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Sku's Master Quest V2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Skuire, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    Total Playtime: 332 hrs ~> 397 hrs
    The grind is alive and well!

    Card hunt is done for now, so it's back to degen farming at Master Chronos!
    Our main objective from now until 120 is to work on getting our STR+DEX gears together in preparation for equipping a Dragon Khanjar (150 DEX, 75 STR).
    does anyone else find it easier to level when you're not focusing on exp?


    Holy pog, this top passed 6x 70% and 1x 60% scrolls! Shoutouts to Blu for giving me this clean a while back. SlimeSmile


    I won't lie, after my success w/ that top, I got a bit gear crazy. Made some pretty nice pants and then BOUGHT (not scrolled!) this 12 Dex earr.

    Congrats to Pluot and PIuot on getting hitched! Please ignore the fart cloud coming from the stands...
    It's an Agape thing...

    So, have you ever found yourself stomping around looking for your hat, before realizing it's been on your head the entire time? For the past few weeks I was fussing and worrying about how I was gonna scroll a good Scar helm, before I realized I already had an amazing helm! On my head!

    And lastly, picked up this BSS for pretty cheap. It's not amazing, but burning a bunch of 30% scrolls on class-specific snowshoes doesn't seem like a smart idea atm.

    Bless this event for giving so many AP resets. ALWAYS NEED MORE!

    After I improved my current DEX gears (helm, shoe, earr) to actually be pretty decent I realized I can equip some of the lower lvl DEX daggers without any extra investment. This mediocre Dragon's Tail is 3 att worse than my epic Kebob, but the speed increase is a HUGE boon especially when farming low level mobs.
    (kebob is fast(5) fyi)


    Was tempted by this epic fence so I bought it -- the extra 6 att is gonna be quite useful in helping me 1-shot Nightghosts w/ Assaulter.
    Also decided to grind mannies a bit to take last-minute advantage of that event exp. SlimeLaugh

    Note this^ EPM was with GM buffs! Males seem a tad bit better exp than Kids by my comparison, tho they do hit significantly harder on touch. I wanna wash up a bit more HP before I come here to grind again without GM HB.


    2nd WS from Gacha, 4th WS lifetime, 164th Rare ticket!

    As if my luck wasn't good enough already... Scrolled ANOTHER 120att/4slot GDK on a whim, BUT sadly failed the last two slots. However... it didn't boom. And if you'll remember, I've got another 120att with slots just waiting to be scrolled... SlimeWink

    The first chosen one. He sat in my inventory for so long, waiting for his chance... and this is where he met his end. Rest In Peace my friend.
    DAM! So in total we got three chances at the 125, and failed em all! That's ok tho, plenty more GDKs in the sea.

    Current stats, for the statistically curious.

    [​IMG] 316 ~> 451
    [​IMG] 141 ~> 165
    [​IMG] 36 ~> 88
    [​IMG] 65 ~> 84
    [​IMG] 6,647 ~> 10,340
    [​IMG] 840 ~> 1,020
    [​IMG] 68 ~> 120
    Milestone(s) Achieved

    5 Chaos/White Scrolls from Gacha/Event

    Aside from HTP, all my dex gears are out of the way now! This means I can focus solely on booming more GDKs and saving for a good D.Khanjar, while I torture myself at Nightghosts.
    BTW, let's get married soon michaelxiimichaelxii. SlimeBlush

    Until then, keep on questing!
    • Like Like x 8
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  2. Dilapidate

    Dilapidate Red Snail

    Sep 6, 2019
    6:34 AM
    DaNextLegend / Dilapidate
    Night Lord
    The farts are definitely an Agape thing MapleF8
    • Like Like x 1
  3. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    Total Playtime: 397 hrs ~> 451.5 hrs

    [Mixtape of the Week]
    Hi. Had a bit of a slump IRL lately but we back at it. SlimeSmile
    My 4th shot at the 124+! Boomed it, sadly... GDK prices are going stupidly high as of late (for SOME reason) so I've paused on buying any more for now.

    Tried out Nightghosts for a bit - it was exactly the self-torture I was expecting. Got absolutely nothing there for the longest time until AT LAST I managed to score a Claw Att 30% (and a few other scrolls). It's... okay? Extremely inconsistent at best. Also got jack squat from Showa exchange.

