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Feedback Your feedback and experience of MapleLegends

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Kimmy, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. Yalldin

    Yalldin Blue Snail

    Sep 6, 2020
    5:01 AM
    First of all, sorry if i write something wrong!
    English is not my natural languague, so... thanks for be so compreensive.

    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?
    Around 2017.

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?
    Looking in the GTOP100 and sites like this.

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    Enjoy the good memory's and play with my friends and the community of the server.

    4. What made you continue playing?
    I'm a casual player, in somedays i do stream about the server and try engage more players, must of all come because the nostalgic or because they played MapleStory in the old times and few happy to see a brasilian guy playing again. I play MapleStory since the day they anounce BETA... a long time ago, so this server bring me a lot of good memory and stuff. The enviroment of the server is looks like i playing again in that time and really love be a member of the community. <3 haha'

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    My goal is bring more friends and pleople to enjoy the server, in a few days i gather others new players to play with me and try to like the game much as i do!

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    The nostalgic few, community, maps, jobs, bosses is much like the old school version i love to play... so i really like the new cash shop itens from the new versions, bring me a new look to the game, but not lost the enviroment of the old school versions.

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?

    Low rate aspects and the features the server still care about to bring the same experience we did in the original MapleStory, for exemple, only drop Maple Weapon's in the anniversary!!

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?
    Yes, a lot of new content, the support in the game and the server as overall. For be honest, i try playing a lot of other servers but no one is better then MapleLegends, the enviroment of the server is pretty amazing... i always stop play in some part of the year, but ALWAYS back and have a lot of fun playing... really hope the server can stay strong all this five more year of existence!!!

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    I think not add one thing in specific, nothing comming to my mind right now, but i really hope the version .V62 hold still and not need to improve for another, maybe .V83 but much more i think we lost the old school style and this is one of the most i like in this server.

    10. Anything else you would like to mention?

    Yes, i really love this server hope all of sucess in the world!
  2. Caenyss

    Caenyss Capt. Latanica

    Jan 30, 2018
    9:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?

    January 2018.​

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?

    GTOP. For some reason after so many years without playing MapleStory I felt an urge to give it another go.
    I didn't like current MS so I googled about private servers and did my search between the top 2 contenders and ended up on ML because of superior questing experience :)
    The notion of playing on private servers always irked me. For one reason because it didn't seem 100% trustworthy (antivirus flagging the exe) and two, I thought it would never be a good enough experience. Glad I was wrong.​

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?

    Really low expectations at first, my plan was to play as I liked without worrying much about progress and see were it lead.​

    4. What made you continue playing?

    Besides the main reasons why I also liked MS, it could also be that I started to realistically see myself (my character) reaching goals I never had the chance when I played on original pre-bb MS, such as 4th job, and proper bossing!​

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?

    Pretty much to keep improving my favorite and only class I play, Bowmaster! It's such a joy when I reach the goals I set for myself in-game, even though sometimes they might be a bit too hard.​

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?

    The fact that it has a lot of content, specially now with Pink Bean. There's always so much to do, and the regular events keep it fresh;
    Skill balancing;
    No pay and no vote to win;
    Widescreen fucking client, it's sooooo much better!!!
    I also like the chosen rates, they're pretty much perfect IMO.​

    7. Your least favorite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?

    While I know this might sound unreasonable or ungrateful to all the hard work from the devs and the rest of the staff, I would have to say the small unfixed things (bugs) that add up over time.

    As couple other observations: The main website is the face of MapleLegends for those first finding about it.
    It's the place people end up after looking up private MS servers to play and from GTOP redirect.
    When I first came upon the website in 2018 I thought it looked a bit weak and lacking, almost as if ML wasn't being updated regularly. This was mostly because of the Top "News" and "Event" section having older links.
    The website has fortunately improved a lot since 2018 but I still think it should be a focus point for the game because, as I said, it's the face of ML out there.

    When people first look at it, they want a glimpse at how active the game is and how the staff and community interact, so the first thing they usually look for is Player Count and the Forum link! I think there should be a bigger and more accessible Forum button / link at the main website. The forum is where most of the magic happens between players, the game and the staff.

    Or is it?

