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Ainz Progresses a Poor Ranged Attacker

Discussion in 'MapleLegends Journeys' started by Ainz, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Ainz

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Hi everyone!

    This thread will mostly serve as a journal for myself where I list goals, check them off, and also keep track of what I have achieved each session. It will probably consist of a wide range of different characters (as I have the tendency to burn out on a character within 2-3 days of making it) and an absolutely chaotic range of different things I will be doing on different days.

    This was, as for so many, inspired by Sku's thread.

    First, I think it'd be fair to introduce you guys to the 'few' characters that I do consider to have a future (There are heaps more, ranging from failed attempts at a class to storage mules, but I will save both you and myself the effort.)
    The Introductions
    Disclaimer: The information provided here was noted down on Jan 24th, 2021 and will probably be outdated very soon.
    [​IMG]First off, my beautiful Bishop. I certainly have intentions of finishing this guy off to at least 130 (in order to sell WS/2hit skele) but for now, I'm not particularly interested in playing a 4th job mage.
    [​IMG]Excuse the nudity on this poor sod, I have temporarily benched him as I ran out of inspiration on where I would grind. I really do feel some desire within me to continue leveling it and I feel like I'll give it another go sometime soon.
    [​IMG]This guy is basically in the same position as the Gunslinger, but with the added hurdle of my intense loathing for doing zakum prequests. I may very well end up just skipping the zhelm on this guy temporarily and continuing to level it.
    [​IMG]Is it a sweaty Night Lord, is it a MU mule?! I don't think there is anyone that knows. I find sins very fun to play due to their dynamic and agile nature, but GTOP has decided to never ever let me pass a single vote again, so I will not be washing this guy up to HT thresholds. It might be a fun Zak-NL though.
    [​IMG]What do you do when you burn out on a 4th job Dk? Exactly! You make a class that is very similar yet more boring and keep up your naive dreams of it becoming more fun! This character was temporarily benched for other projects, but I think I'll hop on it sometime today or tomorrow and start pushing it towards CDs.
    [​IMG]A character that is currently virtually only used for Eurek's scrolling skill. I have my doubts on whether I want to continue a CB that is practically entirely unwashed, but I might reset out some base AP to int and continue with the addition of my (okay-ish) int gear. I will probably not be going through the Meso Explosion route though.
    [​IMG]Once one of my favorite characters, currently a Nightghost farming mule. I sort of enjoy playing the class, but feel like I really need to push beyond 130 to make zerking a comfortable feat.

    Right, with the introductions out of the way, I think it's now time for the goals (both short- and longterm) and my current plans.
    Character-specific goals:

    [ ] Reach lvl 130
    [ ] Reach lvl 135 to start running Zak
    [ ] Get pants???? (I currently have a 23 dex overall and a 21 str Neos Top but I can't switch to the top without getting decent pants....)
    [ x ] Reach lvl 130
    [ x ] Reach lvl 60 to get the acc for CDs
    [ ] Reach lvl 70
    [ ] Reach lvl 100
    [ ] Reach lvl 120
    [ ] Decide where I want to grind
    [ ] Reach lvl 50
    [ ] Reach lvl 70
    [ ] Reach lvl 100
    [ ] Reach lvl 120
    [ ] Reach lvl 70
    [ ] Reach lvl 81(?) or 83 for being a MU mule in the meantime.
    [ ] Reach lvl 100
    [ ] Reach lvl 120

    General Goals:
    [ ] Get a zak run done
    [ ] Get a character to at least Tier 5 MB Ring (I never do this stuff)
    [ ] Get my cash stack back to 200m
    [ ] Sell Silver Deputy Stars

    This is probably where I'll leave off this thread for now. It was a nice way to pass the maintenance and recollect my thoughts about the game and my plans. I will probably get a couple of hours of playtime in when maintenance ends and update you guys on the progress!