    After the disappointment of Nightghosts I adopted a daily "rotation" of sorts where I'd farm some Gold Teeth at Miner Zombies, head to Chronos for a Helm DEX scroll, then round it off at Drakes (Helm INT 60%) or Mannies. Drakes were super nice to me so after 3 scrolls there I decided to quit while I was ahead.

    Can't believe I put this off for so long... HOGGERS!

    Hoggy mount is a GREAT investment. 150% move speed might not seem like a major increase compared to Haste's 140%, but trust me, that extra boost will save you a ton of time. Plus, who doesn't love the cute little guy? SlimeBlush

    Dropped Drakes and started hitting up Kid Mannies more frequently. Now that I've got ~5900 HP w/ equips it's quite comfy grinding here w/ elixirs. (don't wanna have to use meso guard cuz it sounds like a big waste)


    Ofc marriage means APQ! You might not believe it, but this is completely new content to me - indeed, I have NEVER been married in maple until now. Needless to say the PQ took a few rounds to get used to, the most confounding stage being ^this combo one (which is stupid easy once you understand how it works).

    So. I found this 31 ATT D.KHANJAR in fm and could not resist its charms. Seemed like a very solid price to me as well...

    Had to take out a few big loans (MEGA shoutouts to KloudKnightKloudKnight and michaelxiimichaelxii), but HECK YEAH WE GOT IT! This is now my best and most expensive piece of gear! Can't equip it yet ofc. SlimeSweat2
    dw i paid them back already!

    As an experiment, I summoned and killed 50 Blue Goblins (the Rice Wine ones) to see how much meso I could make from equip drops. Took around 10-15 minutes of effort and I ended up with 1.2m in equips. Not terrible, but not the most amazing thing ever. Definitely a viable option if you're really broke or bored and have a bunch of their summoning items stacked up.

    Kunoichi. One of the few viable mobs for farming Dagger Stims because they also have a chance to drop Shield Att 60% (worth 20m+). Haven't managed to get a scroll yet but I did get some decent stim drops. Currently sitting on ~30. SlimeSmile

    landed another 10% from gacha on this sucker. boy am i gonna miss him on the 2nd of march!

    btw, HUGE GZ TO MICHAEL ON TIER 10 RING!! (his second)

    [​IMG] 451 ~> 536
    [​IMG] 164 ~> 201
    [​IMG] 84 ~> 87
    [​IMG] 2 ~> 3
    [​IMG] 120 ~> 154

    [​IMG] 88 ~> 98[​IMG] 0 ~> 371
    Milestone(s) Achieved
    30+ Att D.Khanjar

    Vday event should be (fingers crossed) coming up soon! I wanna make a big push for 120 before then.
    Mannies ahoy!
    • Like Like x 3
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    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. Motto

    Motto Skelegon

    Jun 30, 2018
    3:34 PM
    PogShad Motto
    poggers to sku listening to god like music
    Like Gymnopédie no.1

    • Like Like x 2
  5. Satan

    Satan Slime

    Dec 21, 2019
    9:34 AM
    how the hell did u grind up 400+mil in 2 weeks o.0
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Lulinya

    Lulinya Selkie Jr.

    Aug 25, 2018
    8:34 PM
    Beginner, F/P Mage
    Was looking for meeting with random ppl part but its okay still fun to read, gj.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    Total Playtime: 451.5 hrs ~> 572 hrs
    >[Mixtape of the Week]<
    Mental Limitations. I've always had ideas in my head that there are certain things I "just can't do." A great example is drawing; for a long time I've held this notion that I totally lack even a shred of talent when it comes to sketching, painting, etc, and when I see amazing works of art (as you often do on the internet) it blows me away how people are able to capture shading, lighting, and dimension on a flat space. The idea of doing something so creatively complex, compared to the two-dimensional chicken scratch drawings that I've only ever been able to produce, is totally overwhelming. It's created this complex in my psyche that states, "I just can't draw."
    But that can't be totally true, right? I mean, I've never really tried to draw everyday, and everything I've ever gotten good at wasn't by having a precise and mathematical understanding of the subject, but simply by doing it often.
    I think the point is, don't say "can't" if you've never tried. Sketching is a simple skill that I'd really like to acquire, so I'm doing little sketches everyday. We'll see if I'm truly and utterly beyond hope when it comes to drawing.

