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Lets solve HP washing.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by 13ad, Apr 5, 2018.

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  1. 13ad

    13ad Slime

    Jul 8, 2017
    3:46 AM
    Hp washing is important. It should NOT go away as it is a key component in maplelegends. But. It should not restrict gameplay to a point where it influences your abillity to have fun. So lets start out with this very common answer people have said as a solution to hp washing. Keep in mind i am a new player so i may be ignorant of some stuff

    1. You dont have to hp wash.

    You dont have to use potions, you have a chair. just sit for a few hours to regen then get back to it.

    Does this make sense?

    You dont have to use skills. You have an attack button. Use it. Come on people, this kind of answer is bull sh*t. Especially when end game bosses REQUIRE you to hp wash to even fight them. Are you implying that we simply dont do bosses like horntail? "You dont have to boss so why do it".

    We play games to have fun. We choose to play certain classes because its fun. So when we are restrained from being able to choose a class that we want to play, it completly unmotivates us.

    2. If you dislike legends way of hp washing so much, why not quit and play a different server?

    First of all, i highly doubt legends staff wants players to leave off to a different server. And honestly, legends does not have the best features, i can tell you that for sure. But the community by far makes up for this. The events are well thought out, our voices are heard, the gms are close to the players, and the players are so kind and welcoming(shout out to guildless). But there is always room for improvement.

    Think about it this way, humans get bored fast. Thats why things like phones, game consoles, and movies are always updating. They are always giving us something new to explore and enjoy. Sure, we can play a mage for 5 months voting without spending a single drop of nx, but im pretty sure most of us would get tried real fast and quit. Its simply not enjoyable. Its a terrible experience.

    So when people are given with the solution of "play a mage for a few months then play the class you want once you have enough nx" By then, we'd probably move on to something else thats more enjoyable.

    3. What do we do with old players who disagree with fixing hp washing?

    Sorry. What. Do we go back in time and refund cavemen with guns because they had to get food the hard way with their hands and bow and arrows? What. Do we take away our declaration of independence and constitution because people in the past didnt have that luxary of rights?

    Come on. Dont be selfish.


    We should not make ap resets tradeable
    We should not increase nx vote gain
    We should not need to change boss hp or hp gain per level. Its simply too much coding and work.

    4. Hp washing is an end game thing its good and should be required.

    It keeps progression in check makes players play longer. yes. But when its a nessesity to such an extent to which you have the funds for int gear, leech, have a 200 lvl mage. And all you have to do now is afk for 5 months yes. Its a problem. End game shoudent rely on having to hopelessly wait to gain nx. Yes there are events like the one going on right now, but 5 hours for a single rng drop golden ticket for ONE AP reset is just unacceptable.

    5. Well why am I doing this?

    Im a new ish player, been voting for the past month but just recently started to actually PLAY the game itself. I did a lot of research on what hp washing is, how to do it, etc. What really set me off was when i didnt have enough ap resets for me to level. I just simply could not progress. I could not play the game. I had to wait 4 days to simply level. Basically for each level up =5 ap = 3.1*5 = 4 days of voting for 5 ap resets. So im only allowed to level every four days. WTF. come on what is this.

    "While you wait play mage". Please, we just talked about this.

    It saddens me even more when new players who want to play for the nostalga play nl or a class that requires hp washing and cant even boss because their hp is too low. Even if they hit level 200 it would be still too low. When they look for a solution theyre hit with " oh remake the class". Come on. Thats easy to say but its devastating to the player with how much time and effort they put in into their character.

    6. A fix.

    I honestly dont have a good solution. And no one has for the past 3 years, but we can start by allowing ap resets to be gained somehow, at a steady rate enough for players to progress (make it UNTRADEABLE). This can happen through events, (the event right now is good for meso but horrible for people trying to get ap resets as mentioned, golden ticket rates are way too low especially for a new player without having a huge mage ulti one hit kill spam) no. we should not increase the drop rate but rather make it obtainable through puff exchange?

    The thing is, we cant make ap resets farmable from mobs because we want to decrease the power mages have. Theyre already op. Having a kind of daily where ALL players of ALL levels 30+ can participate is good. We should be able to play a class that we want, without having to play mage as a first class.

    We also need to have a way to allow for players to participate in bossing without the need to restart their character. Because they forgot about hp washing or didnt know about it until late in the levels.
    Edit: Hmm. So a lot of people disagree with the significance of hp washing. (Its not that important) some bosses, some classes are just not ment to do. Which i guess translates to if you want to do toad boss. Dont play nl/bm/corsair/marksman. Which i guess is ok?.........uh yeah.

    Kim has informed me that theres a "huge" nerf on drop rate of golden/hunting gatch when using mage ulti.

    Using nl as our class of choice, Minimum 5.6k hp to survive with hb. Using chews hp wash calculator 4.8k hp without hp washing at all by level 200. So hp washing still is required no matter what even if you hit MAX level. Sure thats fine. Moving on according to guides 65~ ap washes 50 base int 115 ap resets needed. Useing fresh ap. 356500 total nx needed. 72 days of voting. Well i guess two and a half months of voting without using any nx is ok.

    I think people are not seeing the point im trying to make. I think i said it pretty well in my reply so ill pin it here as well.

    The problem for me, is having to wait 4 days to get enough ap to level up and use the fresh ap. If ap resets were just as benificial using level up ap, to which it didnt matter if you leveled, that would be a totally different story. But hp washing everything at level 155 using ap resets is totally different than using ap resets from 35-155 as you level. (correct me if im wrong with using lvl up ap vs ap resets) Im not sure why people keep saying i want to take hp washing away because literally in the first sentence i say hp washing is needed and is important and should NOT be taken away....the only problem i have with hp washing is it limits you from being able to level because you need to use the fresh ap. You cant simply do all the hp washing later in the future when youve saved up a steady amount of nx.

    A level 200 player should be able to hp wash to 30k without having to restart their character because they didnt use level up ap. But then that brings up the question of what to do about minimum mp etc etc....

    THESE "SOLUTIONS" ARE NOT "SOLUTIONS" i cant stress this enough.

    *Play a warrior class.
    *Play a mage class.
    *Play a different game dont play legends.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2018
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