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Celestalia's Challenge - A Maple Journal

Discussion in 'MapleLegends Journeys' started by HouseAuburn, Oct 10, 2020.

  1. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CXCVI. Chilling and/or Willowing

    Since Celestalia was still hanging around in Vic, and she wasn't too keen on taking two long boat rides over to Ludi to continue with Eos Tower, she figured she'd give Drake one last shot at the Dark Willow before she dropped the matter entirely.

    That was good too, since it also gave her the opportunity to survey the rest of the Dungeon and see what was coming up next.

    The map after the Tunnel That Lost Light I is named...appropriately enough, the Tunnel That Lost Light II. And as you also might expect for the patterns Sleepywood have offered so far, the mobs are the same, except for, well, at the very bottom of the map are a few large purple cats. Celestalia ignored them because the singular portal in the map is up high, so no blockage here.

    Strangely, the map after that had no monsters whatsoever.

    Based on the 'portal geography' Celestalia figured the bottom portal here led back out to TTLL2, which makes kind of a weird situation in that...well, she has access to that map in general, so she could go out that way no problem, even if she runs straight into the purple cats. A weird quirk to the rules, but fun! Celestalia noticed there is a somewhat-invisible rope right here that she could use to climb down. Even if it's transparent, nothing is going to get past the eyes of a Level 75 archer of any sort.

    She kept going straight however and found more of the purple cats.

    There was also some weird snail that moved really fast. It fell in one hit but then released a bunch of regular Snails. Very peculiar.

    Well since there were also a ton of Drakes here, Celestalia decided to just stay and see if she could get Wild Kargo to budge any. I've heard they're one of Victoria Island's most annoying card sets...time to see if that opinion holds any water.

    Early observations provided quite contrary evidence.

    The first two equips dropped pretty much at the same time, and both were from Drake...and both were weapons. As usual.

    A neat thing about this map is that Cold Eye and Wild Kargo both being jumpers, it means that more often and not both of them are in fairly high concentrations at the bottom.

    Not in this particular instance, but there are times when 3-4 Kargo can be down here. That's not bad considering Celestalia can't access their home map which is the one recommended by the farming guide.

    Celestalia made another big decision by pulling out her Christmas Candy. She figures that she can use them now, and overall be more efficient by having the option to heal either HP, MP, or both as the need arises. So she wants to stretch out the Pops and Sundaes as long as possible.

    On his second appearance, Celestalia did manage to nab a picture of..."Bob" in flight.

    If he does drop his shell, Celestalia hasn't gotten it yet. She should have a few more opportunities though.

    Drake of course wasn't finished dropping weapons.

    I enjoy getting weapons, I really do. Such great money. But the thing is...like, that's not what the goal is here.

    Drake actually did listen and gave up...an Umber Shouldermail.

    Decent drop actually, Kalotora needs one I think.

    Oh whoops, here's another weapon.
    F7 intensifies

    She didn't even bother taking a picture of the next one, a Dark Guardian.

    Just when she thought the trolling couldn't possibly get worse...

    Yep, they really went ahead and dropped a Blue Lumati. Instead of THE OTHER LEVEL 50 BOWMAN EQUIP!!!!!

    Celestalia realized that this was a waste of her time. Clearly! Even Blue Mushroom...eventually...cooperated. Drake was not planning on doing any such thing.

    Before heading out though, she decided to take a peek in here and see what else she could find.

    The path down took her past a bunch of Cold Eyes, along with numerous stone platforms.

    When the floor leveled out, Celestalia saw something she recognized.

    Straight from the battle against Athena, it's these very annoying guys that shoot unavoidable, 700+ damage lightning. No thanks, Strafe you later.

    Celestalia was up to 68.5m after the sale.

    Oh by the way, here's that snail shell.

    It's actually not just the shell...apparently, it's Bob in his entirety! Celestalia will take him to Ludibrium and probably put him in one of the boxes in her room at the inn. When she got there though, she felt pretty tired and decided to go to bed early.

    In the next installment, Celestalia pays another visit to Eos Tower and vies for progress down the structure. Stay tuned!
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  2. Nightz

    Nightz Supervisor Staff Member Supervisor Game Moderator

    Oct 22, 2020
    9:58 AM
    I/L Arch Mage
    Funk & Pasta
    Moderator Post
    Great read as always!! :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM

    SPECIAL XVII. Pathless

    It was sufficient enough to say that Celestalia had completely lost the will to keep grinding.

    It's the sort of thing that happens from time to time in campaigns. Strangely, it hit her less than most; having the restrictions she had made her motivated to keep going out there to move above and beyond.

    But what happened on the 15th of January made her rethink what she was really fighting for.

    It wasn't great from the get-go. Obviously Helly was always going to be an obstacle, that she knew. But, after indeed getting another card from them...

    She soon found out that they weren't going to give her that very last piece of the puzzle. So she just up and left. After nearly two hours, that is.

    Celestalia spent the rest of the evening getting her maps in order. After she was satisfied with how they turned out, and having that much green on the floor definitely pleased her, she was ready to take photos of them as she usually did.

    Once she had fully assembled her journal entry, though...

    Her recorder somehow failed to save any of it.

    She was devastated. Fair enough though, it wasn't the longest one she had ever put together. But the Rangemaiden was so exhausted at that point that any remaining wind she had left completely abandoned her.

    And that's how she remained - for over a week. On the floor of her inn, flat on her back, Celestalia slept on...for over a week.

    It wasn't clear what had gotten into her. Either way, the Empire she had built was in major trouble. If this became a regular occurrence...and given the trajectory of the campaign, it seemed like that was a possibility...who knew what could happen.

    Lost deep within her innermost thoughts, Celestalia continued struggling back to the surface. It was no use though. She had no will, and no strength left to try and free herself. She let herself be whisked away in the bonds of a vivid dreamscape, in absolute obliviousness to the world around her. Even her skin was slightly cool to the touch - though no one was there to disturb her and know that for sure.

    "The Huntress knows only active and inactive. This is the way of the adventurer. One may be inactive for many turns of the moon, and never lose the sense of adventure."

    "The Huntress may become a Rangemaiden, but will always remain a Huntress."

    It was time for Celestalia to look deep into her past, into what made her travels so special. She had to at least try to remember. If she would just retrace her steps...she could find the path forward once again.

    How long it would take...was the one question that remained.
    So what really happened isn't nearly as dramatic as this. Basically, sometimes I log in to the forums before I actually start playing. So, when nothing happens for a long time (like at Helly, because again, Eos Tower sucks), I occasionally get logged out before I have a chance to post. When that happens, none of the entry gets saved. This isn't the first time that's happened, but in this instance I really didn't want to write the entire post over again. Combine that with the feeling that no progress was being made and you get this situation.

