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Magician [Guide] Krythan's Mage Washing Guide | Washing Your Bishop, Fire/Poison, or Ice/Lightning Arch Mage

Discussion in 'Jobs' started by Krythan, Oct 7, 2023.

  1. Krythan

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
    How to wash a mage to 30,000 MP.

    Table of Contents
    1. What is Washing?
    2. Why should you use MP Washing?
    3. How does MP Washing work?
    4. When should I start MP Washing?
    5. What is Stale HP Washing?
    6. How does Stale HP Washing work?
    7. When should I start Stale HP Washing?
    8. What about the HP Challenges?
    9. The Calculator

    What is "Washing"?

    Washing is the process of using AP Resets from the NX Cash Shop to create more HP and/or MP. Washing is not an exploit, but rather a feature (or perhaps, a side effect) of the mechanics introduced by the original developers of the game.

    There are many ways that players can utilize the washing mechanics to make their character stronger. Every class has a different strategy. As a mage, there are two types of washing that you need to be familiar with:
    1. MP Washing - Fresh AP to MP, then MP to INT
    2. Stale HP Washing (Optional) - MP to HP
    It is strongly recommended for mages to "MP Wash" in order to reach the maximum MP of 30,000 MP. Using "Stale HP Washing" for more HP is optional.

    If you're not familiar with the concept, I recommend reading more in section "6. Washing" of the Getting Started guide.

    Why should you use "MP Washing"?

    All mages can benefit from "MP Washing", as it gives you more MP. You want more MP because:
    1. Cost Savings - End-game potions recover a percentage of your MP. The more MP you have, the more cost-efficient these potions are. Especially for the fourth job skills such as Meteor Swarm, Blizzard, and Genesis, as they use a lot of MP each cast.
    2. Survivability - Magic Guard absorbs 80% of the damage you take as MP. The more MP you have, the more damage you can take.

    How does "MP Washing" work?

    TL;DR: Get more MP by putting Fresh AP into MP, then use an "AP Reset" to move that point from MP to INT.

    First off, let's talk about Leveling Up:

    Every time you level up, you gain MP. On top of the base bonus, you gain additional MP from the 1st job "Improved MaxMP Increase" skill, and a bonus based on how much Total INT (including equipment and maple warrior) you have.

    MP Gained LvlUP (with MAX MP): 42 - 44 mp + total INT/10
    MP Gained LvlUP (without MAX MP): 22 - 24 mp + total INT/10

    When calculating bonus MP from INT, the game rounds down to the nearest increment of 10.

    Source: Nise's HP Washing Formula Compilation

    For example: Let's take a level 40 mage, with the Improved MaxMP Increase skill, 200 Base INT, and 20 INT from equipment. When this character levels up, they'll gain an average of 43 MP (42 - 44) plus 20 MP from INT ((200 + 20)/10) for a total of 64 MP.

    Now, let's talk about MP Washing:

    Every time you level up, you gain 5 new points of AP. These are called "Fresh AP", as they have not yet been allocated to any stat. When you put a point of "Fresh AP" into MP you gain additional MP. On top of the base bonus, you also gain additional MP from the 1st job "Improved MaxMP Increase" skill, an (most importantly) you get a bonus based on how much Base INT (not including equipment or maple warrior) you have.

    But, we don't want to leave our AP in MP. So the next step is to move this point that's currently in MP into our INT. To do this, we're going to spend 3,100 NX and use "AP Reset" from the NX Cash Shop. We'll use this "AP Resent" to remove the point of AP that's currently in MP, and add it to INT instead. This step costs -30 MP, increases your INT by 1. However, accounting for the original bonus of putting a point into MP, leaves you with a net bonus of MP each time!

    Every time you level up, you can do this process with each of the 5 new points of AP you just gained.

    Fun fact! The AP Reset window will show this step as costing "-60 MP". That is a bug. In reality, you'll only loose "-30 MP".

    Each time we do this, we can gain more MP than we loose.

    Every level you'll gain 5 Fresh AP that you can do this with. Repeat this process until you have just shy of 30,000 MP!

    MP Gained from Fresh AP (with Max MP): 18 + 10 + base INT/10
    MP Gained from Fresh AP (without Max MP): 18 + base INT/10
    MP Lost from AP Resetting: -30 mp

    Source: Nise's HP Washing Formula Compilation

    For example: Let's take our level 40 mage, with the Improved MaxMP Increase skill, and 200 INT. When this character puts a point of Fresh AP into MP, they'll gain 48 MP (18 + 10 + 200/10). When we remove this point from MP, and put it into INT, we'll loose -30 MP. Each time we do this process, we gain a net bonus of 18 MP.

