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Pirate [Guide] Krythan's Buccaneer Washing Guide | Washing Your SI/TL Mule

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by Krythan, May 20, 2024.

  1. Krythan

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    10:48 AM
    > How to wash Buccaneer to 30,000 HP


    Our goal is to create an attacker with the potential to reach 30,000 HP and 5,000 MP by level 180. Washing a Buccaneer is about utilizing almost all of your Fresh AP to either MP or HP Wash. This process will require ~240 MP Washes, ~500 HP Washes, and a total of ~3,100,000 NX over the course of 180 levels.
    This character requires preparation and resources to make. Before beginning this process, it's recommended to have at least 1,000,000 NX on this character's account. I also recommend having at least 100 million mesos for equipment and buying leech, as well as a higher level character (bishop recommended) for self-leech and helping with quests.

    If you're not familiar with the concept, or deciding whether or not to wash, I recommend reading section "6. Washing" in the Getting Started Guide.

    Table of Contents
    1. What Is Washing?
    2. How It Works
    3. Step by Step
    4. FAQ
    5. Conclusion
    [​IMG] 1. What Is Washing?

    Washing is the process of using AP Resets from the NX Cash Shop to create more HP and and/or MP. Washing is not an exploit, but rather a feature (or perhaps, a side effect) of the mechanics introduced by the original developers of the game.

    There are many ways that players can utilize the washing mechanics to make their characters stronger. Every class has a different strategy. As a buccaneer, there are two types of washing that you need to be familiar with:
    • MP Washing - Fresh AP to MP, then AP Reset from MP to INT or STR
    • HP Washing - Fresh AP to HP, then AP Reset from MP to INT or STR
    Read More: Krythan’s Getting Started Guide

    [​IMG] 2. How It Works

    Click here to see the math

    Click “File” > “Make a copy” if you wish to run your own numbers.

    How much HP do we need to create?

    By level 180, a Buccaneer will have naturally gained around 9,500 HP from leveling up. You’ll also be able to have 1,600 HP from equips such as the Tier 10 Monster Book Ring (1,000), Ellin Savior's Ring (100), Mark of Naricain (300), and Scrolled Pet Equips (200). This leaves ~19,000 HP that we need to create through HP Washing to reach our 30,000 HP goal.

    How many HP washes do we need to do?

    The second job skill ‘Improve MaxHP’ gives a bonus to the amount of HP buccaneers get when leveling up, and a bonus to the amount of HP gained from Fresh HP Washing. Once maxed, Buccaneers gain 38 HP for every HP Wash. Therefore, to create ~19,000 HP, we’ll do ~500 HP Washes over the course of 180 levels.

    How much MP do we need to create?

    Over the course of 180 levels, we need to have created at least ~13,000 MP. That’s ~8,000 MP we’ll use for ~500 HP Washes (at 16 MP each), with ~5,000 MP remaining at the end.

    How do we create this much MP?

    We're going to be able to get MP different sources:

    A. Leveling Up
    B. Washing Gear
    C. MP Equip.
    D. MP Washing​

    A. Leveling Up

    We’ll gain MP when we level up. We’ll also gain a bonus to our MP based on our Base INT. Over the course of 180 levels, we’ll gain around 6,300 MP from leveling up.

    B. Washing Gear

    When leveling up, you also gain a bonus to MP gained from the INT equipment you are wearing. This includes your items and the Maple Warrior buff. The MP gained through this method will allow you to reach your target goals sooner. It’s recommended to have at least 50 INT from equip(s), but the more INT from equip(s) you can afford, the better! These projections do not account for Maple Warrior.

    Read more: Krythan's Washing Gear Guide

    C. MP Equip.

    With a Tier 10 Monster Book ring (500), Mark of Naricain (300), and Ellin Ring (100), we can account for 900 MP from equip(s). While we can’t use this MP to HP Wash, we can factor it into our goal of reaching 5,000 MP at the end.

    D. MP Washing

    And finally, the magic of washing. By putting Fresh AP into MP, we’ll be able to create MP. Even when we use an AP Reset to move those points out of MP into STR (or INT), we’ll have a net gain of MP.

    The plan below will show how a mixture of MP Washing and HP Washing is used to reach your targets.

    [​IMG] 3. Step by Step

    There are many different ways to wash a buccaneer. Here’s the path that I recommend, though I encourage you to experiment with different paths, and make a plan that works for you.