    I'll post the maps this weekend. Not too much has changed anyway. Sorry again for the shenanigans, just sometimes technology doesn't go the way I want it to.

    I'm still deciding on where to grind this weekend. It probably won't be in Ludus Lake, that much I can say.

    Until then.
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  4. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CXCVII. Back on the Path

    After a harrowing period of...not going anywhere, Celestalia left just about everyone guessing when and what her next move would be.

    Come this evening, her inn was at last empty. Did she wake up, at long last? Where might she have gone to, anyway...

    Ah, there she is! Off to...well, Vic, to unload her inventory once again.

    But after that, it was going to be, surely, all engines firing.

    The Rangemaiden was expressionless as she made her way to and from the island as quick as she could. Not that she was so solemn about the whole ordeal she went through in the last two weeks. She was just tired. Which is odd, considering, uh, the whole ordeal she went through in the last two weeks.

    After she arrived at her far-flung destination of the week, she stopped for a bit to have a snack and see if that would wake her up enough to start fighting again. Matter of fact, it did. And so with little further ado she resumed the campaign at:

    Nihal having the most mobs left, it was the obvious choice. This is the second-weakest of the bunch; Dark Sand Dwarf is the weakest, and she could go over to them at any point and have a go. That might be this weekend even. Depends on a bunch of things...

    Uh, anyway. The first card dropped right away.

    That was the boost Celestalia needed, for sure. Well, it took another 22 minutes for card #2. Still, she was patient, and soldiered on. Hey, that matched last weekend's production. For about another two platforms, at which point card #3 landed. :cool:

    Cue the first equip of the weekend!

    Arc Staff. That was slightly promising...okay not really. But Reinforced Iron Mutae didn't keep her in suspense for too long. Would you believe they only drop twelve items. Only four of which are equips...ALL FOUR of which Celestalia has had dropped at least once somewhere else.

    Roughly an hour in, something pretty neat happened:

    Celestalia didn't get any bonus MP for that one since she forgot to equip one of the things. But, since she has a few AP resets in reserve, she decided to do something unusual and add 3 points of INT! That way, she'll have 20 INT with both the Lady Blue and the Green Christmas Sock equipped...the sock is around until late October. So Celestalia should get fairly good mileage out of that.

    Oh, and don't forget about!...


    That was a...can you really call it an OHKO?...eh. More testing obviously needs to be done, but that first shot was the real deal.

    To absolutely no one's surprise, except for perhaps my own, Strafe far outpaced Arrow Blow in every single way. It OHKOs here as long as at least one crit lands...that's, or it should be anyway, roughly 93% of the time.

    Needless to say, faced with the awesome power of quad arrow, Reinforced Iron Mutae was quick to surrender.

    Moving over to the other side of the facility nets the next opponent:

    Oh, that card right there belongs to Rurumo, which is the local guard mob. Seems to more belong in Zenumia than Alcadno, but hey. Celestalia could end up getting the full set at some point, which would be a small bonus towards the rings at least. Not being able to change channels (which is not officially a rule, but something I'm holding to) will make that chance significantly smaller though.

    Maybe later she could come back and sweep through all the rooms.

    Anyway, moving on to Mithril Mutae.

    They hit for just a smidge harder than the Iron ones, and this map has a bunch of areas where Celestalia can spam Arrow Rain/Bomb to very good carnage.

    The second Mithril Mutae card was maybe 3-4 minutes behind, with the third card following a similar interval. As did the fourth! The best way I can describe these guys' drop table is...a notch above Reinforced Iron Mutae. Not a particularly big notch either. They don't even drop Mithril ore...Reinforced Iron Mutae does though.

    Now that I'm thinking about it...well yes, I did mention the one time that Mithril Mutae doesn't get mined for ore, it gets mined for sulfates, which are used in a number of industries. Ooh, with this map coming into the Empire, Celestalia could make the production and transport of this resource a lot cheaper than it currently is. That's pretty exciting...okay, again, not really.

    What is exciting is that two whole card sets have been got! Celestalia had inadvertently picked up the last card which was obscured by a pillar.

    Just trust me that that guy was there.

    That's a heck of a start! Celestalia now has just ten sets left before the Tier 5 ring, and a good deal of them might be coming from right here in Magatia.

    Oh, about the maps...since things are moving again, I'll hold off on the update for now.

    In the next installment, more alchemical fun ensues! Stay tuned.
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  5. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CXCVIII. Further Reinforcements

    While Mithril traditionally is cyan or aqua, a number of its alloys are dramatically different in color. Such as this one:

    I guess they tried to mix Adamantium in with it or something. A reasonable move, except...well, it didn't make them all that much stronger.

    This map isn't as concentrated as the regular Mithril one, but still decent in terms of sniping and general exploits such like. Which once again allows Celestalia to get on the board quite quickly. And she was starting very early today too.

    Well, it'll be split up into two parts, that's what usually happens on Saturday if she does this.

    The second card was, as has been the way of things, a mere two minutes behind. Third card: FOUR minutes.

    Actually, nevermind. THE ENTIRE SET was done in like 20 minutes.

    As the drop table was again unimpressive (eight equips this time though, not all that terrible), and with the entire A and B sections of Alcadno done, the Rangemaiden decided to go out and have a try at the last desert mob.

    This map couldn't be much simpler. The combat also couldn't be much simpler, as even regular arrow does well for both these mobs. The problem I think will be the card drop rate itself.

    Celestalia gave it a great try, but wasn't able to get anywhere close before the break.

    She didn't exactly leave empty-handed though!
    Oh, and there was also a Korean Fan...because Celestalia HASN'T had enough of those in one campaign. 54/5/6, which may be the best one she's ever received. So there's that.

    I guess that means it's map time! Starting from the top:

    Two mobs to go on the main map! They are, naturally, Officer Skeleton and Commander Skeleton. I'm excited to try them out in another level or two with a slightly stronger Strafe...get ready guys, the Empire is coming for you...heh heh...


    Five remaining here, only two of which Celestalia has access to - Wild Kargo (1 card) and Tauromacis (some more levels required). The other three, Ice Drake, Dark Drake, and Taurospear, present varying degrees of challenge.


    Hector (El Nath) and Lucida (top right). Celestalia is probably going to farm Jr. Lucida from Eliza, once she gets powerful enough to make that a possibility. Needless to say, it'll be some time. Hector is definitely doable now, just there's better places to grind right at this moment.


