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Illbean's HP Challenge Journal

Discussion in 'MapleLegends Journeys' started by Illbean, Oct 21, 2024.

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  1. Illbean

    Illbean King Slime

    Apr 25, 2024
    3:08 AM
    So I don't really know how people go about these things, so i'ma just wing it all the way and see what happens.

    I'm keeping this journal for a few reasons.
    • Something that I can look back at to see where my first ever high-lv journey has taken me in Maplestory
    • Provide some possibly good insight to the the Staff team on how a "new" player interacts with the system without the use of a guide.
    • Provide entertainment to other possible readers.
    So just to set things straight. I'm doing the HP challenges for the very first time. I've never read a guide about them, I've only seen them mentioned and spoken about in whispers, often followed by Krythan telling people to wash their characters. When I brought up the idea of writing this, I was smacked in the face with positive input, encouraging me to do so.
    Shout out to (discord names) Krythan, rikoyuusaki, (clam), Nights and Soblet.
    However! Since i'm a filthy casual I'll remain dirty (unwashed) and just do the challenges instead because I dislike the entire notion of washing.

    So again to clarify:
    • This is my first ever highlv character in any version of Maplestory. I'm 105 Priest.
    • I've not read nor will I read any guides on how to do the HP challenges.
    • I have so far spoken to people in discord and in game for some hints when I've been stuck. More info on this later on in the journal.

    Chapter 1 - Starting the HP Challenges.

    I hit lv 100 after some grinding on Gallos mid "Summer" event that started in fall.
    I was thinking that maybe I should go and do it right away, but I decided against it because at the time I was busy grinding with a partner and I would feel bad leaving them alone.
    A little time passed and we've all been struggling with some DDoS attacks and i've not been wanting to play. Eventually I did get back into it and thought about the challenges again but put them on hold. Why? Because I would have to actually leave Gallos / Himes to go to Lith Harbor, and that would take me 2 VIP rocks (1 away and 1 back to Gallos) and I'm a cheapskate.

    I then managed to hit 105 and since my partner had DCed I decided that it's time to start my adventure. I wanna get this big MP increase after all. I've noticed how much it helps to have Hyper Body with the summer dish on, and so now I want to have more MP all the time.

    I now made my way to Lith Harbor and talked to Rosa. I'm deadset on reading all of the text that our lovely staff has provided us, especially since I don't wanna use a guide.

    I get some instructions, screenshot them for fear of not being able to read them again (spoiler, I can). I talk to Vikin and to Grendel. Apparently I need to deal 50mil of dmg with Shining Ray, i'll do that passively as I work on the rest (I hope that it's enough).
    After having had Vikin take me to KC and then into the sewers I was met with my first enticing puzzle. Find the coins / loot on the ground.

    I searched and I searched. Oh boy did I search...
    I ran through all 3 of those first sewer maps because those were specified in the quest. I went on every single platform and killed tons of mobs, tried pressing up at any place it seemed logical. To be fair, I did find a new area, got some challenge point or something idk. Hidden Street: Snek (not the actual name).

    After having gone through all these maps meticulously on every single channel, I felt defeated. Especially since it was still so early and i've made 0 progress. I went to Discord asking for a minor hint. Tayls told me to "look around with your cursor". And so I did, I started drawing small circles along the ground and on the second map I did find something. Excited I clicked, got my thing and returned. Now it was a little talk quest, go back to Lith Harbor and then to Perion, time to talk to Dances with Balrogs.

    Why does he have to be so vague????

    100% accurate retelling of my conversation with DwB:
    DwB: You do not impress me little bean. A puny spellcaster cannot be a true warrior. Piss off.
    Illbean: Pwease mister dancer sir. Vikin told me to check on his treasure.
    DwB: Bruh. He told me to not let any1 pass but him. Show me that you've "The Soul of a Warrior" and I might consider letting you pass.

    Puzzled again, I started to think. What in the world can "The soul of a warrior" even mean!?
    Then my genius activated, thanks to all the Int i've invested with my AP. Soul of a warrior, that must mean some type of buff. MAPLE WARRIOR!!
    I ran to FM, got MW buff from some guy who wanted a fame for it. I obliged.
    I exitedly returned to DwB and he told me to piss off once more.
    WHAT THE FUCK!? I have the LITERAL soul of a maple warrior!!!
    Must be some other Warrior buff i think, but the I remember that Pages / White Knights don't party buff. Screw it, I log my 51 Spearman and HB myself. Didn't work. I tried the following...:
    • Maple Warrior
    • Iron Will + Hyper Body
    • Equipping a random lv10 sword
    • Warrior Potion from the shop
    Then a lv30 Swordsman arrives through the portal, he jobadvances, becomes a spearman. Surely this guy must carry the wisdom of what it means to have the Soul of a Warrior, so I ask him.
    To my surprise, he actually responds!
    "It's in the heart, and in the mind"
    So now i'm thinking, ofc it is...
    But wait, my genious has not yet forsaken me. Warriors go BONK, surely I must defeat a great foe.
    "Do you mean the heart and brain of a Balrog?"
    "Yes, you must eat them" He said.

    I knew I was the greatest mastermind in the world. So I hurried away to the Sactuary where the Balrog awaits, updating the people on the discord about my thoughts and plans. Nightz is in despair because he knows i'm on the wrong path, but I'm overtaken by hubris and so I rightfully ingore the staff member who clearly knows a lot more about this than I do.
    I reach the Balrogs resting place, but there's competition. I hurry to check all the channels as fast as I can, but there's 0 Balrogs to be found and I don't know the timer. I sit down to wait and a 3rd guy shows up asking if I know the timer. I tell him no and explain my situation. He understands that I don't want him to tell me the correct answer, so he just tells me i'm not supposed to be here and smiles when i tell him about my backup plan to get Drake Blood / Drake Meat (surely that must be what makes a a "True Warrior Soul").

    Nightz has reached his limit about now and adivices me to ask around in Perion what it could mean to have a true warrior soul.

    Reluctantly I decide to take his advice because I noticed that I had a long way to travel to reach any drakes because I took a very wrong turn (town portal back to Sleepy Wood and no other scrolls available to other towns).

    That brought me to Blackbull who then told me about how to go about to aqquire an amulet that would prove to DwB that I do indeed have the SoUl oF a TrUe WaRrIoR.

    I'm now in the process of grinding Red Drakes. Please don't grief me.
    • Great Work Great Work x 4
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    • Creative Creative x 1
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