    So in regards to that as my second observation, Discord.
    Now, I personally had never used Discord back in 2018 and didn't intend to use it. Why would I want another third party program just for a game? ML had a website and a forum, why would I need it?
    I quickly came to realize how much goes on Discord that I missed completely from the forum.
    I know the upside of a strong Discord channel, but in my point of view it has a very big downside: people end up using the forum much less to favor the Discord channel.
    While I believe the Discord channel is a great and must-have complement, I also believe it should not ever replace the forum as the main interactive place between players and staff, and in this case I'm talking about the "small" announcements made at Discord that never see the light of day on the forum.
    Those announcements while small for some, are always very important and should, imo, always be written in stone on the forum.
    Discord feels a bit like a temporary chat room, contrary to the forum that it's much easier to find information.
    I also think some people simply don't want to ever use Discord or any other 3rd party service/program and they shouldn't be at a loss if they don't.
    The forum should have all the info regarding the game (events, client notices, server status, etc) that goes on Discord and not the other way around.​

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?

    Absolutely. No questions there.​

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?

    Mostly refining of the ML, either be widescreen fixes, bug fixes, or small QOL improvements.

    An improved library.

    At least one more sustainable way to get HP without washing or behind temporary items.​

    10. Anything else you would like to mention?

    And now as a pet-peeve I would like to point out that there seem to be so few European players!
    I always find myself out of sync between players from America and players from Asia and Oceania. I have a hard time finding groups to boss with haha

    Also sorry for the rant above about the website/forum/discord, yet another pet-peeve of mine.

    And finally, thank you for providing this great game and service, I hope it keeps on going without end on sight.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  3. Erik

    Erik Orange Mushroom

    Oct 23, 2015
    10:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?
    Just saw it on Gtop100.

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    I expected just any v62 nostalgic low rate private server.

    4. What made you continue playing?
    I played until like lvl 63 on my Spearman and then decided to quit because I started getting burnt out from grinding and didn't really have any friends here to make me stay. I returned later in like 2016 or something and leveled a Page til around 58 and got burnt out once again and quit lol. In 2020 I decided to try out Maple again and decided to redownload this server as I had some mid level characters already and it had a lot of people online and I'm over 120 now with my Page, horay!

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    Well, just leveling my paladin right now I guess, and maybe try zakum later with the guild I'm in :) Maybe I can try level up my cleric as well as priest is my favourite class, actually. This is my first time getting a page this high on a low rate server so that's kinda exciting.

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    It's a cool server, I like that it's so populated! I meet other players like everywhere on any channel, it's kinda crazy as I'm used to the servers being kinda ''dead''. I like that the world map covers like all the maps I have visited, also the weird maps like China, Taiwan etc. I also appreciate that some classes have been boosted a little to become better, like the pally charges. I also love that the character creation now allows you to pick any eye color and hair color <3.

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    Leeching and how ''everyone'' has HS, HB, SI, SE & whatever mules. I wont lie, I leeched a lot on my page from the 90+ period to 120, and once you start leeching it's very addictive as it's so convenient & fast. In the past I used to be very anti leech minded, but I gave in here as leveling my white knight got so SLOW and warrior isn't really my favourite job to grind with! (I normally played priest in like every server in the past and I just love grinding with it as I love the animations & nostalgia, and that makes it fun for me). But yeah I wish the leeching was not as crazy here as it is.

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?
    I can't really recall that much from 2015, but I like the skill modifications that were done to certain classes.

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    Maybe new ways to get HP instead of only washing? Also I was a little bummed out when I was leveling as a pre 3rd job character and the cool parts of the halloween event was locked behind level 70 like the EXP ring. I find 60-70 to be one of the worst leveling periods so it was sad to not have the EXP ring available for that.

    10. Anything else you would like to mention?
    Pally pride
  4. Kenjino

    Kenjino Slime

    Aug 23, 2020
    4:01 PM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?
    My Neighbour was bored with lack of friends in the server and invited me to join

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    To be a replicate of maplesea

    4. What made you continue playing?
    Nostalgia Feeling and having the group of friends in the community

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    Previously Yes but now no, Been Contemplating of Quitting for quite sometime ever since many of the less movement map, mesos making map were Nerf eg: Mannequin map Dukus, Shaolin. Maybe there's a better solution for these type of maps rather than nerfing it completely. Its getting much harder to play this game compare to a year ago

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    The Small group of friends in the maple community

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    Grinding & Leeching. You're brain-dead mentally and its really depressing maybe in future could consider Carnival Pq method where by a group of party vs another group of party with high mobs spawn rates, decent exp rate, timer, kill count of mobs etc and the winning party get a prize at the end of the match. its make the game exciting you grind with ur friends cuss, troll, joke at each other, make new friends in the process just like in Boss run. Currently i feel the Server can be dead at times.