    I recommend aiming for 270 Base INT, and carrying that Base INT until level 135.
    • 270 Base INT
    • 50+ INT from Equip(s)
    • Start MP / HP Washing at 33
    • Reset INT at 135
    • Reach 30k / 5k by 180
    You may reach your goals sooner or later than the listed levels. The levels listed here are provided for the sake of example. Your results may vary.

    Step #1: Beginner (Levels 1-9)
    • Start with 10 INT
    • Put 20 AP Points to DEX
    • Put Remaining AP Points to INT
    At these levels, our goal is to increase our INT such that we gain more MP each level up, and so we have enough INT to effectively MP Wash in the upcoming levels. Just make sure to meet the requirements of 20 DEX for the first job advancement.

    Step #2: Increase INT (Levels 10-30)
    • Once you’re off the island…
    • Job Advance to Pirate (Level 10), then Brawler (Lvl 30)
    • Put AP Points to INT
    Continue to level up, complete your job advancements, and increase INT each level.

    Step #3: Max Improve MaxHP (Levels 30-33)
    • Once you've advanced to Brawler...
    • Put 10 SP into Improve MaxHP
    • Put AP Points to INT
    Once you’re a Brawler, max the ‘Improve MaxHP’ skill.

    Step #4: HP Washing to INT (Levels 33+)
    • Once you’ve maxed the ‘Improve MaxHP’ skill...
    • HP Wash: Put AP to +HP, then AP Reset to -MP to +INT
    Once ‘Improve MaxHP’ is maxed, we can start HP Washing. Each level, put your 5 Fresh AP into HP, then use an AP Reset from the Cash Shop to reset those 5 points from MP to INT. Continue to do so, until the game doesn’t let you remove a point from MP.

    Step #5: Combined Washing to INT (Levels 33-56)
    • Once you’ve reached Minimum MP…
    • If you don't have enough MP: MP Wash: Put AP to +MP, then AP Reset to -MP to +INT
    • If you have enough MP: HP Wash: Put AP to +HP, then AP Reset to -MP to +INT
    At some point, you will be unable to remove a point from MP. This means that you’ve hit the Minimum MP. When this happens, use your next few Fresh AP to MP Wash. Put points into MP, then use an AP Reset from the Cash Shop to move those points from MP to INT. Do this a few times, then resume HP Washing.

    Why do we alternate between MP and HP washing? Ideally, these levels are used to do as much HP Washing as possible. However, we’re limited by how much MP we have, so we have to mix in some MP Washing to create extra MP.

    Why don’t we just MP wash first? We want to do as little MP Washing during these early levels as possible. Because our INT is still increasing during these levels, it’s more efficient to do the bulk of our MP Washing later when our INT is higher.

    Repeat this process until you have reached your Base INT target. I recommend a Base INT target of 270.

    Step #6: MP Washing to STR (Levels 56-90)
    • Once you’ve reached your Base INT target…
    • MP Wash: Put AP to +MP, then AP Reset to -MP to +STR
    Awesome! Once you've reached your Base INT target. Stop HP Washing, and focus entirely on MP Washing. We no longer need to increase INT, so start to reset to STR instead. Each level, put your 5 Fresh AP into MP, then use an AP Reset from the Cash Shop to reset those 5 points from MP to STR.

    Step #7: HP Washing to STR (Levels 90-135)
    • Once you’ve finished MP Washing...
    • HP Wash: Put AP to +HP, then AP Reset to -MP to +STR
    Around level 90, we’ll have created enough MP that we can transition from MP Washing back to HP Washing. However, we still want to carry our Base INT for more levels, as we still need the additional MP it provides on level ups. Each level, put your 5 Fresh AP into HP, then use an AP Reset from the Cash Shop to reset those 5 points from MP to STR.

    If you wish, Steps #6 and #7 can be combined. It’s possible to alternate between MP and HP Washing as we did in Step #5, as this would allow us to benefit from having a higher HP earlier. However, I like the simplicity of ensuring all MP Washing is done before moving on to the next step.

    Step #8: Reset INT (Level 135)
    • Once you've created enough MP...
    • Reset INT: Use AP Resets to do all -INT to +STR
    Once you’ve created enough MP, we can reset the Base INT to 4. DOUBLE, TRIPLE CHECK YOU'VE MADE ENOUGH MP (see below) to reach your goals. Use AP Resets from the cash shop to reset all of your INT to STR.

