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Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by Smile, Jun 15, 2016.

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  1. Smile

    Smile Selkie Jr.

    Nov 18, 2015
    Southern California
    5:24 AM
    Night Lord
    Hey everyone, it's your friendly Legends senpai SharpSide, or better known as Rey. I'm quitting for two reasons. First: My schedule is too busy with the amount of studies I'm committed to and the amount of extra curricular activities I attend, I just don't have enough time to continue developing my character, especially since I was going for 160+ (basically top 10 NL). Second: Just got hit with tragic news in real life. I don't really want to elaborate, just please understand that I'm quitting for good reasons, this is the best. Let us remember the good times and not the sad.

    Before I start with all the references, I want to emphasize that this is the first and last private server that I will be playing. I have had some friends suggest that I should return some day, or maybe even try another server, but I am 100% quitting.

    First and foremost I would like to thank KimberlyKimberly and her army of GMs. Times are changing. You guys get a lot of flak for making controversial decisions, but in my eyes the server is moving in a better direction. It's not perfect, there are still problems that need to be fixed. But I can see right now that you're all working hard and listening to the community, so I am proud to have played on this server. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your time, energy, and dedication in providing Legends.

    Second I would like to thank Demure, Halcyon, and Aloha for all being super friendly this past month! Although there have been many others that have quit, I feel like the active community has become closer.

    Personal shoutouts:
    2chainz2chainz Jaymi-chan! OnionSparkYou're suuuper fun and kawaiiiii, thanks for being an occasional training partner and someone I could talk to. Let me know if you-know-who keeps bullying you, I'll log in just to make sure he learns his lesson ^^

    avivaviv Hey aviv! Thanks for all the fun NL talk, best of luck for the rest of your washing & bossing career. Take care of Hogwarts ^^

    BaboBabo Tommy oh Tommy, you really are my senpai. OnionLoveThanks for giving me so many tips about assassins, hermits, and night lords. My character wouldn't be 150+ with all the knowledge you taught me. Thanks for the fun times in Demure, you're a great guy, so stay great.

    bbokkobbokko Hey Jibby! Sorry for that awful zrun, I wish I could've done more. Thank you for your help, I appreciate your kindness <3

    BulbaBulba Only played with you for one night, but you were a chill dude. I'm surprised you quit your NL, it seems to be decently geared considering you're not that active.

    CakeMateCakeMate Alonso <3 Thanks for all the fun times, I enjoyed them. Thanks for making me feel good about ppl2pass, and please keep taking care of Peter at you-know-where for me ^^

    ClownClown Tim ahaha thanks for being a peer reviewer for a guide that I ended up never releasing. OnionMuhaThanks for helping me get my HH head & all the boss talk, in the end it was helpful to reach my goals.

    DeanDean Dean you lil party boy :) I can't tell if you're active or inactive, but yo I'll say we had some fun times talking. Thanks for being a friend, and thanks for the hair advice (you bitch) MapleF3

    deribouderibou Yellow buddy! FoxF1Derrick you're one of the most genuine guys with your humour, I really appreciate having met you and having you on my BL. Thanks for all the fun talks ^^

    DudaDuda Hey Duda <3 Thanks for all the skype calls and the deep talks. I know I can always come to you when I want someone to listen to my problems. Keep on growing, ms. beautiful voice MapleF15

    dumbledoredumbledore Hey David c: Sorry that I couldn't develop December more. Life just loves to throw curve balls and I guess one is now. Thanks for including December in the alliance with Hogwarts, I appreciate your help.

    FredrikFredrik Fred! Make your way to #1 Shad, it's waiting for you c: Thanks for being cool!!!!

    fryberfryber Hey Steve :) I know we had a rough start, but you're a real nice dude and anyone that doesn't know you is honestly missing out. Best of luck in college ^^

    iSandyS2iSandyS2 Hi Sandy! Although I didn't know you for too long, you're really nice, very playful, and we had some fun. Sorry for not being more helpful when it came to boss runs. I feel like I was lacking a lot in the damage department. I hope that you can find a better replacement. FoxF4

    IsuzuIsuzu Suzu-chan! I'm happy to have met you, this game needs a lot more G.I.R.L's to balance the gaming universe. MapleF3 Keep on ppl2passing, I'm sure that you'll be at the top some day.

    jaypeejaypee Kopi OnionSmartYou've been quiet as of recently, but thanks for the fun times ppl2passing with Stella and I. We had lots of fun with you, so I appreciate it.