    In other news, spring is coming. My body's starting to wake me up earlier and the weather's getting nicer. Winter has been long and arduous as usual; can't wait for some green trees and sunshine. SlimeSmile

    Shoutouts to Law aka The Yogurt Man for lending me his Varkit! Bit of an increase over my 99 Dragon's Tail, which is always nice for mannies. Ah, mannies; what a simple and easy, yet profitable, grinding spot...

    Holy pog, so I bought this 105 Kanz for 35m and against all odds landed TWO CONSECUTIVE 30s on it. If you're not aware, this is a PERFECT endgame tier dagger!






    Aaaaaaaaaand it's gone.
    F OnionF4

    Know what else is gone? MANNIES! MY ENTIRE LIVELIHOOD! The removal of auto-aggro pretty much halved the EXP and everything else here. Plans RUINED.

    Tried CDs as an alternative but... it just doesn't compare. EXP is kinda almost as good, but in terms of gacha/equip drops/meso you really won't get much.

    I was so lost and conflicted that I resorted to questing, YES QUESTING, while I figured out what to do next. Finished up some annoying lines like the Nependeath Juice (got that sap pretty quick) and Alcaster's excellent book adventure.

    Shoutouts to AGAPE for taking me on a CWK run and letting me loot this MoN. Pretty good stats huh??
    I mean I'm gonna be using HTP relatively soon, but this is still mad nice for the extra HP and dmg right now.

    Also started trying some Dragon Kanzir crafting. Results? ~17 crafts, nothing decent to show for it. I did get a 105, two 104s and some other decent ones, but the scrolling was nothin but boom boom boom.

    And this is where Nightghosts come in. Remember last time when I said this place was self-torture? Well, it is, but it's not so bad once you get used to it. I soon found out that my earlier farming exploits were rather unlucky as I got my first BWG from Showa exchange as well as some other great drops while grinding there.
    This became my main hunting ground, and soon I got very sweaty about it - for reasons that you will later see. SlimeWink If you're interested in some Nightghost statistics, check out [This Thread] where I logged quite a few hours of drops.

    Found this great deal on an unfinished Rat Mouth in FM and just HAD to try my luck. I mean, even without the slot it would have been a solid find, and 7 Dex was still an upgrade to my then-current 6. Sadly I was flat broke from all that crafting, so I resorted to taking a loan from MOTTO aka Adage aka The Discord Legend of ML #general. Big shoutouts to him!

    Managed to turn it into an 8 Dex!

    More ghostly grindin. Lots more than I could ever show.

    LOL, check out this crazy bug where the Ariant Genie boat was appearing in every single map.

    Eventually I realized that he was there to grant me three wishes: my first pictured above, my second to fix the client crashes, and my third: legalize SUSHI!

    He even showed up to bless me at Nightghosts!

    Eventually I got a second BWG, LOOOOOOOOOONG after the first. I get the feeling that I might be unlucky on these, considering I've heard that Blu once got two in a row, or some dude named Jaqen supposedly got 5 in 6 raffles. O well!

    Genie granted my wish... eventually! OnionMuha

    Started picking up Drakes again too as a non-ghost grinding spot. I swear every time I get a Helm INT 60 scroll there, I vow to never come back, but the 9.5m scrolls are so alluring that I always find myself returning.

    BTW, CHAOS!! My first big pull from Mr. Moneybags in this LNY event.

    Also picked up Zombies and Chronos again for the variety; it's satisfying to have a diverse stock of items in your shop that slowly sell over time.
    At this point I was in the process of selling off every non-needed valuable I owned (for reasons that will be revealed), and Paid2Win aka Alex was nice enough to let me loot a BF toe for my Dep Star quest. Sold off both my old Dep and the new one, 27.5m each in the same day. Easiest 55m of my life~

    My epic 2att/2dex Black Racc Mask from Halloween expired this month. Picked up this dumpy 1 dex spec for 3.5m to replace it. F SlimeCry

    Here's where my luck really started to go off the rails.

    Burned out on ghosts so Dead Mine became my go-to farming spot for a little while. Very chill and good profits.