    This I like! A full green Upper Clocktower. I did put green over KFT, just for neatness purposes. I also made a Deep Ludi map, but it doesn't say anything yet. There has also been no change to Aqua Road since the last update. The two blockers, of course, are Helly (4) and Hogul (0).


    Decent progress in the first trip to this region. Reindeer and Peach Monkey will be going down...probably sooner rather than later. Strafe makes that option ever more viable. Stay tuned for that.


    And here's where we stand as of about an hour ago. Celestalia wasn't able to find that weird passageway that supposedly links the two Institutes. I know it's a quest-based thing. I'll green it in once the entire region is conquered, again for style purposes.

    That's it for this side of the break. In the next installment, it's back into the labs to tackle some tougher bad guys. Stay tuned!
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  6. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM

    PART CXCIX. Not Done Yet!

    During the break, Celestalia briefly debated just sleeping away the rest of the night, but decided instead to keep poking around Alcadno.

    She's glad she did.

    Not only is Roid snipeable from there, even on the lower platform she doesn't get hit.

    Despite all those advantages, it still took nearly 15 minutes to get a card.

    And then it was equip time. Quite a good one to kick things off with:

    The Level 60 Burning Hell. Another thing for Erenell...well if he wants it. (Spoiler alert: He does.)

    That was followed by the second card. And the third card happened after only another six minutes! Business is picking up once again.

    Well, it helps that Celestalia can just lure the entire map over to one section and then spam Arrow Rain until they all become piles of nuts and bolts on the floor. Or, more accurately, wires. Because, uh, that's the Etc. item. Yes.

    Anyhow. Less than 40 minutes in, Celestalia reached four cards. The number of equips keeps increasing, but Roid has some that definitely don't belong. The...Venon? It's the Level 20 Warrior glove. I've only ever seen it as a quest reward. Apparently it only drops in one other place: a pair of mobs outside of Herb Town, way on the other side of Mu Lung.

    That's all okay though because, instead of getting acquainted with any more of the drop table, the Rangemaiden was gifted a second Burning Hell. With 4 more Weapon Attack too! Now that's a piece her brother will be sure to treasure.

    The set was finished soon after.

    Celestalia moved to the next map, which actually she had been to before: C-2. But the middle platform didn't have a ladder down. From the left side, she could get back up to the portal. She fought a bit there before heading back over to look at what C-3 had. That involved circling all the way around the Institute, during which she got a second Rurumo card.

    That worked out since C-3 was 100% composed of these:

    Which attack by firing rockets out of their mouths. They're basically the mechanical version of Red Drake, and Celestalia was okay with that.

    The first two cards dropped very close to each other! (Second one not shown.)



    +1 DEX, +5 WDef compared to the older model!

    Okay cooling the jets a moment. So this map actually has two levels. The lower level is basked in near-complete darkness and has no platforms.

    Which makes it all the more dangerous that this monstrosity apparently lives down there:

    Its name is D. Roy, and it is Level 75. Which would make it the second-strongest thing Celestalia has fought. The first being...well, you know. Starts with an A.

    Welp, here goes nothing.

    Okay so this fight didn't answer a lot of questions, because aside from a whiff of poison gas, Celestalia didn't get hit. It does have another attack, which is some type of light beam. She was too far out for it to hit when D. Roy did end up casting it. As proof of her victory, Celestalia grabbed its mechanical heart and sold it to Jerry for about 130 mesos.

    The rush of adrenaline from that experience was too much and she had to call it a weekend. Three card sets, plus five additional cards! Easy/medium card sets here are starting to dwindle, so maybe that amount of progress won't show itself next time. And now she has to worry about potentially fighting this guy again.

    That is an issue that can be revisited on Friday. For now, she's earned a week to relax and recuperate. See you next time as the fighting in Magatia continues!
    Thank ya! Sorry for the delayed response, I hope you see this because I forgot to add it to the original post. Or any of the previous ones. :confused:
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    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  7. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CC. Plz

    Heehee, funny roman numeral joke, teeheehee

    *ahem* Anyway, hello once again. Today Celestalia continues the battle against Neo Huroid.

    After doing away with D. Roy by outsniping it, which conveniently she can do, Celestalia snags a card right away.

    The Monster Book has pretty much nothing interesting to say about Neo Huroid, other than that it has 'the power that will exceed your expectation'. Well, no, Celestalia's expectations were about on par with what's actually going on. Uh, helps to have fought the mobs over this way in roughly level order.

    Celestalia had some other entertainment going on this evening, and as a result she was starting very early. The time for card #3 was 21:25. So it was about 15 minutes after that that she actually ate dinner - which she packed to eat out in the field. She did that multiple times fighting at Mushroom Hill. Being still in the city, technically, it wasn't that far to go back to the inn. She just didn't feel like walking back and forth multiple times.

    "Multiple times", you ask. Well Celestalia sort of brought two dinners. Okay, the second was just leftover rice with some sauce. But to her, that was the snack for the evening.

    Celestalia is weird. But if you've been following the journal for a while, you knew that already.

    Anyway, three minutes after returning from dinner, the Rangemaiden acquires card #4. No more equips on the drop table, but there is a Glove ATT 60%. I don't think it will drop in time, but it's potentially a great farm for something way, way down the line.

    Of course to do that she will have to suffer through more of these things:

    Which she will be doing anyway, for another glove-related reason. Not that it will do all that much good; Celestalia doesn't have a lead on the Garner yet. Rumor has it that she has access to at least one mob that drops one. But that's a story for another day.

    Oh, speaking of glove! Celestalia did manage to pull out another raffle before the event ended. It was a Green Mittens. Nice that it matches the sock, but with only 6 Magic Defense I don't think it will be of much utility.

    Back to the main story. Somewhere around 22:20, D. Roy came back. Celestalia went down to fight it, but she had to go back up the ladder when it got too close. She wanted to finish killing it, but before she could she ended up knocking out the last card.

    So now the question...should she try and kill it? Well, she did...

    ...which turned out to be a decent investment.

    Even better, after another two passes through the facility, Celestalia actually closed out the Rurumo set!

    Considering this was an optional set I'd hesitate on calling this officially the first Aqua tier mob to be sorted. After all the card rates were very much inflated. But Celestalia thought it was reason to celebrate, and went to make her rice. She could even eat back at the inn! After all, that side of the city was where she was headed next. Hopefully!

    In the next installment, the second floor of Zenumia comes under siege. Stay tuned!
    • Like Like x 2
  8. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CCI. The Strike Into Upper Zenumia

    It could be said that the attack was doomed to fail. But at the time, Celestalia didn't know it and didn't care.

    She was more focused on how cute the things in 201 were.

    As for the weird alchemist ghosts...that's Site. Don't know what they do, don't intend to find out. And maybe Celestalia doesn't have to...as she can snipe. Again.