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?
    Yes, in term of toxicity, The people are slowly getting to know the "Do's and Don't" in this server. As they say Once Bitten Twice Shy

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    Carnival Pq Maybe For All Levels.

    10. Anything else you would like to mention?
    Some Punishment for Flouting the Rules and Regulations are Quite Harsh. It would be great the community would be reminded of the common infraction as some of these common mistake could get you permanently banned from the server.
  5. Annolis

    Annolis Skelosaurus

    Jul 20, 2015
    Southern California
    1:01 AM
    Marchilles/Annolis/ Atlan/Katroz/ Chokal/Corvack/Tisif/ Quallo/Crisilixin/Forg/ Nannosh/Tylius
    Crusader, White Knight, Dragon Knight, F/P Mage, I/L Mage, Priest, Ranger, Sniper, Hermit, Chief Bandit, Marauder, Outlaw
    One other thing to add: The Permit in Shanghai to access the map with Black Sheep - that needs to be fixed so card hunters can get those cards. People threw those permits away a long time ago never realizing they would be useful.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Vera

    Vera Dark Stone Golem

    Sep 27, 2016
    11:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    I used to play Maplestory back in 2007-2008, and I was really nostalgic about those times.
    So i basically joined pretty much only for the nostalgia.

    4. What made you continue playing?
    I had made some friends.

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    Not really. The most active that I've been was in 2016-2018, after that i haven't really played that much.

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    It's stable.

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    It doesn't really challenge you that much. It's only time consuming.

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?
    Not sure. I like that theres more content, but I personally haven't had the motivation to explore all of that.

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    I don't think I'll ever be as active as I was back in the day.
    A new server would be kinda nice, but tbh I don't think that I would really participate in that either.

    10. Anything else you would like to mention?
    Not really.
  7. iwanapwn

    iwanapwn Blue Snail

    Jul 24, 2020
    4:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?
    Summer 2020 - will retract question 8

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    I had no expectations going into this game, I expected a small community and I didn't expect to make it past level 30.

    4. What made you continue playing?
    Long term goals

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    Lv 200 & Max-min

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    Stable market with updates that keep the economy in mind combined with an ample community and playerbase.

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    Lack of linear progression for certain classes
    HP washing
    I started ML with ~10 of my friends and the only ones that remain are the ones who chose classes that had clear linear progression and did not require hp washing. (Warrior, Shad, Mages)
    Since we all chose different classes, all of the ones who chose classes that could not farm for exp by themselves, or needed extensive washing in order to play mid-end game content, have quit. (NL, BM, Sairs)

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    Either create a way for ALL classes to be self sufficient to some extent, or put a tooltip warning beginners how classes such as NL's can only progress through leeching until they're boss ready.

    Reexamining Hp washing will help retain your newer players. I understand that keeping players who have washed for ~2 years happy is important but seeing new players ask how much INT they will need to pump in order to play the game is just sad.

    I focused way more on the negatives than the positives but I can tell you guys are doing a great job at trying to balance this unbalanced relic of a game. Keep it up
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Annolis

    Annolis Skelosaurus

    Jul 20, 2015
    Southern California
    1:01 AM
    Marchilles/Annolis/ Atlan/Katroz/ Chokal/Corvack/Tisif/ Quallo/Crisilixin/Forg/ Nannosh/Tylius
    Crusader, White Knight, Dragon Knight, F/P Mage, I/L Mage, Priest, Ranger, Sniper, Hermit, Chief Bandit, Marauder, Outlaw
    Was this in reference to HP Washing, like the NL, or something else? Because I'd love to see more complexity and multivariance within the classes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. SaviorSword

    SaviorSword Dark Stone Golem

    Feb 9, 2020
    3:01 AM
    1. Which year did ya join MapleLegends?
    Early February 2020.

    2. How did ya found/learn (about) MapleLegends?
    My younger sister told me that she was in a private server and it happens to be MapleLegends. I've also happen to be curious about private old school Maplestory servers before she told me as well, so my sister help seal the deal when I choose Legends over Royals.

