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[Guide] How to Farm millions of NX: Damp Forest

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Vowels, Jan 31, 2022.

  1. Vowels

    Vowels Mr. Anchor

    Jan 23, 2019
    4:07 AM

    The best way to farm event points is using single-target skills at maps with high density of monsters, this is popular knowledge and the reason players of all levels farm at low level maps using all sort of single-target skills. The balance reason behind this seems to be that if event points dropped as much from multi-target skills it would make certain classes broken, specially mages.

    If you are familiar with how multi-mage optimizes ultimates to achieve the best meso/hour perhaps the concept of this guide won't be so surprising to you because this is the logical sequel to multi-farming. I'm gonna teach you how to optimize multiclient with single-target skills to achieve the best event farming results, the best points/hour and therefore the best way to farm resets so far.

    Here a sample of one hour in which I farmed 225 points and 3900 NX on a single character without making use of the party points, this is close to 4 resets per hour which is consistent with every test I've done during this event:




    Enter Damp Forest

    Damp Forest is a map located at Sleepywood, it has 3 platforms of monsters and is best farmed with 4 characters: one top, one mid and two bottom. The highest HP monster in this map is Jr. Necki with 285 HP so it's possible to farm it with first job characters, however the amount of maneuvers required to farm with such unsophisticated setup would only give you carpal tunnel syndrome after a couple of days so no! we are not trying to get exhausted quickly, we are looking to finish the marathon, 30 days worth of event resets.

    So what do you need?

    To hold position at the four farming spots with almost zero movement, without risk of getting knock-back into falling from the top and mid platforms you'll need characters with stance or high avoid, so warriors and shadowers are the best candidates, my personal pick is Dark Knight for some extra reasons... Behold Multi-DrK.

    My Dark Knights have stance maxed and are also equipped with avoid gear, they have around 170 avoidability each. Stance and avoidability combined makes Dark Knights immovable and this is important because if your characters are able to hold position you'll only have to worry about 'attacking' rather than 'attacking and repositioning'.



    Where to hold position?





    So why Dark Knight?

    First of all our Dark Knights will be using Pole Arms with Attack Speed: Fast (5), could be a Gold Surfboard, Super Snowboard or Purple Surfboard. The faster you kill the more points/hour you'll get, however we won't be using booster because that's too much work and we only wanna buff Stance every 5 minutes.

    You won't be performing one attack per key obviously, you'll be using the game macro skills:

    But with a twist... what if I told you this macro isn't exactly 3 attacks per key but a range of 3 to 6 attacks per key. Yea because after each cast of power strike an additional attack can trigger with 60% success because of Final Attack, that's right up to 6 attacks per key!

    Are you understanding what's going on? These are immovable characters that can attack up to 6 times with one key, in a map with high density of low level monsters. Be wise and place this macro skill in the same keyboard setting for all your characters.

    How to farm

    First of all keep your clients in order, make it easy for your hands, I recommend two clients top and two clients bottom, like forming a square so you'll only have to click in circles while using the game macro. Remember to use Stance every 5 minutes.

    1. Stance and position characters.
    2. Start attacking with each client, keep clicking in circles at a comfortable pace.
    3. As soon as you see a event etc drop start a 2:20 minutes timer. A 2 minute skill works too.
    4. Keep attacking with each client until the timer is up.





    How to loot all that?

    Get two pets with the following equips, also make sure of doing the 'Kenta Advice' quest in Aquaroad for maximum pet speed, it's gonna help big if your looting character can buff the pets with haste or with a mount, your pets will loot insanely fast.

    First pet
    Second pet

    Your attacker won't be attacking because it's a useless INT character (for now). Hold position at the very top of the map:


    1. When timer is up jump down and loot top platform
    2. Then position your character here, at the beginning of this rope:


    3. Jump to the left and you'll land in mind platform, let your pets loot it all:

    4. Jump bottom and loot everything
    5. Return to your initial position making use of the Free Market button
    6. Repeat: Start attacking again, start a timer, loot, repeat

    *If you have some practice, it's possible to keep attacking while trying to loot.

