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Pirate Corsair guide

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by Poppi, Jan 8, 2016.

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  1. Poppi

    Poppi Capt. Latanica

    Apr 6, 2015
    5:17 AM
    [Insert some cool picture]

    Guide status: NOT COMPLETED

    Hello! Today i decided to make a Corsair guide for you all, mostly because i want to see more Corsairs on the server!

    My IGN is Shiba, I'm currently a 163 Corsair and for the moment I'm currently rank #5 Corsair on the server.


    Before i start with this guide, i'd like to say that playing a Corsair WILL take time and it will be a hard and long journey before you actually achieve 4th job and unlock the true power of a Corsair.
    Just because of the lack of power between 1st and 3rd job, a lot of people tend to completely forget about Corsairs and their power once they reach 4th job and in the end, very few people play the class.
    But after you unlock 4th job, you WILL be greatly rewarded with the insane power spike.

    People may also say that Corsair is just a selfish class, and nobody wants you in their party, but in reality, just due the huge amount of DPS should be enough to get you a bossing group. The DPS may vary from different corsairs. Corsair are VERY dependant on their Battleship, if you lose your Battleship, you lose 75% of your DPS.


    HP Washing

    Sadly, because we are a ranged DPS, we HAVE to wash in order to be able to do certain bosses without any issues.

    Luckily for Corsairs, washing is not as hard as it is for Nightlords or Bowmasters.

    Corsairs need roughly 45~ washes @ level 150 to be able to reach 5.6k HP

    Min MP formula = 18 x level + 111 = Min MP

    -16MP -> +16~20HP per wash

    I wont go over how to wash, but if you really need help with that, i'll add it later.




    • One of the BEST DPS classes in the game.
    • More active in boss fights than any other class. = Alot more fun! :D
    • Does not need a huge amount of funding to become "Strong"
    • Benefits from almost all party buffs.
    • You do not have any party buffs AT ALL.
    • DPS heavily depends on keeping your Battleship alive
    • Having a really hard time leveling before you reach 4th job
    • Low health pool
    • Needs to be washed
    • Leveling in later level is heavily dependent on killing bosses rather than grinding

    AP Builds

    Corsairs primary stat is DEX, while your secondary stat is STR which is needed to be able to wear equips or new guns

    For AP builds, there is few ways to go:

    STR-less: You will keep your STR at 4, but this is NOT possible without Maple guns, DO NOT USE THIS

    Low STR: You will cap your STR at 40-60 and use STR equips to get 110. THIS IS RECOMMENDED

    Normal STR: You will cap your STR at 90-100 and use DEX equips.

    The reason to why i recommend you to go low str, is because it will benefit you more later on. The more DEX base you have, the more DEX you will get from Maple Warrior.
    So in the end you will have more damage. We love damage.


    Skill builds

    1st job

    Standard build: RECOMMENDED

    10-16: Double Shot
    17: +1 Double Shot (MAX) & +2 Dash
    18-19: Dash
    20: +2 Dash (MAX) & +1 Bullet Time
    21-26: Bullet Time
    27: +1 Bullet Time (MAX) & +2 Somersault Kick
    28-30: Somersault Kick (11)

    20/20 Double Shot MAX
    10/10 Dash MAX
    11/20 Somersault Kick MAX
    20/20 Bullet Time MAX

    This is the standard way people use their 1st job skill points as a Corsair.

    Somersault Kick build:

    10-16: Somersault Kick
    17: +1 Somersault Kick & +2 Dash
    18-19: Dash
    20: +2 Dash (MAX) & +1 Bullet Time
    21-23: Bullet Time
    24: +1 Bullet Time (11) & +2 Double Fire
    25-30: Double Fire (MAX)

    20/20 Somersault Kick MAX
    10/10 Dash MAX
    11/20 Bullet Time
    20/20 Double Shot MAX

    The reason to why people use this build, is to level up faster during 1st job, it also allows you to do damage while having a wand equipped [For washing]

    2nd Job:

    30: Invisible Shot
    31-36: Gun Mastery
    37: +2 Gun Mastery (MAX) & +1 Invisible Shot
    38-43: Invisible Shot (MAX)
    44-45: Gun Booster (6)
    46: Wings
    47: +2 Wings (5) & +1 Recoil Shot
    48-53: Recoil Shot
    54: +1 Recoil Shot (MAX) & +2 Wings (7)
    55: Wings (MAX)
    56-61: Blank Shot
    62: +1 Blank Shot (MAX) & +1 Gun Booster (7)
    63-66: Gun Booster
    67: +1 Gun Booster (MAX) & +1 Bullet Time (Grenade instead of Bullet Time if standard build)
    68-69: Bullet Time
    70: +1 Bullet Time (MAX) & +2 Grenade (2)

    20/20 Gun Mastery MAX
    20/20 Invisible Shot MAX
    20/20 Recoil Shot MAX
    10/10 Wings MAX
    20/20 Blank Shot MAX
    20/20 Gun Booster MAX
    20/20 Bullet Time MAX
    11/20 Grenade
    2/20 Grenade -if Somersault kick build

    Straight forward with skill points, only difference if you use the somersault kick build.

    3rd Job:


    70-76: Burst Fire
    77: +1 Burst Fire (MAX) & +1 Gaviota (1) & +1 Ice Splitter (1)
    78-85: Ice Splitter
    86: +1 Ice Splitter (26) & +2 Flamethrower (2)
    87-95: Flamethrower
    96: +1 Flamethrower (MAX) & +1 Homing Beacon (1) & +1 Octopus (1)
    97-105: Octopus
    106: +2 Octopus (MAX) & +1 Gaviota (2)
    107-110: Gaviota
    111: +1 Gaviota (15) & +2 Homing Beacon (3)
    112-120: Homing Beacon (MAX)

    20/20 Burst Fire MAX
    26/30 Ice Splitter
    30/30 Flamethrower MAX
    30/30 Octopus MAX
    15/30 Gaviota
    30/30 Homing Beacon MAX

    Burst fire is by far, the best 3rd job skill you will have, it gives you ALOT of damage, for being a corsair of course. After Burst fire, you want to get ice spitter and flamethrower up mainly for grinding reasons.

    Get Ice Splitter to level 26. The reason for level 26 is because at that level 26, Ice Splitter will hit the max amount of monsters as well as freeze for the longest time. Ice splitter is more used for its freezing ability and not for the damage.

    Remember to max Homing beacon! This is by far the most important skill to max for 4th job! Without Homing beacon 30, you CANNOT unlock Bullseye at 4th job.

    Newtie early build: Lazy and boring build

    70-76: Burst Fire
    77: +1 Burst Fire (MAX) & +1 Gaviota (1) & +1 Homing Beacon(1)
    78-81: Gaviota
    82: +2 Gaviota (15) & +1 Ice Splitter
    83-90: Ice Splitter
    91: +1 Ice Splitter (26) & +1 Flamethrower (1)
    92-100: Flamethrower
    101: +2 Flamethrower (MAX) & +1 Octopus (1)
    102-110: Octopus
    111: +2 Octopus (MAX) & +1 Homing Beacon (2)
    112-120: Homing Beacon (MAX)

    20/20 Burst Fire MAX
    26/30 Ice Splitter
    30/30 Flamethrower MAX
    30/30 Octopus MAX
    15/30 Gaviota
    30/30 Homing Beacon MAX

    This is also a pretty standard build to use, alot of people take this and just go and snipe newties for hours after hours. Sniping newties is not the fastest, and by far the most boring leveling spot

    The difference here, is that we get Gaviota to 15 early, the reason to that is that Gaviota helps A LOT with killing those tanky newties. It also helps if you ever want to kill Headless Horseman.

    4th Job

    First of all, before i start the skill build for 4th job, There is multiple ways of putting your points in 4th job.
    There is one build for mobbing, one for bossing.

    Dont listen to anyone else, you WANT to use the bossing build, you will be using it while mobbing anyway, and its by far better than anything else.