    3. What were yar expectations going into playin' MapleLegends?
    That I could relive the game I fell in love with when I was a child and it would have vast improvements over it's basis. (Which Legends did fulfill in both regards.)

    4. What made ya continue playin'?
    Because it does faithfully recapture the game's spirit I fell in love with, even with the numerous changes that one would argue that makes Legends quite different and it's own unique experience over GMS.

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you goin'?
    Another tribute to my child's self is to perfect scroll a Heaven's Gate. Even to this day, the Heaven's Gate still remains as my #1 favorite sword design in terms of aesthetics. As for progress, I'm 4/7 on a sword right now! I'm actually close to my goal! Of course I'll then have to aim towards other part of my gear after my weapon. Gear improvement is another essential part of the fun of the game.

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    It's not pay-to-win, but that's easily a turn-on for at least 99.9% of all players I'd say. Also the vast balance changes for mostly the better throughout all classes and wouldn't overcentralize certain classes in the game as it did in GMS. While it's still not perfect, it does still keep some parts of GMS in terms of class distribution like how Paladin is still the least popular Warrior, but not actually worthless as they were in GMS.

    7. Yar least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    While I do have nitpicks here and there in-game, the main gripes I have is stuff outside of the game. One such example is the direction of how the changes would affect the game. Most of the time, there's a lot of radio silence from the development team and it is maddenin'. The few times that it does appear up for discussion like the potential One-of-a-Kind change and the recent (As I wrote this) Deep Ludibrium potential warps are wonderful and I love these kinds of communications.
    Generally the slow pace of fixes to graphical bugs (and rarely other impactful glitches, yes I'm look at ya Poison Threat!) and other "non-essential" mistakes is another one of my biggest splinter that drives me mad. However, I can get behind the fact that the team is not lazy or anythin' like that. It's just a big game to manage and the staff is small enough that they just can't get around to cover all bases in a timely manner.

    8. Compared to when ya join'd, do ya think the server has improved?
    A big undeniable yes! Even within the short period of time I've been here! That's how much I'd say "yes" to this question!

    9. What would you really like to see add'd or change'd in MapleLegends?
    My only realistic addition I'd love to see is the Quester's Rin' and Neo Tokyo part 2.
    My wishful additions would be Cygnus Garden, the Dojo, any form of a Monster Carnival, and any form/functionality of a Fusion Anvil.
    For each of my wishful additions, I'm almost certain that Cygnus Garden is just unviable to import here (RIP best theme). The others I believe can be done with some rather heavy edits to fit the server. It'll be a herculean task no doubt, but I would say those would be excellent additions without question.
    A last addition that would be cool to see, but I can live without is for some sort of speedrun system. Be it for Party Quests, Jump Quests, or Boss Runs. Categories for Party Quests could have Any% and 100% for Pirate or Magatia. Categories for Boss Runs could be X number of runners to 7+ or class themes like an all-Warrior run and such.

    10. Anything else ya would like to mention?
    Not much else, as I've mostly spoke my mind already with the questions above. Thanks for all the hard work and effort the team has VOLUNTEER'D for! Now that last part is the most commendable part of the team that kept this good thin' goin'.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. fireelement1

    fireelement1 Orange Mushroom

    Jul 8, 2020
    1:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends? 2020

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends? Gtop 100

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends? I thought it was going to be a pretty cool server, I played other maplestory private servers, but I brought expectations from those in to MapleLegends first-hand. I didn't know if it was going to be good or not, if the staff was going to be toxic and/or have a barrier against players like most private servers.

    4. What made you continue playing? The people. Although I'm 100% not a fan of the hp washing where you gotta wait 20 years to make a Night Lord viable for bossing, the people I met made me want to stay. The OG skills are cool still, but they don't really make me explode, it's the people that you meet in party quests, yes you get a couple of assholes here and there, but that's pretty much common in most servers.

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going? Not really. I used to feel great, but I felt pretty lonely the past couple of weeks. Some of the friends I made either quit or were busy and it really started to get me down. I made alot of guides for the server and I hope it can help players navigate through the server easy. No one asked me to make those guides, I did them myself, I did this with other servers as well, but made discord versions where it was filled with my personal guides. I would create a server that took 5 hours to make with guides, then jus delete it cause I didn't have the energy and confidence to maintain it. I had 1000+ players in the discord server I made for another private server. When I first released my community guides discord server, I didn't think it would be so huge. I'm probably the most out-of-place player in maplestory history. Guides would be randomly created cause I felt like doing them lmao. No motivation, I'm just like, "I guess I'll make one".