    Step #9: HP Washing to STR (Levels 135+)
    • Once you’ve Reset INT…
    • HP Wash: Put AP to +HP, then AP Reset to -MP to +STR
    It’s smooth sailing from here! Each level, put your 5 Fresh AP into HP, then use an AP Reset from the Cash Shop to reset those 5 points from MP to STR.

    [​IMG] 4. FAQ

    Q: How do I know when I’ve created enough MP?

    At some point, around level ~135 you’ll want to reset your Base INT so that your character can reach their full potential of damage. This is the “point of no return”, because once you reset your Base INT, you won't be able to do any more MP Washes, so we need to make sure we have created enough MP to afford the remaining HP Washes.

    The trick to this is being able to answer the question: "How many more MP Washes should we do? How many more HP Washes should we do?"

    The best approach is to add/subtract all future sources of MP and HP. And then play around with the numbers until you find a balance in the number of MP Washes vs. HP Washes to reach your goals.

    Just ensure that 1. You have enough Fresh AP finish that plan, and 2. Your Base MP (before equip.) is above the Minimum MP.

    Take your current MP
    Add MP from future level ups w/ Base INT (21 + INT/10 per level)
    Add MP from future level ups w/o Base INT (21 per level)
    Add MP from MP Washes ((Base INT/10) - 2 per MP wash)
    Subtract MP from HP washes (-16 per HP wash)
    Add MP from upgraded MP equip(s)
    = Projected MP

    Take your current HP
    Add HP from future level ups (55 per level)
    Add HP from future HP washes (38 per HP wash)
    Add HP from upgraded HP equip(s)
    = Projected HP

    Note: You may also want to ensure that you don't have any AP sitting in HP/MP when you do these calculations. The easiest way to check this is the $bloodwashes command in Discord.

    See Tab #2 “Tracker” in the How It Works spreadsheet for an example.

    Q: What about HP/MP gained after level 180?

    For the sake of simplicity, all calculations here are using the assumption that we can hit our goals by level 180. As we level past 180, we'll still be gaining additional HP and MP that isn't being accounted for in these projections. In practice and with time, your MP may be higher than represented in these projections.

    Q: What about Minimum MP?

    Other resources online will account for Minimum MP at later levels. As we saw in Step #4: Combined Washing, this is the lowest amount that your MP can be before you are unable to subtract MP with an AP Reset. The formula for a Buccaneer's Minimum MP is: (18 * level) + 95

    Since we’re planning to create excess MP, we should be well above the Minimum MP. It’s not recommended, but it’s possible to reduce the NX cost of this build by HP Washing all the way down to the very Minimum MP that the game will allow.

    Q: How much MP should I have left over?

    This guide accounts for 5,000 MP leftover at the end. You can save time, and NX by aiming for a lower MP at the end. Or you can optimize for pot efficiency and quality of life at the cost of NX by aiming for a higher MP when all is said and done.

    Q: How do I level a character with no STR?

    Most of our leveling journey will be a combination of self-leech, and buying leech. You may choose to do quests and party quests as well, albeit leech is often faster.

    Read more: Krythan’s Leech Buying Guide

    Q: How do I do the job advancements?

    Your 2nd and 3rd Job Advancements require combat challenges in order to progress. These can be difficult due to your primary stat being so low.

    Read More: How do I complete the job advancements, if I have no damage?

    Q: What about the HP Challenges?

    As of early 2024, the MapleLegends team is working on implementing an alternative to HP Washing.

    "These challenges will introduce a viable alternative to washing, especially useful for those who are on their first character, and don’t have / want to, spend the time, effort, and NX to wash. They will allow characters to complete specific quests to gain additional HP, allowing any character to participate in almost every boss in the game." - Getting Started Guide

    The challenges are a great option for Buccaneers, as it gives them a total of 17,000 by level 180. This means that once you account for equipment, they'll still be able to reach 30k HP with Hyper Body.

    The challenges system is the recommended path if this is your first character. However, it's possible to reach a much, much higher HP with washing as seen above.

