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Revamp Enrage into Party IED

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Gurk, Oct 11, 2023.

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  1. Gurk

    Gurk Skelegon

    Mar 9, 2020
    1:17 AM
    Hero, Paladin, Bishop, Marksman, Night Lord, Shadower, Buccaneer, Corsair
    Giving Enrage party utility is hardly a novel idea and is something that has been suggested on numerous occasions already, but it is one I quite like so I'm going to go ahead and beat that dead horse anyways.

    With the relatively recent hero buffs (i.e. panic change), I'd argue that hero single target DPM is in a fine enough spot. However, passable dpm plus very niche utility alone does not a good bosser make. They're underwhelming in end game HT and PB squads and almost entirely outclassed by paladins at NT, which largely relegates their niche to CWK. I'd like to advocate for a push towards expanding the party utility of heroes in an effort to make them more appealing for content that is typically run with full or close to full parties.

    My suggestion is to have Enrage offer IED (ignore enemy defense) in place of an attack boost to both caster and party members. IED is a buff that was originally given to shadowers in the 2022 anniversary patch but it is one that I think heroes could make much better use of. Now why IED of all things? Because it works alongside premium attack pots/buffs and as such isn't made entirely moot at PB by apples or at HT by HT buff, because it does away with the pesky issue of overwriting cider/rage, because it also benefits mages, because the current buff masking system doesn't allow for any stacking of buffs (i.e. +x% attack or +x% stat doesn't work with echo or mw), and because it already exists and wouldn't require additional work to code. I'll give an example below as to how this revamped Enrage could look.

    Presently, enrage gives +26 att with a 66.67% uptime, which in conjunction with cider translates to a net 4 att over pure cider. For an end game hero with perfect gears, this might translate roughly to just under a 2% damage boost. As I don't think heroes need a buff to their single target damage, I'd like to keep the benefit of Enrage's IED largely the same if possible. Additionally, to keep Enrage from being trivially muled and to also keep gameplay on the engaging side, I'd like to have this new Enrage party buff be one with a rather short duration (but not too short so as to be a detriment to self to routinely cast), say 20 seconds or so. With the above constraints, we're looking for a buff that would yield a net 2% damage boost while lasting only about 20 seconds. As a side remark, the undispellable status of Enrage could also be removed if desirable so it's not always a mindless cast off cooldown.

    If we were to simply do a one-to-one copy of shad's 80% IED, which roughly translates to a 10% damage boost for an end game shad at bosses with 1700 def (e.g. Auf/PB body) according to the given chart, and extrapolated its benefit to other attackers by assuming that the boost would be roughly the same for others (an erroneous assumption since those with smaller ranges, i.e. ranged, would benefit more), then it would necessitate an uptime of about 20%, i.e. it should have a cooldown of about 100 seconds if the buff is to last 20 seconds.

    This revamped Enrage that offers 80% IED for 20 seconds every 100 seconds is just one example of the shape that Enrage could take on and it would ultimately and ideally function as a slightly weaker echo that stacks (and a significantly stronger one at a boss like Toad). I like to liken it to something of a rallying call for heroes, which feels thematic for the class (for whatever that's worth). Its benefit would be somewhat slight for parties of 2-3 but would shine more in parties of 5-6, which would ideally make the class more appealing for big boss runs such as HT and PB while also carving out a greater distinction between heroes and pallies at Auf, making hero a more well-rounded class. You might even say that heroes would be a jack of all trades.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2023
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