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Bring back the nostalgia /stop the loss of players /hp washing - the solution

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Magen, Dec 6, 2021.

  1. Magen

    Magen Selkie Jr.

    Mar 31, 2020
    1:40 AM
    Hello legends,

    In this thread I'm gonna try to explain the our server's Achilles heel - we have barely get fresh players in here, nostalgic contents are dead meta (everyone go to leech) and why in my opinion we get to got 600 to 1k ppl online instead of 3-4k like we had 1year ago (first-2 wave of corona is a good excuse but , we have racing server and they have lost much less)

    I wrote this suggestion after I read these threads -
    high lights -
    and this thread -
    long story short - nostalgic content is not good enough to spend time on.

    I believe everyone here had have this so called dilemma, and this is the main problem for us as a server - we are losing people because of this dilemma.

    losing people effects our economy as well so this solution can also get a good side effect of having more people -> better economy for everyone.

    this made me think about the following - a solution that provides possible and applicable way to wash your character but yet not too easy - not 1 click item that provides you 30k hp but yet good enough to be a solution.

    the problem (once again but in detail) -
    Okay lets go straight to the point - if you building a new character (read range) you gonna make it at least 18k hp to 30k hp - to unlock every game-content.
    this requires about 250 to 400 base int (not warrior and also depends on your gear but yet cant go below it)
    250 int base -50 levels of stats - the content you loss -hpq/kpq/lpq/ludi maze pq/ opq/mpq
    why? cause how your stats would look like -
    thinking of thief - 25base dex req (5levels),250~400(50levels~80levels), whats left for luk?
    this also true for every class (non-war)
    so here we got maplelegend's meta sentenced us to avoid every nostalgic content, and leech our characters until the end-game (lv140~160).

    point of view for a new player - (Timmy's Dilemma) and also no mesos for int gear what makes everything even harder.

    I believe Timmy's dilemma is kind of the server player's crossroad - should I stay OR should I leave.
    here I believe - most of the new players leave.
    mostly because of how the end-game players sees the meta- if you wont do 18k hp at least its all a waste.
    The other- those who stay - struggle with building a bishop/mage and sell their soul to leech ppl/leech themselves so the could unlock the content they couldn't do with low hp.

    lets try to get to understand why people choose to leave -
    there are so many guides of hp washing that is correct but if you consume the time you need to vote you gonna get something close to year or two (voting only) and all this for what? to unlock some nt content/ht/pb? (sure there are more but these are the most of them)

    NO SHIT SHERLOCK! yes I know nothing new under the sun - this all explanation is to show staff what a player struggle with on the crossroad to leave/stay and this also points on why people do not do pqs/ early game content at all.

    After we went through what it takes to make a new character and play it we can assume that at least 50 levels to 80 levels in stats are go waste for INT stats which lock you from having fun in early-game content - the most nostalgic content in game.

    the solution - washing stats / real stats : and the balanced formula
    when you level you will get 5 base stats and 5 OPTIONAL washing stats.

    washing stats - using these stats will decrease your range by (CHARACTER LEVEL / 10), using 1 point or 500 points will cause the same impact - decrease your range by your level / 10.

    Examples - level 35 that uses washing points (1 or 100 same decrease) : 35/10= 3.5% decrease in stats which is barely notice - he can do whatever content he'd like to.
    another example - level 130 with washing points will loss 13% of his range - which is like having negative mw30 on your stats - but yet he can do damage, this character will be valid to join boss runs and do whatever content he would like to.

    washing points rules
    Washing points could go only to hp/mp/int - these stats can not change your strength (even for mages), because the main idea here is to separate between BASE and WASHING stats.
    The decrease of power is linear which means as you get to higher level you loss more range for having washing points but once you have washed your "washing points" out and you have no washing points left you will get back your 10% of your range back.

    level up with washing stats -
    the system will have to take in count the INT from base stats and your washing stats and add it to the regular formula of class hp/mp improvement

    example -
    lets take corsair has had level up with 350 washing stats in int and he wear int gear which adds 150 int
    the total is 500 int - straight adds it as 50mp extra (same as level with 500 total int)

    common and possible questions -

    - what about int gear??
    nothing change for int gear, when character is level up the INT from base stats (real stats) and washing stats combined together.
    - this solution not kill the meta of voting 1y-2y-
    that's correct - you will have to vote to the server to gain NX to be able to reset your washing stats, but your character will be playable from day one.
    - Okay, so what if I use washing stats for int and base stats for int to get as double mp ?
    this will cause you even harder washing progress because having washing stats will decrease your range and you gonna decrease your range by adding to the wrong stats.
    also washing int out from base stats and washing stats same cost 3.1k nx - so no point to do so.

