortunately i didnt get the upgrades i quite wanted...as the best i got was a level 70 warrior top that had the same str/dex as my current level 50 top, which was 4/2...but i decided to swap to it for the 31 defense for idk why copium reasons i guess? not like im down bad for mesos anyway. shortly after leveling up, i was originally gonna prep up and be done with the day, but i noticed i had unlocked the king sage cat quest...which i quickly did up until needing to kill one and get a quest item from him...because they were all hunted down it seems. since i didnt want to wait, i decided to continue with my prep up work and call it day by heading back to NLC via crane to orbis from mu lung, direct boat from orbis to ellinia, and then amoria town scroll trick. it was here that i stocked up on honsters and grilled cheese...in which i decided to bump up my total honsters on me to 1200 total since im RICH while keeping the grilled cheese at 800 in order to minimize time having to repot. i made my way back to kerning city via the subway and then parked at perion to end off the day...in which its time for the usual:

    yes chat thats right i got 8 total gacha since the gacha run and i didnt mention a single one throughout the entry...and that is because i plan on changing how i handle gacha and the like! while its been fun showing off the gacha dropping throughout the day and seeing the total number go up, i do think its a little...excessive and in the way of the journal. i also dont want to just post a wall of gachas dropping and have it be like 90% of the images. i also have a third reason as to why, and that is my inner "wanting to collect data nerd" wanting to come out, so in order to set that up im gonna change how i handle gacha. ill just spoil you and say that ill be turning these particular gachas in at the beginning of next session, and will be turning all my gacha in for the day at the end of each session to make tallying them up easier (and yes i do plan on adding the other shit i got...which will be hella annoying to add up but thats future me's problem and not present me's. at least its recorded i suppose...?).

    overall, i felt like i didnt do a whole lot today but im pretty happy with how today went, mostly due to the shoe scrolling and having level 21 spear crusher now. as i have been teasing in the past few entries or so, i will be changing up how i approach future entries due to the nature and direction of the Beaver's journey changing, since now the Questing Arc is officially done. dont you worry chat, ill still try to be a stupid shitter that doesnt shut up! in my eyes, entertaining whoever the hell cares to read/skim all this shit aka entertaining others is the most important goal of this journal, as bringing joy to others is what brings me joy. of course...enjoying what i do here is also important, which i still very much do, so dont worry about that! anyway, it is time to wrap up today's entry, and as usual, thanks to all of those that wasted their time reading/skimming this entry, and ill see yall soon enough.

    and as usual, here is your usual dosage of GIF from me:
    live footage of me fumbling recording shit for the 15071th time ^
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
    • Like Like x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  7. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    16 Jun 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    Let's bump the expansion thread on Buddy, always an honor my dear friend, cheers!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    hello Gamers and chat i am here weirdly enough because Amazon is just really good at their own job...which means this was a bit unexpected of a day and thus i didnt spend as much time as i originally planned on doing. this aint the end of the world though as i did end up popping off apparently...but before getting into that its time for everyone's two favorite sections, starting with "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™. today it was only add, and it came after an interesting time:

    this humble ass pally and i have never had a single conversation (to my knowledge anyway) together until today...all due to a certain event that ill get to in the actual entry. regardless, i cant say no to a pally adding me either way...so the friendship was accepted! this was the only add i got, in which i am now at...

    lets go at 30 total adds...with 28 of them being original! i must be popular right guys??? anyway, now its time for the other segment everyone loves..."Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™. this was sent to me around reset time...but its nothing too exciting. it did, however, make me feel angy and thus i shall curse you all with the imagery i had to see yet again:

    fking drake meat can go to hell! thankfully this was the only thing that i was dueyed, so it was the only instance of seeing that cursed item. with all that nonsense outta the way, its time to start this thing

    DAY 24 (february 16th, 2024 EST time)

    as i mentioned in the previous entry, im gonna be changing my approach to these journal entries by a good sum, in which itll likely be a bit of a slow transition or so which this entry will showcase it a bit but ANYWAY not a whole lot happened mainly because i didnt do a whole lot but man it was a bit exciting...in which its time for me to talk about that!

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game)

    so starting today, my plan is to turn in gachas at the end of every session. i got lazy/wanted to bedge last night, so i decided to turn in last session's gachas in at the beginning of today...in which i did exactly that. unfortunately im a liar and i actually got my gacha spreadsheet good to go to record data for it, and then finally decided to make a storage mule character so i can organize my inventory and storage better because i hate looking at a lot of the shit on me. and look at his name:

    sure is fitting if you ask me. ill be likely dumping my nx into his slots for a bit, since i got a lot of use and equips to hold. thankfully i dont really need nx so this shouldnt be too problematic. ok after getting him made and set up along with my spreadsheet (yes it includes all of my gachas, which was fun to find and add), it was time to dump the 8 total gacha i got...and look what happened:

    ignore the hampter in there....but ill be honest Gamers i was not expecting the chaos scroll from 8 tickets, lend alone from a rare gacha. for once in my life my rare gachas got me the stuff i wanted, and not the regular gachas. what a poggers item! my first yellow line and its something i wont even use for like 15010 years...but of course those dastardly staff members gotta pester me again:

    jokes on you staff team i cant even trade with people, especially since this item is untradeable! anyway since i cant use this scroll for eons this was my prompt strategy after having to deal with 10510 whispers:

    there you stay until your time comes sweetie pie. anyway, after going through my inventory and gacha tickets, i made my way towards king sage cat to hopefully find one and finish that questline quickly...and i got real lucky and managed to find all 6 apparently. nothing of interest dropped though other than a few equips i cant use but can sell. after completing that, i made my way back towards herb town to go on the mr. alli hunt again, because i still havent gotten the top and bottom i want...thus began my 3-4 hour or so grind of nothing fruitful!

    here are my starting potions and mesos to act as a reference. i wish i actually took an exact timer of when i started but i forgor...hopefully i dont next time.


