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Update [Beta Test] Challenges System - HP Wash Alternative

Discussion in 'Update Notes' started by xiaoyaoz, Feb 19, 2023.

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  1. xiaoyaoz

    xiaoyaoz Balance Team Staff Member Balance Team

    Jul 17, 2020
    4:34 AM
    Hello everyone again,

    If you haven't read the [Alpha Test] thread, please do check it out, as this is the continuation of our explanation of the challenges system, with this thread focusing on what the challenges specifically are and how will they lead to obtaining the rewards.

    As this will be a beta test, completing the challenges will not reward HP, and the challenges progress will be wiped upon final release.

    To begin, talk to our custom NPC, Rosa, in Lith Harbour, who will handle everything regarding the Challenges system. As long as you are at least level 100, Rosa will have a quest ready for you, which will let you beta test the challenge system. Upon completion, it will NOT reward you with HP, but a collectible equipment as a token of appreciation instead.

    Currently, only the first two sets of challenges are available, the one for the level 100 tier and level 110 tier. This is because the current testing phase focuses on the following:
    • Gathering feedback on the effort:gain ratio, to make sure that the theoretical difficulty levels used in planning the challenges actually hit the mark;
    • Understanding whether the challenge options are attractive enough to make the system worth playing through;
    • Keeping track of progress and load behind the scenes, to plan possible adjustments and optimizations before the rest of the challenges are implemented.
    The remaining 7 tiers, up to level 180, will be released during one of the upcoming patches.

    In order to complete this first tier and obtain the supposed "HP reward", the player needs to complete:
    - 1x mandatory GENERAL challenge
    - 1x mandatory
    CLASS-SPECIFIC challenge
    - 3x
    OPTIONAL or SPECIAL challenge of choice under the same tier

    There will be multiple optional challenges to choose from, but only one of them will count towards completing the challenge tier. The other optional challenges may offer smaller rewards in the future, but they will not count towards the challenge tier completion. Alternatively, completing one of the optional challenges may replace one of the two mandatory challenges, in the future, which would allow players who do not meet the 3rd or 4th job requirements to participate in the challenge system.

    For the time being, ongoing challenge progress may be tracked via the command !challenges in chat. Previous tiers optional challenge need not be completed to access later tier optionals, but only a number of optionals can be active at a time by picking them in the !challenges command.

    Upon completion of a challenge, a small custom effect will appear briefly on top of your character and a chat message will confirm the completion.

    In order to finish the Challenges quest, after completing both mandatory and 3 optionals, you can talk to Rosa to complete the tier. Completing each Challenges tier will "collect" the bonus HP into a pool, that the player can then ask Rosa about at any time they want. Players will still need to opt out of HP washing, and to remove any assigned AP into HP/MP, to obtain the HP reward.

    Mandatory Challenges [must complete both]:
    • Global: this mandatory challenge can be done by any job, and can include anything that isn't bound to class requirements.
      This will consists of custom Questline that has fleshed out storyline, custom assets, and potentially new quest mechanics to offer a seamless journey that provides players with a natural sense of progression.
    • Class: each new Tier will include a class-specific quest that is obtainable through the character job instructor.
      This consists of performing actions with some of the most common skills of said class.
      This can be dealing damage, casting effects, and so on.
    Optional challenges [must complete three]:
    • Optional challenges: there are multiple types of these, each revolving around a single theme.
      For the time being, there are 8 types of optionals available; more types may show up as we progress through the testing phase.
      Players need not complete previous tier optionals, but only a set of them can be kept active to do at any given time.
    Note: Only the Optional challenges relative to the Tier in progress will count towards the Tier completion.
    So, for example, in order to complete Tier 2, apart from the two mandatory challenges, the player will also need to pick between Boss II, Scroll II, the second Special, or whichever other optional II will be around.
    Optional challenges [must complete one]:
    • Tiered challenges: there are multiple types of these, each revolving around a single theme.
      For the time being, only "Boss" and "Scroll" are available; more types will show up as we progress through the testing phase.
      In order to obtain the next challenge of the same type, the player must have completed all the previous ones (in addition to having reached the next Tier).
      For example, in order to gain access to Boss II, the player must have completed Boss I, and have completed the first HP quest.
    • Special challenges: there is only one of these per Tier. Unlike the tiered challenges, these aren't bound to a specific theme, and do not require the player to have completed all the previous specials, to gain access to the new one.