    And...well, the second Site she killed dropped a card.

    But it doesn't change the fact that both these guys are just mad expensive MP-wise.

    The first equip came early though, and it was...get this...also glove-related.

    The Gold Eyes is a slight upgrade to the Blue Eyes...by slight, read 1 Weapon Defense and 2 Avoid. Gee, I wonder where Dark Eyes is. Or how about a Garner?!?! angrymush

    Right after that was the second Site card. Hey, there might be a method to the madness...or they just have a good card rate. But I won't dare jinx it by suggesting that, naturally...

    Homun then makes another donation:

    The Level 60 Holy Spear. Kalotora clearly has some leveling to do if he wants to keep his equip inventory intact.

    Kaloichi meanwhile has another chance to complete his Scorpio set...which won't be right now, since the wrong half got rolled.

    Other things Celestalia picked up in the opening phase: Black Basile Boots and TWO sets of Crystal Flower Earrings. That added another 3 points of Magic Defense (35) so I guess it worked out!

    After a little while, Homun dropped its first two cards.

    And the score was tied.

    Homun soon was ahead though, and Celestalia was very intrigued to know more about these sturdy adversaries. Once again though the Monster Book just spouted off generic nonsense.

    Ooh, here's another good one from Homun!

    The Golden Crow! Aescavon's current crossbow, of course, too bad the character icons don't show crossbows.

    And because one valuable weapon is never enough, Homun up and drops a second one.

    There was also a Dark Anakarune in there, another high-class equip. For me, anyway.

    So it was with just two slots left in the Equip section that Homun's drop table was revealed.

    And hooo boy. Are there some things to discuss with this one.

    So first, the Red Gaia Cape. Still searching for a Justice Cape...from...SOMEONE. So that's eh.

    Also at Level 65 though is the Gold Drop Earrings. That is potentially very important. I'm perfectly okay coming back here for these at a future point.

    But the real reason to get interested is that beautiful piece of armor right next to it. The Blue Lineros. And since it is Level 70...it's available immediately should Celestalia get one. Like the Red Choro, it's STR-focused, but that's not really a huge DEX loss. The Choro itself only has 4 DEX as it stands.
    It also kinda matches the Beige Patriot, which again is probably gonna be Celestalia's signature hat before long. Wait, they're both Level 70. That would explain it. Actually it seems there's a Beige version of this too. Uh, nevermind.

    Alright, so the plan as it stands is to finish Homun, or fill up the equip inventory. Once one of those happens, it's off to Vic to sell and Celestalia will spend tomorrow at Wild Kargo. Strafe should do well against them.

    Before Celestalia could start calculating how many Blue Lumatis she's expecting tomorrow, Site yielded a third card. And that was it, because a second Holy Spear and Oaker Scorpio Pants completed the inventory.

    As the Rangemaiden boarded the Genie, she found herself feeling a bit light-headed. Maybe just from being around chemicals too long, but it was a pretty long day for her nonetheless. Tomorrow should be a bit simpler.

    This had the potential to be one of the biggest sales she's ever had. And just from fighting in 201, she passed 70 million mesos. The sky's the limit! The final total ended up being around 2 million. And that was WITH Erenell getting three equips, plus a bunch of stuff that Celestalia was holding in the storage.
    I'm sure the Nautilus has fax machines...right?

    Technically the bullet was hers, at least I think, if it came from Gachapon.

    Alright, that was an odyssey and a half. It's time once again to rejoin the mainline, and try the umpteenth time to summon the Dark Willow. Will the Empire at last break through on one of those fronts? Find out when Celestalia's Challenge returns tomorrow night!
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  9. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CCII. The New Farm

    Okay, so it turned out that the operation yesterday at the second floor of Zenumia didn't pan out that badly.

    Celestalia had a slightly different feel for this grind.

    Equips were pretty good over the first stretch though. Once again Celestalia brought dinner down, so there were going to be several intermissions promised...hence first stretch. Cold Eye gave two early, and then Drake had this:

    Celestalia likes Homun's Dark Anakarune more.

    The next thing to drop was another Helmet INT 60% - the Rangemaiden's fourth on a pile that is now worth collectively somewhere north of 30 mil. Okay, maybe there IS a silver lining to the Dark Willow's nonappearance.

    Less than an hour in, Celestalia had already scrounged up 10% and was only 20 away from a crucial Strafe upgrade. That was a good enough point for her to step outside and have dinner. Very convenient that the entrance map is a thing.

    Either way, she was planning for a huge marathon session. Whether she'd maintain the energy to pull that off remained to be seen. At the very least she'd try for 77. And she just might get it!

    With total time being around 2 hours (although Celestalia only spent a fraction of that actively fighting), Wild Kargo dropped another card!

    That was roughly the extent of Celestalia's success for the evening.

    But Drake did give her another shot...the jolt she got from the equip landing was unusually large.

    And yes it was mostly black in color.



    What, it was going to be that easy? No, that's not how Drake does things.

    Quite a bit later, another interesting drop appeared. It's black in color...it's Level 50. It's a Glove!!

    And someone has been looking for it for a LONG time.

    So I'm glad Celestalia managed to grab one.

    Yeah no, Kaloichi pretty much resigned himself to never getting the Brown Moon Gloves. I actually don't think he'll wear these as they're only +3 LUK. His Cleave is +4.

    Well anyway. Drake wasn't done dropping stuff. First a Maroon Moon Pants, and then...

    That's the spirit! Now if you can drop the actual thing.

    *sigh* Well it can wait a bit longer. First things first:
    You can tell by this alone that having a max damage outfit just wouldn't be viable. Lady Blue + the Christmas Sock alone raised damage taken by 40 points. Although, Celestalia is still holding on to her Dark Savata for some reason...

    Having remembered to put her INT stuff on, Celestalia walked out a winner, no Willow notwithstanding. She cheerily put three more points on Strafe and went back to the usual AP allotment of 4 DEX and a STR.

    The usual round of selling equips brought an interesting anecdote to cap off the weekend. There was a set of new/mid KPQ runners, and as usual Celestalia went down to drop off her throwing stars (which today was a Mokbi, a Kumbi, and an Icicle...yes I guess Cold Eye can drop those). The Thief took those, and the other two then asked for goodies as well. Celestalia thus took them on a field trip to the Pharmacy.
    Since when were there benches in this place? So many things you never notice even after 15 years of playing this game.

    There was no objection from Dr. Faymus.