    Index for Nightlord Farming Posts:

    Introductory PostLink
    First Gear ShowcaseLink
    Miner ZombiesLink
    First CWK ExchangeLink
    More CWK + Rav Prequest EtcsLink
    Master ChronosLink
    Nest Golems, Sr. BellflowerLink

    Thanks for reading~
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2023
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  2. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Fighter Progress
    [​IMG]The start of the first officially logged session! Went on a small mp3 duo session, overall I probably only ended up doing 2 hours of actual grinding. Did make decent progress (with a very nice peak in eph if I may say so myself).
    On top of that I ended up selling some loot from a Nightghost farming session and brought my cash-stack back up to 50m! Feels good to have some spending money again, but we're not quite there yet.
    • Like Like x 3
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  3. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Day two of the journal! Yesterday was a good grinding session that did motivate me to pick up the slack on my fighter again.
    Unfortunately, you can't always have the luxury of duo'ing mp3 with a friend, so today's plan is going to be grinding at FoG from 55-60, which will also give me a slight boost in my ever-lacking Monsterbook progress!
    A quick epm test (Yes, I am this sweaty and prefer knowing right around how much eph I'm getting) turned out to not be so bad at FoG. I think I'm averaging around 1.2m/hr with my bishop in the map providing HS MapleF2

    Ended up getting to level 58 before feeling a little worn out, this was after doing the Eliminate Golems and Eliminate Dark Golems quests, think I might give Cheap Amplifiers a shot to get to low-mid 60s. Gonna take a break first, not sure if I'll end up editing this last comment if I continue~

    Edit: Quick test at Cheap Amplifiers done, seems sort of reasonable but I feel like it could be better. It's better exp than FoG though and I really prefer this map layout.
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  4. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Day 3! I had intentions of grinding but I didn't really end up feeling like it, so I decided to switch it up and do some Monsterbook farming. My short term goal with it is tier 2, but we'll see how smoothly it goes / how far I'm willing to push myself~
    Starting at:

    And ending up at:
    Also, we got a nice gach run in after I got bored of farming more~

    Edit: I couldn't stop myself and did another session of cardhunting in the evening/night, we have pushed to new highs!
    84 cards / 17 sets in one day, I never imagined I'd actually give it some effort but it was a very nice change of pace from staring at FoG/mp3 MapleF2
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  5. FatSloth

    FatSloth Windraider Retired Staff

    Nov 15, 2020
    8:52 AM
    Tom so rich... 200m goal in 2 days
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. welch123

    welch123 King Slime

    Nov 4, 2017
    New York, NY
    9:52 AM
    nucky, Jacinda
    Yo ainz, it’s slaveboy. Which character should I add?
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  7. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    I'm mostly playing the Fighter right now, so Reoru. Can't guarantee I'll stick to that char though ^^
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  8. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Day 4 and 5, pardon the inactivity. Uni work is picking up and it's been more difficult to fit longer sessions in between.
    That being said, the past few days haven't really offered anything special in terms of progress. I collected a few more sets on the fighter, bringing it right on to the border of Tier 1. I did some Rav/Pap runs on the DK and got it closer to level 126. This may or may not have sparked some interest in pushing it to level 135, who knows~

    Aside from that, I made a new character to alternate with my fighter. I'm sure some of you guys are already screaming at your monitor in complete frustration with my inability to stick to a character, but ITS MY LIFE FoxF1

    Anyways, the new project is currently only an adorable level 10 thief, but one day I hope it shall be a buff, quested, washed ShadOnionPretty

    You might ask "Hey Ainz, why don't you just continue on the level 75 CB that you wasted half of your playtime on?" and you'd be entirely right to ask that question! The answer is that I'm a complete buffoon and I felt like the 75 extra levels of washing would make me feel more comfortable on the "new, cool, improved" shad. I realize it's not too late to start washing a shad at 75 but I want it to be a real tankyboi.

    Edit: Update
    Decided to actually put some hours in tonight, got some starting progress done on the QuestyShad but felt like it wouldn't be a good thing to abandon my fighter right away. So after writing this message, I'll be continuing my card hunting spree through Ariant!
    Without further ado, meet ShadOwOer:
    Is he hideous? Yes! (He blinked, doesn't count)
    Is he smart? Yes! Look at all that intelligence!
    • Like Like x 7
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  9. FatSloth

    FatSloth Windraider Retired Staff

    Nov 15, 2020
    8:52 AM
    Chonk in the making. Make it to 4th job or else.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Day 6! Today wasn't a day of large achievements, but certainly one of unexpected ones!

