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What MapleStory Memories Do You Have?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MangaFox156, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. MangaFox156

    MangaFox156 Dark Stone Golem

    Mar 12, 2017
    2:34 AM
    It's a topic that I thought would be fun to discuss. If you've played the old MapleStory, what kind of memories did you have playing it? I'll start with mine:

    1. I've seen my older sister playing the game back in 2006 I think? But anyway, I was really fascinated with how the game looked, so I really wanted to play it. My sister helped me get set up, and the first character I wanted to make was a warrior. I've created a warrior named Zenido. For the first time, I've made a stupid error with Zenido. I was distributing all of her stats, and I didn't know how to properly add stats to my character. Even my sister said my character sucked and I had to start all over. So I did that, and Zenido was better. She was a hybrid fighter back in the day because I couldn't make up my mind on what weapon I wanted her to use. XD Although she never became a hero (hell, she never became a crusader), she eventually did become one when I started playing on MapleRoyals. So on this server, I wanted to relive those days with Zenido (again) and have her become a great axe hero. So yeah, she means a lot to me.

    2. When I training in some mini dungeon that had drum bunnies, one of the bunnies dropped a red whip, which I was really excited over. I knew that this weapon was very rare. When I told my sister, she was shocked and she wanted to buy it off of me. I don't remember anything else after that. I think I might've sold it to someone else. :p

    3. I got myself one of those MapleStory gift cards where you could redeem them for nx. I got really hyped when I was able to buy some cash shop items. I hated the fact that they expired after 90 days, but it's a long time, so it's not too bad. I got black kitty ears, a dog tail, war paint, and that one ring that makes rainbow hearts float around my character. I wanted her to look like a coyote (I always like making my human characters nekomimis), though since I revived her, she's a tiger now. Once I get enough nx, she'll have her items like she does in MapleRoyals.

    4. Around late 2009 when I was in the mu lung dojo, a high level player saw that I was an axe fighter, and he gave me a maple demon axe with really good stats. I asked if he was sure on giving it to me, and he said that I need it more than him. That was the best item I ever got in the game.

    5. I was getting some compliments about being an axe warrior back in the day, and I still do when I play on the private servers. Some people were amazed, some were confused. And yes, I know axe warriors aren't quite as strong as sword warriors, but I don't really care. I think axes suit my character better.

    So there you have it. Now then, I'd like to know your memories (if you have any). :3
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  2. Lily

    Lily Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Jul 23, 2015
    7:34 AM
    F/P Arch Mage
    I went to holiday to Greece, connected my laptop to the wifi in a bar opposite our hotel and played it for almost my entire stay! Aqua Road had just come out on GMS, and I spent like a solid week trying to kill Pianus, switching between my Ice Mage and my White Knight. :p

    In retrospect it seems like a slightly wasted holiday, but for some reason I have super fond memories of it. :D
    • Like Like x 2
  3. xNivx

    xNivx Headless Horseman

    Apr 18, 2016
    Shin Sekai
    12:34 AM
    Dark Knight
    In 2006 I met a girl in the game at my age from my country, and as a stupid little kid I tried to steal her account.
    After stupid shit happened, we cleared up everything and we made up and eventually became a "maple bf & gf"
    I was playing a lot with her and her brother for around 3 years.

    After a 1 year break from maple, after we haven't talked since.
    I logged in and saw that she was online, I stalked her via /find and went to her and saw someone bullying her.
    Told her to come with me and we started chatting at a different map and that was also the last time I saw her, gave her an appropriate farewell that I haven't gave her before I took a break from maple.

    I have her full name so I can easily "find" her but im gonna leave the memories with her in the past.
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  4. Krauser94

    Krauser94 Designer Staff Member Graphics Designer

    Nov 6, 2016
    8:34 AM
    My main memory on this game is, after class on friday, playing with my friends all the evening, having a lot of fun and doing the quests. I remember that the "kill 999" quests took us long because we only used a day or 2 on the game. But it was a lot of fun having that kinda "ritual" of doing quests together. Maybe that's why i'm a quester, who knows.

    Also the fact of being a group and starting trading equipments every time a mob dropped something job specific. (Thief equip never dropped back then for me o.o, but warrior and archer aaaaall the time XD)

    The only i can say is that i have a pretty good memory of those days, even with a crappy char that never reached 3rd job, but that i truly enjoyed playing a lot.
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  5. _Brandon

    _Brandon Mano

    Mar 12, 2017
    United States
    9:34 AM
    1) Elementary School - I came across MapleStory through my best friend, his older cousin told him about the game, and we both shared an account, we used to meet after school each day and played together, over weekends we used to host sleepovers and play together, the game really connected us and we're still best friends ever since.

