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Why class balance sucks.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zorele, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. -ovv

    -ovv Horntail

    Feb 23, 2020
    4:46 AM
    Maybe I'm just not as experienced in CWKPQ, but I thought 4-man CWKPQ was the norm with two on cleave anyways. Are you able to open all the boxes as a 3-man? If not, then wouldn't going 4-man speak true to your statement that faster runs = higher EV?
  2. OP

    Zorele Slimy

    Jan 12, 2018
    7:46 AM
    You defintiely can open all boxes on 3 man. It takes PSB and SI to do it consistently. Usually 4 man CWK is the norm but 3 man is definitely viable if you have a strong dk/hero on cleave. Quite frankly and this might sound ironic, shads do a way better job at single targetting than they do at cleaving bringing a shad as a cleaver at cwk is more of a grief than brining them anywhere else to single target.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023

    TORONTOTOKYO Windraider

    Oct 16, 2021
    7:46 PM
    u compared shads to heroes, the no.1 class from the bottom. LOL.
    the reason y u dont see much heroes talking about class balance for it is becos most of them re-rolled to another class ya.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. OP

    Zorele Slimy

    Jan 12, 2018
    7:46 AM
    Actually i simply compared the bottom 2 classes. I don't think things are black and white. I do acknowledge where shad inevitably outclasses heroes but we can't also ignore where heroes best shad. I don't think any of the arguments i've madeso far are unreasonable at all. Again assuming that shads are more popular strictly because they are better than hero is one big assumption. Shadowers are more popular than corsairs and that doesn't neccesarily make them better. I think that heroes and shadowers simply have 2 very different narratives. Heroes have the -> hero is the worst class because there is no cleave content (Yet their single target damage isnt far from the average on optimal scenarios) and shadowers have the -> "Jack of all trades, good/decent at everything" narrative so go figure which one attracts more players.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. Mirrors

    Mirrors Zakum Retired Staff

    Jul 15, 2019
    4:46 AM
    It's becoming increasingly clearer to me that you are actually having a much more difficult time incorporating other people's opinions because you refuse to see it from their perspective. Many of the people who have commented on your post are long time community members with many high level characters that bring very valid points. However you easily dismiss everything they say because you can "easily debunk them" when your arguments "debunking" them can easily just come down to a difference of opinion.

    This post is an OPINION. At no point would I say it's a comprehensive breakdown of the state of balancing. I would be careful saying things like this because your opinion does NOT equal the current state of class balance. I would leave that up to the actual balance team and in fact encourage you to apply - we have a very rigorous application process and are always in need of new balance team members!

    You know what else can raise awareness AND help cause change? A suggestion thread, with actual suggestions on how to improve the shadower class backed by numbers and data driven decision making along with an explanation how that rework would tie into their identity! Not a thread where you tell everyone their opinion is wrong while your opinion is somehow correct and based in fact. Both are opinions.

    This thread is like saying "oranges are objectively worse than apples because they have less nutritional value" while everyone else says "yeah but apples still have merit, they are delicious, make good juice and are nice and crunchy" while you continuously say "yeah but those things don't matter because the only thing that actually matters when discussing why a fruit is good is their nutritional value".

    If you look at it with such an attitude then I do not believe that this thread will go anywhere. If you would actually like change to happen please do as I suggested above and make a suggestion thread with numbers and data instead of just trying to prove how everyone else is misinformed about oranges and apples.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
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  6. iPippy

    iPippy Nightshadow

    May 19, 2019
    7:46 AM
    You've already admitted to rerolling to nl from shad.

    Checkmate :cool:
    • Great Work Great Work x 3
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  7. OP

    Zorele Slimy

    Jan 12, 2018
    7:46 AM
    Just because someone is an old member of the community doesn't mean that their opinions are informed given a specific topic. If you actually knew me better you'd know i care more about the truth than i care about being right. A lot of those "opinions" i'm supposed to acknowledge are comments that give a bigger weight to empiral knowledge than to math and if we are talking about damage i simply cannot accept that.

    If valid arguments are presented which arent mostly subjective things like fun and whatnot trust me, i will definitely see the value of them as i have done before publicly an infinite amount of times.

    How can we even talk about balance taking into account something as subjective as fun? I think there is no room for that. If you happen to think NL is the most fun class then there's that.

