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Storage on Maple Island

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Salt, Jan 6, 2021.

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  1. Chris

    Chris Zakum Retired Staff

    Jan 18, 2016
    Maple Island
    10:13 AM
    I don't personally think its as slow as most people would think, we just lack motivation without events/a new shiny item go work for, especially when our community dies at the end of every event (if the event even sparked any activity). I think LazySoup is proof of the motivation a storage would provide as he was able to go from 34~60 using any items he wanted in under 2 months.
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  2. kitsunychang

    kitsunychang Horny Mushroom

    Feb 26, 2018
    Dangerous Forest, Rainbow Street
    10:13 AM
    Well he cheated simply put. It's objectively slow okay? 3-ish pigs for a hundredth of a percent, come on. I don't think you need motivation to island either, it's just something you do for sake of it. Getting to a high level such as 70 to equip something means nothing. You're still here grinding mindlessly like everybody else even after you equip your shiny new doodad.
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  3. zeroxlr

    zeroxlr Windraider

    Oct 11, 2020
    7:13 AM
    Beginner, Camper, Islander
    So anyways... to recap again LOL as to why Storage would be good to have:

    I have shown in my previous posts meta doesn't change, and also would bring back nostalgia.

    Please read my previous posts on Islander Meta (exp grinding pg 4, and item farming pg 5), and Islander Nostalgia of Pre-Big Bang pg 8.

    Yes to Storage:
    1. cosmetically fun/meme! (not meta breaking as shown in many of my previous posts)

    2. removes issue for legalities of off-island items

    3. build a fresh and fun community for chatting and grinding, that's welcoming for new islanders!

    4. welcoming for islanders, snail crushers, pro islanders (allows islanders to play how they want, like back in GMS v62)

    5. brings back nostalgia of off-island items (v62 was supposed to allow off-island items via MTS since v53)

    Everything that I've shown thus far with proof and citations of meta/nostalgia that Storage would be an okay thing to have for Islanders.

    I totally.... put hours into researching about maplelegends Islander meta with testing proof with our server, and Islander nostalgia citations from old maplestory forums...


    soo... no balance issues either!

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  4. kitsunychang

    kitsunychang Horny Mushroom

    Feb 26, 2018
    Dangerous Forest, Rainbow Street
    10:13 AM
    You can't change the rules of the game just because it doesn't effect meta.
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  5. Chris

    Chris Zakum Retired Staff

    Jan 18, 2016
    Maple Island
    10:13 AM
    I don't want to get into the logistics of that, as it will stray off the point of the thread with a ton more back and forth I imagine.

    You're devaluing levels & seemed to agree or chose not to argue with the fact that the items currently on the island have require very little work to obtain, where you basically just had to be present for the event. The only point I see left is that you simply don't want people to obtain items, that I imagine you've obtained through the past events/something on par to it when it comes to smuggling/storage. I personally have nothing left to say unless new arguments are brought up.
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  6. kitsunychang

    kitsunychang Horny Mushroom

    Feb 26, 2018
    Dangerous Forest, Rainbow Street
    10:13 AM
    I just don't want people obtaining illegal items. Don't assume that I simply don't want anybody else to have the same items as me. Everything in my inventory that I use, I would give away if i had spares.
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  7. zeroxlr

    zeroxlr Windraider

    Oct 11, 2020
    7:13 AM
    Beginner, Camper, Islander
    i feel... OnionMercy

    i know i cant change the rules.... on my own... OnionBeaten

    even if meta and nostalgia are not affected


    this suggestion thread can help change the rules ???


    Does the staff think the rules of the game can change? Is it possible to get Storage to the Island?

    Is my proof and citations from previous posts enough?
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  8. kitsunychang

    kitsunychang Horny Mushroom

    Feb 26, 2018
    Dangerous Forest, Rainbow Street
    10:13 AM
    Don't take it personally, I just don't think rules should change so drastically
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  9. Chris

    Chris Zakum Retired Staff

    Jan 18, 2016
    Maple Island
    10:13 AM
    I'd equate it to you not caring if people have to waits years (if ever?) to obtain something given in the past. Not every event is going to be for islanders, even it it was previously. Not every item is going to come back. This hurts the future of Islanders & new islanders.

    A storage is probably the only way to fix all these problems as we are never going to get everything back, every single year. In addition to getting new items that would have a positive impact to their characters.
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  10. kitsunychang

    kitsunychang Horny Mushroom

    Feb 26, 2018
    Dangerous Forest, Rainbow Street
    10:13 AM
    Nobody cared if I had to work my ass off daily for my legitimately scrolled items. You don't have to rely on event items as you've pointed out before. Its really just a want thing.
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  11. Chris

    Chris Zakum Retired Staff

    Jan 18, 2016
    Maple Island
    10:13 AM
    You don't have to and yet clearly our entire community revolves around events.
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  12. Voxtagrams

    Voxtagrams Headless Horseman

    Jun 13, 2020
    7:13 AM
    MTS as used with real life currency to be obtained, most used it like a storage by making the items have ridiculous amount.