    A bit of history and conclusion

    During the year 2020 AlyoshaAlyosha suggested me farming at Damp Forest using ultimate with one mage at top platform and using a single-target attacker to cover mid and bottom, I was amazed by the results compared to farming solo so I tried to optimize it more until it's current state. I've been doing this since Summer 2020 event in which I got 1st Place for farming with this technique, back then I managed to farm around 1.6 million NX worth of resets and I went harder on Christmas 2020 event where I managed to farm a bit more than 2 million NX worth of resets. My degenerate friends of Pasta have also been farming with me, special mention to akashskyakashsky fartsyfartsy 8TEEN8TEEN PRADAPRADA OradiousOradious who have farmed millions of NX for their attackers.

    However what I've farmed isn't peak performance compared to what some GODLY farmers would be able to achieve with the proper knowledge, time and setup. Enjoy the technique, go full degen and finish washing your 30K HP attacker extremely fast whenever there's events with unlimited resets!
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  2. akashsky

    akashsky Horntail

    Jun 10, 2017
    United States
    12:07 AM
    This is a minor optimization, but if you want to increase the amount of mesos you get on your attacker, you can include item ignore pendant to exclude all of the equips that NPC for 1 meso. This way, you can make the most of your equip slots when you go to NPC (max eq slots reccomended). You could also ignore the ETC items to save space, but that has a downside of clogging vision somewhat.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. fartsy

    fartsy Zakum

    Jun 29, 2017
    2:07 AM
    F/P Mage
    Will post my damp forest numbers if there are more uncapped events in the future
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  4. -ovv

    -ovv Horntail

    Feb 23, 2020
    12:07 AM
    From my observations, I don't think that single-target or multiple-target skills have an innate drop rate difference. but rather each attack that kills gives you a set opportunity to yield a special drop (nx, gach, event items). Ultimates yield an extremely low drop rate because each ultimate takes a long time and clears mobs in a map far too efficiently, thus lowering the number of attempts to yield a drop within each respawn.

    I say this because I didn’t notice that much of a drop rate loss when my dk used crusher over something like power strike. As long as he was hitting something each strike of crusher, he had a decent drop rate. Of course, clearing mobs on your platform too quickly with fewer number of hits should theoretically lower your total chances at a drop, I do not think there’s a built-in drop rate difference between single target and multiple target skills. Another example would be clerics at ghost ship killing mobs with heal and still yielding a very high drop rate in the past.

    With that said, fast attacking, large range, single target skills that proc a unique instanced hit/kill chance is probably your best bet, so fast pole arm + FA is genius. I’m not sure if there are any ways to improve your strat outside of maybe finding a map that could comfortably host 6 attackers, since each individual attacker doing the same thing could be considered a multiplier. You could even go as far as multi-channeling, probably, but that might be too mechanically challenging.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  5. Miney

    Miney Orange Mushroom

    Jun 2, 2021
    5:07 PM
    You know what upsets me now that such a guide has been posted?

    Of course this is going to get looked into and possibly we'd either all be going back to getting capped APRs per event again (which I remember were capped to horrifyingly low amounts of ~62.5APR for Anni 2021 while choosing no other rewards, 50APR for Summer 2021; why grind for these when you can vote <25 days?) OR suffer worse rates for event drop rates for normal players. Point drop rates were already frustrating low this Christmas to the point where most single client point farmers I've seen didn't go past farming the daily 50 party points.

    There's also been the voting issue and the low amount of 2x voting events compared to the year prior.