    It is definitely obvious that me saying the game isn't balanced is an opinion and not a fact and i would love to be proved wrong. I think everyone is entitled to have an opinion but at the end of the day not every opinion has the same weight and i mean that in a very respectful way. Sometimes some people care more about things and read more about them and some just base their opinions on hearsay.

    What constitutes an opinion is the freedom of saying your thoughts regardless of it being based on knowledge or not. Showing the damage shadower is capable of doing is not an opinion, me thinking it's bad given the context is. Saying shadower does the lowest damage is also a fact, yet me saying it doesn't make sense is an opinion. I acknowledge my post is an opinion and i definitely don't claim to know it all. I do have a hard time believing comments that claim shadowers damage is good/decent because it's easy to quantify and i'm more inclined to believe in math.

    As much as you say making a suggestion thread regarding shadower changes would do something, it historically hasn't and this very same conversation of people saying their power level is fine is likely to occur there as well. Not to mention these threads already do exist.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
  8. Raso

    Raso Slimy Retired Staff

    Jul 2, 2017
    1:46 PM
    Its funny how people focus so much on the direct DPM of a class. Shadowers are indeed not the topdog in single-target nor in cleave on their own. However, their kit makes them versatile, they can adjust to what happens in the situation.

    Some examples to illustrate the versatility:
    Shads in JC go from single-target, to 4-target cleave, 3-target cleave, 2-target cleave and back to single-target without issue. On top of that their nate will always hit the oldest target in range, aka JC himself. They can cleave zakum arms and single-target the main bodies. They can cleave 4 parts of HT compared to 3 for heroes/DKs. They can cleave the bosses in CWK, or deal with the mage boss.

    Now with that done, your claim shads will always be worse than NLs. This is not true in multiple bosses, but most obviously in bosses with weapon cancels. While your NL buddies are throwing stars at it hitting 1`s, the shads charge nate and hit (near-)cap lines with ease. This is why shads are great in zak, nibergen and krex. Also applies to CWK mage boss when theres no active dispelling and probably some other situation I forgot.
    In these cases the gear doesnt matter, the NL will (usually) lose. Besides that, if the SE dc`s the shads get to laugh at the crying NL, if the NL doesnt instantly leave that is. Yes NLs, have toptier single-target DPM, but theyre bottomtier the second they dont have SE (aka liability ;) ).

    I recall you mentioned a shad needs to be (close to) lvl 200 and/or have insane gear to 1hit ML5. This is not entirely true but yes, shads do struggle a bit more than warriors here due to the wide range of damage lines. For example, my own shads boomstep lines can vary from 29k to 55k at lvl 188. I will be 1hitting them pretty much 100% on a cider, but without that the large range affects the %. Heroes and DKs have a much more stable damage resulting in higher minimal and lower max lines.

    Onto my point about direct DPM. Yes, the direct DPM of shads isnt the highest, but still respectable enough. What people forget is factors like avoid, dodging from shifter, low potcosts and an important one, raising the DPM of the party while simultaneously reducing potcosts with smoke.
    Avoid and shifter make shads DPM more stable and close to dummy DPM than some other classes. The low potcost is just a tradeoff for that really. The smoke reduces the potcosts and raises the overall DPM in the run, indirect damage that the shad is almost never credited for, but certainly helps. Not to mention smoke creates a safe timewindow for ressing, when fragile classes need it and cannot be ressed otherwise (or has a very high risk of instadeath).

    So long story short, classes should not be judged only by DPM, cost of gear or the mule-able skills. Theyre often more than that, which has significant value too. Judge classes by ALL of their traits, play what you love and respect peoples choices. Shads are more than sed, archers are more than SE and buccs are more than SI.
    • Like Like x 8
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    • Great Work Great Work x 2
  9. Snork

    Snork Capt. Latanica

    Feb 19, 2018
    1:46 PM
    I don't see any math buddy
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
  10. Raso

    Raso Slimy Retired Staff

    Jul 2, 2017
    1:46 PM
    Yea i failed math class...Sorry xD Jokes aside, numbers arent everything :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  11. OP

    Zorele Slimy

    Jan 12, 2018
    7:46 AM
    I guess we can disagree on many of these points. There's not really much merit to being able to cleave 4 parts at HT since most of this damage ends up being redundant. I do agree with you that being able to fullfill the role of cwk and single target is a nice one albeit you would be far from optimal at both.