    I wrote this suggestion - not because I want "self buff" or any selfish reasons, as I see it now I'm not gonna open a new character, I wrote this suggestion because I care about this server which I play since 2019 and that's the same reason why Ive developed an application to ease the vote progress (which nowdays I'm rewrite for a better experience).

    I'm sorry in advanced if it looks like a bad review on staff / the server, this is exactly the opposite I appreciate staff team and grateful for being able to play maplestory in the very best way and version of it. I want to thank once again to staff that is dedicate their time for hosting this great server and I hope this suggestion will be a good material to work with for solving washing struggles.

    leaving a comment is necessary to keep this thread alive and If you get that far I also want to thank you for reading.
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  2. killery162

    killery162 Red Snail

    Apr 13, 2020
    5:40 AM
    Bowmaster, Hero
    I don't even think there would even be a way to implement this on this specific client...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Ainz

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    12:40 AM
    So many I keep forgetting
  4. OP

    Magen Selkie Jr.

    Mar 31, 2020
    1:40 AM
    this could be done mostly on server side, just adding an "washing points" npc that manage your points there and the communication between server to client should be pretty easy from there (no need new layouts and such)
    think of it like every event with points that is managed by some npc.
    I'm not saying its easy to implement but yet I think this worth to try / think on solutions of how to implement it.
    is it higher now days? MapleF18
  5. Nightz

    Nightz Supervisor Staff Member Supervisor Game Moderator

    Oct 22, 2020
    12:40 AM
    I/L Arch Mage
    Funk & Pasta
    Moderator Post
    This kinda feels like it's going to be even easier to create a 30k ranged char then it already it, which definitely shouldn't be the case imo.

    If anything needs to be changed, I'd much prefer proposed changes done by -ovv-ovv in this thread.

    Anyone that joins the server for nostalgia generally runs the PQs anyway, most are also not washing at that time and if they intend to stay on the server they will simply vote on alt accounts before they get to this process of mass washing. I also feel like you somewhat overstate how "hard" it is to get a char up to enough hp to do all, or most content. there's little need to be voting for two years and especially not if you actually try to play the char with all the ingame NX dropping and occasional events.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  6. Ainz

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    12:40 AM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Washing a ranged char to 18-30k is just shooting yourself in the foot. Threads like these are why people are under the impression that washing is some unassailable obstacle, while realistically speaking it can be done much quicker and less cumbersome than what people are led to believe through word of mouth.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. fael

    fael Nightshadow

    Jun 8, 2020
    7:40 PM
    Night Lord
    I kinda disagree with this. People are joining PQs for nostalgia but some also wanted to reach end game. I recently met people that just do PQs because they don't want to wash and they know they can't achieve some bosses, believe me or not. Most of those I met don't vote in a second account planning to recreate an washed character, and actually thinking people would like to create a character for fun and another one to play efficiently is a mistake, only a few do this.

    When most active players on the server are end game players, that's what you're going to face when you get in the server. You will see optimized 18~20 men squads trying to run PB without HB, so you realized you'll need billions of mesos to get ur gears and also wash to 19k+
    • Agree Agree x 4
  8. Jaewonnie

    Jaewonnie Capt. Latanica

    Apr 21, 2020
    Crimsonwood Mountain: Cavern of Pain
    6:40 PM
    I think for a new player, just as demotivating as washing is the issue that PQs are mostly dead. I assume most new players come to this server for nostalgia and back in the old days, PQs were the social hub of the game. PQs at the moment sometimes take 1hr+ to gather a party to run and usually there is not more than 1 party running a particular PQ at a given time. What a scam of your time.

    To make PQs more lively, I suggest giving a reason for our current end-game player base to run these PQs to pseudo-fill this population "hole" we have in the lower levels. Then, when new players encounter the older playerbase, at the very least they will find the server a bit more lively or even find washing not an impossible task since their peers around them have gone through the same.

