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Information MapleLegends General Features

Discussion in 'MapleLegends Features & Information' started by Kimmy, Jan 21, 2018.

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  1. Kimmy

    Kimmy Administrator Staff Member Administrator Game Moderator

    Sep 9, 2014
    10:24 AM
    Moderator Post

    I am Kimberly, also known as Kimmy. Nice to meet you. We are happy you are interested in our server. Below are some of our features.

    2x Exp
    1x Mesos
    3x Quest EXP

    Explanation version:
    Our client version is v0.62 GMS. This was the MapleStory version released in November 12 of 2008, when Pirates just came out. While we are based on this version, we have a few features from later versions, such as Monster Book, which came out in v0.67. Furthermore, we have a couple of maps from different regions, as well as later versions, to expand on content while providing an Old School experience. Please read below for most of it.

    Explanation rates:
    We've chosen 2x exp because we do not offer 2x cards/coupons. This means that basically everyone has the authentic MapleStory 1x experience rates with 2x cards applied, for free. The 3x Quest EXP was done because we feel quests in MapleStory are very underwhelming. With a small boost, we feel people are more motivated to do quests, instead of just grinding. Also, every single quest works in MapleLegends!

    No drop rates?

    Since the beginning of MapleStory servers, there was an identification by drop rates. MapleLegends was for the longest time no exception, and we've identified ourselves as a 1x drop server. However, due to the nature of how chances work inside the database of each server, as well as each server having to code their own drop chance formula and % drop rates, we feel drop chances by number is meaningless and misleading. Furthermore, we do not want people to believe we have half of what another server identifying itself for example as 2x has since that would be wrong as well.

    The short answer we want to give now about our drop rates is that it's not true 1x from GMS, but still very challenging. The reason for that is because GMS had 100k+ users and we have much less, which equals fewer drops. Furthermore, we make changes to drops from time to time for mobs or maps that are seen by us as underpowered or overpowered, thus we have no *true* global drop rates.

    Explanation channel amount:
    You may notice, unlike some other servers we don't have many channels. We do this because we believe too many channels separate the community more and more, which makes it more difficult for people to see each other and make new friends. Also, too many channels give people the opportunity to farm powerful bosses over and over, which makes the server overall easier. We base our channels (currently 8) on what we believe is the right amount for our population.

    Explanation NoPay2Win:
    Donations towards MapleLegends can only be used for cosmetic purposes and not in any shape or form things that strengthen your character. Furthermore, users that donate do not get extra perks such as extra treatment or any reasons to be superior to a normal user. You donate to MapleLegends to support the server, and nothing else.

    Explanation NoVote2Win:
    Vote2win is a term in the Private Server community where the rewards from voting on GTOP is so good that you can quit for months while still voting and come back with a lot of stashed rewards and mesos. In MapleLegends there's no such thing, so playing is better rewarded than voting. Voting on MapleLegends is for cosmetics, owls, and other small things. Also, cash items cannot be traded like the original game, which means that rewards from voting cannot be exchanged for mesos. By doing this we reward people actually playing our server, and also make people that vote multiple times not have a huge benefit. Gachapon Tickets cannot be bought from the Cash Shop, and only drop from mobs in 2 tiers.

    Explanation Mapowner:
    Similar to many other popular unofficial servers, MapleLegends make use of a mapowner system. mapowner, is a system where a user 'owns' a map. You can check the current owner of a map by typing @mapowner in-game. A person that owns a map can request other users to leave or not disturb the user, to prevent kill stealing from happening. If you are not sure how mapowner works, please ask for advice on our Discord. Violating mapowner rules IS against the rules.

    With that out of the way, here are some of our features found in our server.

    Skill changes:
    Click here for our skill changes!