    MTS also had duplicated item in there that were bought, I for one fell for it twice LOL

    I bought a 27 LUK Male Bathrobe and a Pink Bean chair for a total of $184 I believe.. maybe more but thats besides the point.

    Since MTS was easily abused selling duplicated items for IRL money translated in NX so that players in GMS would be able to enjoy getting NX without having to ask their parents if they could get a Neckson game card to get items in game.

    However since this is MapleLegends and trading anything in the game for IRL currency is bannable having a storage on the island would be the best legit thing that the game could offer.

    (Not my video, I'm just linking it lol)
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  13. Voxtagrams

    Voxtagrams Headless Horseman

    Jun 13, 2020
    7:13 AM
    I made an islander so that I could experience the islander life.

    After a while I understood about what everyone was posting here not having a storage, or even having smuggled items or not.

    I don't care if leveling is slow, I care about having a community that helps each other out when its a fellow islander or a player just starting out, any help that Southperry and alliance can do for each other wether that be giving free Red Shells or Arrows, helping someone making a character that doesn't use STR to kill pigs for example to help them out.

    Having a storage on Maple Island would serve as a free 'MTS' of sorts, if an islander were to get like a 15 dex bathrobe or a red whip whats the difference to a Maplemas Lights?

    If you're saying that items that could one shot monsters there, pretty much every level 24 is going to do that as long as they have a Gold Surfboard a White Gomushin with +3 dex some weather or warrior potions would one shot even for a level 20.

    Having a storage would make it a fair way to have everyone enjoy the island even if the items could possibly be broken like an event item that can be scrolled with scrolls obtained from an event.

    I still hope that a storage would be implemented so that Islanders can be revived to a point where even new players would consider making one so that we would have that MapleStory 2003 when people would need a CD to install the game, and the island be full of players as if it were just created.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  14. OP

    Salt Slimy

    Apr 3, 2015
    4:13 PM
    Newbton, Salt
    I would like to see some more feedback from people that haven't posted in this thread already. It's tiring to repeat the same points over and over to why a storage is a good way to deal with a lot of issues and also bring new life into islanding. The ratio is currently 21 agrees vs 6 disagrees. I didn't do a voting poll but if we look at this ratio along with comments, the majority are all for storage. I hope that staff keeps this in mind and also look at who that "agrees" and "disagrees" actually plays an islander and isn't trying to meme/spoil things for others because of their personal view. I would also like to hear an update from staff, how many people needs to agree on this before it can even be considered? And should a few people that disagrees really steal this chance away? An opportunity for change and hope for islanders.
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  15. Winnie

    Winnie Timer

    Feb 22, 2020
    10:13 PM
    My Islander is lv26
    IGN - Retain
    & yes i don't play her alot

    Why i have an Islander
    I like helping people when they ask for help especially when they're making a mage , i don't actually help them kill stuff but i give them the ETC that I collected to speed things up for them .

    It's only level 26 , you're not actually an islander yet..
    The reason why i don't play it more its because they're usually neglected , event require high level or they didn't put Event NPC until like halfway through the event .
    Another reason is doing Mai's quest over and over for hair & face is so annoying , when my character doesn't look good I lose abit of motivation to play .

    My very first character in ML is actually an islander (until level 25) , I left maple island on it because there's no Event NPC until later on when I already left to spend my event currency .

    Do I care about speed equip ? - Not really , at the end of the day , the reason I have an islander is to help people . Not being the first to X level

    Do I care about damage ? - No , all i needed is a Gold surfboard , after thousands of slime kill I still didn't get one . After helping friend with their mule , I told them if they find one by chance , give them to me and they found one , not the best but it'll do SlimeCry

    Do I care about cosmetic ? Yes ! Cosmetic is the Biggest Flex other than your LEVEL

    Do I care about smuggled item that ''give them an advantage'' & report ? No & no . I don't even know we're suppose to report them if we find them .

    Bank/Storage NPC Yay or Nay ? Mehh ~ I don't care . I play it however I want and I won't judge . If majority of the Islander want it , I wouldn't oppose to it . We already have access to stuff that don't belong in maple island anyway , event gave us weapon & scroll .

    NPC that sell speed equip / scrolls Yay or Nay ? Don't like this idea but can we have blue potion/green apple in shop so I can help the people better ? Three snail uses MP u'know !