    To really convince older players to make PQ characters, there has to be some reward that is otherwise unreplaceable by other means or just very difficult to do so. The current PQ buffs has gotten nice rewards (like OPQ glove, pirate hat, MPQ pendant etc.) but these are all replaceable as you progress through the game. Easiest solution is adding gach-locked scrolls/items into PQ reward pools.

    A caveat tho is the presence of mules...for this to not be abusable there might have to be some multiclient restrictions which would mean the OPQ mule guy would be in shambles lol.
    • Like Like x 4
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  9. -ovv

    -ovv Horntail

    Feb 23, 2020
    3:40 PM
    As an older GMS player, I had a completely different experience with the social aspects of nostalgic Maplestory. I rarely PQ'd and instead chose to spend my time grinding through 3rd job party/platform grinding which was where I met the most of my friends then, but that was before 4th job was released.

    The problem with Legends is that people do not need to grind in this game with their characters and can completely skip out on lower level content. In fact, this type of behavior is encouraged and has been accepted as the norm, which I think is problematic. This of course makes lower level content irrelevant, thus throwing off the holistic balance of the game.

    Players like Alyosha have managed to progress their main attackers without leech and with a high base-INT, and that's entirely fine and doable. The problem is there is nothing in Legends that incentivizes this more difficult path over leeching. Any changes that help facilitate both INT muling AND an active path from 1st-3rd job could work. The problem is leech is just way too efficient in our server.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  10. OP

    Magen Selkie Jr.

    Mar 31, 2020
    1:40 AM
    I guess we all have different content we can call it nostalgic, I played gms at 2006~ (yes before nlc/4th job infact i think tiger was like lv 140-150 when I start?) and PQs and it's sound tracks are the most nostalgic content for me.

    If you have godly items, then yeah you probably can do content but as if you change your point of view to a new player, who just started here, this is real demotivate to grind with your character with no gear, no stats and basically for content you are not sure you would want/have time to do.
    we both tryna to achieve the same thing here - less leech and more active players during their journey to 4th job - having less efficiency leech is a good idea but this should come with a counter part of get you a better ways to get there.

    yes I agree. and if you look around you, people are remaking their main for higher hp base having 18k hp meta is more common than having 12k (old meta)
    also this -

    that's correct - it will ease the process and also make the character playable - the player could choose to wash early or keep it.
    The point here is to encourage people to stay longer and not to leave when the hp is just not high enough

    Imagine telling your IRL friend to join maplelegends and try to have the conversation in your mind.
    The point here is that the server has gotten the point where starting as a new player here and aiming for the end-game content is an unachievable task.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. fael

    fael Nightshadow

    Jun 8, 2020
    7:40 PM
    Night Lord
    did u check this thread Make PQs better | MapleLegends Forums - Old School MapleStory? :O
    pls agree seems similar to ur idea
  12. xiaoyaoz

    xiaoyaoz Balance Team Staff Member Balance Team

    Jul 17, 2020
    11:40 PM
    Sounds like an overly customised solution that wouldn't really help but confuses the new player more with this new stats.
    What it would really do is just accelerate the amount of people hitting insane HP goals since you benefit more from level up washing and MP washing.

    The best solution I think so far is still this:

    New players just need some alternatives to achieve reasonable HP wash after they reach high levels, instead of dealing with the vast knowledge of HP washing right from level 1.
    I believe most new players would be overwhelmed when you start telling them about HP washing from lvl 10 when they barely even know what and how much will they play the game.
    While OP's solution can just be executed blindly without knowing the intricacy of HP washing, I'm afraid it just adds more unnecessary question marks to new players.
    The biggest issue is probably the solution is too customise to be executed as it requires the introduction of a whole new stat that interacts with the current stats, like just on top of my head, how will mw20 interact with your stats? (not the hardest question, but might already have some level of difficulty to make sure the order of operation is right for things to work properly)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. -ovv

    -ovv Horntail

    Feb 23, 2020
    3:40 PM
    • Like Like x 1
  14. xiaoyaoz

    xiaoyaoz Balance Team Staff Member Balance Team

    Jul 17, 2020
    11:40 PM
    Hyperwashing early levels stems from leeching being very viable and truth to be told, how many end game player really wants to play from scratch again when remaking char?
    The goal of the posted solution is to remove the necessity of requiring to HP wash from early levels..(which relates to OP post about new player being cuck)
    It's not to remove the most optimal sweaty way of HP washing..
    The issue is that new players have to know about HP washing if they ever intend to PB or else they are pretty much just making a char to just learn the knowledge that they need to remake a new char which probably make some people quit before even reaching what they intend.
    The posted solution just provides an alternative where they are able to eventually reach a certain washing and thus not gated by HP from content albeit being more expensive.
    It's just sometimes demoralizing to know that the first char you spent hours making just becomes a useless trash just because you didn't know something very crucial from the very beginning.