    Hmm, speaking of potions. I have reason to believe Drake's Meal Table is going to serve as an excellent farm for provisions. Looking at the facts: First, Drake drops a ton of Elixir. Not to mention Drake Blood and Meat; even with constant use they are gifted above replacement. Celestalia has roughly 80 of both at this instant.

    Elixir was also dropped above replacement, kind of. Actually it's because Celestalia was using a lot of White Potion. But that's not the point; the point is that MP usage had Elixir being used less often than drop. The actual Elixirs gained weren't all that much. Still, that's pretty huge if that ends up being the case. Also, the efficiency is just going to increase with level, both by how powerful Elixir is and by how much damage Celestalia takes versus how much she deals out. So the fact that it's working as well as it is now is pretty huge.

    What puts it over the top though is Cold Eye, which does drop those White Potions (Drake does too, but Cold Eye is so plentiful in this map that you can't help but be swamped with potions). That means Celestalia can fight indefinitely without having to use Elixir for HP recovery. And THAT will allow for Elixirs to increase.

    Point being, she has a definitive fallback if the resources don't hold up elsewhere. And she hasn't even tried Ligator yet. I suspect grinding for Elixirs there will go decently, although the actual rate of Elixirs will be a bit slow. The Blue Potion Chair will allow that to be viable if their rate of Elixirs is as low as it should theoretically be.

    Okay! Now that that's taken care of, the job for next weekend is to check in with a few different mobs and see how well Celestalia can fare. First up are the skeletons. Can she successfully move the battle lines and fully green out the map of Victoria? Find out on Friday! Have an amazing week.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CCIII. No Bones About It!

    The answer to that question should be an emphatic yes. As of the level Celestalia just picked up at the end of last weekend, Strafe's base damage is 248% - already pretty much at the level of Arrow Blow, except it does a great many more criticals.

    Welp, there is no time like the present!

    Early results were promising. The basic formula is two Strafes per Officer, five per Commander. Usually plus an arrow or two.

    Celestalia wasn't getting hit all that much either...at least UNTIL a mad scuffle broke out on one of the upper cliffs, where THREE Commanders were defending this piece of equipment that got dropped. AND FOR GOOD REASON.

    The Rangemaiden fought hard, surrounded on all sides, but was ultimately able to claim her prize.

    At long last, she matches!! At a cost of a few stat points, of course. Although the +7 Weapon Defense I do appreciate.

    Celestalia kept going around the map, and honestly not spending that many resources due to generous Blue Potion Chair usage, before getting a Dark Seraphis from Officer Skeleton.

    All the while she was giving it hard thought about whether to stay here or go back to the castle map. But considering that she was here for cards, it didn't make any sense to do that.

    Again, she made the right call.

    And...well, not that this would have mattered either way, because it came from Officer Skeleton...but...

    So after ALL OF THAT GUFF, the Willow saga comes to an end at Remains IV.
    It looks better when she's jumping.

    And Celestalia has no more equips to find at the moment! How about that :eek:

    Stats by the way are DEX +2 (-2 vs. the Dark Brace), 10 MP (Nice), and 21 WDef (+3).

    Wait no, stats are DEX +3, 9 MP, and 21 WDef. My mistake!

    Anyway, as seen above, Celestalia also got the third Officer Skeleton card with the first Willow.

    Following those two, an Adamantium Legend Shield.

    Which Celestalia has had before, so not too big of a deal.

    But, soon it was at last time to see the Officer drop table. And while there were a ton of exotic things Celestalia had never even known about - such as the Neocora or the Beia Crash - there were no more Bowman equips to obtain.

    Still, she was determined as ever to finish this out and unlock a few more portals. If not green the entirety of Vic, as a second Commander Skeleton card appeared!

    Then, the unbelievable happened...Celestalia got...a THIRD COMMANDER CARD.

    Sadly, with all that success something had to give - and it was the stack of Christmas Candy that Celestalia had been holding on to for over a year. It finally ran out late in this grind, leaving her with a paltry 1,169 Elixirs as her only doubly-restorative item.

    Well that mistake cost the Skeletons dearly, as Officer Skeleton likewise ran out, and had to surrender.

    Celestalia is now two cards away from having defeated every single enemy on the island outside the Dungeon. Those last two cards...will have to wait a bit. Not because Celestalia couldn't get them now - it's just that she can happily come back to them at a later point when it's easier for her to overpower a Level 73 enemy. There are smaller fish to fry, for the moment.

    As for those 'extra portals' I mentioned, well, they just lead out to the roof of each castle. So that was a bit disappointing, if understandable.

    While not having cleared the entirety of Commander Skeleton from the field, Celestalia has still scored an outstanding victory. In one fell swoop, she not only gets a card set, but clears both at-large equips she had tagged. I didn't imagine that could still...happen this late in the campaign, but MapleStory is a game unlike any other.

    That's why I'm here.

    Up next is Mu Lung, where two mobs of somewhat lesser stature, but with more annoying attacks, await. Celestalia will get going on them tomorrow. Can she push the line back? Stay tuned!
    • Like Like x 4
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  11. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CCIV. Beige Lineros vs. Beige Fruit


    Okay, admittedly, they're more pink than beige. But the Lineros also has red parts on it. SO IT WORKS.

    Well anyway, it's quite easy to tell from the above shot that Strafe absolutely tears through both of these fellows. However, the opposite is also true; while Reindeer doesn't often get to attack before it gets KOed, the sheer number of Peach Monkey, coupled with how far they can throw their edibles, can do quite a number on the Rangemaiden.
    Arrow Bomb is the only thing keeping this map even remotely viable. Even then, Celestalia could be a few hundred Elixirs down by the end of this grind.

    But things were developing quickly.

    A second Peach Monkey card was soon to follow. But to actually move past this map, Celestalia needs Reindeer.

    Although Reindeer drops Elixir, and that's cool, Peach Monkey was doing most of the dropping right about this time.

    If this piece looks familiar, it's because it's dropped at GS2. The Level 80 (!) Red Pirate Top. Celestalia breaks new ground...but in the process loses a spot in the Equip inventory for another three levels. MapleF3

    Within a decently short time Celestalia had another two cards from the persica poppers, and got a look at what was an extremely disappointing drop table. Nine equips, only three of them which would be relevant and Celestalia's already passed two. The other is a Magic Cape...which she has one of already.

    Well, at least she's one step closer to the Tier 5 ring.

    She used a net of 12 Elixirs in picking that up. Pretty decent for an Aqua-tier set.

    As a matter of fact, Celestalia is just four card sets away from said ring! That might be the more important project at the moment, because more HP and MP means much stronger Elixirs. That will be of supreme importance from now on.