    • Maple Island is 1x experience for both quests and mob kills until you leave for Victoria Island or reach level 10.
    • The old pre-v62 Maple Island quests are added together with v62's
    • The general quest experience rate is 3x.
    • Every quest in MapleLegends works with many coded as GMS-like as possible (including text).
    • You will never lose quest rewards as a result of your inventory being full.
    • Quest items only drop from monsters and reactors when you have the quest active. Likewise, quest items will only be visible to players with the quest active and who still need the item. Quest items will also drop if one of your party members kills a monster while you have the quest active.
    • You will never experience bugged kill counters.
    • You will never experience problems with drops as a result of having quests active (i.e. you will never need to forfeit quests because of a spawn bug).
    • Every 4th job skill quest works.
    Party Quests:
    • Henesys Party Quest (level 10-200; 3-6 members; Rice Cake On Top of My Head Reward)
    • Kerning Party Quest (level 21-30; 3-6 members; Squishy Shoes Reward)
    • Ludibrium Party Quest (level 35-50; 5-6 members; Broken Glasses Reward)
    • Amoria Party Quest (level40-200; 6 married members)
    • Ellin Forest Party Quest (level 45-55); 3-5 members; Altaire Earrings-Glittering Altaire Earrings Reward)
    • Ludibrium Maze Party Quest (level 51-70; 3-6 members)
    • Orbis Party Quest (level 51-70; 5-6 members; Goddess Wristband Reward)
    • Herb Town/Pirate Party Quest (level 55-100; 3-6 members; Lord Pirate Hat Reward)
    • Romeo and Juliet Party Quest (level 71-85; 4 members)
    • Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest (level 90-200)
    • Sharenian Guild Quest
    No Carnival Party Quest (CPQ)?

    Carnival Party Quest is a party quest that we believe was not a good addition to MapleStory. The reason for that is because the EXP was very overpowered, it destroyed LPQ, and all people did was playing fixed games, by losing and winning on purpose. We believe that CPQ does not fit with the other Party Quests, who are themed based on the area. CPQ was a warp to a small map from multiple places. Due to those reasons, and our stronger nostalgia for LPQ which we do not wish to destroy, we have currently no plans to add CPQ into the server.

    Non-GMS region maps:
    • Coke Town (Korean MapleStory)
    • Shanghai (MapleSEA)
    • Thailand (MapleSEA)
    • Ximending (Taiwan MapleStory)
    • Taipei 101 (Taiwan MapleStory)
    • Neo Tokyo (Japan/MapleSEA MapleStory)
    • Night Market (Taiwan MapleStory)
    • Shaolin Temple (Chinese MapleStory & Japanese MapleStory)
    Regions from later versions of GMS:
    • Magatia
    • Ellin Forest
    • Temple of Time
    • Malaysia (MapleSEA version)
    • Ninja Castle (MapleSEA version)
    • Ulu-city
    Mac Compatibility
    • Stable client: No disconnecting while bossing (Zakum, Horntail)
    • No disconnect / Crashes when killing specific monsters
    • The client can be toggled full and windowed mode with command + enter
    • User-friendly installer to get you easily started
    • No waiting hours for 'verifying'
    • Gachapon Tickets drop from mobs in 2 tiers
    • Gachapon Tickets cannot be bought from Cash Shop to encourage playing over vote2win
    Monster Books
    • Monster Book ranking
    • Fully functional in-game UI to open the book
    • Custom quest-line to reward collectors
    Cash Shop:
    • Cash Shop storage has been coded and allows you to store or transfer cash items between characters on your account.
    • Cash Shop gifting works and allows players to use Legends Game Cash to gift items to fellow players.
    • Cash Shop character and inventory slot upgrading works and can be expanded up to 80 slots, and 48 for use.
    • All non-donor Cash Shop items have expiration dates (usually 90 days) except for Hired Merchants, which are permanent. Items purchased using donor points will also be permanent.
    • All friendship and couple rings work
    • All available items in the Cash Shop work properly.
    • Items such as Notes, Myo Myo the Traveling Merchant, Item Seal, and Item Megaphone, not found in the original v.62 MapleStory Cash Shop can also be purchased.
    • Cash Shop items cannot be traded like the original game
    Style Saver
    • Received hair/faces are automatically saved forever at our Style Saver!
    • Sick of your current look? Go back to your old one! INCLUDING limited event ones
    • The Style Saver, Monique, can be found in Amoria's Hair Salon
    Smart Buff System
    • Tired of your party overwriting your strong buffs accidentally? Not in MapleLegends! In MapleLegends we have a system in place where weaker buffs do not overwrite stronger ones. Gone is that party member using the Rage skill and overwriting your Onyx Apple buffs, and more.
    Buddy List
    • Authentic Buddy List system
    • Maximum of up to 250 people in the Buddy List with expansions
    • Notification when trying message a user in the Cash Shop
    • The authentic guild creation process
    • Maximum of up to 255 members each guild
    • Notification in chat when a guild member level-up
    • Full alliance support
    • A guild master can pass leadership for 5,000 Donor Points
    • Pets are fully working and will respawn when changing channels or entering and exiting the Cash Shop.
    • Follow the Lead is working and will allow the use of up to 3 pets at the same time. All multi-pet effects also work.
    • All pet equipment works for either singular or multiple including pet item ignore pendant, pet quote/label rings, magic scales, etc.
    • Pet revival and Pet AP Resets.
    • All pets have the same hunger per minute