    my mission had failed i didnt get the top and bottom i wanted yet again...but thats ok theres always next time! heres what i did get though:

    8 equips to sell at least

    those are glove ma 70% btw these are useless but might as well "record" this

    6 gacha total, with 5 being common and 1 rare as you can see

    cant expect anything crazy after what happened earlier but this aint a bad load at all! i can use the dex gear...and now time for the drum roll on that serpent's tongue:

    god damn that sure is spicy! its a max roll attack serpent's tongue too god damn. i can actually consider scrolling this too now funnily enough due to the attack speed differences...but ill think about that next time i play and instead just hold onto this for now. after going through my inventory and the like, i made my way back to herb town via ellinia boat to orbis and then crane to mu lung and then herb town, as next session shall strike back at the mr alli's. as such, heres the final results for the day, including my potion usage and mesos gained:

    the quick maths for the honsters and grilled cheese is 1150 total honsters and 727 total grilled cheese. yes i know this is while im on the boat but I DIDNT USE ANY POTIONS WHILE WALKING OVER! you'll see the proof in the next entry. i gotta say though, gaining like ~1.8mil in mesos from gacha items to sell, equips that dropped, and mr alli npc sales sure is pretty nifty...and it only costed me 38 honsters and 69 (teehee) grilled cheese, which is pretty nice i gotta say! when i actually record a more official time i can actually see how exact my potion usage and meso makings can be...which meso earnings will also require additional data since the money will vary heavily on equips dropped by the mr alli's, along with how much gacha i get and what i roll from it, since pretty much all of the meso value in gacha comes from equipments for me. for anyone curious, my total gacha count is at 131 total tickets, with 107 being common and 24 being rare. overall for an unplanned day this wasnt too bad...and i got the lil extra things i wanted to get done for the most part so ill call today a success i guess! next time ill be back at mr. alli's as i already mentioned, and itll get even more technical with less distractions. until then, i will thank anyone who has read/skimmed this entry, and i will see yall next time!

    and of course, here comes the usual GIF feeding:

    me after that first gacha pulling session today
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
    • Like Like x 1
  9. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    Hello chat and Gamers i am back once again, reporting in for another entry of involving the one task of murdering Crocs with birds on their heads. Nothing exciting today as there is no new content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, so its time to move onto the main course!

    DAY 25 (february 18th, 2024 EST time)

    today was not very exciting ill just tell yall right now. these journal entries are just gonna become god damn logs i swear its tragic...but cant be helped until we hit the next arc, which wont be a lil while i imagine :`) without further ado its time to shove stats and explanation paragraphs down your throats:

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    so before actually hunting, i decided to do a quick dpm test out of curiosity between the perfect serpent's tongue i got last night vs my 1 off perfect holy spear. this is because the serpent's tongue is 1 speed faster, so i was wondering if that would make a difference...and here are the results:

    first line is the holy spear, second is the serpent's tongue. i only did 1 test each because i didnt want to waste that much of my time and grilled cheese doing this, and to clarify it was done with spear crusher (level 21) on one target dummy. i could have easily low rolled one and high rolled the other, but this tells me enough in that they're both pretty similar in dpm...which funnily enough doesnt really matter at my level either. whats more crucial is how many hits it takes for me to kill stuff with...and it turns out the serpents tongue can 2 shot mr alli's like 99% of the time without any wa buffs (ive been using mini cokes because doing those quests in coke town got me far too many) which is nice because my clear is slightly faster with this vs the holy spear due to the attack speed difference...and i can save my mini cokes for other stuff! the 1% chance isnt the end of the world so im alright with the gamble...and which leveling up can also likely fix anyway. i largely got an actual time recording of my grind session for the day as well thankfully, but it got a bit scuffed at the end due to being heavily distracted oops.

    also, in case i havent clarified yet, my goal of grinding at mr. alli's is to get a top and bottom that ill be content with for a long while...as mr. alli has a nice selection of tops and bottoms for me to choose from. my ideal goal is to get at the bare minimum a 5/2 (str/dex) top and a 3 str dex 1-3 (ideally 2-3 but ill take 1 at this point) acc pair of pants. currently i have a 4/2 level 70 top and a 1 str 2 acc level 50 pants to give reference on why i want those numbers specifically. the level 70 top or the level 60 top suffice, along with both the level 70 pants and the level 60 ones. ideally id want 5/3 from the level 70 top and then 3 str 3 acc from the level 70 pants, but a 5/2 level 60 top and 3 str 1-2 acc bottom also work. mr. alli's also arent a bad form of experience, as i can get about ~800k eph...though im pretty certain there are better choices out there. another plus side ive noticed is that they arent very potion heavy either, which is why i dont mind being over here. hopefully i wont be here too much longer...but worst case ill just to get an ok pair of pants and move since a 4/2 top isnt the worst. anyway, its time for the stat attack:

    total time spent at mr. alli's: 5 hours and 15 minutes
    actual playtime: ~ 4 hours. i took breaks in between for dinner and for a certain someone's 200 party, and i also randomly got up a few times for bathroom breaks/grabbing snacks, hence why its roughly 4 hours (can only confirm 65 of the minutes)
    starting potion count: 1150 honsters and 723 grilled cheese (shown in the starting stats screenshot)
    starting mesos: 10,248,819 (also in starting stats screenshot)

    total equips earned from mr. alli directly, starting with the 2nd to top row (prolly dont need the top row as a reference oops)
    with a total of 3 level 70 tops, 2 level 60 tops, and 1 pair of level 60 pants obtained, with the following stats:





    so close yet so far...FAILED to get ideal top this game sucks

    i decided to greed with the pants, despite these being max str...but acc is too good to pass up on, so the pants have also FAILED for the day.