    I do agree that shadowers do relatively better at bosses that have weapon cancel present yet i doubt it's true that this would put them above NL threshold. Funnily enough, the gap between shad vs non SE NL is actually significantly lower than the gap between shads and SE nl so if NLs want to cry then why shouldnt we??

    I do agree smoke is a nice skill but i personally believe it's impact is vastly inferior to SE/SI and TL in chaotic bosses. We can also disagree on the shadowers damage being respectable and the claims that shadowers damage uptime/efficiency is significantly higher than other classes. Stance, iframes and range are all important contributors to damage efficiency.

    I can't say i know much about JC so i'll refrain from commenting but if you say their performance is solid then that's interesting. I'm also fairly certain that overall NL would perform better at a boss like zak even though there is room for 4 cleave to happen. I think it's easy to forget not every NL that runs zak at an early level has a reset base int so there's also room to be deceived. I do think zak is definitely one of the bosses were shads kit gets to shine relative to other bosses though.

    As an extra if you meant to imply i'm somehow disrespecting people who play shadowers then i'd be disrespecting myself. I do believe having fun is above all but that's hardly something i believe we can take into account in these discussions. If it comes across like i'm trying to disrespect someone that's definitely not my intention and i apologize, i'm simply expressing my very own opinion in response to comments since i made this thread and want to make sure people feel like i'm reading their opinions, even if we don't agree.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
  12. Raso

    Raso Slimy Retired Staff

    Jul 2, 2017
    1:46 PM
    Sounds like you keep being hyperfocussed on the direct DPM. Also sounds like you havent ran alot with good shads, or your own shad is uh...lacking.

    From my own experience, but also from other shads, shads CAN and DO white over NLs in these bosses on a regular basis regardless of level gap and gear. So does it put them above the NL threshold? Yes. Just to put some more detail to it, My shad at 185 has whited a well-geared NL (191 iirc) on HT 2nd prehead and HT mainbody right head. Ive also whited zak numerous of times regardless of the party composition. You can still disagree with me on this, but my experiences and those of fellow shads in my BL/Alliance dont lie. I would agree Buccs are absolutely strong af and uh...much more useful than NLs ;)

    Nowhere did I say smoke beats those, I merely stated what it DID do. Wether you have the buffs you mentioned or not, it will still have a positive effect, reduce potcosts, reduce the risk of dieing (which would be 0 DPM btw) and safe some otherwise unsafe-able people.

    Yep, I dont disagree. Shads have iframes, they have "stance by avoid" due to being hit so little theyre rarely knocked back. Not sure what you mean with range in this case.

    Your argument that warriors are much much better than shads is solely based on the cleave DPM. In terms of potcosts theyre incredibly expensive. Yes, I base that on my own experience too since i have a 176 Hero (retired, for my currently 188 shad). Heroes arent bad, but personally I'd take a shad over them anytime.

    Just like Mirrors mentioned earlier, you seem to not be looking for people to change your mind. You are refusing to accept any reasoning that doesnt fit your current opinion. So I'll say it just to make you happy, NLs are best class.
    NO THEYRE NOT!! #ShadsBestClass -Washes keyboard with soap to erase the nightmare of saying NLs are best class-
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  13. OP

    Zorele Slimy

    Jan 12, 2018
    7:46 AM
    I don't think my shad gear is lacking. I also don't refuse to change my reasoning but am i supposed to simply agree? I think a very fair comparison of shad not beating NLs on wep cancel/dr with an inmense amount of evidence is pink bean body dpms which you are free to look up. At the end of the day asking 1000 shadowers if they have whited a NL before or not doesn't really change anything because there's an infinite amount of factors not class related thar could be involved.

    I know people are way more inclined to value your statements over mine at this point but i'm fairly certain that given equal gearing and player skill, even on weapon cancel bosses shadowers should not outperform nls.

    By range i meant BMs, MMs ans corsairs having similar damage effiiciency due to less reposition and their still significant avoid

    I do respect your commitment and love for the class and your positive attitude towards it.
  14. Siegfried

    Siegfried Master Chronos

    Apr 21, 2017
    4:46 AM
    yes, but it's a good way to get surface thoughts prior to a suggestion. personally though, i would have went balls deep and drafted scenario + math + testing and straight to the suggestion pool.

    also ZoreleZorele , i'd recommend adding more sentence spacing for easier readability (for your earlier posts)

    + if you want to help balance, i also recommend getting a test client, spreadsheets ready, some c̶o̶k̶e̶ ̶z̶e̶r̶o̶ ̶p̶i̶l̶l̶s̶ coffee and start writing out a draft.

    i think this discussion is getting pretty saturated by solely focusing on the shadower class despite the topic being fairly global in scope. it's easier to evaluate an idea when it's finished, which also coincidences with the way mLegends releases balance patches.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
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  15. OP

    Zorele Slimy

    Jan 12, 2018
    7:46 AM
    Thanks for the feedback. I agree with you, this is definitely getting repetitive so unless any other person has a fresh PoV to offer this is it.