    2) Having my Level 7x Hermit hacked around 2009, after I downloaded Meso Generator off some video on youtube, never again.

    3) I met my girlfriend on GMS when I was around 12 (don't rly remember what year), we started to train together. Later on my account got hacked and I quit the game, but we kept in touch through MSN and Skype. One day she told me she was in California (I lived in California with my family, and she lived in Texas back then) and we set up a meeting (It was around 2015 - I was 16, she was 17) and now we live together in a rented apartment in Pennsylvania.

    This game has truly been a big part of my life, it's funny how MapleStory had such a big impact on my life, I honestly don't regret a single minute I've spent playing the game.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
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  6. United

    United Skelegon

    Aug 24, 2015
    9:34 AM
    Dark Knight
    i remmber i had to send money in the mail by "Pay By Cash"
    because my dad didnt believe the internet back then xD
    i waited around 40 days and i got my cash bought a shop and became a merch.
    all day i was "Buy Scrolls not def or pet @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" at fm trying to take avg of nib ppl because i didnt know anyother way of making money.
    i wanted to be the best in gear and i got reallllllly good had Pac Bwg (14att) and awesome bow (i was hunter lvl 6x)
    at the end i became 3rd job and lvled to 82 (i think) only to understand FA killed my char.
    i made a new "pro" bowman low str and all but i never made him more then lvl 50.... at early 2009 i quitted for good because i thought this game is for kids.
    6 years later i came to legends and pressed reset on my memories i wanted a new expariance... and i got it. i had and having much more fun in here then ever made in GMS. when i think of maple now i remmber my nibbish chars on GMS but i believe in few years when i will want t remmber maple story, only ML will come up my head.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2017
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  7. PuureDank

    PuureDank King Slime

    Feb 7, 2016
    12:34 AM
    When i used to play maplestory in the old days i used to always dress nooby and ask people for money and made a lot of mesos off that. Also i used to scam a lot of ppl by taking advantage of gullible people and i remember it was so much fun! Best part was killing people with summoning sacs in crowded areas like a terrorist. When people would pay me to fame them i would defame them instead and run hahahahahaha. Things have changed since.
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  8. iChecco

    iChecco Slimy

    Jun 21, 2015
    My House
    8:34 AM
    Faggot :eek:
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  9. John

    John Dark Stone Golem

    Apr 10, 2015
    8:34 AM
    Bocc / ImMrLuckless
    Dark Knight
    I had a very close friend back in the day, only a year younger than me, and we used to play together all the time. We've met through our families being friends and working together but we both made our parents visit each other or stay over at each other places couple times a week, bring our computers and play maple together for hours and hours. Even when we met outside, all we did was talk about maple and our future plans there. I really do miss that friendship ..
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  10. Hurt

    Hurt Slime

    Mar 12, 2017
    11:34 PM
    Kind of got carried away with my own nostalgic thoughts but anyways here it is~:

    Beta MS' highest lvl player

    1) I remember first playing the game when I was 8 or 9 back in 2005 in beta. I don't remember how I got into it but it must have been my older brothers because they would always get me into games. Anyways I remember perion would be packed with over 100 people since there was no FM. I would try to avoid the huge crowd of people by the storage guy because my computer couldn't handle it and would freeze for like 5 seconds at a time. I also remember copper drakes and fire boars was the spot, and tauromaces and taurospears at balrog was where all the top players trained in large parties. I also remember the highest level player, he was a level 96 assassin named MildSoss I believe.

    Broke my maple gf's heart

    2) I think I was age 9 or 10 but my first "girlfriend" was named Crystal, she was 10 and she was from Tennessee. Like many maple kids I wanted a girlfriend whom I did not have to ask face to face in real life. And so, I sat in henesys ch.1, opened the minigame and titled it "L>GF" in hopes of finding true love(??), which is how I met Crystal. I bought us a couple ring and within a day we said "i love you" to each other(lawl). Eventually though I thought she quit cause I didn't see her online for like 2 weeks. And so, using the same tactic, I opened the minigame again and titled it "L>GF" in hopes of finding that true love(??) once again. Although this time instead of finding another true love, coincidentally she went online, caught me red-handed and called me a bitch while I was afkOnionSilent. After that we never talked to each other again but I did look her up on the rankings occasionally and I think she got to level 36 and quit. I'm sorry Crystal!
    Later on an 18 year old girl wanted to be my maple girlfriend which i thought was MAD WEIRD at the time since i was like 10, but that's a story for another day.