    JessJess Jesserino! OnionF4 I apologize for not seeing the day you will become a corsair. Thank you for the weird jokes, do your best!

    JonteJonte Hey thanks for buying dat zhelm boi! But seriously, good luck with ppl2pass, thanks for being a Hogwarts member when they needed you.

    JoyJoy JOY MY QUEEN! OnionSparkThank you so much for being a great friend, leader, queen, person in general. My time in Demure is unforgettable, keep on making your way to become the best.

    KelseyKelsey OnionHi Kelsey! Thanks for all the random, crazy, sick, twisted, but funny jokes. I don't think I would've been able to stay up as long on some nights if you weren't around to stir some shit up. I hope you're having fun at bonnaroo and doing the best at your summer classes, senpai. OnionBlush3

    KensiKensi Hey Veronica, sorry that I didn't stay long enough to help you out. I do wish you the best in game and in real life, it was fun knowing you for the little while we had.

    KimberlyKimberly Even though I already shouted you out, I still need to announce to you that OUR DATE IS STILL IN THE WORKS. Never fear, Kim. Our ship shall sail.

    LeslieLeslie Hey Leslie! Thanks for all the fun skype calls with Duda, your voice is pretty awesome and you should continue on to become a talk show host or something. Best of luck in your studies! OnionFinger I'll see you in the working force some day ^^

    Lyn00Lyn00 Lynn-senpai! Meeting you when you were on SpearUrAss and having a deep talk about our life ambitions was awesome, unfortunately that also makes me feel sad because that's the only time we connected on a deep level. LOL OnionMuha Thanks for being a friend, do your best in school and abroad <3

    MarkieMarkie Hey there cat man! Sorry for not being able to get you a zhelm, I personally feel like I failed. But thanks for all the funny cat jokes. But remember to take off the cat hat once in a while, we're all human too.

    minikizzminikizz Sorry that I didn't get to talk to you for long, Rachel. But it was fun meeting you c: Do your best~

    MrBronkzMrBronkz Martin :D OnionHi Thank you for helping out on the zruns, even if it was only a few. We surely couldn't have completed them without your assistance.

    MuranoMurano Oi oi Joker-chan! OnionBanHappyHaha murano thanks for all the awesome jokes, you're definitely one of the most positive energies in the server. Continue ppl2passing, I'll be disappointed if you're still outside of the top 10 NL rankings within 3 months.

    nevonevo Meis-chan! Your sleepy look is pretty damn cool, and you've got some weird corny jokes but they work. Do your best

    racushracush Hey there omok lord F3 I'm still sad that you took me out of the tournament, but hey we did our best. Thanks for the occasional help, you're a good dude ^^

    RyaeRyae Hey Stef :) Sorry that I never got you a zhelm. I appreciate your art, you're one of the most talented artists on the server. Thanks for joining December at the start, and I wish you the best of luck in studies c:

    Sam_VoshSam_Vosh Samantha! OnionHiYou're always afking in channel 1 leafre LOL. Thank you for bringing me on the HT run! I'm sorry that I couldn't help out with more.

    ShepherdShepherd Hey Mike, thanks for helping me with ToT quests and duoing Lilynouch. Along with assisting in a zak run or two. It was fun :)

    SlimeSlime Hey Noam OnionSpark Thanks for the omok tournament, it was fun. You're my favorite omok senpai <3

    SnowSnow It's the G.I.R.L. Queen! Thanks for all the funny jokes, I fuckin love your drag queen get up. Stop instigating stuff in the shout box, it's not worth it. Love ya senpai OnionLove

    SwordArtSwordArt Hey Cam! Thanks for being the bear in my bed and outside of my bed. Thank you for all the wordless reactions, they're super kawaii <3

    UnitedUnited Hahaha watching you kill BFs was fun to watch. Thanks for all the fun times, Eli. Now that you've finished rey2pass, you need to become #1 warrior. Go go go!

    VithVith Yo Jon! December with you was fun. I hope that you can continue to spread your greatness in LitterBox, I'm sure that the crowd in there loves you ^^

    YozichYozich Marcus-senpai OnionF2#1 sexiest EU player. Thanks for the fun times. Your edits are godly. Keep it up.

    To the inactives:
    BlurryFaceBlurryFace Ayseeeeee. It's rare to find a real TOP fan anywhere, but I found you here on Legends. Thank you for your time c: |-/

    @Crybaby Marina! Thanks so much for all the love and support during your time here. Although you were fairly toxic, I think you genuinely wanted the best from people, so I can't blame you. I hope you continue doing your best in real life.