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)? I like that theres alot of fucking people and a lot of them are pretty chill. There's no pay2win aspect, everyone has equal opportunities. There's no vote2win. The GMs are faster than usain bolt when you send a gm message most of the time. There's no barrier between low-level players and high-level players, high level players, alot of them were really cool and willing to help low level players out with tips/advices/mesos. Merchant shops being permanent so we don't have to spend NX everytime to purchase them.

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)? How when you hit levels 56+ it becomes stale, and it's about, who is selling leech or who is at this PQ that 95% of the server don't go to. Pirate PQ literally gives you LESS of an exp rate than grinding at "Ghost Ship" maps. Orbis pq and magatia pq are literally barely touched and 98% of the time people are getting leeched through those types of levels and thats the only thing that hurts me about the server, I wish there was more of a party aspect way, but the fact we can multi-client ruins the nostalgic experience. (Multi-client does help a TON in character journeys, don't get me wrong, being able to holy symbol yourself, hyper body yourself, is great. I'm just saying the "nostalgic" side of Old GMS for character journeys doesn't exist because of this aspect. Other than this reason, it's not bad.)

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved? I mean, I don't know, I been here for only awhile.

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends? Yes, default nx items not being donor exclusive. Like some items like some sneakers shouldn't be donor if it was already original for maplestory. I woulda support it if you took most of the newer items and made them into donor exclusive instead of taking random items from the default nx table and turning it into a donor item. Other than that though, it's all good. Finally, add a blacklist functionality that actually works or create a command to mute smegas, GMs said avoid politics and/or other things, but people still talk about them in smega all the time and it's pretty obvious what time zones the GMs are in because they're probably sleeping and the smegas are filled with nasty political comments and normally there would be a message GMs would give as it would warn the smegaers to stop.

    10. Anything else you would like to mention? Nah I'm good. Don't take the post the wrong way. Let's all chill out. I have no problem with hp washing by the way, I'm just saying the obvious. Hell, at least we don't got to spend real $ to hp wash like the old GMS.

    Additional Comments: MapleLegends is one of my top 3 favorite private servers of all time so consider yourself lucky cause I tried a lot of other servers, but this one hits different. The staff probably work harder than 100%, oh sorry I meant, they DO work harder than 100 of the private servers near them. People don't realize the staff also have lives outside the fucking game, but the fact they still went on and put up with your bullshit reports, goes to show they're doing it for the better. Blu301 and FishyEiji are the reason why I still like the server to be honest. At least I know theres good people in this server because of them. Duckys also is one of the reasons I liked this server, cause he's one of those GMs that actually cares about the people and has a social atmosphere, not because he has to show up because he is a GM, but because he wants to. (There's a difference between being a GM and being a legend.) Nise also is one of my favorites, cause he gives criticism on people's posts, not hate which improve guides, discussions, etc. for the better.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. RainbowYarn

    RainbowYarn Pink Teddy

    Jan 14, 2020
    United Kingdom
    9:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?
    God knows. Maybe 2016.

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?
    Heard about it while looking for pre big bang servers upon quitting Royals.

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    More hardcore, more grindy, smaller and better community.

    4. What made you continue playing?
    All of the above. I greatly like the fact that there is some challenge in the game, and less people (generally) means a better community. Very much like the fact that we have only x2 exp and x1 drop rate. Anything more is too easy and not like the original experience.

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    4TH JOB MARKSMAN. Experiencing the grind at higher levels for the first time.

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    Lower multipliers (x2 exp), smaller community, getting all the good content, lovely staff, lovely people in guilds etc.

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    Either leeching, or the lack of content Lv70+.

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?
    YES. So much stuff, more nice people.

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    Content-wise, I was thinking that the server could be upgraded to a later version, so that we can add things like Mu Lung Dojo, Dragon Rider PQ, but I know we are supposed to be a Ver.63 or so server.
    Not sure if more content can be added while remaining as we are. Just seems to be less to do when you hit 70+ Any maybe do something about leeching, maybe people can only have 1 account per player.
    You know, make it more like the original. Also, 5 line strafe is just wrong.