    HERE it is, the reason I was going so hard on farming the past couple weeks. Some background: Kyle (KanuxUnchou) scrolled this amazing GDK and offered to hold it for me - 1.3b. At the time I was dead broke and still 60m in debt to Motto, but a challenge is a CHALLENGE - I accepted. Of course the CS and WS I pulled did help me get there just a tiiiiiiiiny bit. HUGE SHOUTOUTS TO ZIOZO aka John FGOZO for coming out of retirement to loan me 200m, and Moob aka John aka MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB for loaning me the last 100m I needed to get this dang thing.

    Welp, we're good on daggers pretty much forever.

    BUT IM NOT DONE YET! this certainly expedited the process of paying back my loans

    alright alright, let's calm down. new bowlcut for the final climb to 120.

    My stats, for the statistically curious.


    [​IMG] 536 ~> 768
    [​IMG] 201 ~> 279
    [​IMG] 87 ~> 92
    [​IMG] 3 ~> 16
    [​IMG] 154 ~> 193
    [​IMG] 98 ~> 111 [​IMG] 371 ~> IDK (a lot)
    Milestones Achieved

    Completed 800 Quests
    125+ Att Dagger
    10 White/Chaos Scrolls from Gacha/Event (Skusku tier)

    WELL, I'm pretty sure this was the biggest update ever. Going forward, we've just got a few things to wrap up gear-wise then it'll be smooth sailing to 120. Maybe I'll actually grind somewhere that gives decent exp, who knows. SlimeWink

    Until then, Keep On Questing!
    • Like Like x 5
    • Great Work Great Work x 3
  8. SwordnBoard

    SwordnBoard Selkie Jr.

    Jun 17, 2017
    2:34 PM
    Skugene confirmed.

    That luck is NOT natural.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. akashsky

    akashsky Horntail

    Jun 10, 2017
    United States
    6:34 AM
    To be fair he has been playing for 572 hours . I would be pretty disappointed to not be filthy rich after that much time.
  10. Selquin

    Selquin Headless Horseman

    May 28, 2018
    7:34 AM
    Bowmaster, Night Lord, Buccaneer
    Don't be silly, havn't you heard that its literally impossible to make any money without selling leech on a mage?
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  11. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    Total Playtime: 572 hrs ~> 642 hrs
    >[Mixtape of the Week?]<
    Hey maplers! Hope you're all making the best of things lately. And if you're a new or returning player, welcome! SlimeSmile
    Aaaaaaaalright. My main goal at this point was to hit 120, but since we need HTP and you can do the quest any time level 80+, I wanted to get it out of the way ASAP. Shoutouts to Kyle for taking me on a run short notice.

    On the first run I looted a TERRIBLE pendant (i think it was like 7/6/6/6) so I came on the second run for another try. Fortunately got this 8/8/7/6, which is not perfect, but will definitely suffice. Dex is the main stat I wanted anyway. SlimeGrin second run was FAST too, just over an hour if i remember right.
    i also accidentally stole a chair... let's not talk about it. :')

    aaand boom, that's over with nice and early.

    speaking of getting things done, i decided to get those Silver Mane etcs out of the way too - HUUUUUUUUUUUGE shoutouts to SwordnBoard (HOGGERS) for carrying me in farming 600 Rexton Leathers!!! what a legend.

    Spent a bunch of levels grinding gallos w/ chill priests.

    RIP darren! SlimeXD honestly I enjoy himes a lot more than gallos, it's chiller and you get a lot more kills = more drops and gacha tickets. plus it's fun to watch the coins fly with CB's pickpocket.

    NOT DONE YET ladies and gentlemen!


    OK, let's get a final roundup on gears, for the history:

    AT LAST. A long time coming, we can FINALLY equip our good stuff.

    Before - After. A 622 pt increase in min range! SlimeShocked

    Went on a skill quest marathon to celebrate my ascension to Chad Shad! Big props to Paid2Win for his inexhaustible supply of Miniature Pianus for that Hero's Will quest - i had to buy three of em to get it done. Also, GOT MANE. HE'S FAST AF.

    Major props to NightShadow aka Matt aka The Real P I U O T for carrying me in Pap for my smoke quest!

    Also big props to Matt aka Mott for making me look like a fool when I thought the Assassinate quest was bugged.. nope, turns out you just need to disregard what the NPC tells you and go in a random portal.

    rip darren x2 SlimeXD

    And last on our list of skills, shoutout to the legendary three-time Tier 10 gamer michaelxiimichaelxii aka Michael for bringing his DK to Nath PQ for me to get the Taunt skillbook.