    FrostFrost Joey! Our skype calls during your streams were pretty rad. Continue doing your best in school, you're going great places.FoxLove

    IreneIrene Yoooo Irena. Thanks for all the fun talks. Sorry that I can't be here for your return. Lesbehonest, you'll never forget me. OnionBlush

    JamesWestJamesWest You left too soon, James. Thanks for the fun times. Although some of your comments were a bit out of line, I don't regret hearing any of them. Continue doing your best irl <3

    JannyJanny JAN-SENPAI. WATCH HAIKYUU SEASON 2. IT'S WAITING FOR YOU. (thanks for being our yolo bishop for zakum <3)

    LanguagesLanguages All I gotta say is: Sardines

    mageofdoommageofdoom Daniel, thanks for all the zakum tips. You made me learn that there's a lot more to organizing zak runs than bringing stoppers. I hope you're doing your best right now!

    MakuryuMakuryu Thanks for PPQ, the fun solstice event, and introducing me to Imagine. I don't know where you are right now, but I hope that it's somewhere beautiful.

    MattyIceMattyIce Hey Matt! Sorry we never got to boss on a high level, and sorry for that shitty zrun a long time ago. Thanks for being a genuinely funny person, I appreciate having known you while you were playing.

    MichiiMichii Babe, you already know.OnionLove

    nanop33nanop33 MapleF3 Thanks for the elitist opinions, I miss you <3

    NatoNato and ScepterScepter You both are the pride and glory of Elegance. ppl2passing with you both was great. I hope you both doing the best with your school <3

    NatteHondNatteHond Fucking weeb (yo re:zero is OP!)

    NekoNeko Your hentai.... OnionF4 Amazing!

    NoobCakesNoobCakes Peter! With out a doubt I can say that you're the closest friend I ever made on Legends. You're the only person that has ever even considered making me move to another server, so grats on that. Thanks for all the fun times in LPQ, PPQ, ppl2passing, bossing, guild forming, joke making, senpai delivering, tsundere bashing. I don't regret a single second of it.

    OldBoyOldBoy You left while I was gone, so I never got a reason as to why you left, but I hope that you're doing your best at the moment. It's cool to meet someone in game that is a father in real life. Lots of qualities of yours that could be gained. Thanks for that.

    SmoothShotSmoothShot hey slow leveler. Dunno where you are now but thanks for all the jokes FoxF4

    SobletSoblet Jer-chan! I really appreciate the time we spent talking to each other. You're probably one of the more interesting people on my buddy list. I'm sad our time was cut short, but I know you're the type to have things under control, so you just keep doing you. Thanks for everything.

    SorrowedSorrowed Damn it will, where did you go MapleF4 I'll never forget you

    TargaTarga Thank you for your wonderful art. Although your time here was short, I appreciate having met you. Sorry that you got tired out, I wish we could've done more together.

    tsootsotsootso You came back for a week but now you're gone for good again. Well, thanks for fixing loose ends. Demure was fun.

    XavierJenonXavierJenon Pffffft what happened to corsair? Haha but on a serious note, thanks for the time in Elegance, it wasn't wasted.

    xAznMikeyxxAznMikeyx wowowowow Mikey-senpai, you really showed that MM class is fucking OP. Sad that we never got to boss together, but you're doing awesome irl at the moment so that's all that matters. OnionLove

    xxruinxxruin Dan! My first friend on the server OnionF4 KPQ was such a long time ago, jeez. Although you aren't as hardcore as I am, thanks for sticking around with me a lot the first 2 months I was playing. It was definitely the most fun time for me on Legends. Good luck with your internship <3

    ZayphZayph Dunno where you've been, but you were quiet even before you left. Thanks for all the fun times, Nick. It was great.

    ^84DB00C017590E9821C1A780E4DC4CC279124B7FD6ACE63872^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg ABBREVIATIONS.PNG aloebooty.PNG BaboFury1.PNG DecemberSenpai.PNG December4.PNG ToTParty.PNG ShinxMemories.PNG SHESPRO.PNG sharpside pls.PNG

    With all that being said, I think I'm pretty much done here. If you want to further contact me, my snapchat name is poopoosweaters and my skype name is todorokishouto. If you want my facebook, sorry but you'll have to contact me by PM and ask for it.

    Thank you everyone for the hell of a time I've had here. Friends, guildies, alliance members, haters, whatever. It was a blast and I don't regret a single second being here. This is your friendly neighborhood Legends senpai, going out. I'll see you on the other side. OnionBye

    - Rey / SharpSide
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