    Started the day off with deciding I would finish my Bishop off to level 130 while keeping my DK in the same map for HB. In the end this also resulted in the DK getting a full level and now being like 15% away from lvl 127OnionCourage

    Then I was inspired by HiyoHiyo when he mentioned something about a streamer doing a small challenge (e.g. 5 pushups or something of the sort) whenever he completed a set of Monsterbook cards. I decided to do the same. Apologies for not having the name of the streamer, none of the credit goes to me~
    My plan today was, for every completed set, do:
    20 Squats
    20 Mountain Climbers
    5 Pushups

    I only managed to get 2 sets done today due to time constraints, but I really did like the idea.

    Future plans:
    I think I would like to extend the aforementioned idea to something like a raffle. Whenever I complete a set, I'll spin a (virtual) wheel which gives me a random task from a list of things. I'd probably put things on this list that I really should do but I just can't seem to motivate myself to (e.g. cleaning 1 object / area in my room, reading 1 chapter of my study literature etc etc etc)
    If anyone has any suggestions to be put on the list, do give a holler, I'm always open to trying new things!

    Character Updates:
    There's still 35 ap left in HP/MP that will be washed out whenever GTOP decides I'm allowed to vote again Onion...

    I know the int is fairly low for a level 130, but just as my DK, this guy still has a whopping 80 AP invested into MP. Washing this out is probably going to make me pretty sad about my MP pool but whatever, HB will still bring it close to 30k~

    Thanks for reading! I hope everyone has a pleasant weekend~
    • Like Like x 6
  11. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Day 7, unfortunately no time to play today, but I did feel like getting a small update out!

    Due to having to return some of the int equips I was kindly allowed to safekeep for a friend, I now have to replace the items in a few slots.
    The items in question: 7 int shield, 7 int earrings, 7 int gloves.

    I went on a bit of a scrolling spree yesterday, gambling 45m of the total 70m I currently own (in liquid meso). Luckily, my ballsy play paid off. I made this beauty:

    Next up, I think I'll be replacing the glove. My plan for this is farming 2int YWG's at Cheap Amplifiers (which might be a slow process, but my lvl 61 sin needs the levels there anyways) and then gambling 30s on it. Given that my funds are fairly limited, I will probably settle for 1x30% and finishing with 60s.

    The shield is gonna be an expensive and slow one to replace, but I'm going to try farming my way up to decent bank and then either scrolling my own shield or just buying one.

    I'll hopefully have some time to play tomorrow to get a better update in! Thanks for reading~
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  12. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Day 8! Time flies when you're...doing things.

    I actually kept track of my time spent in-game today and I think I'll try to continue doing so (with no guarantees on how well it goes)
    Time spent: 3h15m
    Meso Gained: 3.5m

    (I realize today wasn't a particularly good day in terms of making meso, but I felt like leveling the sin and hoping for ywgs)
    I basically spent all the time on my sin at Cheap Amplifiers, averaged around 1.4m eph, and managed to get from level 61 to 64. Quite happy with the progress, but unfortunately no Yellow Work Gloves just yet. I do have high hopes for the rest of the grind! I'll be pushing both my sin and my fighter to 70 on Cheap Amps, so there's probably another 17 hours to go, should be good for at least 1-2 YWG OnionPerfect

    Also, I had not realized, but I completed my first 2 goals of the list!
    • Like Like x 6
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  13. Motto

    Motto Skelegon

    Jun 30, 2018
    3:52 PM
    PogShad Motto
    Ainz Cheap Amps is the analogy to Sloth CDs mania
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. FatSloth

    FatSloth Windraider Retired Staff

    Nov 15, 2020
    8:52 AM
    Cmon bruh. Those were good times, 1b in 1.5 months.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Want to elaborate on the number of hours in those 1.5 months?
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  16. Motto

    Motto Skelegon

    Jun 30, 2018
    3:52 PM
    PogShad Motto
  17. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Day 9, having a lot of fun writing the journal and I feel like it's definitely helping me stay in the game mentally.