    Started on ToT Stuff. I love this area - it's sooooo chill and the music is some of the best in maple, ever, period. Cool mobs, good exp, let's just hope it becomes more viable once we get all the pinkbean stuff. the LEGEND SwordnBoard (HOGGERS) carried me through a lot of these quests too!

    [​IMG] watch that boi go. TEADRINKERS REPRESENT

    Himes became my new home for the 122-127 grind - either solo or w/ the occasional priest. Also, finally able to do APQs again after we got that client patch. i missed being an apple picker SlimeBlush

    after the death of many many ghosts i achieved my goal of Bstep 21. FOUR TARGETS, now im UNSTOPPABLE.
    I'm thinking I wanna go for Taunt next, since in all likelihood I'll just be farming lower level mobs for scrolls and whatnot. We'll see.

    My current statistics, for the numerically inclined. I've washed a bunch of points out of MP so I'm finally getting pretty stronk.

    [​IMG] 768 ~> 840
    [​IMG] 279 ~> 305
    [​IMG] 193 ~> 265
    Milestone(s) Achieved

    Horntail Pendant
    5k HP Clean
    Level 120
    Dragon Khanjar Equipped

    Wew. So going forward, there's a guide or two I wanna write, especially given the recent influx of new players. In game I'll just be chilling and charging up my grind batteries for the next event. Oh, and APQ.

    Stay cool, and Keep On Questing!
    • Like Like x 8
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Danny

    Danny Slimy

    Apr 30, 2015
    4:34 PM
    Dark Knight
  13. SwordnBoard

    SwordnBoard Selkie Jr.

    Jun 17, 2017
    2:34 PM
    Just checking in to say your white scroll rate is utter horseshit.

    Should i make a mule called WhiteSkuroll to use my gach tickets on.........
    • Great Work Great Work x 2
  14. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    Total Playtime: 642 hrs ~> 864 hrs
    Hey maplers! I know it's been while (72 days SlimeAngel) since last update, but I am indeed alive and kicking. Hope you're doing well in spite of circumstances.

    • Trying to do 45 mins of art stuff every morning.
    • Doing portraits recently; I'll show some off when I get a bit better (less bad).
    • Drawing is really relaxing, especially if you've got a good podcast or something to listen to, but like many good things I still need to force myself to do it.
    Pre-Event Catchup! (April+Early May)

    Lazy times pre-event. Not feeling super motivated in any particular direction, I kinda floated around and did whatever: bit of card hunting, abusing pre-nerf CDs (RIP), lots and lots o GPQ, and ofc Shaolin 7F grinding during GM buffs.

    O, and questing. Who doesn't love questing? SlimeWink Finished up pretty much everything in CWK, all the Coke Town stuff, and some random stragglers like Cursed Dolls and Eliza.

    Event is here yay!
    After many moons and countless 'Soon™'s, the fabled Anniversary Event at last arrived.


    One of my main goals for this event period was to try and finish all Leafre+ToT cards. All of these guys were generally easy and enjoyable now that I can actually deal damage. Even the dreaded Dual Birk fell in no time! Stark contrast from my card hunting days as a 9x Chief BandINT. SlimeSmile

    But of course, you've still got the cards that just. suck. Read: Nest Golem. I really don't recommend hunting this guy at the moment because he's BUGGED! Currently only the Golems transformed from the dropless Jr. Newties will drop cards, meaning that the "best" map for Nest Golems THAT I FARMED AT FOR LIKE, THREE DAYS was actually worse than the Jr. Newties' map. We'll be back.

    On to ToT. Finished everything here EXCEPT the last two mobs, for reasons that you'll see in a bit. It's worth questing/hunting here for the music alone. and ofc pb coming soon™ :pinkbean:

    Had this epic Red Katinas going but I got too greedy. RIP!

    Good thing I was able to pick up this backup for super cheap. Not equipping it yet tho, more on that later.

    Alright. So what if I told you that I offered 1b on a certain item when I only had ~90 mil lying around. Stupid move? Yes, but it's the stupid moves that get me motivated to GRIND! I started things off with a goal of farming 1000 Gold Teeth! But unfortunately.......

    all those teeth and more were destroyed by the deadlock rollbacks...
    OnionSilent rip my 3 golden tickets too.