    Read more: Challenges System - HP Wash Alternative

    [​IMG] 5. Conclusion

    Congrats! Over the course of 180 levels, you’ve spent 3,100,000 NX to create a 30,000 HP Buccaneer

    Thanks to RerazedRerazed! The calculations here were made in collaboration of hours of research, and spreadsheets. Thanks to everyone who helped teach, review, and support this guide and the community, most especially iPippyiPippy and their incredible Buccaneer Field Guide.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
    • Great Work Great Work x 8
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  2. Subterlabor

    Subterlabor Skelegon

    Mar 13, 2023
    8:48 AM
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  3. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    11:48 AM
    pog as always mate
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  4. creative

    creative Capt. Latanica

    Nov 2, 2019
    10:48 AM
    Thank you for writing this guide! I was about to post on the discord with some questions, but this pretty much sums all that up for me.
    (currently sitting at Lv.30 (still 1st job) with 140 + 59 (+73 w/ MW) (199 int/213 int) and 782 MP. I've got about ~260k NX til I can start my washing)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. iPippy

    iPippy Headless Horseman

    May 19, 2019
    10:48 AM
    I do have a couple things to mention on this topic:

    • You mention MoN in the hp/mp bonuses. While it's certainly a fine item and likely even best in slot once willing to chaos an untradeable, intended targets of this guide may opt for htp/tl pendants instead. Shouldn't effect the overall calcs though.
    • The value of 270 base is chosen primarily for NX efficiency, which lines up with the calcs I've made. But if we're prioritizing a cheaper total cost, why are we inefficiently mp washing with lower base int to sustain low level hp washes? There is more time than you'd think to get those fresh hp/mp washes in, even if we throw out the final 20 levels (we finish mp wash at 90, and need to fit in 100 levels of hp wash in the before/after mp washing). If we're not minimizing cost, arguments of lower base int become much more valid.
    • 5k mp is a TON on a bucc. I've got ~5.1-5.5k total depending on event equips and have never thought it necessary, but rather a biproduct of not having the NX on hand to remove the base int immediately. Perhaps others can share their opinions, but MP recovery with 30k hp negates the utility of %mp pots (and thus the savings by maximizing MP pools like other classes)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    10:48 AM
    Really, really great points - thank you!!

    Good point, there's a lot of assumptions here. Especially in regards to MoN and/or reaching 30k by 180 that could totally vary player by player. It's one of the reasons I like to link to the spreadsheet to let people play around with the numbers, but I'm glad you called out those options!
  7. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    10:48 AM
    Assuming a level 180 Bucc washes all the way down to their Minimum MP, they would still have 4,085 MP fully geared. I've heard a lot of folks saying that 5k MP is absolutely plenty on a Bucc, making them one of the few classes that can wash all the way down to their Minimum MP without much trade-off to quality of life?

    Math: 3,185 (MinMP), Monster Book T10 (500), Mark of Naricain (300), and Ellin Ring (100)
  8. BarakKiller

    BarakKiller King Slime

    Sep 1, 2023
    5:48 PM
    Thank you so much for the informative guide!
    I'll make sure to use it when I start leveling my baby bucc.
    Right now I'm at 1.15m NX, so there's still a REALLY long way to go, hopefully it's not that painful to get the rest 2m NX :facepalm:
    • Like Like x 2
  9. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    10:48 AM
    Do it! At 1m NX, you're so ready. You only need about 1m NX to start this project, as that amount will cover your AP Reset needs until level ~90.
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  10. Subterlabor

    Subterlabor Skelegon

    Mar 13, 2023
    8:48 AM
    Sounds like you got work to do BarakKillerBarakKiller get to it
    • Like Like x 1
  11. BarakKiller

    BarakKiller King Slime

    Sep 1, 2023
    5:48 PM
    Loud and clear folks.

    • Great Work Great Work x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. Subterlabor

    Subterlabor Skelegon

    Mar 13, 2023
    8:48 AM
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  13. BarakKiller

    BarakKiller King Slime

    Sep 1, 2023
    5:48 PM
    Hahahaha I don't think it's interesting. A journal of a leecher till 135 HAHA
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    11:48 AM
    Maybe someone will be interested, in any case, we support you
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  15. BarakKiller

    BarakKiller King Slime

    Sep 1, 2023
    5:48 PM

    By the way Krythan, I think it will be a good idea to add to your post a certain thing I encountered.
    I couldn't do any DMG to the mobs in 2nd job advancement test.
    People in game suggested having STR gear & heartstopper/apple, so I used someone's scrolled lvl 10 knuckle (30 att) + 14 att gloves + apple.
    It was really quick, I could have just used heartstoppers to be honest.
    My dex is 23, and str is 9. (Chill, it's from equips not from fresh AP HAHA).
    Thought I should update because I didn't know what to do, let others know what worked for me.
    • Like Like x 1
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  16. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    10:48 AM
    Yes! Congrats on Brawler!!!

    Something like this?
    Last edited: May 29, 2024
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  17. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    11:48 AM
    Dano blessing
    • Agree Agree x 1

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