    I don't think there is a lack of good suggestions and there is in fact a whole thread dedicated to shad suggestions. Perhaps in the near future i'll solidify my thoughts into a suggestion though i doubt the reception would be any different.

    At the end of the day if most players feel like shads are perfectly fine the way they are then there's hardly any room for suggestions to matter. If i had to tldr my approach only taking into account performance and NOT my prefered playstyle i would play around with the % mastery of shadowers. It would increase both their single target and cleave damage up until a point where they'd perhaps be worthy of the jack of all trades title they so often receive.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
  16. wolf666

    wolf666 Timer

    Mar 22, 2020
    7:46 AM
    I am gravely concerned for the lack of shadower specific cosmetic suggestions.

    I would like to share two.

    1. Allow us to change shifter's face expression to one of the default F1-F7 faces. (Bonus points if we can use cash shop expressions too).
    • F2 is the most important face for shadowers. If you main shadower, your entire look must revolve around it or people will not take you seriously (you will not be accepted to runs).
      • upload_2023-4-19_16-28-9.png My current F2 face, it's absolutely unacceptable. Go away!
      • upload_2023-4-19_16-29-41.png My F1 face, it's aesthetically pleasing. Invite this player to all content.
    2. Change Pickpocket to Shadow Partner.
    • Shadow partner is objectively the best drip in MapleStory. Both thief classes must be allowed to use it.
    • Visual change ONLY it will still behave as pickpocket.
      • Our class severely lacks any shadow skills despite our name.
      • Shadow partner will still maintain the theme of pickpocket. How?
        • The skill "Steal" uses our shadow to rob an item from a mob.
        • "Meso Explosion" uses our shadow to explode mesos.
        • Naturally, "Shadow Partner" uses our shadow to steal mesos.
    EDIT: typos
    100% guaranteed that some players will love it.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
    • Great Work Great Work x 7
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. brunandes

    brunandes Windraider

    Aug 29, 2021
    7:46 PM
    Buccs being op af doesn't mean shads suck though. Both pirates are extremely strong but are still among the least popular classes. Imo a large part is due to unfamilarity, so I think making them stronger at least gives people incentive to try them out, which is not a problem for shadowers.

    I feel that you are overly concerned about whether your shadower is whiting a boss. Is that really necessary? I feel that shadowers are not gatekept from a single boss in the game due to how versatile they are. This can't be said about almost every other class (especially NLs which are heavily dependent on party composition).
  18. OP

    Zorele Slimy

    Jan 12, 2018
    7:46 AM
    I don't think class popularity should be taken into account to balance classes but that's just my opinion. Trust me, i'm not concerned whether my shadower is whiting a boss or not. Shadowers are not gatekept from any boss but i do think they underperform or at the very best perform at an acceptable level in every boss and this can't be said about almost every other class. And in fact, the only boss in which any class is gatekept out are sub 30 man PB runs in which i definitely agree that shad outperforms the warriors but i don't neccesarily see being better than the worst as being good. I don't think people see SE reliance as a true con these days with the increased popularity of muling and archers not being a liability.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023
  19. brunandes

    brunandes Windraider

    Aug 29, 2021
    7:46 PM
    Whats the issue with your 'underperformance' if you still get into every boss run without issue?

    SE reliance is definitely a con... have you seen players who smega for an hour "R>se for zak"?
  20. OP

    Zorele Slimy

    Jan 12, 2018
    7:46 AM
    We can agree to disagree. I think classes being balanced is important and not being bad enough to not merit getting into a boss run is a philosophy I personally cant indulge. If you want to classify needing any kind of buff as a con then sure, it is a con. Most classes benefit from either SI and/or SE (shad being included in the context of zak due to nate dashing and SE cleave being an option) so not being reliant on any of these is a positive although some of your party members will need it so you'll be stuck waiting for the SE anyway.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023

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