    Here's a video of an MP Wash (except you'll be putting points into INT)

    When should I start "MP Washing"?

    It's more NX efficient to MP Wash at higher levels. That's because the higher your INT, the more efficient this process becomes. Essentially:
    • The earlier you start: the earlier you'll reach your goal, but the more NX you'll spend doing so.
    • The later you start: the later you'll reach your goal, but the less NX you'll spend doing so.
    The earlier you start MP Washing, the more you will benefit from Stale HP Washing (read more in the next section).

    For MP Washing, I recommend starting at level 70. If you're leveling fast or anticipating that you won't have enough NX, you can start at levels 90 or more. If you have plenty of NX, plan to level slowly, or want to optimize for HP in the end-game, you can start MP Washing as early as 40.

    Use this chart to compare your options. Each player has to make a choice between when they want to reach 30,000 MP and how much NX they are willing to spend:

    "If you start mp washing at mage at [ Start Level ], you'll reach 29.5k MP by [ End Level ], and it will cost you [ NX Cost ]"

    Start LevelEnd LevelNX Cost
    401281,488k NX
    501301,364k NX
    601331,255k NX
    701361,147k NX
    801401,054k NX
    90144961k NX
    100149883k NX
    110154806k NX
    120159728k NX
    130165666k NX
    Disclaimer: Your experience may vary based on your equipment, maple warrior, or luck.

    Pro Tip! Leveling too fast? That's fine. You can save up your Fresh AP until you have the NX to wash. You can also put these points into MP, and leave them in MP until you have the NX to reset to INT. This way, you benefit from having more MP for the time being. Just make sure a MP Wash or Level Up doesn't push you over 30k MP.

    For example: If you start MP Washing at level 40, you'll reach 30k MP by level level 128, and you will have spent 1,488k NX.

    What is "Stale HP Washing"?

    "Stale HP Washing" is the process of using an AP Reset to move a point from MP into HP.

    Once you've almost reached 30,000 MP you can decide if you want to do any "Stale HP Washing". This process is optional, but recommended for players who want to prepare mages for end-game bosses, and/or willing to spend more NX for more HP. "Stale HP Washing" is more common on Bishops than Archmages. This is because Bishops are more likely to participate in end-game bossing than their Archmage counterparts, but the core mechanics are the same.

    If you decide that you want to "Stale HP Wash", you will continue "MP Washing" every level (see above), and as you create excess MP, you'll be converting this MP to HP.

    How does "Stale HP Washing" work?

    "Stale HP Washing" is the process of using an AP Reset to move a point from MP into HP. As long as you have a single point of AP sitting in your MP (or HP), you'll be able to "Stale HP Wash" again and again.

    Why does this work? Unlike STR, DEX, INT, or LUK... HP and MP "share the same pool". What's this mean? Let's say you have 1 AP currently in MP or HP. You can use an AP Reset to take that point out of MP, and put it into HP. But this point is still in your MP/HP pool. So even though we just put this point into HP, our AP Reset will allow us to take that point out of MP again. Using this trick, you can leave a single point of AP in your MP, and it unlocks your ability to remove a point from MP, then put that point in HP.... and repeat that process infinitely. AP Reset: MP to HP, MP to HP, MP to HP, etc. As many times are you can afford the NX for.

    Using this, we can slowly convert MP to HP.

    So, as you continue to level, you will continue to do 5 MP Washes (see above) each level to create as much MP as you can. You'll also leave a single AP in your MP/HP pool, and continually do these Stale HP Washes to convert MP to HP in order to keep your MP pool under 30k.

    Just make sure to remain under 30,000 MP, as any MP gains above that number are lost. I recommend keeping your MP at 29,500, and Stale HP Washing anytime that leveling or MP Washes might put you above that threshold.

    HP Gained from Stale AP: 6 hp
    MP Lost from AP Resetting (with Max MP): -30 mp

    Source: Nise's HP Washing Formula Compilation

    For example: Let's take a level 140 mage, with 700 INT, and 29,500 MP.

    At each level up, we'll naturally gain around 123 MP, plus 5 AP that we can use for MP Washing. Each MP Wash at this level will net around 68 MP, for a total of 613 MP gained this level. Seeing as we want to remain below 29,500 MP, we'll "Stale HP Wash" back to below our threshold.