    For that reason, and also she didn't want to bother trying to track even a single card from Reindeer down, Celestalia left the map and went basically halfway across the world to another oriental locale:

    If Strafe did well at the Peach Farm, it does even better against the weaker defenses of Hodori and Hogul. The problem here of course will be how few Hogul there are.

    Celestalia did a few runs around the map and recouped a few Elixirs, but otherwise nothing of note happened. So she got bored and left. But on the way back to Ludibrium, she played the very dangerous game of 'try not to use potions while getting to a location'. She was on 39 HP at one point on the 100th Floor of Helios Tower and realizing how low she was, quickly popped a White Potion. The next hit she took was for 43.

    This isn't the first time she's pulled something like this, and yet her only two deaths have been to being AFK and Athena, respectively. If she keeps taking her life into her own hands, eventually a mistake will be made, and Hikaria will never let her live it down.

    So the moral of the story is, don't get bored.

    Well the truth is, there's another layer to the madness. Since the beginning of the week, Celestalia has been having those dreams again. The ones from that other 2D World. Instead of the yo-yo guy, however, she was now observing a gun-toting warrior named Nonna, who leads a gradually-evolving civilization. She was excited to get back and see more of the action! But it's great to see that it hasn't affected the campaign much at all.

    That's character development!

    So where to next? There are seemingly three options left: Magatia, which could get her all the way to 150 sets; Helly has one card left if she wants to try one last time to snag that; and then Shanghai is still open as always. Celestalia suspects that Spinel will open a new area, probably Zipangu, if she finishes that up, but it could be a bit slow.

    I reckon the obvious path is to finish the card sets that are already partially complete, starting with Helly. Then in Magatia, Homun, Site, and Dark Sand Dwarf will round it out. It will definitely be a bit grindy, though, so whether Celestalia can clinch the biscuit will be up in the air for most of the session. Catch you on Friday as the race for Opal reaches its climax! Have a good week.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CCV. Terrar's Second Reckoning

    Celestalia almost didn't wake up this morning. She had spent much of the previous day gallivanting across the Underworld with her new friend, Nonna, and was fully immersed in the shenanigans. Again, she wasn't physically there, but it was so interesting to see the precision with which the young lass slammed down the long walkway across the map, gunning down hordes of bats and demons, the works.

    Apparently she's looking for something, an ancient accessory that can prevent damage from lava. Celestalia hasn't seen much lava in this world yet; well, you can thank El Nath's obscene mob layout for that...and the fact that she can't fight the big wolves yet anyway. That said, Celestalia has nearly six times the HP Nonna does.

    In any case, Celestalia decided to go out in the middle of the day today, so that she could get back to resume the story once more. She had no clue how long she was going to be able to stay out. Especially since...
    Ohai Arrow Blow, long time no see.

    Actually before getting fully into this, I've been mulling over something...it's not in the rulebook, but something I've adhered to since near the start of the challenge, which is that Celestalia isn't allowed to channel surf to hunt rare mobs. Now, there's something of a problem with that logic...quite a few actually. For a mob such as Jr. Boogie, which (at Land of Wild Boar at least) respawns every 5-10 minutes, it's fine. Something like D. Roy, though, which has exactly one global representative in one room in the Alcadno institute, and is required for completion of the region, and has a respawn timer of 1.5 hours...you see where I'm going with this. I think an exception can be made. Especially since the rules don't even mention channels at all.

    That will also cover most restrictive mobs, like Shade and Master Training Dummy, which will allow Celestalia to cross them off the list.

    So the guideline I'm going to follow is that Celestalia can channel surf for enemies that:
    • Are not a boss
    • Are deemed excessively rare (like 5 or less total population in the entire world)
    • Have a respawn timer
    • Are the last enemy remaining in their region to conquer
    [Editor's Note: 'Region' here refers to essentially the icon that is in the minimap. So each city in Victoria Island, for instance, is its own region.]

    Again this isn't a rule, so it's more just a flavor for my playstyle. You know, I've always wondered how this would play out with other classes. I remember that Luu had a good time romping around with an I/L, but myself I've been thinking of how an Assassin would fare. The good thing is that you have easy access to at least Kumbi-level stars, and I wouldn't put a limitation on how you get stars. Not many equips are a big problem, except for maybe the first few claws. The Steel Titans is only obtainable from this guy in Thailand, which doesn't have a card; it's basically the Thief equivalent of the Deer Huntertop. The Meba must be crafted. But if you've been following this campaign, you might have an idea about where to get every other Claw, at least through Level 50.

    So what about the actual course of events today? Well, much to Celestalia's surprise, the last Helly card didn't take all that long.

    While the next map down had more of the same, the map after that was a long stretch of...nothing. It was a series of outlets that took one up or down to the next section. But there was a weird portal sitting near the top of this map.

    Inside were these cute cadets with percussion aplenty.

    This is a very easy map, just a series of long platforms with few interruptions.

    As such the first card dropped within five minutes.

    Card #2 took roughly ten minutes more. Thankfully, #3 was only a couple more behind. And the Rangemaiden had yet to uncork a single Blue Potion. That chair is coming in extremely clutch right about now. It'll be even more powerful when the Tier 5 ring arrives, which if the route I'm taking pans out could be as few as 9-10 cards away.

    The fourth card arrived in another six minutes, and by the time Celestalia had finished updating the mosaic, she was at both full HP AND full MP. Incredible stuff.

    Drumming Bunny has a fairly impressive drop table, but it pales in comparison to what Hidden Street has for it. I distinctly remember my old Hunter, who I will refer to as Kantolia, coming to this very map to hunt for...Chaos Scroll 60%?! That's right, apparently even in 2009 Maple they were a go-to for the ultra high-end players.

    And yet, ironically, Celestalia is the bowman that ultimately ended up with one...which turned into aforementioned chair. :cool:

    Well, while Drumming Bunny can't break the Maple economy anymore, they at least provided a very easy card set. Altogether, it took 29 minutes.

    Now having made it all the way down to the 71st Floor, Celestalia approaches...another incredibly easy enemy.

    As this map was all Trixters, Celestalia didn't even break a sweat cleaning them up.

    And that was the last mainline enemy in the Orange Tier. Everything else is from Singapore, Zipangu, Shanghai, and Masteria, in that order. It will still be some time before she can do most of these however.

    Celestalia was able to reach all the way to the 59th Floor! Where she encountered some magenta-colored planes. There were a lot of them, so getting their card set will be no problem. That said, Celestalia would much rather clean up Homun and/or Site (she only needs one, but likely will stick around for both). And it was only after she return scrolled to Ludi that she realized she only needed one. But, she was also out of Etc. inventory space, so it wasn't like she could stick around too much.