    10. Anything else you would like to mention?
    Staff = great.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Himbs

    Himbs Red Snail

    Jan 8, 2021
    4:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?
    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?
    I've always known about Legends, but decided to get invested around New Years~
    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    The hope for a better community and experience with original MapleStory.
    4. What made you continue playing?
    The awesome community Legends has and the leveling curve remains rewarding.
    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    To have fun and eventually go bossing (zakum, etc).
    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    I like that Gacha isn't bought with Vote Cash, even though it adds a ton of RNG to the drops. It makes Legends more about doing other things rather than just gacha-ing all day for a legendary item. Legends has kept things fair in terms of economy (compared to other PS).
    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    My least favorite thing would be the lack of other training spots. Meta training spots are always crowded and contested with little options to train elsewhere efficiently. I also do not like the HP-Washing mechanic as it is currently because it cripples new players who want to make a class that needs to wash ASAP. It's partly the reason why I made a Magician first.
    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?
    Given that I'm relatively new, I don't have much to compare past/present. However, I like the direction Legends is going especially with administration staff. It seems like y'all are listening to the players and doing your best to make changes that won't break the game/community/economy. Kudos!
    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    I would love to see some lesser-loved PQ's and unorthodox training maps get buffs to their rewards and/or EXP. I always hear, "I wish PPQ/OPQ/MPQ/LMPQ was more populated", but that's because their rewards aren't worth the time to do them (IMO). It would be faster to go to GS2 or something and grind a meta map.
    10. Anything else you would like to mention?
    Looking forward to the future changes and future overall playing MapleLegends! Thanks for the awesome server.
  13. Dance

    Dance Stone Golem

    Dec 21, 2020
    1:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends? 2020

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends? GTOP 100

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends? I had no expectations. You know it was one of those things where it's like lets see what happens. I played other private servers, but they were like those rebirth high rate servers, modern GMS, and old-school servers with high rates such as 8x (which I'm not a fan of).

    4. What made you continue playing? Honestly, the skills, characters I could cosplay, and the people. I know it sounds generic like "I'm there for the people.", but it really is true. The nostalgic experience is amazing and to top it off with not just players, but veteran players from old GMS is truly amazing.

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going? Maybe I want to reach end-game mobs and bosses along with the players and gameplay itself. Like I said before though, the level comes with it, I'm not that in a rush, so it is good to enjoy the players.

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    Everything. I'm serious.

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)? I wish there were more people attending PQs, it would be amazing. It's all good though! That's pretty much it! This server is really fun.

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved? No idea, I been playing since the December maintenance before we could enter the game with the Christmas event added.

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends? A Quest Ring for completion of a certain amount of quests. Better PQ rewards. Add JQ Rewards.

    10. Anything else you would like to mention? That's all. Thanks for working your ass off MapleLegends staff and I'm really enjoying the server right now!
    MapleLegends is the closest private server we have to old GMS.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Resemblance

    Resemblance Red Snail

    Nov 24, 2020
    11:01 AM
    Hello, these are my answers:
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?
    - late 2020

    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?
    - me and my friends was looking for a nice nostalgic server

    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    - hard work (not too hard) oldschool fun grinding and bossing while things arent complicated

    4. What made you continue playing?
    - friends. i would have quit a long time ago or change server cuz of the lack of nx to hp wash.
    i hate the feeling that i cant pump STR and enjoy the game as a strong warrior.
    that is not what maple is about. i shouldnt be wasting hours on formulas and being sad and depressed cuz i cant proggress with my char while enjoying it the way i imaganed.
    now dont get me wrong im in for hard work, i have a bishop and i even try not to leech myself cuz leeching is realy ugly in my eyes this way u dont even know ur char....

    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    - complete my Hero and start bossing but i am too unmotivated
    im playing alot less than i would like cuz of lack of NX. all of my friends are. we are oppening new chars, giving up on chars we worked hard for, all cuz we dont have freaking NX......THIS IS NOT WHAT MAPLE IS ABOUT.
    now srsly wtf? i cant even buy NX for resets so why is it so pay2win? its pay2win without the abillity to pay. its so stupid....................

