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[Formal Proposal] Quester's Ring

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Skuire, Apr 30, 2020.

Do you support this proposal?

  1. Yes

    507 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but needs changes (specify in thread)

    84 vote(s)
  3. No

    19 vote(s)
  1. Slime

    Slime Pixel Artist Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2015
    11:19 AM
    Slime / OmokTeacher
    I don't see this as a problem. Same thing happened when monster book ring was released, higher level players "missed out" on getting free sets while leveling up, but as far as I remember everyone was very happy about it and many people even came back from retirement just to get monster book completed.

    The same is true for quest ring, the vast majority of quests can be completed way faster with stronger skills.

    I see this as a negative aspect of Monster Book Ring. It's supposed to be a reward for something you do yourself, and it's supposed to encourage you to go to areas you wouldn't visit otherwise.

    Hundreds of hours into low level quests is an exaggeration. "Forcing" is in my opinion an exaggeration too. But either way, that's the point; it's meant to encourage people to experience the RPG aspect of this MMORPG.
    • Agree Agree x 10
  2. yurain

    yurain Windraider

    Dec 30, 2019
    4:19 PM
    I/L Wizard
    It is really the same. Hunting 50 tree branch and firewood to fix blackbull's house vs hunting for 2 sets of monster cards from stump and axe stump.
    You can literally view MBR as a quest ring, with that specific NPC.
  3. iccqqq

    iccqqq Dark Stone Golem

    Jun 8, 2020
    11:19 AM
    its pointless replying to level 180+ soulless turds.
    to them this game should remain in constant limbo, no changes ever unless they get ''compensated'' :clown:
    • Like Like x 4
  4. Ainz

    Ainz Zakum

    May 2, 2015
    10:19 AM
    So many I keep forgetting
    Your recent forum behavior has been so very useful!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. iccqqq

    iccqqq Dark Stone Golem

    Jun 8, 2020
    11:19 AM
    you need people like me. i might be the bad guy but i tell it how it is.
    i am the tony montana of maplelegends
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Slime

    Slime Pixel Artist Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2015
    11:19 AM
    Slime / OmokTeacher
    Nah Snortin u da man but I think Halfway was being fair and deserved being taken seriously.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  7. Gustavosama

    Gustavosama King Slime

    May 12, 2020
    4:19 AM
    Hunter, Bowmaster
    When is this idea gonna be made a reality!? it has been for a year on the forums and its so awesome that this can bring new players and older players into questing, even better, questing in groups with friends/guildies for the same quest lines would be so much fun that the actual quest life that is doing it alone, it would bring mobbing in parties again, and achieving goals with friends, as people do sometimes with the card hunt! :3 This would also make it more doable for people that decide to not hp wash and enjoy the game as it is while enjoying or having a purpose to play the content!
    I hope this to become real for 2022. I've seen some PQ revamp ideas on the forum, that IMO would bring life and purpose to get players to enjoy that content. If those changes were made I think this would be (more than it already is) the best server in the world to play the old maple.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  8. lv1crook

    lv1crook Capt. Latanica

    Jan 19, 2021
    1:19 AM
    That is the reason you don’t see high quality suggestions like this very often. You can have a 97% approval rate, over 100 positive reacts, a well structured and thought-out thread with professional looking visual aids made by a respected member of the community and yet the staff will go without a response for years.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  9. Estrahl

    Estrahl Mr. Anchor

    Feb 1, 2021
    1:19 AM
    Kiyomasa, kage, miko, zoku, etc
    Dragon Knight, Cleric, Bowman, Bandit
    Not all of this is directed solely at you two, these are just two recent posts that border the line of what several people seem to have already crossed.

    I'm not trying to sound like an ass, but ideas, good or bad, do not get made simply because people demand for them. The dev team has other priorities, or maybe they're looking in to how it could be added. Maybe it's something they can't just develop between patches and have to constantly update alongside the current patch cycle(effectively creating a 2nd "in development" client trying to keep up with the current dev cycle). My point is these things aren't just suddenly coded immediately when they're suggested, and might take a long time to find out if it can be added in at all.

