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Manifesto On The 3 Main Problems Plaguing The Server

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Jesseaw, Feb 10, 2021.

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  1. Jesseaw

    Jesseaw Orange Mushroom

    Nov 25, 2020
    5:22 PM
    Hey guys I'm a relatively new player on this server been on for about 4 months and I'm really enjoying it but there are a couple of things I feel are a major problem. Now I'm not exactly a veteran on this server but for the patches this server has I had a Nightlord and a Bishop on GMS (which was also a long time ago to be fair). So these are my 3 big problems with this server based on my new player experience and drawing from my time on GMS.

    HP Washing:
    You knew it was coming, one of the most contested topics on the server, HP washing is an extreme detriment to all new players and most importantly it goes against GMS. Yes I know HP washing was in GMS but for anybody who played back in the day it was not a popular thing, I personally knew of it but didn't know personally anybody who did it even with 2 4th jobbers. On GMS you would have to throw away hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars to wash one character so a couple of whales might have been able to do it but not the majority, not even close.
    The truth is HP washing is an exploit, a bug that should have been patched out a long time ago. Yes without it the game is much harder but Nightlords should not be able to have 30k hp, it breaks with GMS and it destroys class identity.
    I know it's shitty that a ton of people put a ton of time into this exploit and it would suck for them to remove it but in the same vein people who have used exploits to gain mesos or exp get that which they gained taken away if not banned and it's really not that different of a scenario here. Having 30k hp on a traditionally squishy class is cheating as much as duping currency is.
    The other obvious downside of HP washing is the need to put int, sometimes in the hundreds onto characters that gain no benefits from it. This makes it so much harder for new players to level solo and combine that with the fact that a bulk of the PQ's are dead it basically incentivizes another major problem, leeching.

    Another thing that existed in GMS as a minority problem but is the main thing people seem to level with on this server. Yes a couple of the maps at the high end had leechers on GMS but nowhere near the prevalence on this server and the endless leechers were simply not a thing on the lower level maps. The fact that a level 55 has to contest with level 140+ AM's/Bishops for hours to find a free GS2 map is wrong. The fact that the fastest way to get to Nightlord is to level a Bishop first is wrong. The fact that people are incentivized to afk level rather than party leveling ruins the game.
    When every PQ past EPQ is dead and every farming spot is filled to capacity with leechers, your game is in a bad state. The fact that leeching is so good has completely skewed the class balance forcing people who want to play efficiently to start mage. Different classes should have strengths and weaknesses but it feels like in ML that Bishops are nearly mandatory because of their ability to sell leech.
    Much like HP washing leeching is heavily enabled by the changes from GMS thusly making ML different than GMS but for the worse here. The main factors being x2 mob exp, the need for hp washing, and the last problem on my list multiboxing mules.

    Multiboxing Mules:
    I honestly haven't seen this talked about too much in a negative light on this server but this for me is kind of like the cherry on top of problems. Multiboxing in of itself is not that big of a problem but it's the culture that it has created on the server that is the problem. What I mean by this is that there are numerous guides on self leech on this server, basically people are actively promoting individual play rather than party play and I feel that this is so very different than GMS and very much so goes against the concept of Maplestory itself.
    The truth is that certain classes are always going to be more sought after in certain scenarios but the benefit of having a varied crew was always the variety of buffs available to you. However with numerous players on this server having a mule for every buff possible the need and the very culture of having to band together with maybe slightly less desirable classes starts to vanish.
    And again for the 3rd time I know multiboxing was done on GMS back in the day but iirc you had to use 3rd party software to do it and it was against the rules. Here it's the norm and even encouraged, I don't believe that is healthy for probably the same reasons GMS did not, it reduces party play and alienates new players and vets.

    So what's my overall goal here with this post? If you've read any of this you'll note that these 3 issues share a common trait, they existed on GMS but they were such a minority that they weren't a problem and it's different and worse on this server. In essence I want this server to be more in line with the GMS of old, there are a lot of changes that are fantastic on this server, these 3 are not good and should be fixed. I really like this server, it's the closest to perfect out of all the ones I have seen and I want this server to be able to thrive and grow and I think with a couple of changes it could in a big way.

    1. I know HP washing goes hand in hand with the voting system and this servers sustainability so to fix HP washing you need to first fix the incentive to vote. I think voting should basically be a subscription service to the benefits of the server aka gacha drops, nx drops, event drops, and exp changes. This incentivizes people to continue to vote but no longer as a means to hp wash.
    2. HP-increase scrolls dropped from certain mobs/ bosses limited to those utilizing the sub service but they cap out at a certain amount making warriors max hp around 30k or at 30k and squishy classes like thief around half that. This would decrease the max hp for some incredibly washed characters but likely bring it up for most which would retain balance for the game and class identity.
    3. Leeching seems to be a much simpler problem, simply remove peoples ability to leech from characters that are 20+ levels above them. This allows people to be carried by stronger friends at lower levels while enabling people to continue to leech at the stagnating 4th jobs. What it primarily removes is Bishops/AM's in low level zones.
    4. Buff all PQ's besides KPQ/LPQ/EPQ people need a place to congregate, make friends, and level, that is the PQ's job and besides those 3 pqs they are all dead. With this people who want to play in parties have an easier time doing PQ's and people who want to play solo have an easier time finding an open map to grind.
    5. Make it harder for people to multibox, don't let them do it without a 3rd party client, actively search for people multiboxing and give them temp bans. Keep the temp bans at around 12 hrs, nothing big, just puts a little fear into people for multiboxing and removes the incentive. Make people who want to multibox HAVE to go the extra step to do it and potentially stall their day if you catch them.

    If you liked what I had to say or wanna make fun of me feel free to hit me up on IGN: TheMagicStik (I have no friends)

    Disclaimer: With this post I'm not making demands, I'm not crying, and I dont intend to quit even if these things don't change (even though I'm temp banned lol). This is just a list of things I have identified on the server that seem problematic to me. If any of these things happened I would be happy and I would thank the devs profusely but I'm content as is. Thank you to all who have provided constructive criticism, I'm sorry that I can't help but reply to trolls.
    • Agree Agree x 14
    • Disagree Disagree x 13
    • Great Work Great Work x 4
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