    Missed crazy hacking opportunity
    3) My older brothers would always find hacks for the game and although I didn't know how anything worked at all since I was too young, my brother just showed me what to click open and when to run/close the cheat engine at the perfect time when the client would load up. We used many hacks like godmode, vaccing, autolooting.. I especially remember when the Zakum jump obstacle was repeatable for like 15k exp upon completion. My brothers and I, along with many maple hackers started to take advantage of this and used the Fly hack to get across the obstacle within 2-3 minutes. This gained us a level every like hour and half. However while doing the jump quest I remember accidentally showing myself Fly hacking to someone and they reported me. Within seconds a GM spawned right next to me and perma banned me. I remember being SO salty because literally a day later Warp/Tele hacking came out which basically flew you across the map within 2 seconds. So my brother got to level 75 from 55 within like 2 hours using the zakum jump quest and I couldn't do it because I didn't have a level 50 character anymore.. A couple days later they patched it by having like a 15 minute delay before entering the jump quest again. So I lost the opportunity forever OnionMercy

    I have so many memories from other games like league of legends, ragnarok, diablo 2, gunbound,etc as well...
    Often I wonder if all that time spent on games was worth it. But in the end it is very nostalgic for me and sometimes I wish i could go back in time when I didn't have to worry about anything and play MS again with my siblings.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
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  11. pigshet

    pigshet Orange Mushroom

    Apr 2, 2017
    9:34 AM
    Chief Bandit
    I don't really remember when it was, but here it is

    So I was really little when I started playing, and obviously I didn't understand a thing. So first of all, I was one of those people who put tons of "X" in their IGN cuz I thought it was cool, so I named my character XXXRykoXXX.
    I joined the server and played for hours, because I didn't really understand anything, I skipped many starting quests and just killed whatever I could find.
    Eventually I got out of Maple Island at like level 14ish and saw many people using cool skills while I was using CTRL to regular attack, so I wanted to be like them. Yeah, I didn't understand a thing, therefore, I didn't know how to take my job advancement and just kept on training as a beginner.
    I enjoyed the game very much and played for months without knowing how to job advance. Then one day I met a guy who appeared to be from the same country that I live in, and we started talking in our language, he asked me: "Why aren't you choosing a job?" and I replied: "I don't know how", he started laughing like crazy cause I was literally leveling a beginner because I didn't know how to advance. He told me that its too late to advance right now, since I was about level 24 (yeah took me a long time to reach 24) and I would lose SP if I advance. So I was like: "No way I'm doing this again", and played a beginner ever since.

    Something like a year later I reached level 43 and Monster Carnival came out. I was very excited for this PQ because it seemed very cool (By this time my English got alot better and I managed to actually talk with people). So as everyone did, I entered the PQ's waiting zone and looked for a party, people told me: "Dude.. you are a beginner who the hell is going to add you lol?" and I was really sad because I really wanted to join that PQ.. then suddenly some guy came to me and added me to his party, he was a level 50 sin (those OP dexless sins) and said that he has no problem adding me. I was really happy that I finally joined the PQ (we won that round btw XD), and we became really good friends, he told me that he had a Beginner character too, and I was really happy.

    So me and him became really good friends, we talked everyday for hours about life and maple, we trained our beginners together, traveled all around Maple World and had the best of times together, we played together for 2 years, getting our beginners to level 88 (me) and 92 (him), when Big Bang came out, we both quit the game and never talked to eachother again..
    Damn I miss him MapleF4

    I have many other stories like a casual Maple GF story, but that is just way too long XD SlimeSweat2
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2017
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  12. Cora

    Cora Selkie Jr.

    Apr 3, 2017
    8:34 AM
    My Maple memories arent that far away from Big Bang :)

    I started my first character around the time Aran came out.
    It was quite funny since most of the time I got lost or tried
    to find the right mobs for some items. (back than I didnt though about using Google)
    I remember how I always got angry
    about all does misses when I attacked and at on point I was like:
    "You know what if Im gonna miss all the time they gonna miss me now"
    and than I added a lot of luck on my little Aran. She never got passes 43 though.