    • 100% authentic point and rule system from GMS, based on ELO
    • Minigames (Omok & Match cards) are playable and can be created by exchanging items dropped from monsters.
    • Minigames can be created on the higher level of the Free Market in addition to in any other area.
    • PIN at login and anti-cracking system in place. You can, however, use @togglepin <hours> to toggle off your PIN for a maximum of 120 hours (5 days) between logins. For example, @togglepin 24 which cause the login system to only ask for your PIN if you either have not logged in within the past 24 hours or you are logging in from a different IP than the IP you last logged in from.
    • EULA appears on your first login with the MapleLegends ToS; gender selection also appears, although you can play characters of either gender regardless of what you choose.
    • Guest login is completely working if you wish to simply test out the game, however, none of the guest character data will be saved.
    • Ranking at the character selection screen displays correct ranking changes with rankings updating every 48 hours or following each server check.
    • Character deletion works and also prevents the deletion of characters who are in the process of being married or are guild masters.
    • GMS-like Fredrick NPC to hold and return your items
    • Hired Merchants will display a list of players who purchase your items.
    • Hired Merchant chatting works.
    • Organizing your Hired Merchant works.
    • Owl of Minerva can be used to search for items in the Free Market and also enter the Hired Merchant that has that item.
    • You'll receive a live notification if something gets sold

    • All job advancements are GMS-like (including identical text).
    • All transportation is GMS-like (e.g. boats to towns). These are not skippable and they do arrive at specific intervals.
    • All skills (attacks and buffs) work.
    • 3rd person critical hit animations are displayed.
    • All area bosses are fully functional and spawn
    • Zakum from El Nath
    • Horntail from Leafre
    • Targa & Scar from Malaysia
    • Krexel from Ulu City
    • Ravana from Golden Temple
    • Vergamot, Dunas, Nibergen, Nameless Magic Monster from Neo Tokyo
    • Jiaoceng from Shaolin Temple
    • Damage Reflect and Zombify coded inside the v0.62 client
    • No black screen/GFX or other similar client crashes (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, MAC users)

    • Every boss has a boss bar, so you do not have to use commands such as @bosshp during bosses like Anego/Female Boss
    • Jump Quests such as Zakum have a checkpoint system; if you log out at stage 2 you will respawn in stage 2 and continue!

    Common Private Server Bugs Fixed:
    • You will not disconnect at Zakum / Horntail or when a lot of things are going on (GFX/Black Screen game crash) (W10 users may still experience problems using NVIDIA)
    • All Cash Shop disconnections fixed
    • All maple messenger bugs fixed
    • All common quest bugs fixed
    • Double-click NPC DC bug fixed
    • Error 38 at map changes (e.g. Taxi to Henesys) fixed
    • Job instructor map disconnections fixed
    • No pet rollbacks, no sudden hunger, no "going home due to hunger" bugs
    • Items do not randomly stack or not stack
    • Relogging when dead will not revive you in the same map
    • Falling through the map puts you back at the map where you were, similar as GMS
    • No merchant DC issues when players leave the shop
    • Players are not permanently seduced/debuffed when they die with one and get revived
    • Jump down mobs/item disappearing fixed
    • Reactor related disconnects fixed
    • Jr. Balrog respawns is not limited to 1 time each server check
    • Mystic Door disconnections fixed
    • Fully compatible with Windows 8, 8.1, 10 (Parameter is incorrect fixed)
    • You don't get randomly kicked from PQ's for no reason
    • You will never get stuck in-game. The MapleLegends auto unstuck should unstick you after a maximum of 30 seconds.
    Last edited: May 19, 2019
    • Great Work Great Work x 16
    • Like Like x 4
    • Informative Informative x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
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