    But hey, setbacks happen! Back on my grind, I tanked the Gold Teeth market by selling several hundred at 99k each, then headed to the only other place I could think of... MANNIES?!

    Yea, despite losing the auto-aggro that made them so delectably broken, Male Mannies are a legit farming spot again IMO, at least for shads or those with high mobility (the recent Assaulter speed buff helps a lot in that regard). Their equip drops are almost all high value and you get TONS of them. And of course, you'll get a very decent amount of event stuff/gacha while farming here - my record is 7 golden tickets in one degen day. SlimeWink

    NOT WITHOUT GREAT HELP FROM MY LOVELY CREDITORS (Fartsy, michaelxii, DOOOOOOSTOEVSKY, and Haku), I was able to afford THIS item. What is this item, you might ask?

    This is a +1 Speargrave dagger with Perfect stats (WA and Luk). Yes, although my offer was high and considered [​IMG] by some, I saw this and had to have it at all costs. Perfecting this thing will be an amazing challenge for my quest.

    That sounds cool and all, but I was still 500m in debt. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    To the mines!

    OOOOOOOOk, so I'm not totally out of the woods yet, but things are winding down (and I think my hubby michaelxiimichaelxii is willing to cut me a bit of slack SlimeBlush). Only 80m to go as of now!

    [EDIT 6/23] just to clarify since I had a couple ppl asking me about this: no i did not farm a raw 900 mil at mannies. i had ~300-400m in STONK scrolls and other items/gear which i liquidated (mostly stuff I lost money on due to the rona wave)

    So right now I'm waaaay too broke to try and shell out for a high att cape, but I still wanted something better than the sucky PAC I've been using since level 50. Here's what I came up with, a dumpy scrolled AVOID META cape that will hopefully give me a lot of mileage. And dang, wouldja check out that MDEF!

    My statistics, for the statistically inclined.

    [​IMG] 840 ~> 1127
    [​IMG] 306 ~> 366
    [​IMG] 265 ~> 350
    [​IMG] 0 ~> 36
    [​IMG] 0 ~> 2,157
    Milestone(s) Achieved

    Level 130
    Completed 900 Quests
    Level 140
    Collected 330 Sets

    Next update will be at the end of the current event! So the 29th or so. Look forward to big progress on gear, levels, and washing. Keep On Questing!
    • Like Like x 6
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    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  15. michaelxii

    michaelxii Horny Mushroom

    Oct 6, 2018
    6:34 AM
    F/P Arch Mage
    TFW you can't afford pots OnionCry
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  16. Eighty

    Eighty Windraider

    Jun 19, 2018
    7:19 PM
    I’ve asked about the nest golems before but I received no response on it. But nest golems only drop from the transforming ones and has been that way from the start. Don’t think it’s a bug. Kinda weird considering how transforming yetis don’t drop the card equivalent.
  17. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    Total Playtime: 864 hrs ~> 933 hrs
    Heyo! Bit later than expected but I'm back again. Sweating in the summer heat, and content.

    • Trying out audiobooks. Gonna attempt to listen to 2 books a month over the next year (on top of whatever paper books I'm reading). Audio is good for a morning routine or repetitive tasks (certain grinding in maple especially SlimeWink).
    • Art stuff is going OK - still have to force my monkey brain to sit down and do it. Starting on a long term project, will reveal more when I've made some progress. Thinking about picking up a tablet/pen for digital art since I'm accustomed to digital techniques and it's so much easier/cleaner than physical drawing.
    • Will be resuming classes this coming fall.
    The promised 7F grind! Wanted to take as much advantage as possible of that sweet 20% event bonus exp while it lasted.

    Between shao grinds I hit up this AWESOME event farming spot, pioneered by the legendary BABYFATHER. Shads/CBs can just hold down Assaulter here, back and forth, for a nutty amount of event drops (and gacha too). Big recommend.

    AND SO THE TIME CAME to finally redeem all of my Spring Festival Coins...

    The results... were near ideal! Not a single cube failed, and I only had to toss 2 trash rings until I got the ones I wanted.
    what's that? u failed 5 cubes on ur rings? SUCK ITOnionMuha

    As planned, with all the extra STR/DEX I'm able to equip my decent Katinas and meme snowshoe for AVOIDMETA !

    BOOM. 155! Huge shoutouts to the boys at 7F for helping me powerlevel during the last week of the anni event.