    And it's not like the devs can just give a yes or no answer. If one says yes but it turns out it can't be done, people lose their shit and call the devs liars. If a dev says no, but it can be added later on, the devs are liars and just don't want to add anything to the game. No matter how they respond it's scrutinized under a microscope. A true lose lose situation. That's why they can only give opinions as people, and have to state that they are giving their opinions as people, not as developers.

    The idea that a popular idea should be put to the front of the queue is sort of a bad take. I could post about how we need a launchable spaceship added to Ludibrium. That post could get the entire playerbase agreeing. Should the dev team drop what they're working on to add it in? Does everything with X likes and agrees need to be addressed by the staff in an official manner?

    I like the quest ring idea, but I also know coding is really hard and not everything is possible. Adding a quest ring could crash the game, make a pq unplayable, or any number of unforseen complications.

    I think it's best to enjoy the concept, talk about it as much as you want, but step away and get some perspective. The demanding in a free private server sometimes comes off as entitled and insensitive. I don't think the devs want to read constantly about how stupid and dumb and lazy and uncaring they are because they didn't insert hot topic of the week/month/year fast enough. They already work hard and should be proud of their accomplishments, personally and for the server. It shouldn't be marred by petty complaints about stuff that hasn't been added in yet, or stuff that hasn't been addressed. I'm honestly surprised some devs even read this stuff sometimes, it comes off as so condescending.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  10. carebu

    carebu Brown Teddy

    Jul 15, 2020
    4:19 AM
    Dark Knight
    I mean if you cared about anything that much, you could prove it by learning to program and stepping up to the plate and applying yourself. Theoretically anything is possible if you're willing to put enough time into developing your skills enough.

    Oh, you don't want to do that? But someone else should?
    • Agree Agree x 6
  11. DrJason

    DrJason Windraider

    May 30, 2018
    4:19 AM
    DrJason, Zrar, WhyDaggers
    Islander, F/P Arch Mage
    You know that Legends' source code is not public right? It's not a matter of being able to code or not
    Or are you suggesting that anyone with an idea to improve the server should convince Kimmy to get access to the source code by showcasing their elite skills? By extension, only staff members (specifically developers) should contribute ideas?

    All valid, but I think the frustration comes from a lack of communication about what the staff thinks about this or if they are working on anything similar, which is also valid, no?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Estrahl

    Estrahl Mr. Anchor

    Feb 1, 2021
    1:19 AM
    Kiyomasa, kage, miko, zoku, etc
    Dragon Knight, Cleric, Bowman, Bandit
    They give their opinions, but it's buried under pages of responses and multiple threads suggesting the same or a similar thing. They also have to clarify everything they talk about is strictly from a player pov, otherwise people just assume that any response means confirmation, positive or negative. And people assume a response means it's gonna happen, or that devs should be actively invested in these threads.

    I don't think pestering devs and expecting responses and heavy investment into these threads is going to actually go anywhere. Rather I think if devs spend too much time on a thread clarifying or even just bouncing ideas, it gets into people's heads that maybe this(hypothetical) suggestion will be the one that gets added.

    And then there's the fact that if they're spending all their time replying to posts, they're not working on the ever-growing grocery list of stuff we keep throwing at them.

    I doubt they spend every waking moment on the game, they have priorities outside of this, they likely have jobs that they have to prioritize over everything else, overtime, family or personal time, and then spend moments of their hobby life working on code.

    Just a little perspective, is all. I think suggestions are great and if we could all get our suggestions added we would all be really grateful. But I think we should be realistic. These devs aren't working 10-14 hours a day crunching code and making new stuff. They work hard, but there's only so much time in the day.
    • Like Like x 4
  13. Slime

    Slime Pixel Artist Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2015
    11:19 AM
    Slime / OmokTeacher
    Also friendly reminder to everyone that staff team is made entirely of volunteers.
    • Agree Agree x 7
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Gustavosama