    Also during that time I was quite small so when I created my ign with a 69 in it,
    so people kept on asking me why this number, seems like I was the only one
    that saw it as just a ying yang symbole back than. :(

    Than after a Maplebreak I wanted to play on another server and started
    a new character this time a DB. It felt kinda strange to play it and
    I quickly changed into a WH after Big Bang. That was the first big update for me
    and I was quite confused about the long downtime. I didnt even know
    what they are gonna change until I loged in and saw how small everything became on Victoria.
    The first thing I noticed was the huge amount of potion drops.
    (Always struggelt about them in the past xD)

    Than I saw 3 new jobs which got released later on and
    I feel in love with the little archer on her jaguar <3
    It was soo cool to have a jaguar as you little partner and
    than he had other animals as skill too.
    Not to forget his catch skill which let you catch mobs and spawn them later <3
    or the animation when he just eats mobs like kirby :confused:

    Well from the text above you must see I was quite fond about WH
    and I found my mentor while playing her as well.
    Back then I didnt know much about maple I knew that I needed dex and str
    and someone told me about cds grinding spots.

    I trained there for a while and suddenly another WH and a Night Lord appeared,
    they started to ks me and I didnt really know what to do about it.
    I kinda gave up about ksing back and started to talk to them. It was a funny conversation,
    about how he didnt wanted to ks but all channels were full with 2-3people and here was the best choice for them.

    Later on we became best friends he showed me maps outside of Victoria Island.
    He explained to me which skills I should skill on my wh,Party quest, grinding spotes, NLC for potions and many other things.He became like my mentor and even though he leveled 10x faster than me he always took time to help me out :D

    At one point we even created twin chars with same username with the L and i trick, same appeares, same job and same level.We ended up confused a lot of players when we standed next to each other or when we hide behind each other.When someone came near 1 of us jumped out and they always started for a sec before they unterstood what happend xD

    It was quite a funny time but nowadays maple became more and more nx heavy,
    zakum became a hug punchingbag and died within seconds, people only cared about each other and their high numbers.New bosses were created that increased the need of cubing
    by a lot, at specially when they made it that only 6 people could enter.

    its sooo nice to play maplelegends and re live the part when the comunity is so much better :3
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  13. Faederwulf

    Faederwulf Blue Snail

    Jun 26, 2017
    6:34 PM
    The classic mistake of taking the ship at a low level and dying to the Balrog.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. NoAvatarYet

    NoAvatarYet Mano

    Jun 24, 2017
    6:34 PM
    That is funny asf.
  15. lzknzz

    lzknzz Mano

    Jun 4, 2017
    1:34 AM
    I/L Wizard
    Carnaval PQ, Snail Pet,
    And not all are dexless, lukless, strless, intless :(
  16. FatSi

    FatSi Red Snail

    Apr 17, 2017
    2:34 PM
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. seemslegit

    seemslegit Mushmom

    Apr 23, 2017
    4:34 PM
    Night Lord
    LHC 2011.
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  18. xNivx

    xNivx Headless Horseman

    Apr 18, 2016
    Shin Sekai
    12:34 AM
    Dark Knight
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  19. snippymirror

    snippymirror Mano

    Jun 21, 2017
    11:34 PM
    When I was in elementary school, I started playing Maplestory and watching MMVs and the whole shebang, per most people I'm assuming. I remember stalking some level 74 character who was chatting with her friends in Lith Harbor because I thought she was the best thing since sliced bread, though we never ended up talking because I was shy. I think I might've creeped her out...
    The biggest story I've got was when I joined a guild, there was a meetup in Henesys, which was nothing new I guess as the guild had a lot of PQs to do. But this time, the guildmaster was going to be there (apparently he was never on because of school. Poor dude.) I'd only heard stories of the fabled guildmaster; he was a mystery, and I guess at the ripe age of 9 years old with barely any social interaction I kind of assumed he was the most enchanting person to ever exist. I pictured him as a prince, he'd talk to me at the meetup and we'd be lovers forever and ever. I ran to my dad and told him "I need twenty five dollars right now." My dad obliged, confused.
    I remember going to the cash shop and picking out the pinkest, cutest clothes I could find, thinking the whole time the guildmaster was gonna love it.
    I went to the meetup and met my friends there, who were very confused about the sudden change of NX. I told them I was meeting someone special to try and sound elusive. Some random guy from the guild came up to me afterwards and asked if I wanted to train with him "alone." I said no, of course, completely oblivious to any sort of subtle hints he was dropping. Eventually, my friends found out that I had a crush on the guildmaster after I basically said 'im here for the guildmaster' and teased me about it. Distraught I was found out, I ran into mushroom park, sat down on the bench alone, left the guild and spammed F5 for 10 minutes before logging off. I've never joined a guild since.
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  20. xNivx

    xNivx Headless Horseman

    Apr 18, 2016
    Shin Sekai
    12:34 AM
    Dark Knight
    • Agree Agree x 1

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