    Time played: 1h45min
    Total time spent at Cheap Amps: ~5h45min
    Total meso made at Cheap Amps: 7m
    YWG's found: 0 OnionCry
    Exp gained: Lvl 61 to lvl 66
    NX Gained (Thanks Kimmy for the event): 800

    Today was just a short session, been feeling a little frustrated about in-game progress and think I might want to slow down or change it up for a bit.

    Highlight of the day: Thinking it'd be a good idea to gamble a 30% CFA on a 7/50 red craven and booming it in the blink of an eye~ Perhaps this was not the best way to recover my financial situation.

    IRL stuff:
    Uni is starting to really ramp up and I feel like I'm far from the mindset where I should be.
    Decided to spice today up with some walks (30 min morning stroll and probably an hour-long walk in the afternoon) to hopefully clear my head a little.
    Also made some plans with friends to see if that brings some welcome distraction (within Covid guidelines, of course)

    One thing that I'm feeling very thrilled about (to break the negative tone of this post) is that I've done some reading about lower back pains and figured out that all these years of sleeping on my stomach were probably less-than-ideal. Very stubbornly pushed through to a few nights of sleeping in a healthier position and have started waking up with less pain around my back!OnionYes

    [x] Get enough studying done to go to bed satisfied and wake up energized to do more
    [x] Get one hour of studying done (as a starting goal) DONE
    [x] Get two hours of studying done (We're gonna start to scale this up!) BOOYAH
    [ ] Get three hours of studying done (don't know if I want to, but who knows)

    [x] Sleep before 11pm
    [x] Clean up the other side of my desk to provide me with an area to study that is separate from my 'slacking' PC. Cleaned up and ready for productivity!
    [ ] Get back on track with my training plan for running a half marathon
    [x] Start hitting my daily 8.000-10.000 steps BOOM, 10.100 steps!
    • Like Like x 4
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  18. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Another day, another post!
    Day 10, getting into the double digits and, looking back at where I started, there has been pretty decent progress among my characters.

    A recap:
    I felt like it would be a good moment to have a quick recap on what has been achieved over the past few days. I realize that this might be fairly early, but personally, I think frequent recaps keep me motivated, so here goes nothing!
    Character levels:
    DK: 125 -> 126
    Bish: 128 -> 130
    Fighter: 50 -> 61, +30 monster book sets
    Sin: 61 -> 67

    Meso changes:

    Hehehe.... This is probably not the most positive part of this section, my original goal of building up to 200m cash stack got interrupted by wanting to replace some of my int gear. The current cash stack is probably around 30-40m, but there's a lot of expenses coming up.

    Today in Maple:
    Started today off pretty chill, did a 90-minute session at Cheap Amplifiers.
    Time played: 1h30min
    Total time spent at Cheap Amps: ~7h15min
    Total meso made at Cheap Amps: 11m
    YWG's found: 0 OnionCry
    Exp gained: Lvl 61 to lvl 67
    NX Gained (Thanks Kimmy for the event): 800+1100 = 1900

    I've also started using my (fairly broad) range of characters for selling daily fames. I didn't feel like making extra mules to do so, so currently I've settled for selling ~20 fames a day.

    Today IRL:
    A section that I had never imagined would be part of this journal, but one that I am really enjoying.

    Looking back at yesterday's goals, I'm very happy with the result. I did not yet get back into running, but I hit a lot of goals and I woke up feeling ready for building further on this.

    For today:
    [ ] Get my 8.000-10.000 steps in
    [ ] Do 2 hours of studying aside from my lectures
    [X] Get balanced groceries done and stay away from meaningless snacking
    [X] Do my stretches
    [X] Clean part of my room
    • Like Like x 4
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  19. Motto

    Motto Skelegon

    Jun 30, 2018
    3:52 PM
    PogShad Motto
    >be ainz
    >farm 0 gacha in a day

    pls don't block me
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  20. OP

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    3:52 PM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Day 11, nothing too special to document today!

    Didn't have too much time/energy to play, so I sold leech to a friend (which is the only way I'll ever sell leech).

    Exp gained: Like 5-10% on bish
    Meso gained: 16m
    Gach gained: 11 commons, 1 rare

    I've started saving up my gach tickets. Gonna exchange them when I reach a set of 50-100. Really hoping this breaks up my 6-year-long spree of bad luck.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Great Work Great Work x 1

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