    Core 4th job build:
    120: +1 Battleship (1) & +1 Battleship Cannon (1) & +1 Rapid Fire (1)
    121-129: Battleship Cannon (27)
    130: +2 Battleship Cannon [MAX], +1 Bullseye (1)
    131-136: Bullseye (18)
    137: +1 Bullseye [MAX], +1 Battleship Torpedo(1), +1 Battleship (2)
    138-141 +8 Battleship (MAX), +1 Rapid Fire (2)
    142-150: +27 Rapid Fire (29)
    151: +1 Rapid Fire [MAX], +1 Maple Warrior (1)
    147-150: +8 Maple Warrior (9), +1 point in Battleship Torpedo or Air Strike


    Training locations:

    1-10 Maple Island
    10-15 Job quests
    15-18 NLC quiz
    18-20 Slime bubblings
    20-30 Octopus
    30-40 Teddies
    40-50 [If enough DPS: Master chronos.] Otherwise: Teddies
    50-60 Straw target dummies
    60-70 [If enough DPS: Wind Raiders] Otherwise Straw Target dummies, Forest of Golems, GS2
    70-80 Forst of Golems, Voodoos/Hoodoos, Wind Raiders, GS2
    75-90 Wolf spider [ONLY WITH A GRINDING PARTY]
    80-90 Wind raiders, Kentaurus. [If Newtie sniping build: Newties]
    90-100 Kentaurus, Squids, GOBIES, Newties
    95-120 Himes, Squids, Gobies, Newties
    120+ Skeles, Petri, Himes, Headless horseman, Pap.
    135+ All of the above, Zakum, Bigfoot, Samurai (If you have enough HP).
    155+ All of the above, Horntail.


    4th Job books


    Talk to Kyrin. Select the second option to fight her. Survive for 2 minutes and she will give you the skill. By far the easiest book.


    Kill 150 Gigantic Spirit Vikings and Spirit vikings and gather 50 of their quest unique drops. Gigantic Spirit Vikings for Torpedo and normal Spirit Vikings for cannon.


    Battleship mechanics

    Battleship HP: [(Skill Level) * 4000)] + [(Character Level - 120) * 2000]

    This is by far the most important thing for a Corsair to learn. It's also the HARDEST, this is the reason to why a lot of people refuses to play a Corsair.

    But why is it so hard?

    The reason to why its so hard, its because of a mechanic called "Dismounting"

    Dismounting is basically when you jump off your boat during a boss fight to avoid taking damage on your boat. This is the reason to why Corsairs are by far the most active class in boss fights.

    I will update this section later..


    Corsair bossing


    I made a video with annotations on the screen to guide you with killing BF.

    It does not give you all the information you need, but i will add more later, or you can always ask me.

    There is few ways of killing Bigfoot, this is the way i use.


    Corsair damage

    Taken from Google, i do not take any credit!

    NL Damage:

    Per hit average:
    150% * 0.5 + 250% * 0.5 = 200% damage
    Per TT average: 200% * 4.5 = 900% damage
    Average DPS: 900% * 1.667 = 1,500% damage per second

    Now, if you have Sharp Eyes, you’re a lot stronger. It adds an additional +15% critical chance and +140% critical damage. This is the effect on your Triple Throw, in the end:

    Per hit average (SE): 150% + 390% * 0.65 = 306% damage
    Per TT average (SE): 306% * 4.5 = 1,377% damage
    Average DPS (SE): 1,377% * 1.667 = 2,295% damage per second

    Corsair Damage:

    Per hit average:
    380% * 120% = 456% damage
    Per Cannon average: 456% * 4 = 1,824% damage
    Average DPS: 1,824% * 1.5833 = 2,888% damage per second

    Now, if you have Sharp Eyes, Corsairs are stronger. It adds an additional +15% critical chance and +140% critical damage. Speed Infusion gives bonus attack speed. This is the effect on Battleship Cannon:

    Per hit average (SE): 380% * 120% * 0.85 + 520% * 120% * 0.15 = 481.2% damage
    Per Cannon average (SE): 481.2% * 4 = 1,924.8% damage
    Average DPS (SE): 1,924.8% * 1.5833 = 3,047.6% damage per second
    Average DPS (SE/SI):
    1,924.8% * 1.7 = 3,373,16% damage per second

    Without party buffs:
    Corsairs will outdamage Night Lords.

    With SE, without SI:
    Night Lords will outdamage Corsairs (this normally is the case during boss runs).

    With SE and SI: Corsairs will be a bit stronger than Night Lords.

    Hey, Thank you for reading, people wanted me to make something, so i did something, its not great, but it works?

    Oh yeah, i dont take credit for the skill builds, google helped me with those.

    This is not done, a lot of things to cover, so little time :(
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2018
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