    Tier 1 - Mandatory Challenge (updated for Summer 2023)
    Mandatory Vikin's Treasure
    Note: Vikin's Treasure is a custom questline that has a series of quest around Victoria Island that explores the story on what happened to Vikin's treasure.
    Tier 1 - Mandatory Class-specific Challenge
    HeroDeal 20,000,000 damage with Panic.
    PaladinDeal 50,000,000 damage with fire power.
    Dark KnightDeal 50,000,000 damage with Spear/Polearm Crusher.
    Fire/PoisonDeal 50.000.000 damage with Explosion.
    Ice/LightningDeal 50,000,000 damage with Ice Strike.
    BishopDeal 50,000,000 damage with Shining Ray.
    BowmasterDeal 100,000,000 damage with Strafe.
    MarksmanDeal 100,000,000 damage with Strafe.
    Night LordDeal 100,000,000 damage with Lucky Seven.
    ShadowerDeal 50,000,000 damage with Band of Thieves.
    BuccaneerDeal 50,000,000 damage with Energy Blast.
    CorsairDeal 100,000,000 damage with Burst Fire.
    Note: This is now available as a quest from your respective job instructor.

    Tier 1 - Optional Challenges
    BossDefeat Crimson Balrog 5 times.
    PartyAttend 5 weddings.
    MerchantUse 20 Owl of Minerva.
    TravelExplore 10 unique maps around Victoria Island.
    ScrollPass 10 of any 100% scrolls.
    QuestComplete any 3 Jump Quests in Victoria Island.
    CraftingCraft 10 Equips with Chrishrama in Sleepywood.
    SpecialChange haircut and face 3 times.
    Note: Higher tiers Challenge details can be found in game.

    Mandatory Challenge (updated for Anniversary 2023)
    Mandatory Defeat 7,000 monsters in Deep Ludibrium.
    Note: Kills from party count but characters have to be actively attacking.
    Mandatory Class-specific Challenge
    HeroDeal 20,000,000 damage with Panic.
    PaladinDeal 50,000,000 damage with fire power.
    Dark KnightDeal 50,000,000 damage with Spear/Polearm Crusher.
    Fire/PoisonDeal 50.000.000 damage with Explosion.
    Ice/LightningDeal 50,000,000 damage with Ice Strike.
    BishopDeal 50,000,000 damage with Shining Ray.
    BowmasterDeal 100,000,000 damage with Strafe.
    MarksmanDeal 100,000,000 damage with Strafe.
    Night LordDeal 100,000,000 damage with Lucky Seven.
    ShadowerDeal 50,000,000 damage with Band of Thieves.
    BuccaneerDeal 50,000,000 damage with Energy Drain.
    CorsairDeal 100,000,000 damage with Burst Fire.
    Optional Challenges
    BossDefeat Crimson Balrog 5 times.
    PartyComplete 5 Amoria Party Quest.
    MerchantUse 20 Owl of Minerva.
    ScrollPass 10 of any 100% scrolls.
    QuestComplete 10 Orbis exchange with Staff Sergeant Charlie.
    CraftingRefine 30 jewel, mineral plates, or crystals.
    SpecialChange haircut and face 3 times.
    Mandatory Challenge (before Anniversary 2023)
    Mandatory Defeat 10,000 monsters in Deep Ludibrium.
    Note: Kills from party count but characters have to be actively attacking.
    Mandatory Class-specific Challenge
    HeroDeal 500,000 damage with Panic.
    PaladinDeal 500,000 damage with Charged Blow.
    Dark KnightDeal 500,000 damage with Spear/Polearm Crusher.
    Fire/PoisonDeal 500,000 damage with Explosion.
    Ice/LightningDeal 500,000 damage with Ice Strike.
    BishopDeal 500,000 damage with Shining Ray.
    BowmasterDeal 1,000,000 damage with Strafe.
    MarksmanDeal 1,000,000 damage with Strafe.
    Night LordDeal 1,000,000 damage with Lucky Seven.
    ShadowerDeal 500,000 damage with Band of Thieves.
    BuccaneerDeal 500,000 damage with Energy Drain
    CorsairDeal 1,000,000 damage with Burst Fire.
    Optional Challenges
    BossDefeat Crimson Balrog 10 times
    TravelUse 100 Return scrolls
    SpecialChange haircut or face 5 times
    Here's a small diagram to better describe the different types of challenge.

    From the community, we would like to hear what you think about the Challenges and to test if they are in any way broken or buggy. Let us know what you think:
    • Is it too easy? Is it too complicated? How do you find the difficulty?
    • Is it not inclusive?
    • What combination of mandatory + optional challenges do you think would be appropriate?
    • Any suggestions on numbers (such as damage dealt) or general feedback is greatly appreciated!
    We look forward from hearing from you!

    Thank you,
    The MapleLegends Team
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
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