    Therefor, at this level, it will take 20 "AP Resets" to convert our MP from this level into HP. This process will give us an additional 120 HP and will cost 62,000 NX, bringing our MP once again below 29,500 MP.

    Here's a video of a Stale HP Wash

    If you can't remove a point from MP, that's likely because you need at least 1 point sitting in either MP or HP for this to work.

    Warning: As a mage....
    • ...never put a Fresh AP into HP.
    • ...never use an AP Reset to remove a point out of the HP stat.
    • ...never MP Wash or get above 30k MP, as any gains above that are lost.

    When should I start "Stale HP Washing"?

    As soon as you've reached ~29,500 MP, you should consider if you want to start Stale HP Washing. The earlier you start, the more HP you'll create, but the more NX you'll spend doing so. "Stale HP Washing" is not required for mages that plan to farm and sell leech, however it's very important for mages (especially bishops) who plan to run end-game bosses like Horntail and Pink Bean.

    How much HP can you get from Stale HP Washing? Let's compare a level 180 mage, with 29.5k MP, a Tier 10 Monster Book Ring, and 350 HP from scrolled equip.

    This level 180 mage will naturally have around 3,576 HP. With the HP Challenges (below) this same character could have up to 4,750 HP. However, based on what level this character started Stale HP Washing, they could have...

    "If you start stale hp washing at at [ Start Level ], you'll reach [ HP at 180 ], and it will cost you an additional [ NX Cost ]"

    Start LevelHP at 180NX Cost
    1288,9723,593,685 NX
    1308,7953,471,225 NX
    1338,5243,285,171 NX
    1368,2493,096,280 NX
    1407,8732,840,013 NX
    1447,4872,578,704 NX
    1496,9912,244,976 NX
    1546,4801,903,369 NX
    1595,9541,553,883 NX
    1655,3021,124,099 NX

    What about the HP Challenges?

    As of July 2024, the MapleLegends team has introduced the HP Challenges, an alternative system to HP Washing. This system will allow characters to opt out of HP Washing in favor of doing quests (and obtaining temporary items) to gain additional HP.

    While traditional "Stale HP Washing" will allow mages to get a higher total HP, the "HP Challenge" system is a more convenient alternative for those that still want additional HP, but don't want to spend the NX in order to see significant gains from HP Washing.

    For example, a level 180 mage could have up to ___ HP, based on their selected method:
    • Up to 3,576 HP Naturally
    • Up to 4,750 HP with HP Challenges
    • Up to 8,972 HP with Stale HP Washing*
    *Depending on the selected start level.

    As of July 2024, I still recommend MP Washing and Stale HP Washing when making a mage. These methods cost more NX, but allows characters to get to a higher HP and MP amount, at a much earlier level, and without the need to do additional quests. The HP Challenges are a good alternative for characters without the patience to wait for NX, but traditional washing still provides greater results.

    Read more: Challenges System - HP Wash Alternative | Rosa's Charm

    The Calculator!

    But that's not all! Want to try for yourself, here's a spreadsheet where you can try different start, and end levels, to see your projected MP and HP!

    Click here to see the math

    Click “File” > “Make a copy” if you wish to run your own numbers.

    Read More

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2024
    • Great Work Great Work x 13
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  2. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    5:45 AM
    wooooo! pog
    • Like Like x 1
  3. kiwiz

    kiwiz Skelegon

    May 7, 2018
    4:45 PM
    Thank you washlord for approving my guide. Hope I didn’t make any mistake inside.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. morsel

    morsel Blue Snail

    Sep 19, 2023
    4:45 PM
    MP loss no longer correct now. My lvl 108 priest lost 80MP per AP resetting(I began MP washing from lvl 101, it lost around 70 MP then). It seems that the MP loss will increase by INT or lvl. The huge MP loss make it impossible to wash HP to a suitable amount. Sad.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Nightz

    Nightz Supervisor Staff Member Supervisor Game Moderator

    Oct 22, 2020
    10:45 AM
    I/L Arch Mage
    Funk & Pasta
    Moderator Post
    The value shown in the AP reset is not correct, actual MP loss is always 30 mp as a mage. you can test this yourself by watching your mp before and after the reset.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. morsel

    morsel Blue Snail

    Sep 19, 2023
    4:45 PM
    Oh, you are right. thank you.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
  8. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
  9. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
    November 3rd, 2023 - Now including a calculator!