    2 earring int 60s, 1 vital bullet, 1 glove ma 70%, one 1h sword wa 60 (none of these items matter to me, but including for data purposes i guess?). also mr. alli's actually drop regular elixirs pretty often, but i didnt think about recording how many of those i got for some reason...so ill be sure to do that for next time (will i ever need these? idk but i aint gonna say no to having them)

    all the etcs i got. started with 50 leathers, as i am saving 50 of them for a quest (which also means i only npced 56 of them rather then all 106)

    total gacha for the day...tragically only 3 common tickets

    the results of said tickets. i think the screenshot says it all. now its time for the final results:


    final honster count: 1076 (74 honsters used)
    final grilled cheese count: 547 (176 grilled cheeses used)
    total mesos gained: 13,851,101 - 10,248,819 = 3,602,282
    time spent (to keep everything together): ~4 hours

    3.6mil mesos in profit is pretty nuts honestly, especially considering the fact i got 1 meso from my gacha tickets, which means everything else was from the etcs and equips i gathered, along with the raw mesos (yes i know the vital bullet gives like 1300 or so mesos when npced)...and considering my potion usage and travel fees, which is about ~466k in mesos used (i dont feel like doing the exact math someone else can do it if they really want. travel fees went to the crane for going back and forth between herb town and mu lung as well as mu lung and orbis, as well as the victoria island cab to move between ellinia and perion), i got a net gain of 3.2mil still, which i wont complain about at all! given, i dont really need mesos that badly but hey its nice to see how well i can profit at a place like this. being able to 2 hit with spear crusher and only taking like ~200 touch damage and ~350 magic damage occasionally prolly makes a big difference in my potion usage. also using the white potions and mana elixirs that drop from mr. alli's helps a lot (especially the mana elixirs). obviously i got a decent amount of equips, so i arguably did high roll a bit today profits wise, but this shows me that even on low rolls ill still get a decent net profit. hopefully ill get what i want soon enough...but ill let future me worry about that :`) anyway thanks for reading/skimming my dopey mr. alli log entry hope to see yall soon enough...and hopefully i can get my ass outta here soon to get better eph elsewhere!

    while the journal entries may be changing direction and becoming more direction in the Grind Arc, some things never will change...and that is your usual GIF dosage!

    ever wanted to waste 4.99 (sorry, 4,99) mb on discord servers? here you go enjoy!
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
    • Like Like x 1
  10. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    hello my fellow Gamers. once more my god king Jeffrey Bezos, the Primal Lord, has told me to FUCK OFF so here i am gaming and playing on the Beaver instead! there is no content for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, so it is time for the data lo- i mean journal entry.

    DAY 26 (february 20th, 2024 EST time)

    today was VERY SUCCESSFUL because i got the pants i wanted! i also decided to settle with the top i have, because while 5/3 (str/dex) or even 5/2 sounds real nice, i dont think its super crucial, especially when im rocking a 4/2 top already...but let me get into the details:

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    ok so i spent the whole day largely at mr. alli's...with a lil bit of doing some eph experiments. before getting into that last part, its time to throw some mr. alli stats in your face!

    starting honsters: 1076
    starting grilled cheeses: 547
    starting elixirs: 33
    starting mesos: 13,851,101

    final honsters: 1049 (27 used)
    final grilled cheeses: 476 (71 used)
    82 elixirs (49 gained)
    ending mesos: 15,020,473 (1,169,372, 1,187,672 total gained without including travel expenses)
    total playtime (that didnt involve me napping and eating din din): 1 hour and 31 minutes (or 91 minutes if you're THAT kind of person)

    total equips for the day...which isnt superb considering the hours spent but look whats in there Gamers...


    i think i grinded there for 30 minutes and these were the first equip i got for the day...GOD DAMN i hit the jackpot! its even perfect str and acc, so i couldnt be happier (it was after this that i decided to go take my victory nap). after getting these pants, i decided that i would stay at mr. alli's until i leveled up, regardless of whether or not i got the desired top i want, so that way my spear fury would have the same damage % as slash blast aka replace the skill. unfortunately, i wasnt so lucky with the top:

    not surprising but still saddening. i decided to not try and get the top anymore due to the fact i dont want to spend that much more time here, especially considering the fact that at most id get an additional 1 str and 1 dex. my 4/2 top should be sufficient, especially with the pants i just got. and so, i spent another hour or so getting the last bit of experience i needed, in which now its time i show off the rest of the loot i got:

    also showing off the potions for those that DONT BELIEVE ME (not that any of you wouldnt...right?) other than the usual elixirs, white potions, and mana elixirs, all i got was this dinky knuckle att 10%...too bad im not scrolling a dragon slash claw so this is USELESS

    i also realized today i should also log the ores i get because some of them do have value and im sure you number nerds would like to see that even for shitty useless ores (i didnt mind being here due to the fact mr alli's drop power crystal ores, which ill need a metric fuck ton of in the future). ill be sure for the future entries to include ores as well dont you worry

    5 common gacha tickets gained is pretty nice at least! far better than last time considering not only did i get 2 more, but it was within a smaller time frame. did i get anything good though? well...

    i actually did! the scroll is trash but everything does have some use. while i do have a slime eraser already, i believe you need at least x2 of each eraser to get everything you can out of them...i just lack the undine cloth currently to see the other quest. this is my first wraith eraser, and the shield was decent mesos at least...and to top it all off:

    my first eye accessory! wasnt expecting it so soon, lend alone a 3 acc white raccoon mask aka perfect stats. while it is tempting to waste my eyewear acc 100% on it, im gonna hold off from doing that and be smart about this, since 1 extra acc isnt gonna make a difference right now. and to show that i aint no liar:

    to mention it again so you dont have to scroll up, i gained 1,169,372 mesos, which is already including the travel expenses (i tracked it and its 18,300 since i decided to go to ariant this time and use karcassa to go back, who dropped me off at kerning city) used to get to perion from herb town. i dont feel like doing the math for the net mesos earned after considering the potions i used, but its prolly something like ~1mil or so, which is pretty nice! i should also mention that my current pair of pants beat a pair of level 70 pants that i was using for when i needed more acc since they were dex based...but since the ones i found today have give me more acc since 3 acc > 2 dex + 1 acc, i decided to sell the other pair since these ones are just out right superior. i also sold my level 50 pants for obvious reasons, which boosted my money a wee bit more. after going through my inventory and what not, i decided to run around to various spots i would consider grinding at to see what kinda eph i would be getting while there. i should mention that while grinding at mr. alli's that i did do a epm test there as well since i know the experience isnt bad there due to testing my eph before. heres what i got for yall, in which all of the tests were done via epm10:

    mr. alli's. not bad considering i only use spear crusher here

    fog, or forest of golems, which is found in sleepywood. i wasnt expecting this to beat mr. alli's, but this isnt too bad considering the fact that i can get things such as glove att 60's and orihalcon ores. it does use more potions than mr. alli's due to me using spear fury here, which uses 20 hp currently per swing, as well as the fact i just take damage more often

    kid mannequins, which are found in taipei 101. i knew this would be a lot better experience but damn...i wasnt ready to see 2mil! talk about stonks, especially since these guys can drop decent equips which can offset the potion usage, along with the fact they drop power crystal ores. i didnt pay attention to my potion usage super deeply, but it didnt seem to be dropping super super fast...at least compared to the last time i was here :`) so this will likely be my go-to spot when i want raw experience for now

    gs5, or ghost ship 5, which is inside the ghost ship found nearby boat quay town. i went here due to the fact that gs2 is always so god damn crowded, and the fact that the eph wouldnt be super different (gs2 is slightly better for the record). i also would choose gs5 over gs2 by default anyway just because selkie jrs drop orihalcon ores, which your boy still needs a total of 100 ores to make 10 plates for a quest so...sure beats the gold, dark crystal, and black crystal ores from slimys. anyway, i didnt expect this to even compare to kid mannequins, but i was shocked to see how little ahead these numbers were compared to mr. alli's...which led me to conclude that mr. alli's is a pretty underrated spot truth be told. the only downside is if you kill them too slowly, then the stun attack they have can be problematic...but other then that i would honestly recommend giving mr. alli's a try if you want something different. the drop table also isnt bad in general in terms of mesos...pretty good if you want warrior gear from level 60-70 range ( i am not going to include that level 50 sword idk why its even there but its decent mesos cause its a weapon BLESS) or decent int scrolls. anyway im getting off track its time to finish this shit:

    o man cone hat and white raccoon mask? damn im looking GOOD. while i didnt prefer napping like i did, i am very happy with the fact i got the pants i wanted, and i can move on with my life now. right now i have two goals in mind: to keep getting that sweet juicy experience for SP, as well as to gather spear 60s to scroll my weapons. i asked my friend while in discord voice chat which one i should for next time i play...and he said to farm experience...so next session shall be a kid mannequin grinding session! cant wait to cry about how many honsters ill be draining and then become happy because of the experience STONKS ill be...experiencing. as usual, ty Gamers and chat for reading/skimming if you did...and i shall see you after slaughtering chil-

    and of course, here is the usual GIF:

    how i feel about gachapon ^
    • Great Work Great Work x 6
  11. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    hello Gamers and chat i am back with another not exciting data l-journal entry...this time at kid mannequins! while there is nothing new for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™...i did get a duey today, which means "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ is back for this entry...and which i start it off accordingly:

    it seems it was sent to me while i was offline, since i have to go check who actually sent me this...and look what i find:

    ah yes i remember being trolled with dueys like this many eons ago...like back in 2018 long ago. considering who sent it to me...it all makes sense now. unfortunately i have to delete this lil memory rather than hold onto it :`) anyway, since that was my only duey for the day, it is time to move on with the actual entry:

    DAY 27 (february 21st, 2024 EST time)
    today, as i announced in the last entry, was spent at kid mannequins, as it was decided that i would focus on experience. nothing exciting really happened, so itll just be me throwing stats in yall's faces...so let me get right into that:

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    i will say that for whatever reason i was quite distracted today and did a shit job recording the exact hours i played...so they will be very roughly estimated to the best of my ability. ill do better next time and hopefully wont be so distracted :`)

    starting honsters: 1200
    starting grilled cheeses: 800
    starting power crystal ores: 21
    starting mesos (as shown in the screenshot above): 14,527,273

    final honsters: 1745 (i had to repot funnily enough and got more than 1200 due to how fast i went through them. spent 1255 total)
    final grilled cheeses: 683 (117 used)
    final power crystal ores: 52 (31 gained)
    final mesos: 11,086,695, which includes travel expenses (i did go negative here overall, which ill explain a bit more later)
    hours spent: ~ 3 hours and 40 minutes (might be closer to 4 hours)

    total equips for the day, minus the snowshoes and the bronze level 70 top. the hat, funnily enough, is technically an upgrade for me if i can get one with 3 str, (which is the most it can get) since then at that point itll beat the legendary cone hat in defense...which i do actually value

    unfortunately, it was 1 str only, so it got npc'd with everything else

    only got an earring int 10% and claw att 10%

    etcs gained. not a bad haul of power crystal ores i must say

    4 tickets total, getting 2 of each type. for the time spent, this isnt too bad i reckon

    what i got out of the haul...which is pretty meh. the staff was sellable, and funnily enough i did mention recently how i needed the undine cloth for another quest involving the erasers...guess i dont have to worry about that now and just need all the erasers. i also got something else interesting from the gacha:

    oh my god TWO acc instead of 1??? quite the gamba i must say. this one was also tempting, but much like the acc 100% scroll for eye wear, i decided to not use this yet and will just hold onto it for now, since im not in a rush for acc. after going through inventory and the like, i headed back to taipei 101 to call it a day...in which its time for the usual final stats for the day:

    i did get a chonky bit of experience...which i didnt have any particular goal in mind when it came to how much i wanted (prolly coulda at least topped off the level but oh well not a huge deal truthfully). the thing that did leave me concerned is the potion usage...which was pretty high altogether. i think it was due to my grinding session, as i tried to clump a whole floor together and then smack them all down together, then move up to the next one and repeat the process. i essentially moved in a rectangle-like pattern. this was nice as it keeps all the drops together and what not...but i think it made me use waaaay too many potions. had i just killed as i went, i think i would have reduced the damage taken by a lot, since i wouldnt be under constant touch damage from moving across the mannequins, as well as under the mosh pit. 1255 honsters is quite the large sum to use...which maths out to 5,271,000 mesos spent on them and then like another ~64k for the grilled cheese aka ~5.3mil spent on potions for the day. looking at the mesos gained from my singular ele staff, equips that dropped, and etcs that i sold...it comes out to about 4,119,422 mesos or so in profits (its some awkward math since i repotted mid grind and didnt sell everything on the spot). now i did buy an additional 600 honsters so i wouldnt have to go back mid session again, so obviously it looks like i lost more money than it seems, but altogether i went negative by about ~1.1mil today, which isnt that great if you consider the fact i aint THAT rich. luckily, i do know of ways to easily farm mesos back up while still getting ok experience (any mr. alli fans in the chat?), but i ideally want to try and minimize how many mesos i drain while actually grinding at taipei 101, and if possible even go positive. the next time i play i will be approaching them differently and seeing how it goes...and hopefully ill also keep track of time better and my breaks and the like. it was a nice learning experience regardless, and i shall try my best to maximize mesos gained and experience as a lonely Beaver. as for next time, i will likely grind at mannequins again, just to make sure my spear fury is strong enough to 1 shot the rocky masks with even weaker and faster spears...but we'll see how i feel. as usual, thanks for reading/skimming if you did, and ill see yall the next time.

    and of course, i cant forget your usual GIF...i have to keep spoiling yall after all!

    enjoy this GIF of Charles Entertainment Cheese performing a Dab
    • Great Work Great Work x 7
  12. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    here i am for the 130th time my fellow Gamers and chat, back with another entry just full of data logs that are ACTUALLY NOT SHIT. nothing new for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, so it is time to move forward with the actual journal entry:

    DAY 28 (february 22nd, 2024 EST time)
    today was spent at mannequins today. decided to just get to level 82...which i did do! faster than i thought as well, despite not having a ton of time to play today. time to get into the usual ritual:

    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    as i mentioned at the end of the last entry, i changed my approach in grinding here and decided to just kill on sight rather than purposely try to clump a whole floor together...and it was quite successful! potion usage went way down altogether, and i think my experience was even better:

    this was an epm10 done with my new approach, as i wanted to see how much the experience would differ, which it did by a good amount. the last epm10 i did here i got about ~2mil eph or so, so to get like another ~300k eph on average, along with using less potions, make this the far better method. crusher was used whenever it was 1-3 mannequins, otherwise i used fury for clumps of 4-6 mannequins, and then finish with crusher once the mosh pit went down to 1-3 mannequins left. it was prolly like a 60/40 split in terms of crusher used/fury used, as the mannequins would sometimes clump up a bunch at a corner that i would be heading to (the bottom corner this happened a lot, for example, since i still followed the same pathing as before). quite pleased that this worked out, as i can now actually go positive in mesos it seems...unless i roll really badly in gacha and equips. now its time to get into the stats and what not:

    equips gained from the mannequins themselves. like last time, the bronze level 70 top and the snowshoes were there in the first place. theres actually 1 other drop from kid mannequins that has some value to me if the stats are rolled high enough...and since i dont have any scrolled pants and acc will be an issue for a long while still, i decided to do checks on level 70 bronze pants along with any level 80 hats:

    this is actually better than my orihalcon ones in terms of acc (by 1...which is still better). since ill be grinding at kid mannequins for a long while and acc isnt currently a super big issue for me atm, i decided that ill sell anything that isnt perfect dex and acc...which this pair was halfway there. if it aint 3 dex and 3 acc, then its gonna get npc'd, which this one was

    got 0 use items today, so you can enjoy seeing my confirmed potion usage (the numbers will be given below)

    etcs gained. these things arent a bad source of power crystal ores altogether. makes me wonder if mr. alli's are better or not, as i feel like i was getting more there than from here. testing for things like that would be interesting to do...but thats for another day to think about (especially a day where ill really need power crystal ores)

    good haul of gacha tickets within the time frame! and the items i got werent bad either truthfully:

    these are all useable or have decent npc value! except for the blue work gloves...

    very tragic they got no stats, so they arent even worth considering for scrolling purposes. thus, they gave me an additional 3k mesos to my wallet. the scrolls i got are also quite nice:

    hell yeah gimme those 30's! too bad it isnt a glove att 30. im not sure on the kind of glove i want to throw this on, but since im not in an urgent position to get a bunch of acc, i shall store it away for now

    now this is a nice scroll! except i dont think i have enough cape str scrolls altogether to feel motivated to use this...so ill be storing it away for now. getting a level 50 weapon and level 90 thief pants were also decent rolls for equips, since both have good npc values. after doing inventory management and the like, here are the juicy stats you're prolly(?) looking for:

    starting honsters: 1745
    starting grilled cheeses: 683
    starting power crystal ores: 52
    starting mesos: 11,086,695

    total time lapse of actual grinding time: 1 hour and 53 minutes (113 minutes for THOSE kinds of people)
    ending honsters: 1326 (419 used)
    ending grilled cheeses: 542 (141 used)
    ending power crystal ores: 65 (13 gained)
    final mesos after selling everything (travel fees of 4,800 mesos included): 14,050,705
    total mesos gained: ~2.9mil
    total net mesos gained: ~1.1mil

