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Pirate Quick analysis of Barrel-Cancel tech

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by Jaewonnie, Jul 7, 2021.

  1. Jaewonnie

    Jaewonnie Windraider

    Apr 21, 2020
    Crimsonwood Mountain: Cavern of Pain
    10:29 PM
    • Added GIF of full barrel-cancel combo under Details

    There has been recent debate regarding the full cast time of the barrel-cancelling tech used by buccaneers. If you are unfamiliar with the tech, you can consult iPippy's guide here https://forum.maplelegends.com/index.php?threads/a-buccaneers-field-guide-2020.34735/. The following post goes frame-by-frame of the combo to determine the cast time between your barrage and the follow-up combo and then show the effect on your dmg. Note, this is not the theoretical limit since you cannot macro melee to break the barrel, nor can you macro the follow-up chain together (the chain itself can be a macro but you cannot combine the entire barrel-cancel in one or two macros); your cast time depends on your reaction time. Nevertheless, I've recorded a bunch of barrel-combos and took the best one to analyze.

    Barrel cancel keystrokes:
    1. Barrage + barrel macro
    2. Melee (to break barrel)
    3. Follow-up chain (eg. dragonstrike, orb+drain, double drain, etc.)

    Barrel cancel frames:
    Below is a gif from the very first frame of Keystroke 1 to the very first frame of Keystroke 3 in 30 fps. Here I am using dragonstrike as Keystroke 3. The frame length of this gif minus 1 should be the cast time of barrage+barrel+melee. Each frame length is 1/30 seconds.

    The total cast time of barrage+barrel+melee is somewhere around 1233 ms.

    The first frame of barrage are indicated by the "orbs" circled in red. The orbs circled in blue are remnants from a previous dragonstrike. I've compared Frame 1 with the previous frame to make sure the orbs coming from barrage are not coming from dragonstrike.

    The first frame of dragonstrike is indicated by your character leaning in and knuckle extended out (see red circles). This is not part of the barrage sequence. This can be checked by seeing the previous frame. Something interesting to note, depending on how fast you press Keystroke 2 and Keystroke 3, the sprite of the unbroken barrel exists for a moment and disappears immediately after, even when the animation of the barrel breaking played.

    Full combo (I missed a frame at the end here I think):
    • Barrage Barrel: Frames 1-38
    • Dragon strike: Frames 39-70
    • Delay: Frames 71-79 (there should be a Frame 80)

    Barrel-Cancel Combos and DMG:
    So what are the consequences of this? Should you aim for 1233 ms barrel-cancelling every time you're untransformed? Probably not. You'll do better as an adult talent in LA with fingers like those. However, let's see how much better barrel-cancelling compares to non-cancelling and even demolition. Damage is reported in % of range rather than actual dpm so that we can compare combos and not damage vs other classes. Please note, the following numbers assumes you are not switching between untransformed/transformed.


    DPS (%/sec) of Regular combos:
    • Barrage + Flash fist x 2 = 1223
    • Barrage + Double uppercut = 1238
    • Barrage + Dragonstrike = 1241
    • Barrage + Drain x 2 = 1289
    • Barrage + Energy orb = 1341
    DPS (%/sec) of Barrel combos:
    • Barrage-Barrel + Flash fist x 3 = 1373
    • Barrage-Barrel + Double uppercut + Flash fist = 1388
    • Barrage-Barrel + Dragonstrike = 1373
    • Barrage-Barrel + Drain x 3 = 1475
    • Barrage-Barrel + Energy orb + Drain = 1544
    DPS (%/sec) of Supertransform:
    • Demolition = 1831
    Taking the strongest combos of each category and expressing them relative to demoltion, we have:
    • Barrage + Energy orb = 0.73
    • Barrage + Energy orb + Drain = 0.83
    • Demolition = 1
    In short, you will do 10-15% more damage by barreling compared to the non-barrel combo analog. Due to having to SI/Booster, repositioning in real bossing, as well as natural variance of keystroke reaction time (I estimate this varies from 0-200 ms), the numbers reported here are very difficult to achieve in a realistic scenario. Even at dummies. Timing of the barrel breaking (you cannot immediately break the barrel) and then timing the keypress that initiates the follow-up (you cannot immediately initiate the follow-up combo) is crucial in minimizing the barrel cast time.

    1. Total time between Barrage-Barrel to Follow-up chain is around 1233 ms. This shaves off almost 600 ms of the regular non-barrel barrage cast time. Note repetition of barrage is still limited by the 2630 ms delay time.

    2. When using barrel-cancelling, your combos will be about 10-15% stronger than their non-barrel-cancel analog. This translates to about 3-5% more dpm if you factor in 2 min of ST and 1 min of non-ST.

    3. In order to keep up a perfect barrel-combo, you will press about 67 keystrokes/min! The anti-thesis of NL gameplay. So it is up to you if you think that's worth your dpm increase.

    Keyboard setup
    macro2.JPG macro1.JPG

    With this keyboard setup, I can barrel-cancel combo with only my left hand which allows me to scratch my nose with my right hand amongst other possible activities.
    • Great Work Great Work x 25
  2. xiaoyaoz

    xiaoyaoz Game Developer Staff Member Game Developer Balance Team

    Jul 17, 2020
    3:29 AM
    You probably are annoyed from hearing me asking this already, but can any of the buccs around try and confirm if they can do 22 times Barrage-Barrel + Energy orb + Drain combo and the final 23rd Barrage before the DPM counter returns?
    Would just like to know if a perfect execution in a perfect situation is possible from any very skilled player. Thanks
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. iPippy

    iPippy Headless Horseman

    May 19, 2019
    10:29 PM
    A good write-up of options for barrelers and non-barrelers alike. I didnt have the timings to make theoretical %/sec but can confirm that those numbers line up nicely with my empirical tests. Triple drain is a very nice option before orb for extra healing and damage, to boot.

    A quick reminder to make sure the attacks used are actually landing, as du and ff have a smaller reach, and both have different reaches. If I recall, Vergamot from inside the water can be hit by du but NOT ff for example. Drain and orb are both larger reach to be applicable in most situations, but nothing can beat the range of dragon strike.
  4. flow

    flow Slimy

    Jan 18, 2021
    12:29 AM
    Lisnar, HolyFlow, Theorist
    Very cool post, ty for sharing it!
    btw, can you guys share how much macros you can fit in one dpm 1 counter? i'm killing myself but always end before or on the start of the 23 combo.
    I really wanna know if this is a player skill issue or ping problems
    EDIT: yes, it was ping issue, it isn't hit hard like on shadowers, seems like 1% damage gap or something like that without vpn

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