    Want to try these numbers for yourself! Well now you can! Introducing Krythan's Mage Washing Calculator!

    Link: Google Sheets

    Click “File” > “Make a copy” if you wish to run your own numbers.

    You can now:
    1. See what level you'll be able to reach 30,000 MP.
    2. See how different start levels impact your MP and HP.
    3. See Stale HP Washing vs HP Challenges!
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  10. LeonardoJF

    LeonardoJF Horntail

    Jun 16, 2021
    Rio grande do Sul - BR
    5:45 AM
    people blink and you've already made another guide, very good
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Daydreamer

    Daydreamer Headless Horseman

    Jul 8, 2017
    1:45 AM
    I/L Arch Mage
    Could you include information for relevant HP breakpoints for mages?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
    xiaoyaozxiaoyaoz listed a few key breakpoints to be aware of in the balance team's post on the upcoming Challenges System:
    • 2,380 - Zakum w/o HB
    • 2,620 - HT w/ HB
    • 3,130 - HT w/o HB
    • 3,400 - PB w/ HB
    Going above these numbers provides quality of life, and a higher chance of survival should complications arise... most notably getting dispelled. For a very comprehensive list, I'd recommend NiseNise's Major Bosses & HP Required... just remember to account for the fact that Magic Guard absorbs 80% of damage as MP.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2023
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  13. WillieG7777

    WillieG7777 Mano

    Sep 11, 2023
    4:45 PM
    White Knight
    This is hella useful for someone who never played as a mage before. Especially with the mage damage changes in the latest patch. Gives us a rough idea on what we should do planning out our course of making a new mage. Thanks Krythan!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
    January 30th, 2024 - Updated! Added additional clarification.

    Added some more clarification around the AP Reset window. Thanks to NightzNightz, morselmorsel and Corydoras for pointing this out.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  15. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
    March 25, 2024 - Edits pending.

    It appears that one of the formulas we used in the calculators actually gives more MP than initially accounted for. I'm currently revising these numbers, but you may notice that characters in practice will actually gain slightly more MP per MP Wash.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  16. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
    April 14th, 2024 - One of the most common questions and points of confusion I've seen from mages is around the transition from MP Washing to MP Washing + Stale HP Washing when they're approaching the 30k MP threshold. As such, I've re-written the Stale HP Washing section in hopes of providing more clarity. I've also expanding the section on HP Challenges to provide better insight and guidance based on the tiers currently available.

    I'm also aware of a known issue with a formula being used in the calculations. I need to go through, and update the chart and spreadsheet. In reality, mages following this guide will see slightly more MP created per MP Wash than the chart shows. So you'll actual reach your goals marginally sooner that indicated in the original post.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2024
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. Anonimothy

    Anonimothy Red Snail

    May 18, 2024
    10:45 AM
    It's probably just me, but I have a hard time understanding how the stale hp washing works.. If I start MP washing at lv 40 and reach 29500 by 128. That is when I want to start HP washing correct?

    So when I ding 129, I still put 5 ap into mp and take them out again into HP and repeat each level? Do I no longer add to INT at this point? Or do I put 1 point in MP and take it out and into HP and 4 points into INT and repeat each level? Or do I add 1 point to HP 4 points to INT and reset 1 MP to HP, now I have one 1point in the MP/HP pool so all future levels I can put 5 points in INT and take as many points out of MP to put into HP as long as I stay close to MP cap?

    Or am I missing the point completely and do I need to do something else entirely? Sorry bit of a Bozo..
  18. OP

    Krythan Skelegon

    Sep 2, 2022
    4:45 AM
    The steps for Stale HP Washing can be a little confusing. I'll admit that the process doesn't feel very intuitive.

    Correct! Most players will decide to start Stale HP Washing as soon as they reach 29.5k MP.

    Remember, you never stop MP washing. Each level you'll continue to do 5x MP Washes to INT.

    Think of stale HP washing as a totally separate process. One that you do parallel to MP washing, and one that doesn't use any of your 5x Fresh AP each level.

    Just tell yourself: "Put 1 AP into MP. Leave it there. Each level, make sure to just do the 5 MP Washes, and make sure that 1 AP stays there. Now you can use that one singular AP to MP->HP, MP->HP, MP->HP, MP->HP, etc.

    I just re-worded the section above. Here's the specific section if it's any help:

    Last edited: May 21, 2024

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