    this is by in large far better than last time! while i did spend more hours grinding last time, the ratio is nowhere near as bad for honsters used, which in turn leaves me actually going positive today in mesos earned after potion costs. for those wondering, i am using smores as an acc potion because i actually do miss against kid mannequins still. i also use mini cokes that i got from all those coke town mobs and quests since theres no reason not to use them and they help me clear ever so slightly faster. i bring this up to say that i will eventually run out of smores and these mini cokes, in which i will eventually start factoring in their replacement potions (not sure if ill replace the mini cokes but i got so many left still im not worried about that currently) as costs used, and that the smores and mini cokes arent being factored in currently due to the fact i didnt spend a singular mesos getting them...and you also cant buy smores (i think the mini cokes are purchasable at coke town but idk for how much). very good results today either way! and with that, its time to continue the ritual and end this entry:

    my meso count is a wee bit higher because i was testing my damage with my serpent's tongue against the rocky masks, since that spear is weaker than my holy spears (wanted to make sure i would be 100% 1 shotting without any wa potions). after all my inventory management, which is always done at perion because that is where i turn in my gachas for the EXTRA WARRIOR ITEM VALUE, i made my way towards the rocky mask map, in which i shall be here for the next time i play. with spear fury on my serpent's tongue being more than strong enough, im gonna try to make an effort to farm for some spear 60s and start scrolling my weapons...or try anyway. i know levels are prolly a bit more crucial than scrolling my weapons currently, but i think its nice to change things up a bit...and upgrading my spears will also help me farm kid mannequins slightly faster aka better eph even if its only by like 5k :`) it wont be in total vein as rocky masks drop both orihalcon and emerald ores, in which i need a shit ton of both of these for some quests. the steel ores are technically useful to, but not really concerned about those. wooden masks also spawn here, but they dont drop anything i give a shit about, which is tragic as this is the best rocky mask map. even though it will be 6 ores to record, i will record how many of these ores i shall get, along with the usual things i record such as equips, etcs (yes i will even though they're worth nothing arguably), scrolls, and other use items of note. i dont expect to get much in mesos, unless i high roll the gacha rewards, but i should use not a single honster while here since i only take 1 damage, and grilled cheeses also heal 500 hp along with 500 mp, which should cover any hp used for spear fury. will be interesting to see how much money i actually make...but thatll be for next time. as always, thanks for reading/skimming if ya did, and ill see yall soon enough...which could be as early as tomorrow if last week's trend continues :`)

    you know the drill...it is GIFing time:

    holy moly look at that FUMO game!!! god damn she is going HARD she must be a HARDCORE GAMER!!! any FUMO owners in the chat? o/
    • Great Work Great Work x 5
  13. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    hello Gamers and chat it is time again for me to throw stats down your throat because my day in the life of LestheBeaver on legends was very not exciting...and productive truthfully. before getting into that, however, it is time for both "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ AND "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ first! starting off with the former, i have only 1 request that came in today:

    the doctor is in my bl.png
    oh my lord its my first buddy request from a NewLeafer! my first step into making an alliance with my fellow Iron People...not that im really trying to do that but ok anyway moving forward with this:

    31 outta 35 friends list.png
    im so popular wow! ok im not but i kinda feel like it just let me have a MOMENT alright??? anyway, moving forward with "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™, ill let this video do the talking:


    and with that, its time to move on with the actual journal entry!

    DAY 29 (february 25th, 2024 EST time)

    today i spent my day at rocky and wooden masks, as planned from last entry, so that i could get some spear att 60s to scroll me spears...but unfortunately it wasnt very successful. let me show you why with the usual routine!

    starting stats for the day.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    and now it is time to shove down lots of numbers and information down your throat!

    starting honsters: 1,326
    starting grilled cheeses: 542
    starting steel ores: 20
    starting orihalcon ores: 13
    starting emerald ores: 17
    starting bronze ores: 10
    starting aquamarine ores: 38
    starting amethyst ores: 57

    time lapse: 3 hours and 26 minutes (206 minutes for YOU people out there that prefer this)
    final honsters: 1,326 (0 used POGGERS)
    final grilled cheeses: 520 (22 used)
    final steel ores: 50 (30 gained)
    final orihalcon ores: 41 (28 gained)
    final emerald ores: 44 (27 gained)
    final bronze ores: 30 (20 gained)
    final aquamarine ores: 51 (13 gained)
    final amethyst ores: 67 (10 gained)
    2 staff 60s gained
    3 earring int 60s gained
    4 shield hp 70s gained

    and now time for the visual part of the show:

    equips for the day.png
    equips gained from the mask for the day. look at all of those equips i got! its actually a pretty good amount but too bad they're all lower level shit

    use for the day and potions used.png
    use items gained for the day + my leftover potions. i hate you staff 60s you baited me BOTH times thinking they were spear 60s

    ores for the day.png
    i got too many etcs to show off so heres the official ore count in its own category. yeah i know im RICH in ores you dont gotta tell me ONCE

    etcs for the day.png
    all the etcs i got for the day. these guys dont really drop much random nonsense at least like arrows and omok shit thankfully

    gacha for the day.png
    gacha for the day. aint too shabby truthfully i gotta say! unfortunately i cant say the same for what i got...

    gacha list.png
    see look at this MOSTLY garbage. interesting how many blue mage items i got, and the 2h sword 30% would be EPIC if i actually used swords...but i did get one interesting item at least:

    well aint this interesting.png
    a green bandana eh...not sure if ill actually use this but a hat with 10 slots sure is interesting...especially since i dont have access to any of that right now. i threw it into my storage as, like usual, its something for future use and planning. after selling all of my shit and going through inventory...heres the final meso count and stats:

    starting mesos (so you dont have to scroll back): 14,053,700
    final mesos after npcing but not including gacha shit: 14,836,035
    total mesos including gacha shit: 15,076,039
    net gain of mesos for the day: ~1mil

