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Magician Yesi's ArchMage (I/L) Guide

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by MissBehaving, Oct 15, 2017.

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  1. MissBehaving

    MissBehaving Mixed Golem

    Apr 7, 2017
    6:23 AM
    I/L Arch Mage


    Hello MapleLegends! I finally decided to make a guide to the I/L Arch Mage, because I have noticed that there has been an increased amount of I/L Wizards on the server. I also wanted to help my #Lunarboyz on their journey to the Arch Mage. I know it's a bit long but I wanted to include as much information as possible because most of whats in here are common things that people ask all the time. This is my first guide so any feedback is appreciated! xo

    The life of an I/L Wizard is relatively easy, quite similar to a Cleric's, with access to AOE early on (Thunderbolt) and jobs throughout. The third job, Mage, also has an AOE that is very nice (Ice Strike). The Arch Mage is also self explanatory, as you gain access to Blizzard. Chain Lightning is also an AOE, however its damage cuts in half every time and is not used for training. However, being an Arch Mage also has a downside. The Mage job skill, Elemental Amplification, increases damage output but doubles MP cost for skills. This can be quite costly until you are able to sell leech, and have access to Blizzard 30. We are also slightly weaker than our Fire counterparts, as we require a tad bit more magic to 1 hit ko end game maps. No matter which Arch Mage you choose, you will have the same disadvantage as far as cost as skills are roughly the same. Fire is nice as well so feel free to do what you like. That being said: if you decide to become the Arch Mage, Fire or Ice, the road will be tough but rewarding. :3

    The first job is the Magician. You can obtain this job by being Level 8 with an int of 20. Once condition are met, you can talk to Grendel at the very top of Ellinia and become a Magician. The Magician is a very basic job that sets you up for the rest of the game. Key skills are Max MP Increase and Magic Guard. Another useful skill is Max MP Recovery.

    Magician's Skill Build (8-30):
    Lv 8: +1 Energy Bolt (1)
    Lv 9: +3 Max MP Recovery (3)
    Lv 10: +2 Max MP Recovery (5); +1 Max MP Increase (1)
    Lv 11: +3 Max MP Increase (4)
    Lv 12: +3 Max MP Increase (7)
    Lv 13: +3 Max MP Increase (10) (Maxed)
    Lv 14: +3 Magic Claw (3)
    Lv 15: +3 Magic Claw (6)
    Lv 16: +3 Magic Claw (9)
    Lv 17: +1 Magic Claw(10); +2 Magic Guard (2)
    Lv 18: +3 Magic Guard (5)
    Lv 19: +3 Magic Guard (8)
    Lv 21: +3 Magic Guard (11) (KPQ Level)
    Lv 22: +3 Magic Guard (14)
    Lv 23: +1 Magic Guard (17)
    Lv 24: +3 Magic Guard (20) (Maxed)
    Lv 25: +3 Magic Claw (13)
    Lv 26: +3 Magic Claw (16)
    Lv 27: +3 Magic Claw (19)
    Lv 28-30 Magic Claw (Maxed) Remaining into MP Recovery.

    Magician's Way of Level Up:
    HPQ, Doing Henesys/Nautilus Quests, KPQ, Ant Tunnel 99/999 Quests.

    I alternated between Claw and Guard in the beginning as you don't want to be completely useless in KPQ.

    Once you are level 30 and have all AP and SP used, you go talk to the Grendel again for 2nd Job Advancement. He will then tell you to find the Second Job Instructor at the top of the Field North of Ellinia. Be prepared, this is a long climb. Collect 30 Dark Marbles, bring them to Grendel and you will become the Wizard! When you become the Wizard everything will become easier with Thunderbolt and MP Eater.

    Disclaimer: I decided to shorten the writing of the SP as it is explained in 1st job and don't want to sound redundant. Will do the same throughout. :) If confused, feel free to leave a comment or msg in game. :)

    Wizard's Skill Build (30-70):
    Lv 30: +1 Teleport (1) You must do this as you need Teleport for LPQ (Lv 35). No Teleport, NO LPQ. Do this before you forget. Don't be that guy that tries to LPQ without Teleport. People will hate you.
    Lv 31- 41: Thunderbolt (30) (Maxed)
    Lv: 41 - 47: Meditation (20) (Maxed); +1 MP Eater (1)
    Lv 47 - 51: MP Eater (20) (Maxed)
    Lv 52 - 58: Teleport (20) (Maxed)
    Lv: 59 - 66: Slow (20) (Maxed); +1 Cold Beam (1)
    Lv 66 - 70: Remaining points in Cold Beam.
    Feel free to swap Cold Beam and Slow if you'd like.

    Wizard's Way of Level Up:
    Teddies in Ludibrium until lv 35. After this you can LPQ or go to Chronos. Platoon Chronos drops Glove for Attack 60% and Master Chronos drops Helm Dex 60%. A good way to farm Mesos. Various Stimulators for crafting also drop here. A lot of high levels by them, Claw and Bow are top sellers. From 51 - 70 you will live at GS2. If you cant find a map you can always party up at MP3. These places are a good way to farm Mesos by NPC and great exp. SAVE MESOS WHILE YOU CAN from here on you need to be as cost conscious as possible.