    So if going to Magatia is inefficient, what else can Celestalia do? Well, it turns out there is a chance she can immediately put that guideline I mentioned to the test...stay tuned.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  13. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CCVI. Opal

    While I didn't mention it directly, the implication was last time that Celestalia was going to Victoria Island. Due to her inventory being in poor shape that was sort of required anyway. So, set 150 should be obtained here, which would make her life a lot easier. To do that she has two options. Skeleton Commander (3) is the obvious one, but there is another one she could at least try for, which is...Shade.

    Shade is found on exactly one map, which is Line 1 Area 4, seen above. That light switch above Celestalia can be activated to make it killable. And as it happens, everything else in Kerning City's region has been cleared. So what's the catch? Well, if you know anything about the meta, you are aware that this is one of the most popular maps for leeching. Thus, even if many of the channels are available, there is no guarantee Shade will be around in most of them. Its respawn timer is somehow even worse than D. Roy's too - 3 hours.

    In the end, she only managed to find two - and all she got out of them was a hat. No dice there.

    Conveniently, when she emerged from the subway it was actually close to when a ship to Orbis was departing. So she figured she might as well go to Magatia after all and fight the easier stuff, rather than get trampled by skeleton horses again.
    To this day, she has no idea whether she spelled that right or not.

    Propelly would have been even easier, but really annoying to get to. At this stage, it's better to handle everything remaining in Eos in one fell swoop. And she can't quite return scroll near the bottom of Eos Tower either, since she doesn't have access to the Omega Sector. Tricky stuff coming up there.

    Alright, anyway. Back to alchemy.

    Or maybe not, because, well, it's not like Celestalia was there for that long. She used maybe three Elixirs before Homun gifted her the card she needed.

    Alright Rino, what have you got to say this time?

    Sure thing dude! Rino was very complimentary towards the Rangemaiden today. He said that 'there is no one as capable as you' in this research business. How nice! But considering how many rings she's seen get thrown around over chat, she didn't really believe him.

    After a not-terribly-long time she found herself back on the island, and after a quick stop at Perion to make the colorful gem, got to Lith Harbor and received a much-needed boost to her abilities.

    +100 HP and +50 MP are certainly nothing to sneeze at, even now! That boosts the power of Elixir by over 4% (HP) and 3% (MP) respectively, and that does add up dramatically.

    Just as fast, Celestalia was (once again) on the boat to Orbis, which is the third time today already; she's spent over 20 minutes on some kind of transportation. Good thing she only needed one card from Homun! Well, she had already decided that she was going to call it a weekend, since the next target is...dun dun DUN...Deep Ludi. Yep, she's trying Buffy again, and this time she has a lot of backup. Even if it goes well though, her inventory could be a lot lighter by this time next week.

    The immediate goal, though, is just to see what these guys drop. Again, she's heard rumors. She needs to know if it's worth her time to hover around there. And if not, there's always Eos Tower again.

    Alright, well, that wasn't the most productive weekend, but Tier 5 is an awesome pickup. The road to 180 begins next time within the depths of the Clocktower! Have a great week and see you then!

    ...By the way, Nonna did get her accessory.
    • Like Like x 3
  14. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    4:58 AM
    if you are in ariant you can just talk do npc to go to vic not? btw i trying to convice myself that humun card is worth?
  15. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM

    SPECIAL XVIII. Daedalus Beckons

    Celestalia watched on as the gun-toting heroine flew above the mass of enemies, fiery bullets flying from her magmatic pistol. Before these difficult foes were unleashed upon the world, Nonna had turned this cave into a wide, flat arena for heavy-duty fighting. With flaming arrows flying everywhere, hordes of armored skeletons gathering below, and a bevy of glowing pink ethereal beings running amok, the Rangemaiden was in awe at how this woman could possibly survive it all. And yet, with accuracy nearly rivaling her own, Nonna slew every single one. Yet, even more came.

    And then, Celestalia heard a metallic 'clink'. At the same time, Nonna's eyes narrowed in realization at what she just hit - and what was to emerge from the other side of the arena.

    Then there it was. A huge chest, decked in bright blue and pink, with a nasty row of teeth. The legendary 'Hallowed Mimic' flew at Nonna in an attempt to rip her clean in twain. Nonna dodged this attack, turning her blaster around and plinking even more shots off of its considerable armor. Celestalia, in her spiritual dream state, looked on helplessly as the two danced for what seemed like half an hour. Arrows kept flying, many of them glancing off of Nonna's coat and lighting it on fire. Like Celestalia, Nonna was very adept at potions, and she would need a good amount of them to persist through this battle - or so Celestalia thought. But in reality, Nonna's physical dexterity, with a lot of help from her powerful accessories, proved to be too much for the mimic, which eventually crumpled into bits.

    What appeared out of the smoke brought Celestalia to her knees - or it would have, if she had had knees to be brought to. It was a bow - and not just any bow, a bow with a gleaming celestial energy. Its limbs were wings of pale white, tapering to a purple heart at the nock. The rest seemed to be sapphirical, or some similar type of blue metal.

    It's...amazing, she thought, wanting more than anything to reach into this other world and snatch it out of Nonna's hands. She could feel the sheer power emanating from it. Nonna apparently couldn't, and just up and pocketed it before continuing with the fight. She soon stumbled upon another two mimics, one of them again of the large blue and pink variety. This time, she wasn't so lucky. Trying to pull out her cell phone to teleport away, Nonna picked the wrong slot in her pocket. That allowed the chest to jump on top of her and finish her off.

    Celestalia was whisked with her back to the headquarters she had built. And while Nonna managed to recover everything she lost, she was stricken with frustration and couldn't continue on with the day's activities.

    For the first time in over two weeks, Celestalia had a dream night without Nonna. Was she okay? Celestalia had to know - she couldn't let that bow out of her sight again. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait too long. When Nonna came to her senses the next night, the bow was still safe and sound in her inventory. Nonna meant to sell it to her friend in the desert - but somehow got the feeling that she should instead hold on to it. Slipping it into a chest, she locked it away and went about her activities again.

    I've got to find a way to get it...I just have to.

    Celestalia figured she would have to earn the ability to manifest herself in that world. Then it would be as simple as finding the chest and claiming her prize. That made no sense, but...what does these days...
    There is no instant teleport option I know of, at least for characters over Level 30. Once you reach 31 you're definitely stuck taking the Genie to Orbis and then boat to Ellinia, and vice versa. I've never heard of one going from Ariant to Vic for any level though. As for Homun, I thought it was a pretty easy set, the trick I used was to Arrow Rain to lure the entire map over to one spot and spam until they're all dead. You can stand almost on any platform and they can't hit you. Although, if you're doing this on your main which (according to the infobox) is 4th Job, you probably don't even need to worry about strategy for these guys. MapleF3
    • Like Like x 2
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  16. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    4:58 AM
    i just talk to karakasa and he send me to vic at 10k price, good strategy btw and thanks for the answer
    • Like Like x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    PART CCVII. Two Brick Walls

    Armed with a decent cache of extra numbers, and a renewed sense of aspiration from her dream adventures, Celestalia resumes what has been so far a very brief battle against the Buffies.