    If we go back to OP post, new player need to learn even more because of this new stats thing that interacts differently, which is complexity that I'm not a big fan of.

    TORONTOTOKYO Windraider

    Oct 16, 2021
    6:40 AM
    mules included?
  16. -ovv

    -ovv Horntail

    Feb 23, 2020
    3:40 PM
    I think it's less about what players want and more about requiring players to play through content so that class balance can occur.

    Here's something I said in the thread you linked. We're currently seeing that trend today.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Alyosha

    Alyosha Skelegon Retired Staff

    Mar 9, 2017
    3:40 PM
    Dark Knight
    There isn't much reason to go beyond 12-13k HP besides comfort and threads like this convince new players that they need 18k or they're scuffed, which only exacerbates the problem further. Really if you have a 12k ranged character you have a good alt for extra PB runs, and that is easily possible on a first character. It's possible to go ~1 int per level for the first 140 levels and still be comfortably above 13k, all while doing content and never leeching. Is it a good time? Not at all for some classes, there are 3rd jobs that are fundamentally flawed but nobody has taken the time to adequately point out just how wide the differences in 3rd job experiences can be. Leeching will always be there, and in the end it doesn't matter how powerful you make 3rd job characters as leeching will always be more powerful and the path of least resistance.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Zakum

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    7:40 PM
    Fael 4 president!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. OP

    Magen Selkie Jr.

    Mar 31, 2020
    1:40 AM
    In case this solution gets implemented on server side, MW20 is a problem I agree, but the point of this solution is that maple warrior is less relevant for you if you use this meta because you can simply pop some more points into your mp wash/int base without harm your ability to play the game or just wash the washing points later.

    about the 'it requires an introduction because its customized'-
    now-days, as a new player, how/when do you get the explanation of HP washing? is there any in-game content that explains you that the maple-tip "hp washing is optional" is not really is? the answer is no.
    in-game we keep getting the annoying maple-tip "hp washing is optional" but saying this is optional is like saying, jumping from the roof is optional (my point is- yeah its optional to-do dummy things free world and stuff), but here we got the chance, the real chance, to add a in-game meta to unlock this feature, like a quest-line that unlocks and explains you what is the washing points, how to use and so on, instead of being lucky/unlucky and getting the information on 'by the way' by the community when you are too attached to your character in the crossroad in this in your mind - i spent hours in this game, for this character what should I do.
    I believe this is where we might or actually are, losing people as a rage quit from the game

    Also, I think we got kind of mirror situation with mages and their elemental wands, after you pick a mage class, you are getting GM message that tells you that Elemental wands are available in this version, and most of the people are aware they can pop Int all the way without using luk at all just by this message, So I think if we unlock this feature under a quest-line it should be clear enough.

    I disagree with this, 12k hp as how the server looks right now is not enough hp, not if you dont wanna rely on hb mule / DK.
    of course if this suggestion gets the approval, it will cause bad-side-effects for warriors, but that also can be easily fixed and I believe that if something is already broken (hp washing) it should be fix even if it means you gonna have to fix something else (chain of side effects) because not do so is just the bad practice of how not to handle problems (generally in life too- if your car is broken you gonna need to fix it even though it gonna rip your bank -dummy example but yeah I think you get my point)
  20. mard

    mard Mixed Golem Retired Staff

    Jul 20, 2021
    5:40 PM
    12k hp is definitely enough unless you're part of the small percentage of players who are in HB-less parties in PB. Most of the ranged attackers that I know have gotten by just fine with 12k HP, or at least significantly less than the 19k HP that people seem to think is mandatory these days. HB is still and will continue to probably be important as people will want to still do PB on their alts. Even if people remake their attackers and go for 19k or 30k HP, their old characters which are still capable of clearing PB will require DKs.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Great Work Great Work x 1

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