    Hi thanks for reading &
    Happy islanding :heart:
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  16. NatteHond

    NatteHond Skelosaurus

    Apr 10, 2015
    4:13 PM
    I don't really play on my islander (lv. 32) anymore, and at first I thought that the idea of a storage would seem kind of against the point of islanding in general. After reading this thread however, I've become more in favor of a storage/change added to Maple Island. I think this post sums it up best:
    This post along with all the multiple in-depth posts by zeroxlr really showed me that adding a Storage/bringing a change to Maple Island won't be such a negative change. Most islanders have already reached 1hit status anyways, and without events (that islanders can even participate in LOL) there really isn't anything blowing new life into the Island currently. It really isn't the same as back in 2015, adding new changes like Storage would seem to be the best decision imo.

    Additionally, to the people making points like this:
    You do know the Maple Island didn't used to have Casey (omok/card game NPC) and pet food right? Technically speaking, we already HAVE offland stuff added to the Island, albeit mostly cosmetic/fun additions.

    I am all in favor of a change being brought to the Island, whether it's a Storage or something else.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  17. Kimmy

    Kimmy Administrator Staff Member Administrator Game Moderator

    Sep 9, 2014
    4:13 PM
    Moderator Post
    The community by itself doesn't completely decide on what we add and not add. We had many suggestions in the past that had massive support from the community but didn't get added or added yet. So it's not quite a 'we need x people to support it before we consider' but more so the community can help bring up points why something should or shouldn't be added, or help pointing out views of things that we otherwise wouldn't have seen.

    The topic is now not even a week old yet, so I've got no update to give when it comes to an actual final decision.
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  18. Winnie

    Winnie Timer

    Feb 22, 2020
    10:13 PM
    PART 2
    At times I don't really know how to word stuff properly , me thoughts in me brain & me english....MapleF3

    First off OBVIOUSLY I don't 'MAIN' Islander so you can just ignore my opinion on everything and pretend I don't exist MapleF2
    I like to point out , we're basically sharing this game & obviously there's rule and what not we have to follow .

    1) I don't think we should instill our ideal way of playing on others .
    the game / staff allow us to do something (eg- smuggling) , it doesn't mean you have to do it .
    You're already playing a class/job that is very odd and maybe ''not intended'' if you think about it . Especially if you play Islander back when MapleStory first came out .
    (who tf play perma-beginner let alone islander , weirdo) just kidding ~

    I really don't know why some of you are so against this if ''majority of the Islander'' want this change (OP said majority due to agree/disagree ratio which is not actually factual until proven)
    If you're so against this give a real reason because I see alot of ''ideal'' + ''standard'' you've set and expect people to play a certain way and I get it , I really do .
    There's alot of reason but when I think really hard about it and try to understand everyone's point of view , there's really no right way or wrong way to play Islander . Why is smuggling item into maple island bad in the first place , is there really a negative impact to begin with ? There's also no HUGE benefit , I could've close one eye and play it the way I'm gonna play it .

    If I play like a ''survivor islander'' (Meaning - I can only use what drop + NPC that belong in maple island) ,
    everyone that get event stuff isn't a 'true islander' in my eyes since event NPC doesn't belong but I'm fine with that , we can still be friend on the lonely island .
    Mainland equipment , potions , scrolls , etc & meso isn't game breaking to me when we do everything with ease

    Having a storage can give some people more way to go about playing . Lets say you get gacha on island , you can transfer to mainlander use it & transfer back to your islander , you're still an islander that uses what the island give you except... there's no Gachapon NPC . Improvise... , think of it as roleplay afterall its a MMORPG MapleF3 . Gacha ticket don't belong in maple island in the first place .
    Set you own rule & obey them , only you yourself know how legitimate you are !
    Huiae from sleepy-lock challenge thread

    ** Obviously some people will end up quitting their islander because things doesn't sit right for them so there'll be fewer islander & there's no guarantee that this change will help the already dead islander population **
    Beside that I personally don't see any game breaking effect . Will I use a bank function ? If I were to use it , it's only for cosmetic purposes such as 01402029.png , it is in no way better than a Gold surfboard MapleF3_Origin

    Attached Files:

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  19. Motto

    Motto Skelegon

    Jun 30, 2018
    4:13 PM
    PogShad Motto
    ye but pirate chair can be traded inside CS f3

    I want more chairs and I want some lvl 50+ weapons to aim for, just because they look nice
    Like Guan Yu Polearm
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  20. Winnie

    Winnie Timer

    Feb 22, 2020
    10:13 PM
    Yes it can be traded in CS but it's not an islander thing so it is technically a prohibited item just like everything people smuggle... bit of a stretch but.. you should get the point :p
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