    I understand that having too easy of an access to gain APRs is bad for the server.
    But that doesn't mean I can't be frustrated about how much more time-gated it can become to gain APRs in the future to achieve my goals due to potential staff acknowledgement of guides like this. Remember the looting rework?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  6. akashsky

    akashsky Horntail

    Jun 10, 2017
    United States
    12:07 AM
    I think this theory can be disproven if you try running some tests with rapid fire or hurricane.
  7. -ovv

    -ovv Horntail

    Feb 23, 2020
    12:07 AM
    I remember vividly seeing two presents drop back to back from Papulatus's little summons while holding down hurricane. Unfortunately, I haven't done much testing regarding event drop rates and hurricane since macroing double shot was just easier to multiclient.

    Though, I do know hurricane can also over kill a mob with an additional hit before retargetting to the next, so I wonder if they're just coded for differently in general.
  8. OP

    Vowels Mr. Anchor

    Jan 23, 2019
    4:07 AM
    I actually have 3 more Dark Knights, I've tried Hexa-DRK Forest of Golem but it was exhausting it did escalate though , I do wanna try other maps in mu-lung or herb town, those maps that were recently changed to have thiccer spawn. If I ever do 6+ more clients it would only be to farm for like an hour/day, I find 4 clients to be the perfect sustainable number to keep going on with the farming. Also it's very fast to farm the 50 party points with a full party, so the raffles for drks were ezpz.
    • Great Work Great Work x 1
  9. randomhs

    randomhs Timer

    May 25, 2020
    3:07 AM
    excuse me but this map was supposed to be my secret farming spot where I wouldn't have to compete for a map. where the heck am I going to go now...
  10. Oradious

    Oradious Capt. Latanica

    Aug 28, 2018
    3:07 PM
    F/P Arch Mage, Gunslinger, Buccaneer
    Excuse me but without OP and AlyoshaAlyosha you wouldn't even know the existence of this secret farming spot.

    Also blame a certain leaky faucet from B****** for telling the whole world about it KEKWPOINT
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. iPippy

    iPippy Headless Horseman

    May 19, 2019
    3:07 AM
    Imo this only serves to highlight the issues with both the idea of "event points are obtained by killing any mobs" as well as the drop system being effectively "figured out". Add a touch of "any problem can be solved with more clients", and this is the inevitable conclusion.

    Even if a "normal" single-client player wants to participate in the event by farming (and there is literally NOTHING else to do but farm event points), they would still be effectively forced into the hhg/bl5/pp mold, as mobbing or fighting anything remotely close to the user's level runs counter to obtaining points. It's definitely possible to get the 50 party points at a "real" map while training for exp, but it is so far from ideal it is better to put exp on hold and go kill some of the lowest level mobs in the game.

    Of course I obviously can't speak for the entire playerbase as some enjoy the style, but ideal farming methods are far from an enjoyable gameplay experience in general, and events have only shifted to cater more and more to this type of play. I personally didn't bother doing past my 50 party points if even that, but I'm also a fairly casual (read: lazy) player that gets 0 enjoyment from "farm more" events. Remember when Happyville used to actually be populated?

    This is the ideal way to play any farming event unless there are serious changes to the point dropping/looting mechanics and event structure as a whole. More clients, more apm, less soul.

    Nice write-up btw.:thumbsup:

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  12. Dimez

    Dimez Dark Stone Golem

    Apr 6, 2020
    3:07 AM
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  13. Soblet

    Soblet Zakum

    Sep 14, 2015
    9:07 AM
    At least final attack gets some use.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Selquin

    Selquin Headless Horseman

    May 28, 2018
    1:07 AM
    Bowmaster, Night Lord, Buccaneer
    I believe it has been effectively confirmed that rapid fire/hurricane are nerfed for event drop rates. This wasn't the case in the past, in 2018 I remember hurricane/rapid fire being specifically used as meta event farming tools due to them being treated at a single target attack, it was subsequently nerfed. In the old days when mannequins used to auto aggro, if you tried farming there with strafe/arrowblow you would get much more event items than with hurricane, despite the kill rate being much higher with hurricane.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. nunc

    nunc Red Snail

    Dec 29, 2021
    9:07 AM
    Imagine posting this the day AFTER the recent uncapped event ended.
    Now imagine that the last uncapped event was last year.