    It is also meet to mention that Celestalia didn't have the Blue Potion Chair last time. As usual that will make the expenses here manageable. And early results in that direction were even more promising; against regular Buffy, three Strafes kill them before their attack hits. Celestalia still gets knocked back, but takes no damage...if they shoot immediately. Arrow Bomb is still working against groups, and is worth firing at even two if it means she doesn't get hit for 300+ damage.

    I suspect Arrow Bomb will be of massive importance moving forward.

    Well, the obvious drawback to all of that is a cost of up to 78 MP per kill. But Celestalia didn't mind making her pack a little lighter as there are very few other options to be had.

    That said, after a very short time fighting around the map, she was bored out of her mind and decided to go try the other side.

    The bigger one hurts a lot and attacks at pretty much the same range as Buffy. The smaller one somehow almost matched its damage output. Okay, fine. Celestalia will be back when Strafe is actually up to par.

    So, with pretty much nothing to show for her efforts...I say 'pretty much' because this happened:

    Yeah, I dunno whether this is supposed to be a free gift, or a supreme troll, as the very first Soul Teddy dropped it. As if to say 'Welcome to Deep Ludi, we hope you do not enjoy your stay'. Well joke's on you my dude, that's a solid 90k right there.

    The Rangemaiden retreated back within the confines of her inn to completely redraw the plan of attack. Outside of Deep Ludi and Shade, there are roughly fourteen mobs available to fight. They are, in increasing order of difficulty, Goat (Shanghai), Dark Sand Dwarf (Magatia), Propelly (Ludi), Hogul (KFT), Hector (El Nath), Reindeer (Mu Lung), Wild Kargo (Victoria), Site (Magatia), Tauromacis (Victoria), Commander Skeleton (Victoria), Lucida (Orbis), Homunculus (Magatia), D. Roy (Magatia), and Homunscullo (Magatia).

    Commander Skeleton and Site will be easy enough to finish whenever Celestalia needs to. Everything from that point on is likely to be impossible to complete without spamming potions, which she has been desperately trying to avoid. So perhaps the best solution is just to start with the lowest level and work her way up. Conveniently enough, she's in the right place to do just that. Ironically, she's been avoiding Shanghai for exactly the opposite reason: She doesn't want to get too many potions! Well, she has a bit of extra room in her Use inventory to play around with now. So maybe it won't be too bad.

    Whether she had any motivation to do that today, though...eh, who knew.

    In the next installment, it's back to the Orient for some easyish card sets! Stay tuned.
    I am either really stupid or bad at Maple, probably both, but where is this guy? I'm not finding him on the Library. Well anyway, thanks for stopping by!
    • Like Like x 4
  18. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    4:58 AM
    dw dw, he is in rabbit maps!
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. d3lm

    d3lm Selkie Jr.

    May 11, 2020
    2:58 PM
    it's karcasa, two maps to the right from main town, costs like 10k? meso and spawns u randomly anywhere on vic island
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. OP

    HouseAuburn Capt. Latanica

    Aug 11, 2020
    3:58 AM
    Well that about confirms it once again, I am bad at Maple. Thanks guys. But, moving on,

    PART CCVIII. Surprise, It's a Table!

    So here is Celestalia at Shanghai's Northern Park.

    While this map does have a lot of platforms, it's a lot simpler than the mountain areas, so the route around the map is straightforward enough. There are some of every animal she's seen so far, which is why this might be slow (but also will drop a ton of potions). Case in point: after 25 minutes, Celestalia had 30 Mana Elixirs, three equips, and zero cards.

    And once again, she was bored out of her mind. So at about 40 minutes into the session, she decided to try the other place she had easy...ish...access to:

    And finally something got going!

    But even before that card, there was another drop the Rangemaiden was pretty hyped about. What was it? Well...

    Celestalia has been sitting on a set of witch hats and snowflakes and was waiting for one of these. Now the time has come to finish that set! If...if they are still taking them, I guess. Well Rooney is still around, so she'll try at the end of the session.

    As she by this time had a splitting headache, she had to dip into the FM and take a lengthy nap. When she got out (~2.5 hours after the day began), she almost immediately snagged a second Propelly card. Fifteen minutes later she got another one.

    So at least things were moving!

    It was only five minutes until the fourth card fell. Propelly's drop table is impressive, but I reckon actually getting here and fighting for a long time as a 4x/5x would be a bit difficult. The good news is that during the fighting, Celestalia managed to get something interesting! It's a Yellow Duke - Kalotora needed one of those. She's picked up so many Jangoon Shoes, that's the last thing he needs - if only I'd remembered that.

    Well anyway, the last card also took five minutes.

    The next map is pretty fun. It's a series of long platforms.

    Once again the problem comes down to that there aren't a whole lot of these aircraft at any one time. HOWEVER, a super-early card promised to make things go a bit faster than anticipated.
    Expect most of these to be behind walls.

    And I think I can safely say this is my favorite outside map in the entire tower...because it's not annoying as frack to navigate!! So, will this card set take a long time? Yes. Will Celestalia pull her hair out trying to grind for it? Most likely no.

    Although, if I've learned anything over the course of this challenge, it's never to assume she won't MapleF17

    In any case, that will be a discussion for next weekend. Not wanting to overexert herself, Celestalia scrolled back shortly after that. And she almost forgot a crucial detail...making the Omok set! She very quickly ported to an absolutely deserted Happyville and did get that made.

    Who knows, this could be the last set produced this season...or ever, if it doesn't come back next year! Interesting to think about. But anyway, that's it for this weekend. It's been a disappointing one, and prospects outside of Eos Tower don't look so hot. I'm starting to think the limiting factor is simply that Celestalia is too low level to get traction in most of these areas. Goat is just not efficient at all though, and there isn't much she can do about that. No big deal, she's not missing a great deal by not having access to the rest of Spinel's locations.

    What could help though is if Celestalia got more speed...she has a skill in 3rd Job that can do just that, and since it helps with climbing too, it could be quite useful. Thrust though is extremely low priority compared to Strafe, Arrow Rain, Puppet...Mortal Blow...Hurricane?

    *ahem* Have a good week!
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