    Gustavosama King Slime

    May 12, 2020
    4:19 AM
    Hunter, Bowmaster
    Well, I think my comment brought/started some arguing... it was not meant for that to happen. I was just trying to give more attention back to this threat because I want this to happen and not be forgotten.
    I wouldn't call asking for some content that has been very well presented by someone, with a whole concept, pixel art, stats, etc. 'whining' at developers for not doing their 'job' when they are merely volunteering to make this game better for all of our community, it just impresses me that it has been present for over two years, while any progress has been made with this (That at least they have let us know so far) when all I see is the positive aspects that this would bring (And so does many).
    Yes, coding might be hard, I understand that but what makes me confused is why is this not a priority, being this such an improvement on how the whole game content can be enjoyed over a seasonal event, where they have to code new stuff, bring new NPC's, new quests, new items, etc. that is the same that's being asked by the community in this post. (I'm not saying this because I don't enjoy an event, because I do a lot, my comment comes from how impactful I see one versus the other). and even more when most of the idea and part of the material has been given (People even offer themselves on the forum to help on tasks regarding this).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. lv1crook

    lv1crook Capt. Latanica

    Jan 19, 2021
    1:19 AM
    I just want to know how long you guys think it’s fair for the staff to say nothing. 3 years, 4 years, 5?

    2 years is what, like 1/4 or 1/3 of this servers lifetime. Is that reasonable to you? I’m not even talking about implementation, just acknowledgement. If you ask me, the fact that this has just been left in limbo this long is kinda sad.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. AndrewMapler

    AndrewMapler Mano

    Mar 27, 2020
    4:19 PM
    Night Lord
    Allow me to direct you here: https://forum.maplelegends.com/index.php?threads/officially-tired.45370/#post-306353

    TL;DR: don't bother looking forward to anything around here because you'll only find out its happening on the day the patch is released :facepalm:
  17. Eleza

    Eleza Mano

    Apr 8, 2022
    4:19 AM
    F/P Wizard
    Sums it up. They aren't obligated to respond to everything. As mentioned before by EstrahlEstrahl, It's a double edged sword if they do reply.

    I know this is a private server run by volunteers and maplers themselves, but you would get the same treatment on any games discord or forum, so why would it be different here? Imagine if other game devs did respond to anything and everything for other games, it would be chaos. Same thing applies here. We all want acknowledgement, but that doesn't mean they aren't listening or watching.

    More on topic since I just found this thread; I think it would be cool to have some sort of reward for questing, as I myself like to split off and quest for a change of pace. Obviously the rewards would have to be looked at, but even if it's something simple, lets say a chair to show off, I'd be happy with it. It would add some etc's to the market that could be exchanged, as well.
  18. xiaoyaoz

    xiaoyaoz Balance Team Staff Member Balance Team

    Jul 17, 2020
    9:19 AM
    (speaking as a player and NOT representing staff's opinion)

    If we look through the many pages in this thread, I think there are few responses from Staff, of course, none of the responses promise or indicate the approval or coming of the ring because simply put, making a promise that is not fulfilled (in a timely fashion) will only gather more disappointment and resentment.
    While it is easy to just ask and demand for things to happen, the process of making things happen can sometimes come with complication.
    Things like implementation issues, balance implications or simply interruption from bigger issues like inflation can impede the progress of even the best and most approved proposal out here.
    Staffs, as mentioned, are volunteers, there is just so much time and effort that one can put into this hobby.
    If things start to feel more like a job that has to be done, then I'm afraid it will just invite the opposite effect where lesser things are done simply because people are less motivated to do things they have to do.

    I'm not saying people shouldn't voice out their opinions on the matter, but rather, if one wishes to have this proposal to come into effect, it would be wiser to provide motivations and solutions on the proposal.
    Motivation can be as simple as 'hey, I still think this is a great idea because xxxx and hope that it can be implemented' and solutions can be as simple as writing down a summary of the many concerns and solutions raised in this thread so that it is easier to keep track instead of going through 17 pages of them.
    Just try to put yourself in a volunteering staff position and think what can people do to motivate you to work more and get things done, surely listening to complains/demands are not the top of the list right?

    Personally, I think this proposal is great and hope that it comes to fruition one day :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 13
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Odinuwu

    Odinuwu Red Snail

    Mar 17, 2022
    10:19 AM
    I just wanted to say that your suggestion is miles better from what I suggested recently (A quest incentive). Love your idea, and I strongly hope this will all be implemented. Fingers crossed!
    • Friendly Friendly x 5
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. FearfulCrow

    FearfulCrow Blue Snail

    Jul 15, 2022
    5:19 AM
    Bumping in just to say that questing is one of my favorite parts of this game and would love to see an incentive to do them.

    Hope to see this implemented some day!
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1

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