    final stats for the day.png
    lost a wee bit of mesos due to storage and travel expenses...but i gotta say im kinda shocked i actually made like 800k from just the masks alone! also kinda nuts i got 17%, or about ~654k exp or so from that. talk about stonks in experience! suffice to say, the main reason i came here, which was for spear 60s, was a complete flop. i did get a lot of scrolls overall, but having runs like these do feel bad when i still need experience badly. i think for now ill just focus on getting experience and worry about these scrolls later. having dragon's blood will make it pretty nice, as i did notice that my mp wasnt going down fast enough to get full value outta my grilled cheeses...so having dragon's blood to look over my hp will be nice. happy i didnt use any honsters even with the grilled cheese mp difference! anyway, next time ill be smacking down mannequins to get that experience...but now the question is: how long do i keep gathering experience until the next Arc? im still thinking about it myself atm...but i think at the bare minimum ill want the desired level of spear fury and dragon's blood...which will be somewhere around the low 90s or so. im not sure if i want to do polearm fury before moving forward, mainly because i dont have an actual polearm currently. my plan for that will likely be if i manage to get a decent snow/surfboard from gacha before i get my desired level, then ill also get polearm fury, since polearms are better with the fury skill than spears. otherwise, if no polearm then i shall move on with my life. whats the next Arc you're asking??? well thats a surprise...though its already been mentioned technically but ill let yall figure that out...and with that i got nothing else to mention. thanks for reading/skimming if you did, as usual, and ill see yall in the near future as always!

    and of course...i got more juicy GIFs for you, but they're my favorite kind of GIFs:

    thats right more FUMO GIFs! welcome to the FUMO GIF Arc hope you will be converted into the Light by the end of it all
    • Great Work Great Work x 4
  14. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    hello gamers drunk Beaver here ready to go as always...in which there is no special content in "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ and "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ so lets move onto the main content...SIKE! there is something for "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™, but it is technically a bit of a repeat:

    true leo comes out.png
    the man, the myth, the legend on his main pally account??? say no more CHEERS! as such, here is the update on the total buddy requests:

    32 outta 35 friends lets go.png
    leo may be a repeat, but it is a repeat i am 100% ok with. anyway. time for the actual content

    DAY 30 (poggers? o i mean february 28th, 2024 EST time)

    truthfully i didnt play for very long today due to when the servers came up back...and it was largely spent on doing event related stuff...so this will be a super short journal entry today. as such, lets get into that!

    starting stats and gear.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    i didnt spend much time due to playing other games later on in the day, and the server coming up a bit late on my end. despite that, i did make decent progress with the event...although i still got a long way to go in terms of roses since im 0/4 still. i essentially spent my time playing doing a few JQs for the event and then hunting for roses, in which i was 100% unsuccessful for but did get the basic valentine quest done involving romeo and juliet. while trying to get any roses, i did go to the DEO map since i was farming royal cacti for a blue rose, in which i found these while killing some DEOs:

    not one but TWO overall dex 60s??? honestly im not sure if ill really need these but they are interesting drops nonetheless...so i shall hold onto them and decide if i want to use them or not. after going back to magatia to turn in some quests and sell my random shit etcs, this happened while at the event jq area:

    ez guild accept.png
    yeah thats right along ago i turned off DENY guild requests...so of course i had to accept! whether or not i stay in this guild for long is another question...but thats future me's problem and not current me's problem! anyway, i did largely nothing today honestly but that happens with out of nowhere maintenances. despite that, heres the final results:

    final stats for the day.png
    holding onto my gachas again until im done farming roses...as those are the only things i need to do this event that require specific mobs to hunt. once those are done, business will be largely back to normal, other than doing any jqs for the event and etc. the other event quests mainly involve just hunting anything 20 levels within me, which means mannequin hunting works just fine for that. in the meantime, ill have to waste my 0 brain cells destroying shit id rather not just for a rose drop...which hopefully wont be too much longer. next time i play ill be going back to rose hunting and jqing for the event...which hopefully ill actually make progress in :`) anyway hope yall are enjoying the event, thx for reading and skimming, and ill see yall soon enough in the next journal entry!

    and here is your FUMO GIF as usual because i know you love them:

    Last edited: 29 Feb 2024
    • Great Work Great Work x 7
  15. HarleyEllis

    HarleyEllis Pac Pinky

    3 Ene 2021
    I/L Wizard, Shadower, Brawler, Outlaw
    What brand smokes your fumo have you buy tho
  16. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    i wish the FUMO in that GIF was mine, but alas my collection is PATHETIC and i only have this beautiful one which i love and cherish wholeheartedly:

    anyway the brand would 100% be marlboro because if they're gonna ask me to buy them smokes they aint getting anything else but that :`)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    16 Jun 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    You're too cool to have just one character in your buddy, cheers!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  18. Syrinz

    Syrinz Game Moderator Staff Member Game Moderator

    22 Sep 2020

    Welcome to Humble!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. OP

    TTKirnk Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    26 Nov 2017
    Hello Gamers and Chatters. Once again i got a real short journal entry today due to plans later in the evening, being distracted with jqing out of my mind, and the maintenance, but let me jump into "Who the Hell Wasted a Buddy List Spot for the Beaver?"™ real quick before getting into it (there is no "Duey offering me Tribute to Delete for my Amusement"™ today). Greeting me today when i logged in was this ign:

    great ign on my bl.png
    now thats what i call an ign...though i truthfully dont know who this is. regardless, id be insane to decline such a beautiful ign onto my buddy list, so of course i accepted it! with that, this is where my buddy list total stands:

    33 outta 35 now lets go.png
    looking not too shabby as always! for those wondering yes i did expand but whether or not you believe me you will have to find out i reckon. with that, its time to move onto the main topic at hand:

    DAY 31 (February 29th, 2024 EST time)

    i really didnt do anything today other than spam jqs to get my 15 missions done for mr moneybags and a wee bit of rose hunting from iron mutaes (suffice to say i was not successful in my rose hunt...but it was also like 30 minutes at most). let me get into slightly more detail about all that after doing this real quick:

    starting stats for the day.png
    major goals:
    -complete every non-pq quest. currently at around ~80% id say and the main Questing Arc is DONE
    -get tier 10 ring before 4th job (apparently confirmed doable thanks to ralph and his johnson so lets go???)
    -land another 6 dagger 10s on the fruit knife scrolled in the first session (no dagger 10s gained today...when will i get another one chat? seriously i keep getting shit like staff 10s where the daggers at like seriously im gonna keep adding to this like some incoherent sentence until it happens chat WATCH ME. but actually what if it takes me so long to get a serpents fang? should i make that a major goal too? wait im getting off topic now...or am i? this part isnt needed anymore but i think its funnier to keep it so im going to do that and guess what?? no dagger 10s today still POGGERS this game is AWESOME. so anyway i didnt get any today either but hey i got other 10%'s does that mean anything guys? no? ok...so anyway i got a wand 10% today and i got an idea cooking but i wont be able to activate it for a while but know that it is COOKING. day 1305310 of no dagger 10%'s if you didnt know better its like im purposely tryna not get them...but uhh its all coincidence i swear chat! once again no dagger 10s who coulda seen that coming?? not me! one day ill get one so i can actually delete all of this maybe and not keep this as a long ass overrunning paragraph...does anyone even care or notice this shit at this point? man imagine doing...wait thats a spoiler i shouldnt say that but man i cant believe i didnt get any dagger 10%'s today i HATE this game how long will this go on. i must say im not shocked i didnt get any today with how much i played and where i spent most of my time tragic but oh well. ok but chat i found some interesting info while looking into some other quests/mobs that i will need to do eventually so cooking time might happen SoonTM? prolly not i dont wanna kill fuckers with 11k hp atm. ok this is like a giant ass paragraph do i keep going? the answer is yes because ITS FOR THE MEMES but im outta funny things to say so uhhhhhhh yo MOMMA. i just finally updated the quest progress in the major goals section...which wasnt truthfully incorrect but it was extremely out of date wait why am i talking about that here? chat i found something that baited me today and im not happy about holy moly how long will this go on this shit is TOO LONG. so anyway i started BLASTING. ok chat maybe ill actually consider hunting some of these down now...or prolly not who knows man i cant wait for this to no longer be a giant wall of text just for a dumb on going gag that no one prolly cares about but im too persistent to let go of. any clowns silly enough to keep reading this thing every entry? man that duey got me fucked up though i gotta say its so joever for me...why cant gacha even give me dagger 10%'s man i hate this game. ok guys this gag has to be put on hold because we all know i aint gonna get a dagger 10% from mr. allis unless gacha gives me one...so to spare yall the space i will not continue until i move spots at least)

    so today was spent jqing for raffles and what not and killing a few iron mutaes. while hunting those bastards for like 30 minutes at most, i did end up getting 1 gacha which ill take. while dealing with cash shop items from the event cosmetic shop, i realized i got a bunch of nx stored up and dont need it for anything in particular...so i decided it was time to achieve the outfit that i am destined to wear, along with get the three pets that i want:

    the gang's all here and looking good.png
    The pig is named Mr. Krinkle, the parrot is Punchbowl, and the cat is Tommy. these pets and my outfit are all one big reference...which if ya know ya know (if you know the meaning behind my name, the rest shouldnt be too difficult to piece together). i ended up getting a new event face, which you'll see towards the end of the entry. anyway, after finally doing all my 15 missions for richie and the like, i decided to do a raffle turn in so i can chunk it down a bit and not do a giant one all at once later, in which i went in with this many raffles:

    45 raffles lets do this.png
    i aint expecting much outta this but 45 seems a like a decent number! doing only hard jqs to get a raffle per completion sure helped with that. now its time for the results:

    raffle list part 1.png
    raffle list part 2.png
    no yellow lines sadly...though thats a surprise to no one. i got a decent haul of things though regardless:

    got all the chairs i suppose.png
    all 3 chairs and a duplicate? not too bad! the duplicate is useless though unless i give it to my storage character :`) getting a chair that heals 150 hp and mp every 10 seconds is pretty nice as well

    intereting earrings.png
    2 str earrings but no dex are interesting. ill likely wait until the end of the event to see how many earrings i get total before considering which to scroll and what not, as these are tempting due to the 3 str

    15 coins LETS GO.png
    getting 15 coins outta 45 raffles (you get 1 coin per raffle) is a pretty nice rate i gotta say! ill take a 33.3% coin rate for sure...even though i cant do shit with these things for who knows how long. getting a head start sure aint something ill complain about though. other than those highlighted things, i got a bunch of potions, a lot of which are % based and i decided to store for future usage, and some lunar gloves...with one of them having 2 dex and 1 luk on them. these are tempting to scroll as acc gloves, but like with the earrings i shall wait on them until the end of the event. after doing storage management, changing my face, and turning in some other event quests, i eventually got to this quest and decided to do it for the shits and giggles:

    no one to love but myself sadge.png
    yeah thats right not only did i waste supplies on making a love letter...but i gave it to myself! because no one but myself can love me...which brings a tear of sadness to my eye :`( dumb jokes aside thats about all i did today, so its time for the usual final results:

    new face who dis.png
    sike its my new face!!! you cant see shit with that damn raccoon mask so here you go chat this is the face i chose. now its time for the real deal:

    final stats for the day.png
    as you can see my regular gacha count went up by 1, and i gained...some experience. i think this is one of the least productive days ive had ever on this Beaver...well both today and yesterday. thats alright though, as i did get through most of the event essentially, and once i obtain my roses for the rose ring, i can just go back to my usual plans since the only other thing to worry about doing is the weekly dragon jq challenge, which i already did for this current week reset. the next time i play ill actually not only play for more than like 2-3 hours but also hopefully get something done...but with how these roses work i dont expect much so lets hope for the best. as always, thanks for reading/skimming if ya did, and ill see yall soon enough o7

    have you come for your usual FUMO GIF feeding? well here you go my POG champs:

    enjoy borgr FUMO
    Last edited: 4 Mar 2024
    • Great Work Great Work x 5
    • Useful Useful x 1
  20. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    16 Jun 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    i bet if you wanna some str earring on your pally u wont get it

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