    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    - i love maple and i love my chars, good nostalgic expirience

    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    - AP resets are too damn fucking expensive for no reason. maybe for monkey reasons. make AP resets cost 1k NX max. its just utillity shit.
    think about my position
    i need 30 days of voiting just to lvl up 10 lvls happily
    this is just sick.. its a ridicules amount of time just to cover 10 lvls..
    it's mushroom game
    i should be happy 99% of time and not sad and depressed cuz my char is handicaped
    all my friends feel the same
    we work so hard but we cant enjoy our work for months from now and everything turns grey
    give us a way to work for AP resets not just once in a while in big events this is a constant need so much NX is missing for so many people i know this is not a problem for the Elite of maplelegends but middle class is SUFFERING

    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?
    - im not here enough time to tell but i think u are working hard to maintain
    still waiting to see how u handle the problem i mentioned. this is the main flaw imo in maplelegends

    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    me and my friends need nx. help us please. we just want to play and have fun. we can work for it and farm it JUST GIVE US A WAY INSTEAD OF WAITING MONTHS JUST TO PLAY.
    10. Anything else you would like to mention?
    i cant recommend this server to anyone new. i will never do this to anyone cuz of the washing part of the server. also i wouldnt start playing if i knew before how it's gonna be. i've been looking for other servers but i dont want to play without my friends.
    no one like to play a char with INT or AP not in main stat. and stop fooling urself - HP Wash is mandatory in maplelegends. unless someone is so stupid he dont even know what it is. so after u agree it's mandatory and that me and my friends have no choice here, do something please.. give us back the will to play and advance.

    after writing this i realzied i have no choice but to quit until next event
    i dont want to do anything else in maple but to enjoy my Hero and i cant do that atm
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Cak33

    Cak33 Headless Horseman

    Oct 24, 2019
    4:01 PM
    Warrior washing isnt that complicated.
    - 18k HP threshold (30k HP after HB) => Get 40 BASE INT ASAP (no gear needed), and level up to lvl 140. Between lvl 30 to lvl 140, wash as much as you can, if not hold AP reset points,
    - 30k HP threshold (max HP cap in game) => Get 100 TOTAL INT (Base + Gear) by lvl 30, and level up to lvl 150. By level 150, you should have about 28k HP. Level naturally and you should find yourself having 30k HP around lvl 190.

    However, I can't say the same for other classes
  16. Resemblance

    Resemblance Red Snail

    Nov 24, 2020
    11:01 AM
    lvl 150 with 30k hp is more than 1mil NX! before taking off baseINT. This is exactly what im talking about.

    Relying on HB is just bad, more so on a warrior.
  17. Cak33

    Cak33 Headless Horseman

    Oct 24, 2019
    4:01 PM
    Honestly, unless yr leeching, having 80-100 base int is pretty slow leveling. you will have it in time, as I did the same thing
  18. Shabtai

    Shabtai Red Snail

    Jan 31, 2021
    11:01 AM
    I leeched myself with 200 int to lvl 100 cuz i wanted to play care free and to enjoy my warrior.
    Now I lack nx when i lvl up after i saved for more than 2 months and farmed xmasd event. Doesn't feel right to me.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. sushimeow

    sushimeow Slime

    Jan 4, 2020
    9:01 AM
    I am doing a 200 int dk too and am feeling lacking of Nxs as well. But it is fine, I will make it.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  20. asdfjkliang

    asdfjkliang Selkie Jr.

    Jul 10, 2017
    4:01 AM
    1. Which year did you join MapleLegends?
    Summer 2017
    2. How did you found/learn (about) MapleLegends?
    Facebook ad lmao
    3. What were your expectations going into playing MapleLegends?
    Oldschool maple, nostalgic feeling
    4. What made you continue playing?
    The community and how the GMs actually care about improving game experience
    5. Do you have any goals that keep you going?
    Not really, but I guess level my hero to 200 some day, only if im still having fun playing the game
    6. What do you like about MapleLegends (feature, content, etc)?
    Horntail, NT Content
    7. Your least favourite thing about MapleLegends? (feature, content, etc)?
    HP WASHING... my first character was a ranger and I quit because I found out about hp washing later on :(...
    8. Compared to when you joined, do you think the server has improved?
    Yes, I believe the server has improved since I have joined
    9. What would you really like to see added or changed in MapleLegends?
    NT Part 2, Aran (LOL)
    10. Anything else you would like to mention?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1

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