    Now... it's time. In total I was able to farm 58 Anniversary Golden Tickets. 58 free resets. SlimeSmile

    base int BEGONE

    YATTA. A bit less intelligent, but I am no longer a weakling!

    Last couple days of the event I pretty much did nothing but degen at Beanstalk. No I was not able to finish all 134 of my beans - think I did like 70-80.
    Results: 23x Overall INT 65%. SlimeShocked now, we wait for the market to rise.

    Post-Event Burnout Days

    Last week or so I've just been casual farming Dragon Elixirs for fun. It's chill and I get a couple % each time.

    Also started on a character who's been germinating for a while now. Say hello to Skushi! I'll be farming cards and leveling him on the side whenever I'm feeling burned out on the main. Eventually he might even come on a boss run or two. SlimeWink

    Q: Don't your self imposed rules for this challenge make a restriction against playing multiple characters?
    A: Yes, this is true. However, I also follow another unspoken rule: The Rule of Fun - if it's fun, it's fair game.
    Plus I'm gearing him with the mesos I've gained on my main (Skucci), so I don't see any logistical problem with his existence.

    BTW, Skushi is no stranger to the sku.exe inheritance!

    Since my gears have changed a bit recently, here's the new loadout.

    Skucci V2, AVOIDMETA Edition:


    Current stats.

    [​IMG] 1,127 ~> 1,190
    [​IMG] 366 ~> 385
    [​IMG] 350 ~> 594
    [​IMG] 36 ~> 58
    [​IMG] 2,157 ~> 3,951
    Milestone(s) Achieved

    Level 150

    Wew. So going forward, my primary focus will be to hit ~160 or so and max out my Nate. Then we can start bossing in earnest. See ya.
    • Like Like x 7
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  18. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    Total Playtime: 933 hrs ~> 937 hrs
    ded mapler? SlimeSweat
    irl: reading a lot. more than halfway finished with a 53 hr audiobook (Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa, translated)
    i leveled up.... once! its all i did lol. and this was over a month ago SlimeXD

    my stats. nice hp btw OnionF3

    [​IMG] 1,190 ~> 1,196
    [​IMG] 385 ~> 388
    [​IMG] 594 ~> 664

    yeeeep, that's really it. i'm looking into picking up the grind again soon. trying to hit 160 and max nate before i'll feel like hopping on any boss runs.
    also, summer event when? :trihard:
    • Like Like x 5
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    Total Playtime: 937 hrs ~> 976 hrs
    HEY. back again so soon with a quick and casual update, plus a plan for going forward.
    irl: still reading quite a bit (~40% thru the second Kingkiller book, its amazing but i really wish the author would get his head out his ass and finally start working on the 3rd book already), nearly finished with Musashi audiobook tho i did burn out on it for a while. its pretty good but mostly im just going for the end so it can finally be finished and i can listen to something else.
    art stuff???: haven't done anything lately because reading kind of occupies the same hobby space for me, and i'm a much better reader than artist. would rather play to my strengths. though i still have some plans for a certain questy lass. SlimeWink

    alright. remember my sweet grave that i overpaid for like a pepega? its TIME to stop lazing around and start PERFECTING this son of a gun. so i'm going to be farming at least a bit every day (minimum 30 mins) and going HARD for a tentative goal of 40 WS. just for fun i'll also be doing daily updates to document my progress.
    oh, and don't ask why i got 4 item pouches LOL.

    what have I been up to in game? well, i've been raising up and collecting cards for young Skushi and another character who i don't think i've talked about yet. managed to zhelm them both and Skushi is at like, 75 sets or something. more on that later, but as of now my other chars are getting sidelined. SlimeEvil

    o BTW, check out my HP

    [​IMG] 1,196 ~> 1,241
    [​IMG] 388 ~> 395
    [​IMG] 669 ~> 714
    [​IMG] [​IMG] 1/40 WS Collected
    • Great Work Great Work x 3
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. OP

    Skuire Nightshadow

    Aug 16, 2017
    7:34 AM
    The Perfect Quest, Day 1
    • did some bpq, doesn't make money but hopefully i get some nice boxes
    • very light mannies grind, made ~2.3m mesos??
    • got this pgc from raffle. easiest 100m of my life
    OnionMuha its not a white scroll but i guess i'll take it
    • Like Like x 4

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