    Once again, when AP and SP is all used up, you can make the 3rd Job Advancement. There is a Guide on how to do the Advancement. VIP Teleport Rocks are advised as it's a lot of travel between El Nath and Ellinia. Here is where you get your main AOE, Ice Strike, and start the use of Element Based items. Resources for these can be found below.

    Mage's Skill Build (70-120):
    Lv 70-80: Elemental Amplification (30) (Maxed)
    Lv 81 - 91: Ice Strike (30) (Maxed)
    Lv: 91 - 101: Elemental Composition (30) (Maxed)
    Lv 102 - 109: Spell Booster (20) (Maxed)
    Lv 110-117: Seal (20) (Maxed)
    Lv 117 - 120: Partial Resistance
    Feel free to swap Spell Booster and Resistance if you'd like. I maxed Booster so I can last longer and cast faster during leech/grind. You can also swap Composition and Thunder Spear, but Thunder Spear is much slower and doesn't freeze the enemy. It also is useless on Headless Horseman as it's a close ranged attack.

    Mage's Way of Level Up:
    Lv 70-85 you are still at GS2. You can at this point solo the map. Ice Strike has fantastic range, and once you have Lv 15 you can bottom hit mobs from the top. 85 - 95: Training on Ninto and other Ninja Castle mobs (Thanks FaustFaust for this tip!) 95 - 120: Galloperas. These also drop Glove for Attack 60% and Bottom Dex 60%. Tip about Galloperas: Each time they AOE heal, +100 exp is added on. I included this because a lot of people don't know this. Definitely worth it to Freeze them and let them heal a few times.

    If the cost for MP hasn't sent you running, once AP and SP is spent you can now advance to the 4th and final job: The Arch Mage! I will also include a guide on how to do the 4th Job Advancement later on. You can make do without a VIP Rock as there isn't so much traveling involved with this one. Here you will get the skill everyone looks forward to: Blizzard! Using Blizzard will very tough, as it costs an insane amount of MP before level 30 and Level 30 books are costly. MP Washing, Auto MP and HP for Pet + safety charms are highly recommended as it can take a bit to get used to. Don't worry about dying a bit in the beginning; it happens to everyone. Don't give up after you made it this far though, it gets better I promise!

    Arch Mage's Skill Build:
    There is no level setup to this as it's pretty common sense. BLIZZARD FIRST. Blizzard 20 is very cheap but it will cost you a whopping 9k mp. You will guaranteed use 1 pot per cast unless you're washing. If you don't have Blizzard 30, feel free to add to other skills but PUT POINTS ASIDE until you get it. I know Chain Lightning is cool and all, but don't get sucked in. 10 Maple Warrior (don't even think about Maple Warrior 20, it's a waste on a Mage). Max Chain Lightning and Ifrit. After you max these skills you can do whatever you want with SP because you will never ever use any other skill ever. Your life will become nothing but selling leech. You will slave away at Ulu City Center for all eternity.

    Arch Mage's way of Level Up:
    Leech, leech, leech. You will literally level the whole time by leeching another person. In the beginning, Wolf Spiders, then Ulu Estates 1 and 2. Then Ulu City Center. You will grind here with another person from whatever point you get Blizzard 20 or sell 2 hit Petri leech.
    Speaking of leech, it is also important that you take a few days or a week to make an HS Mule and Haste Mule (or speed equips). People will not buy leech from you unless you find a Priest or you have your own HS Mule. I also included Haste because to get the maximum eph (exp per hour) at Petris with 1 hit it is difficult to do without speed and jump (has to do with spawn timing, thank you again for teaching me Joey! ApplePieApplePie ). 1285 Magic is the Magic needed for an Arch Mage with Blizzard 30 for 1 hit Petri Leech.

    The standard build for all Mages on this server is Lukless. Equips are pretty self explanatory. Shield, helm, cape, gloves. All with int and magic attack. Elemental wand 3 at level 70 all the way until level 130. At level 130 you switch to the Elemental Wand 7. Elemental Wand 8 for bossing. Lul a Mage bossing. Making an Elemental Wand 7 probably is the most costly and you will no doubt explode a few before you get a decent one. That is okay. So has everyone else.

    Here's some resources (Job Advancements/4th Job Skill quests) I said I'd include previously.
    3rd Job Advancement: http://bbb.hidden-street.net/character/class/mage-icelightning
    4th Job Advancement: https://ayumilovemaple.wordpress.com/2008/09/11/4th-job-advanement-guide-faq/
    Skill Quests: https://ayumilovemaple.wordpress.com/?s=blizzard+quest
    The skill quests are all on that page. Fire and Ice are both the same processes, swapped. You'll just have to find Ice Mage quests.

    AyumiLove and Before Big Bang, for always being valid guides and resources for our server.

    I'd like to thank Flavors Alliance for having me throughout my time on MapleLegends. Without your help and support I wouldn't have gotten this far. Special thanks to ZeretiusZeretius for sticking with me most of end game. Now ask GM to roll you back, please!
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
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