    O wait that's reality, nice one.
    • Friendly Friendly x 4
  16. wolf666

    wolf666 Timer

    Mar 22, 2020
    3:07 AM
    Best part about the map is you can go on break whenever you want and comeback without getting map taken! (not anymore I guess :smuggrin:)

    This used to be a beautiful forest but over the years the sweat made it damp forest.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  17. Chrisss

    Chrisss Mushmom

    Oct 21, 2020
    2102 Top Floor of Roppongi Mall
    3:07 PM
    I like how this makes mages a meme xD brilliant strat gia <3
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  18. fartsy

    fartsy Zakum

    Jun 29, 2017
    2:07 AM
    F/P Mage
    Actually, I changed my mind about sharing data. Unlimited AP resets are a major balancing mishap that really ages the server. I used 2 archers with arrow blow/mortal blow and 2 mages with energy bolt. The reason why my strat differs from Gia's is because I'm too lazy to make specialized mules. Avoidability inherent in archers is a (distant) alternative to Stance and my archers' range allow me to use less clients. Ideally 3 characters should be on the bottom platform.

    From the above image, I obtained about 3.66m NX worth of AP resets from the event. 803 (64000 + 300) from points, 379.68 (1177020/3100) from NX drops result in 1182.68 AP resets.

    Mobs killed & drop rates are estimated based on an average EXP of 10.1 per mob in the map (no HS, 3 lv200s, 1 lv123? and a lv120 leecher). I expected a drop rate of 0.025 for points, 0.00025 for rare gach, and 0.00075 for rare gach but may have differed since I might have missed a few during my looting cycle. The first 2-3 days was also a 6 way leech instead of a 5 way leech.

    30k NL in 30 days is possible, FYI for all who complain of box rates.
    • Great Work Great Work x 15
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  19. mjk

    mjk Timer

    Mar 22, 2020
    12:07 AM
    Night Lord
    This is enough NX to (efficiently) wash a NL to have 12k hp, 4 base int, and an mp pool large enough to easily reach 30k hp clean by level 155 from scratch.
    While Fartsy did put in an unholy ~300 hours of farming during the event I'm not sure uncapped AP reset events are the best for server health
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  20. Cornwall

    Cornwall Master Chronos

    Dec 11, 2020
    3:07 AM
    I think an important aspect of this method of farming NX is that it is very replicable. The party compositions provided here probably make up for the most optimal way to obtain this absurdly high amount of nx during an uncapped event. However, others can use less of an optimal strategy and still get a very good amount of APRs to ease their path of HP washing.

    Sadly I wasn't able to grind this event entirely because of internet issues and another interests. However, I made 2k points during 4 days of heavy grinding BL5 on the first days I was able to grind the event. Afterwards, in a total of around 7 days, I did Damp Forest and was able to finish the event with 11k points. My average points per hour was around 170, which is still almost 3 times the average of any of the other popular maps used to farm this event. My party composition consisted of a Shadower, DK and 2 mages with a Corsair looting (without mount). My Sair was under the random lvl 145 mark that was applied to benefit the lvls 145-200 for party point farming so I missed out on a lot of points that I could've made, however, I was still able to easily do 1k+ points a day every time I went to Damp Forest.

    I do believe as fartsyfartsy says that this type of events just age the server. On the other hand, I am also a very new player to this server, and if this type of event is done again rest assured I will also be trying to exploit it to its maximum to rapidly access content that would otherwise be time-gated for a very large amount of time.

    Edit: I was also getting around 2.8k nx per hour and got a total of 295 common gach and 105 rare gach during my time in Damp Forest.
    • Informative Informative x 2
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    • Great Work Great Work x 1

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