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Update Leap Update Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maintenances' started by Navi, Oct 14, 2015.

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  1. Navi

    Navi Administrator Staff Member Administrator Game Developer Game Moderator

    Sep 9, 2014
    4:44 PM
    Moderator Post
    New to MapleLegends
    • Temple of Time
      See above.
    • Halloween Event
      See Halloween Event Notes.
    • Gachapon Update
      Gachapon currently dominates the market, particularly the Mushroom Shrine Gachapon. For the Leap update we've redistributed the items, changed the rates and made every Gachapon appealing in it's own way.
      We've also decided to add Gachapon notifications on items that you (the community) consider as a good reward (e.g. White/Chaos Scroll, Adventure/Gaia Capes...).
      Note: There will be no list of Gachapon rewards available. Here's a little hint though: every job-related-town Gachapon contains it's job-related counterparts. Other Gachapons contain a mixture of items and some other goodies.
    • World maps updated
    • Guilds Updates
      • Managment
        Know who in your guild is active, and who isn't in the glance of an eye. In your guild tab everyone's job and level will be reset during server restarts. Once they've logged in it will display their current job and level, but before that you'll only see "??".
        Ivysaur, Chai and SlimePolice have not logged in since last restart.
      • Guild Quest
        Tremendous amounts of effort have been put into recreating this iconic piece of the game. The waitlist, GPQ buff, texts and mechanics are all working as expected. If you've never done this before, this is definitely something to check out. Beware, don't come unprepared!
    • Aditional HP bar for Zakum's arms
      For the sake of convenience, and concistancy with our own custom content, an HP bar has been added for Zakum's arms. This single HP bar will show you the total remaining HP of all of Zakum's arms.
    • Scroll of Secrets
      It seems that Chun Ji in Kerning City is now able to decipher the Scroll of Secrets and lead you to the Magic Box. But how can I open this weird box? Maybe Mr. Pickall can help me?
      Note: the Scroll of Secrets can be won by completing an event hosted by one of the Game Moderators.
    • Damage Cap Increase
      To accommodate attacking classes with the stronger mobs in Temple of Time the damage cap has been increased from 99,999 to 199,999.
      What's up with those slimes though?! So... spooky.
    • Pet Master: Mar the Fairy
      • Pet AP Reset
        This option allows you to transfer the closeness from your old pet to your new precious.
        Note: the stats of your old pet will replace the new pet's closeness (not added), and the old pet will drop to 0 closeness.
      • Pet revival
        Unfortunately your pet's water of life may dry out. But don't worry, Mar the Fairy can give your pet some extra juice.
    • Automated in-game name changing (donor only)
      It will now be possible to change in-game-name at the cost of Donor Points. To find out more about this bring up the interface by typing @changeign in game. Please read carefully before requesting a name change, there will be no refunds once a request is made.
    Bug fixes (including but not limited to)
    • Cornian transformation is no longer possible while riding on a mount.
    • Summons no longer disappear when changing channels.
    • Pets will now die when their water of life dries out.
    • Independance Day Hats and Stars and Stripes equipments are now correctly marked as untradeable.
    • All known issues with pet loot (with and without party) have been fixed.
    • Cleaning Up the Streets quest now has rewards for pirates.
    • Revolutionary Defensive Wall quest has been fixed and is fully working, including the 30 minutes timer.
    • All new quests have been fixed and will be able to be completed.
    • Dispel will no longer remove seduce, stun, Cancel Weapon Attack and Cancel Magic Attack.
    • Protecting Tylus quest has been fixed.
    • Berserk animation has been fixed, and the skill description now matches its effect.
    • Certain quests with mid-quest completion (such as Learning the Culture of Ariant) are fixed and work as they did in GMS.
    • Fixed storing one-of-a-kind items in the storage keeper.
    • NPCs will no longer unknowingly disappear in maps.
    • Heartstoppers and other buffs will no longer falsely trigger autoban.
    • Party interfaces are now improved, and all bugs associated with parties are now fixed.
    • Buddy interfaces are now improved.
    • Timers will now always kick players out of Party Quests correctly (e.g. Bonus stage of Ludibrium PQ).
    • Zakum Pre-Quests have been 100% re-coded and now include GMS identical text. You will be notified if your inventory is full when attempting to receive the Breathe of Lava after finishing the JQ.
    • Boss timers now reset at midnight server time.
    • Many NPCs, quests, portals, reactors, and events have been re-scripted for improved performance and better functionality.
    • Many gameplay performance improvements have been made to make your gaming experience even better.
    We hope you enjoy the updates.
    -MapleLegends Staff-

    Credits to Distance and Slime for their help on the banner and graphics.
    Credits to Gi, Bulba for their help on the Patch Notes.
    Big thanks to the entire staff for the time and effort put into helping test everything.
    Thanks to the players for being patient and sticking with us.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2015
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